توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
اگر تا به حال خواستید محتوای ماجراجویی را از یک سیستم بگیرید و در سیستم دیگر استفاده کنید، این کتاب به گونه ای طراحی شده است که کمک ارزشمندی باشد.
برای D/GM/قاضی/داوران، برای طراحان بازی، برای نویسندگان RPG مستقل، یا برای افرادی که به دنبال بررسی مکانیزم سایر سیستمهای قوانین TTRPG هستند، این کتاب به گونهای طراحی شده است که شتابدهنده عظیمی برای فرآیند تبدیل و پنجرهای به سمت \"سس مخفی\" که محصولات Infinium Game Studios را در توانایی آنها برای استفاده در طیف گسترده ای از سطوح و مشکلات رایانه شخصی منحصر به فرد کرده است.
شامل چه چیزی است؟
قسمت 1 عبارت است از How to Quad: قوانینی برای گرفتن یک هیولا، NPC، تله، و غیره در یک Statblock منفرد، و تطبیق آن در سه Statblock اضافی، به طوری که از طیف گسترده ای از سطوح و مشکلات رایانه شخصی پشتیبانی می کند. (اگر قبلاً با آن آشنایی ندارید، PDF رایگان را که مفهوم Quadded Statblock را معرفی می کند، بررسی کنید.)
قسمت 2 نحوه تبدیل است: قوانین گام به گام برای گرفتن هر آمار از Pathfinder، و نحوه تطبیق آن با سایر قالبها تا هیولای حاصل \"معنی پیدا کند\" و قابل استفاده باشد.
بخش 3 فهرست نگاشت تبدیل است: فهرست های کاملی برای جادوها، شاهکارها، سلاح ها، مهارت ها و سموم، با آنالوگ های تبدیل شده برای هر کدام در قالب های 5E، P2E، OSR، و/یا DCC در صورت لزوم. برخی از اینها مشابه خوبی در سیستم های قوانین جدیدتر ندارند، اما برای اکثریت، کل وجود خواهد داشت. توجه داشته باشید که یک محصول جداگانه مبتنی بر اکسل حاوی فهرست کامل نقشه برداری تبدیل برای بیش از 4800 توانایی و حمله ویژه هیولا است. بیش از 3000 صفحه طول می کشد تا همه اینها به صورت کتاب ارائه شوند، بنابراین امکان پذیر نیست!
قسمت 4 ایجاد هیولاهای چهارگانه جدید است: دستورالعمل ها و قوانین برای نحوه شروع یک هیولای موجود و گسترش توانایی های آن و ایجاد بلوک های چهارگانه Statblock برای آن به طوری که برای هر گروه رایانه شخصی قابل استفاده باشد.
فهرست مطالب :
Infinium Game Studio is:
Legal Stuff
Table of Contents
About Infinium Game Studio
Values and Key Differences
Index of Tables
Executive Summary
True Conversion
Art & Science
The 80/20 Rule
Supported Rules Systems
Adventure Content
What Is This Book?
What This Book is NOT
Content Outline
What is FlexTale?
Overview, Usability, & Conventions
Variable Challenge
Experience Points and Reward Nuggets
Reward Stars and IGS
Experience Points and Reward Stars
Converting Existing Gaming Products to the Reward Star Format
“Quadded” Stat Blocks
Quadded Challenge Blocks
How to Quad
How to “Quad” Adventure Content
What is Quadding?
Why to Use
Easy Quadding with FlexTale Encounter Generator
Quick Quadding in Any Rules System
Quick Step 1: Determine Up or Down
Stepping Up and Down
Complex Quadding in Pathfinder
Quadding Monsters & NPCs
Approach Outline
Step 1: Determine the Creature’s Native Quad
Step 2: Add Monster Hit Dice and/or Class Levels
Step 3: Apply Templates
Step 4: Adjust Ability Scores
Step 5: Adjust Feats
Step 6: Adjust Spells
Step 7: Adjust Equipment
Step 8: Apply Handicaps
Quadding Obstacles, Traps, and Afflictions
How to Convert
Converting Adventure Content
Easy Conversion with FlexTale Encounter Generator
True Conversion
Official Conversion
Converting Monsters & NPCs
Approach Summary
Converting Ability Scores
Ability Scores
Converting Armor Class
Armor Class
Converting Hit Dice and Hit Points
Hit Dice & Hit Points
Converting Speed & Movement
Speed & Movement
Converting Size, Type, & Alignment
Size, Type, & Alignment
Converting Resistances, Vulnerabilities, & Immunities
Resistances, Vulnerabilities, & Immunities
OSR & DCC Rules Extensions
Converting Senses
Converting Languages
Converting Challenge Rating
Challenge Rating
Converting Actions
Standard Actions
Converting Feats
Converting Skills
Converting Special Abilities
Special Abilities
Effect DC
Converting Spellcasting Abilities
Spellcasting Abilities
Converting Obstacles
Converting Obstacles
Converting Traps
Converting Traps
Converting Trap DCs
Converting Afflictions
Converting Afflictions
D20 / v3.5 Conversions
D20 / v3.5 Conversions
Conversion Mapping Inventory
Conversion Mapping Inventory
A Starting Point
Creature Special Abilities
Poison Mapping Inventory
Spell Mapping Inventory
Weapon Mapping Inventory
Creating New Quadded Monsters
Creating New Quadded Monsters
The Approach
Creature Starting Point
Hit Dice
Class Levels
Generate Quads
Convert to Other Systems
Appendix: Sample Converted Monsters
Rust Monster
Dinosaur (Stegosaurus)
Herd Animal (Aurochs)
Shark (Blue)
Golem (Iron)
Golem (Stone)
Dragon (Bronze, Young)
Dragon (Bronze, Ancient)
Dragon (Bronze, Adult)
Dragon (Bronze, Young)
Gremlin (Grimple)
Giant (Frost)
Black Pudding
Gelatinous Cube
Elemental (Fire, Elder)
Elemental (Fire, Huge)
Elemental (Fire, Medium)
Flytrap (Giant)
Fungal Crawler
Beetle (Giant Stag)
Crab (Giant)
Bee (Giant Queen)
Open Gaming License (OGL)
Table 48: 5E Feat Mapping
Table 41: 5E Language Terminology Changes
Table 40: 5E Proficiency Bonus Conversion
Table 50: 5E Skill Bonus Mapping
Table 51: 5E Skill Check DC Mapping
Table 49: 5E Skills Mapping
Table 63: 5E Trap DC Mapping
Table 18: Ability Score Calibration Ranges by Quad
Table 38: Ability Score Damage Mapping for DCC
Table 75: Ability Score Damage Mapping for DCC
Table 71: Affliction Native DC Rules System Adjustments
Table 72: Affliction Target Quad DC Adjustments
Table 36: Alignment Conversions Summary
Table 26: Common Armor & Shield Special Abilities
Table 19: Common Feat Adjustments
Table 25: Common Weapon Special Abilities
Table 3: Converting Reward Stars to XP: 5E
Table 2: Converting Reward Stars to XP: Pathfinder
Table 77: Converting Skills Between PFRPG and d20/3.5
Table 46: DCC Action Dice Calculations
Table 47: DCC Critical Tables by Creature Type & Hit Dice
Table 45: DCC Critical Table Types by Creature Type
Table 57: DCC Skill Check DC Mapping
Table 56: DCC Skills Mapping
Table 66: DCC Trap DC Mapping
Table 73: Determining 5E Affliction Saving Throws
Table 61: Determining 5E Obstacle Saving Throws
Table 58: Determining 5E Saving Throws
Table 69: Determining 5E Trap Saving Throws
Table 74: Determining OSR Affliction Saving Throws
Table 62: Determining OSR Obstacle Saving Throws
Table 70: Determining OSR Obstacle Saving Throws
Table 59: Determining OSR Saving Throws
Table 37: Energy & Damage Type Conversions
Table 22: Equipment Gains for Classed Creatures
Table 24: Equipment Special Abilities by Quad
Table 21: Expected Spellcasting DCs
Table 28: Handicaps by Combat Role
Table 81: Hit Dice by Quad and Difficulty
Table 10: Hit Dice / Class Levels by Quad Band
Table 12: Hit Dice for Creating Uber-Monsters
Table 23: Max Equipment Enhancement Bonuses by Quad
Table 11: Maximum Hit Dice for Uber-Monsters
Table 8: Native Quad by Class Level
Table 6: Native Quad by CR
Table 7: Native Quad by Hit Dice
Table 9: Native Quad Other Consideration Factor Points
Table 29: Obstacle Phenomena DC by Quad
Table 55: OSR Skill Check DC Mapping
Table 54: OSR Skills Mapping
Table 44: OSR THAC0 Calculations
Table 43: P2E Attack Proficiency Bonus Conversion
Table 60: P2E Effect Proficiency Bonus Conversion
Table 53: P2E Skill Check DC Mapping
Table 64: P2E Skill Check DC Mapping
Table 52: P2E Skills Mapping
Table 42: P2E Standard Action Traits
Table 65: P2E Trap DC Mapping
Table 76: PFRPG & d20 Conversion Summary
Table 78: Poison Conversion Mapping Inventory
Table 5: Quick-Quadding Dice Progression
Table 4: Quick-Quadding Static-Value Attribute Steps
Table 17: Recommended Ability Score Calibration
Table 30: Sample Ability Score Conversions
Table 31: Sample Armor Class Conversions
Table 32: Sample Hit Point Conversions
Table 33: Sample Hit Point Conversions for OSR & DCC
Table 39: Sense Translations
Table 34: Size Conversions Summary
Table 20: Spellcasting Ability Score Calibration
Table 27: Spellcasting Trinkets by Quad
Table 79: Spell Conversion Mapping Inventory
Table 15: Templates for Native Advanced Monsters
Table 16: Templates for Native Elite Monsters
Table 13: Templates for Native Low Monsters
Table 14: Templates for Native Moderate Monsters
Table 1: Traditional Lookup Table
Table 68: Trap Attack Bonus
Table 67: Trap Consequence Hit Dice Equivalent
Table 35: Type Conversions Summary
Table 80: Weapon Conversion Mapping Inventory
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
If you've ever wanted to take adventure content from one system and use it in another, this book has been designed to be of invaluable help.
For D/GM/judge/referees, for game designers, for indie RPG authors, or for someone looking to investigate the mechanics of other TTRPG rules systems, this book is designed to be a massive accelerant to the conversion process and a window into the "secret sauce" that has made Infinium Game Studios products unique in their ability to be used across a wide variety of PC levels and difficulties.
What's Included?
Part 1 is How to Quad: Rules for taking a monster, NPC, trap, etc. in a single statblock, and adapting it into three additional statblocks, so as to support a wide range of PC levels and difficulties. (Check out the free PDF introducing the concept of Quadded Statblocks if you're not already familiar with it.)
Part 2 is How to Convert: Step-by-step rules to take each statistic from Pathfinder, and how to adapt it into the other formats so the resulting monster "makes sense" and is usable.
Part 3 is the Conversion Mapping Inventory: Complete lists for Spells, Feats, Weapons, Skills, and Poisons, with converted analogues for each in 5E, P2E, OSR, and/or DCC formats as appropriate. Some of these do not have a good analogue in the newer rules systems, but for the majority, there will be entires. Note that a separate Excel-based product contains the complete Conversion Mapping Inventory for more than 4,800 monster special abilities and attacks; it would take more than 3,000 pages to lay all of that out in book form so it's not feasible!
Part 4 is Creating New Quadded Monsters: Guidelines and rules for how to take an existing monster as a starting point, and to expand its abilities and to create Quadded Statblocks for it so it's usable for any PC group