Contract Law: Rules, Cases and Problems

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کتاب حقوق قراردادها: قواعد، موارد و مشکلات نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Contract Law: Rules, Cases and Problems

نام کتاب : Contract Law: Rules, Cases and Problems
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : حقوق قراردادها: قواعد، موارد و مشکلات
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر :
سال نشر : 2022
تعداد صفحات : [1202]
ISBN (شابک) : 9781387761661
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 15 Mb

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

قانون قرارداد: قواعد، موارد، و مشکلات، روش مطالعه موردی سنتی را با پیشگفتار موارد با توضیحی در مورد قوانین و دکترین حقوقی روشن می کند. مسائل تمرینی موارد را دنبال می کند و دانش آموزان را به استفاده تحلیلی از درس های آموخته شده دعوت می کند. برای کمک به دانش‌آموزان با انواع روش‌های یادگیری، این کتاب موردی همچنین دسترسی دانش‌آموزان به سخنرانی‌های آنلاین را که موضوعات اصلی را پوشش می‌دهند، فراهم می‌کند. اساتید می توانند یادگیری کلاس درس را با مسائل تمرینی اضافی، تکالیف، بحث ها، مقاله ها و سؤالات چند گزینه ای که در مطالب معلم گنجانده شده است تکمیل کنند.

فهرست مطالب :

Welcome to Contract Law A. What Is Contract Law? B. Origins of Contract Law C. Law and Equity D. The Restatement of Contracts E. The Uniform Commercial Code F. Why Does Contract Law Exist? G. Subjective Meeting of the Minds versus Objective Mutual Assent H. Samuel Williston: Legal Objectivism I. Arthur Linton Corbin: Realist and Subjectivist J. Reflections on Contract Law MODULE I. Contract Foundations Chapter 1. What Is a Contract? RULES A. Contract B. Promise C. Agreements and Bargains D. Contracts-at-Law and Contracts-at-Equity E. Reflections on Contracts, Promises, Agreements, and Bargains CASES Steinberg v. Chicago Med. Sch., 69 Ill. 2d 320 (1977) Pappas v. Bever, 219 N.W.2d 720 (Iowa 1974) PROBLEMS Problem 1.1. Contract, Agreement, or Bargain? Problem 1.2. The Monster and the Beast Problem 1.3. Harassment in Hawaii Problem 1.4. Lifelong Employment Chapter 2. Who Can Contract? RULES A. Guardianship B. Infancy C. Mental Illness D. Intoxication E. Reflections on Capacity to Contract CASES Webster St. P'ship, Ltd. v. Sheridan, 220 Neb. 9 (1985) Est. of McGovern v. Com. State Employees' Ret. Bd., 512 Pa. 377 (1986) PROBLEMS Problem 2.1. The Infant and the Lemon Problem 2.2. Bipolar Disorder & Contractual Capacity Problem 2.3. The Italian Gambler MODULE II. Mutual Assent Chapter 3. Bargains RULES A. Contracts-at-Law B. Formal Contracts C. Contracts-at-Equity D. Manifestation of Mutual Assent E. Misunderstanding: Failure of Mutual Assent F. Reflections on Mutual Assent CASES Lucy v. Zehmer, 196 Va. 493 (1954) Raffles v. Wichelhaus, 2 EWHC Exch J19 (1864) (?Peerless?) PROBLEMS Problem 3.1. Can Machines Form Mutual Assent? Problem 3.2. Misunderstanding the Triangle Chapter 4. Offers RULES A. Preliminary Negotiations B. Certainty C. Advertisements as Offers D. Catalogs as Offers E. Bids and Price Quotes as Offers F. Offers for Rewards G. Reflections on the Offer CASES Lefkowitz v. Great Minn. Surplus Store, Inc., 251 Minn. 188 (1957) Leonard v. Pepsico, Inc., 88 F. Supp. 2d 116 (S.D.N.Y. 1999) Acad. Chicago Publishers v. Cheever, 144 Ill. 2d 24 (1991) PROBLEMS Problem 4.1. Lexus Advertisement Problem 4.2. Volvo Advertisement Problem 4.3. Definite Commission Chapter 5. Termination of the Offer RULES A. Rejection B. Counter-Offer C. Lapse of Time D. Revocation E. Revocation of General Offer F. Irrevocability G. Death or Incapacity of the Offeror or Offeree H. Reflection on Duration of the Offer CASES Smaligo v. Fireman?s Fund Ins. Co., 432 Pa. 133 (1968) Yaros v. Trustees of U. of Pa., 742 A.2d 1118 (Pa. Super. Ct. 1999) PROBLEMS Problem 5.1. The Prisoners? Rejection and the Master Plan Problem 5.2. A MINI Lapse Problem 5.3. Docked Out Settlement Chapter 6. Acceptance RULES A. Acceptance Under the Common Law: The Mirror Image Rule B. Acceptance Under the UCC: Battle of the Forms C. The Mailbox Rule D. Reflections on Acceptance CASES State Dep?t of Transp. V. Providence & Worcester R. Co., 674 A.2d 1239 (R.I. 1996) (?P & W RR?) Flender Corp. V. Tippins Intern., Inc., 830 A.2d 1279 (Pa. Super. 2003) PROBLEMS Problem 6.1. Primo Ladders Problem 6.2. An Earnest Letter Problem 6.3. Conditional Acceptance of a Court Order MODULE III. Consideration and Alternatives to Consideration Chapter 7. Consideration RULES A. The Historical Benefit/Detriment Theory B. The Modern Bargained-For Exchange Theory C. Gratuitous Promises Are Not Supported by Consideration D. Conditional Gifts Are Not Consideration E. ?Past Consideration? Is Not Consideration F. Illusory Promises Are Not Consideration G. Nominal Consideration Is Not Consideration H. Reflections on Consideration CASES Hamer v. Sidway, 124 N.Y. 538, 27 N.E. 256 (1891) Pennsy Supply, Inc. v. American Ash Recycling Corp., 895 A.2d 595 (Pa. Super. Ct. 2006). PROBLEMS Problem 7.1. An Aunt?s Promise Problem 7.2. Betty and the Benefit Problem 7.3. Shifting Sands Chapter 8. Promissory Estoppel RULES A. Theory of Promissory Estoppel B. Promise Reasonably Including Action or Forbearance C. Reliance on the Promise D. Justice Requires Enforcing the Promise E. Reflections on Promissory Estoppel CASES Ricketts v. Scothorn, 57 Neb. 51, 77 N.W. 365 (1898) Conrad v. Fields, 2007 WL 2106302 (Minn. Ct. App. 2007) Otten v. Otten, 632 S.W.2d 45 (1982) Maryland Nat. Bank v. United Jewish Appeal Fed'n of Greater Washington, Inc., 286 Md. 274 (1979) PROBLEMS Problem 8.1. Escaped Bull Problem 8.2. Plantations Steel Chapter 9. Promissory Restitution RULES A. Promise to Pay for Benefit Received B. Promise to Correct a Mistake C. Promise to Pay for Emergency Services and Necessaries D. Promise to Pay for a Past Gift E. Promise to Pay for an Unpaid Contract F. Promise to Pay for an Unenforceable Contract G. Reflections on Promissory Restitution CASES Mills v. Wyman, 20 Mass. 207 (1825) Drake v. Bell, 55 N.Y.S. 945 (App. Div. 1899) Webb v. McGowin, 27 Ala. App. 82 (1936) Haynes Chem. Corp. v. Staples & Staples, 133 Va. 82 (1922) Edson v. Poppe, 124 N.W. 441 (S.D. 1910) Muir v. Kane, 55 Wash. 131 (1909) PROBLEMS Problem 9.1. IRAC Edson Problem 9.2. Annihilation of Consideration MODULE IV. Defenses Incapacity Chapter 10. The Statute of Frauds RULES A. Classes of Contracts Requiring Signed Writing (MYLEGS) B. Satisfaction of the Statute of Frauds C. Exceptions to the Statute of Frauds D. Reflections on the Statute of Frauds CASES McIntosh v. Murphy, 52 Haw. 29, 469 P.2d 177 (1970) Stearns v. Emery-Waterhouse Co., 596 A.2d 72, 73 (Me. 1991) Sterling v. Taylor, 40 Cal. 4th 757 (2007) Howard Const. Co. v. Jeff-Cole Quarries, Inc., 669 S.W.2d 221 (Mo. Ct. App. 1983) Crabtree v. Elizabeth Arden Sales Corp., 305 N.Y. 48 (1953) Barwick v. Gov't Employee Ins. Co., 2011 Ark. 128 (2011) PROBLEMS Problem 10.1. Perpetuating Frauds Problem 10.2. Frauds Policy Problem 10.3. UCC Frauds Problem 10.4. Text Signatures Chapter 11. Mistake RULES A. Unilateral Mistake B. Mutual Mistake C. Mistranscription D. Reflections on Mistake CASES Wood v. Boynton, 64 Wis. 265 (1885) DePrince v. Starboard Cruise Services, Inc., 271 So. 3d 11 (Fla. 3d Dist. App. 2018) Sherwood v. Walker, 66 Mich. 568 (1887) PROBLEMS Problem 11.1. A Mistaken Dream Problem 11.2. A Foundational Mistake Problem 11.3. A Policy Mistake Chapter 12. Misrepresentation, Duress & Undue Influence RULES A. Misrepresentation B. Duress C. Undue Influence D. Reflections on Misrepresentation, Duress, and Undue Influence CASES Barrer v. Women?s Nat. Bank, 761 F.2d 752 (1985) Nigro v. Lee, 63 A.D.3d 1490 (2009) Quebodeaux v. Quebodeaux, 102 Ohio App.3d 502 (1995) PROBLEMS Problem 12.1. Motor Home Misrepresentation Problem 12.2. The Blodgetts Under Duress Problem 12.3. Undue Bequest MODULE V. Interpretation Chapter 13. Classifying Contractual Evidence RULES A. Evidence of Contractual Meaning B. Conflicting Evidence C. Evidence Regarding Circumstances D. Hierarchy of Evidence CASES Frigaliment Importing Co., Ltd., v. B.N.S. Int?l Sales Corp, 190 F. Supp. 116 (S.D.N.Y. 1960) N?n?kuli Paving & Rock Co. v. Shell Oil Co., 664 F.2d 772 (9th Cir. 1981) PROBLEMS Problem 13.1. IRAC Frigaliment Chapter 14. Evaluating Intrinsic Contractual Evidence RULES A. Ambiguity B. Semantic Canons C. Policy Canons CASES In re Motors Liquidation Co., 447 B.R. 142 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 2011) PROBLEMS Problem 14.1. Matching the Canons of Construction to Case Applications Problem 14.2. Homeowner?s Insurance? Problem 14.3. What Is a ?Cartoon?? Problem 14.4. Meaning of a Comma Problem 14.5. Vesting in Retirement Chapter 15. The Parol Evidence Rule RULES A. Excluding Parol (Oral) Evidence B. Reflections on Parol Evidence CASES Gianni v. R. Russel & Co., 281 Pa. 320 (1924) UAW?GM Human Res. Ctr. v. KSL Recreation Corp., 228 Mich.App. 498 (1998) Sierra Diesel Injection Serv., Inc. v. Burroughs Corp, 874 F.2d 653 (9th Cir. 1989) PROBLEMS Problem 15.1. Comparing the Common Law and the UCC Problem 15.2. Capitol City Liquor Company Problem 15.3. Middletown Concrete Products Problem 15.4. Corn Delivery Problem 15.5. Injury and Indemnity Chapter 16. Evaluating Extrinsic Evidence RULES A. Course of Performance B. Course of Dealing C. Usage and Trade Usage D. Implied Terms of Good Faith and Fair Dealing E. Reflections on Interpretation CASES Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon, 222 N.Y. 88 (1917) Fisher v. Congregation B?Nai Yitzhok, 177 Pa.Super. 359 (1955) First Nat?l Bank of Lawrence v. Methodist Home for the Aged, 181 Kan. 100 (1957) PROBLEMS Problem 16.1. Output of Toasted Bread Problem 16.2. Requirements for Corrugated Paper Boxes MODULE VI. Performance and Breach Chapter 17. Conditions RULES A. Conditional Obligations B. Classes of Conditions C. Promissory Conditions D. Express Conditions E. Implied Conditions F. Conditions of Satisfaction G. Non-Occurrence of a Condition H. Express and Implied Conditions I. Satisfaction of the Obligor as a Condition J. Excuse of a Condition to Avoid Forfeiture K. Event that Terminates a Duty L. Reflections on Conditions CASES Morrison v. Bare, 2007 WL 4415307 (Ct. App. Ohio 2007) Internatio-Rotterdam, Inc. v. River Brand Rice Mills, Inc., 259 F.2d 137 (2d Cir. 1958) Morin Building Products Co., Inc. v. Baystone Const, Inc., 717 F.2d 413 (7th Cir. 1983) PROBLEMS Problem 17.1. Renewal of a Restaurant Lease Problem 17.2. Financial Satisfaction Discharge by Complete Performance Chapter 18. Substantial Performance RULES A. ?Kingston Covenants? B. Exchange of Mutual Promises C. Implied Conditions D. Benefit of the Bargain E. Effect of Performance and Non-Performance F. Evaluating Substantial Performance G. Evaluating Total Breach H. Evaluating Performance and Breach Under UCC I. Reflections on Substantial Performance CASES Kingston v. Preston, 99 Eng. Rep. 437 (K.B. 1773) Jacob & Youngs, Inc. v. Kent, 230 N.Y. 239 (1921) Khiterer v. Bell, 800 N.Y.S.2d 348 (Civ. Ct. 2005) PROBLEMS Problem 18.1. Direct Timber Shipment Problem 18.2. Sewer System Problem 18.3. Newspaper Stock Chapter 19. Anticipatory Repudiation RULES A. What Counts as a Repudiation? B. Effect of Repudiation C. Retraction of Express Repudiation D. Failure to Assure as Implied Repudiation E. Reflections on Repudiation CASES McCloskey & Co. v. Minweld Steel Co., 220 F.2d 101 (3d Cir. 1955) Hornell Brewing Co., Inc. v. Spry, 174 Misc.2d 451 (N.Y. 1997) PROBLEMS Problem 19.1. The Rumored Bankruptcy Problem 19.2. Circuit Boards Problem 19.3. Graphics Cards I Problem 19.4. Graphics Cards II Chapter 20. Excuse RULES A. Impracticability B. Frustration of Purpose C. UCC Excuses D. Reflections on Excuse CASES Taylor v. Caldwell, 122 E.R. 309 (1863) Krell v. Henry, 2 K.B. 740 (1903) Transatlantic Financing Corp. v. United States, 363 F.2d 312 (D.C. Cir. 1966) Adbar, L.C. v. New Beginnings C-Star, 103 S.W.3d 799 (Mo. Ct. App. 2003) PROBLEMS Problem 20.1. Super Bowl LV Problem 20.2. Lot Number 1285 Problem 20.3. Excessive Rain Chapter 21. Assent RULES A. The Traditional Pre-Existing Duty Rule B. Modern Relaxation of the Pre-Existing Duty Rule C. Substitution, Novation, Accord and Satisfaction D. Recission and Release E. Assignment and Delegation F. Conclusion: Modification and Discharge by Assent CASES Alaska Packers Association v. Domenico et al., 117 F. 99 (9th Cir. 1902) Angel v. Murray, 113 R.I. 482 (1974) Birdsall v. Saucier, 1992 WL 37731 (Conn. Super. Ct. 1992) PROBLEMS Problem 21.1. Fair and Reasonable Modification Problem 21.2. Accord and Satisfaction MODULE VII. Remedies Chapter 22. Expectation Damages RULES A. Direct Expectation Damages B. Indirect Expectation Damages C. Punitive Damages D. Liquidated Damages and Penalties E. Reflections on Expectation Damages CASES Peevyhouse v. Garland Coal & Min. Co., 1962 OK 267 (1962) Hadley v. Baxendale, 9 Ex Ch 341 (1854) PROBLEMS Problem 22.1. Dynamo Products Problem 22.2. Francis the Plumber Problem 22.3. Gateway Packaging Problem 22.4. Yugo Motors ? Diminution in Value Problem 22.5. The Oysters Chapter 23. Alternative Money Damages A. Reliance Damages B. Punitive Damages C. Nominal Damages D. Liquidated Damages and Penalties E. Reflections on Alternative Money Damages Chapter 24. Equitable Remedies RULES A. Specific Performance B. Enforceability of Negative Covenants C. Restitution D. Reflections on Equitable Remedies CASES Bauer v. Sawyer, 8 Ill. 2d 351 (1956) PROBLEMS Problem 24.1. The Ink Factory Problem 24.2. Pesky Provisions Chapter 25. UCC Damages RULES A. Buyer?s Breaches B. Seller?s Breaches C. Incidential and Consequential UCC Damages CASES N. Am. Foreign Trading Corp. v. Direct Mail Specialist, 697 F. Supp. 163 (S.D.N.Y. 1988) Ramirez v. Autosport, 88 N.J. 277 (1982) PROBLEMS Problem 25.1. Retiring Road Commissioner Problem 25.2. Rash Delivery Problem 25.3. Cumene Repudiation

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

CONTRACT LAW: RULES, CASES, AND PROBLEMS illuminates the traditional case study method by prefacing cases with exposition about rules and legal doctrine. Practice problems follow the cases and invite students to analytically apply the lessons learned. To aid students with a variety of learning modalities, this casebook also provides students with access to online lectures covering major topics. Faculty can supplement classroom learning with the additional practice problems, assignments, discussions, essays, and multiple-choice questions that are included in the teacher’s materials.

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