فهرست مطالب :
Foreword, Pages xii-xiii, Reidar Bjorhovde, André Colson, Riccardo Zandonini
Introductory notes, Pages xv-xvii, Reidar Bjorhovde, Andre Colson, Riccardo Zandonini
Finite element modeling of partially restrained beam-to-girder connections, Pages 1-10, Clinton O. Rex, W.Samuel Easterling
Influence of slip of the shear connection on composite joint behaviour, Pages 11-22, Jean-Marie Aribert
The use of a rolled wide-flange as a bridge support bearing, Pages 23-32, Joseph M. Ales .Jr., Joseph A. Yura
Prediction method for moment-rotation behaviour of composite beam to steel column connection, Pages 33-46, Ping Ren, Michel Crisinel
Performance of mixed connections under combined loads, Pages 47-55, Yasuhiro Ohtani, Yuhshi Fukumoto, Bunzo Tsuji
Experimental behaviour of semi-rigid connections in frames, Pages 57-66, F Benussi, D.A. Nethercot, R Zandonini
Connection between steel beams and concrete filled R.H.S. based on the stud technique (threaded stud)., Pages 67-76, Didier Vandegans, José Janss
Design of bolted connections with injection bolts, Pages 77-87, A.M. (Nol) Gresnigt, J.W.B. (Jan) Stark
Welded connections in thin cold-formed rectangular hollow sections, Pages 89-98, Xiao-Ling Zhao, Gregory Hancock
Seismic performance of cft column-to-wf beam moment connections, Pages 99-114, James M. Rides, Le-Wu Lu, Took K. Sooi, G. Vermaas
Fatigue behaviour of mis-matched butt welded heavy i-beams and the rotation capacity of joints made of qst-steel, Pages 115-126, Ömer Bucak, Friedrich Mang, Lex Stammet
The static strength and behaviour of uniplanar and multiplanar connections between i-beams and rhs columns, Pages 127-135, L.H. Lu, J. Wardenier
The static strength and behaviour of multiplanar i-beam to tubular column connections loaded with in-plane bending moments., Pages 137-147, G.D. De Winkel, J. Wardenier
Design methods for truss and bracing connections, Pages 149-157, W.A. Thornton
Steel moment connections according to eurocode 3 simple design aids for rigid and semi-rigid joints by J.P. JASPART on behalf of the RA 351 SPRINT Partners., Pages 159-167
Strength of moment end-plate connections with multiple bolt rows at the beam tension flange, Pages 169-178, Thomas M. Murray, Jeffrey T. Borgsmiller
Stiffened seated connections on column webs, Pages 179-189, Duane S. Ellifritt, Thomas Sputo, Andrew S. Miller
Partial fixity from simple beam connections, Pages 191-200, Socrates A. Loannides
Estimates of ductility requirements for simple shear connections, Pages 201-209, W.A. Thornton
Plastic design of semi-rigid frames, Pages 211-222, Roberto T. Leon, Jerod J. Hoffman
Eurocode 4 and design of composite joints, Pages 223-235, David Anderson1
Mechanical modeling of semi-rigid joints for the analysis of framed steel and composite structures, Pages 237-247, F. Tschemmernegg, G. Queiroz
Proposal of the stiffness design model of the column bases, Pages 249-258, FrantiŠek Wald, ZdenĚk Sokol, Martin Steenhuis
Modelling composite connection response, Pages 259-268, B Ahmed, T.Q Li, D.A Nethercot
Moment-rotation model of steel-to-concrete end-plate connections, Pages 269-277, Laszlo Dunai, Sándor ádány, Yuhshi Fukumoto
Some basic principles for semi-rigid concept, Pages 279-288, André Colson
Behaviour and modeling of top & seat and top & seat and web angle connections, Pages 289-298, Antonello De Luca
Characteristic semi-rigid connection relationships for frame analysis and design, Pages 299-308, Donald W. White, Wai-Fah Chen
Large-scale tests on steel frames with semi-rigid connections. Effect of beam-column connections and column-bases, Pages 309-320, Iványi Miklós
Influence of structural frame behaviour on joint design, Pages 321-330, Stephane Guisse, Jean-Pierre Jaspart
Reliability of steel structures with semi-rigid connections, Pages 331-348, A. Sellier, A. Mébarki, A. Colson, R. Bjorhovde
Evaluation on static and dynamic structural coefficient of steel frames with semi-rigid joints via numerical simulations, Pages 349-360, Dan Dubina, Daniel Grecea, Raul Zaharia
Seismic loading of moment end-plate connections: Some preliminary results, Pages 361-370, Thomas M. Murray, Ronald L. Meng
Low cycle fatigue testing of semi-rigid beam-to-column connections, Pages 371-380, Luis Calado, Carlo Castiglioni
Development of interim recommendations for improved welded moment connections in response to the northridge earthquake, Pages 381-390, Michael D. Engelhardt, Thomas A. Sabol, Riyad S. Aboutaha, Karl H. Frank
Post-earthquake stability of steel moment frames with damaged connections, Pages 391-402, Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl
Serviceability limit state for cold-formed steel bolted connections, Pages 403-411, Roger A. Laboube, Wei-Wen Yu, Jeffrey L. Carril
An attempt of codification of semirigidity for seismic resistant steel structures, Pages 413-422, Federico M. Mazzolani, Vincenzo Piluso
Advances in connection design in the united states, Pages 423-430, Charles J. Carter
Criteria for the use of preloaded bolts in structural joints, Pages 431-440, J.W.B. (Jan) Stark
The stiffness model of revised annex j of eurocode 3, Pages 441-452, Klaus Weynand, Jean-Pierre Jaspart, Martin Steenhuis
Safety considerations of annex j of eurocode 3, Pages 453-462, Markus Feldmann, Gerhard Sedlacek, Klaus Weynand
Design of fillet welds in rectangu«r hollow section t, y and x connections using new north american code provisions, Pages 463-472, Jeffrey A. Packer
Requirements and capabilities for composite connections in non-sway frames, Pages 473-481, David A. Nethercot
The use of the iso bolts, in accordance with the european standards, Pages 483-492, EugÈne Piraprez
From design drawings to structure the role of the fabricator's engineer in developing connections in usa, Pages 493-504, A. Lwrence, P.E. Kloiber
PR connections in design practice, Pages 505-514, Arvind V. Goverdhan, Stanley D. Lindsey
Strength and installtion characteristics of tension control bolts, Pages 515-525, Geoffrey L. Kulak, Scott T. Undershute
Economic comparisons between simple and partial- strength design of braced steel frames, Pages 527-533, David Anderson, Mahmood Md Tahir
A review of connection research and development in the UK, Pages 535-551, D.B Moore
Performance of moment resisting steel frames in the january 17, 1994 northridge earthquake, Pages 553-561, James O. Malley
Connection research, design and practice in australia, Pages 563-575, Gregory Hancock, Arun Syam, Bruce Chapman, Tim Hogan
- Research topics for composite connections; special connections; design methods; modelling of connections; frame behaviour; cyclic response; design standards; state of practice, Pages 577-582
- Attendees of the third international workshop on connections in steel structures, Pages 583-588
- Author index, Pages 589-590
- Keyword index, Pages 591-594