Corn: Chemistry and Technology (Third Edition)

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کتاب ذرت: شیمی و فناوری (ویرایش سوم) نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Corn: Chemistry and Technology (Third Edition)

نام کتاب : Corn: Chemistry and Technology (Third Edition)
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : ذرت: شیمی و فناوری (ویرایش سوم)
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Woodhead Publishing and AACC International Press
سال نشر : 2018;2019
تعداد صفحات : 692
ISBN (شابک) : 9780128119716 , 0128119713
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 58 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Front Cover......Page 1
Corn: Chemistry and Technology......Page 4
Copyright......Page 5
Contents......Page 6
Contributors......Page 14
Preface......Page 16
Production and Importance......Page 18
Origin and Evolution......Page 21
Historical Perspective......Page 22
Growth and Development......Page 23
Vegetative Development......Page 24
Climatic Requirements......Page 25
Soil Management......Page 26
Water and Nutrient Management......Page 27
Pest Management......Page 28
Storage Management......Page 29
General Uses......Page 30
References......Page 34
Further Reading......Page 35
Kernel Structure......Page 36
Endosperm-Dosage Effect......Page 37
Dent Corn......Page 38
Introduction of Hybrids, 1937-65......Page 40
Single-Cross and Modified Single-Cross Hybrids, 1966 to the Present......Page 41
S1 and S2 Line Selection......Page 42
Recurrent Selection......Page 43
Extraction of Inbred Lines from Populations Improved by Recurrent Selection......Page 45
Selection Trials......Page 46
Starch Modification......Page 47
Protein Quantity......Page 48
Isozymes......Page 49
Classical and Cytological Maps for Corn......Page 50
Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis in Corn......Page 51
Crossing Techniques......Page 53
Germination Tests......Page 54
White Corn......Page 55
References......Page 56
Introduction......Page 60
Radiation......Page 61
Tilling......Page 62
Somaclonal Variation......Page 64
Transposon-Based Tagging as Sources of Mutations......Page 65
Production of Double Haploids......Page 66
Use of In Vitro Culture Techniques......Page 67
Genome Editing With Engineered Nucleases......Page 68
Gene Targeting in Corn Using Zinc Finger Nucleases......Page 69
CRISPR/Cas......Page 70
Gene Insertion: Complex Trait Locus......Page 72
Agrobacterium, the Natural Genetic Engineer......Page 74
Corn Plant Regeneration Systems: The Second Technology for Genetic Transformation......Page 75
Particle Bombardment......Page 77
Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation......Page 79
Alternative Methods......Page 80
Genetic Modification Through Biotechnology......Page 81
Input Traits......Page 82
Output Traits......Page 87
Ecological Concerns......Page 89
Gene Flow......Page 90
Reduced Fuel Use......Page 92
References......Page 93
Further Reading......Page 102
Corn (Maize) as a Crop......Page 104
Utilization per Country and per Capita......Page 105
USA Corn Utilization......Page 107
Breakfast Cereals......Page 111
Corn Price and Trends......Page 112
Global Production......Page 113
Productivity, Key Elements for Competitiveness, and Production Costs......Page 115
Corn Global Trade......Page 117
Transport and Logistic......Page 119
References......Page 122
Further Reading......Page 123
Combine Harvesting Corn for Grain......Page 126
Corn Heads or Platforms on Combines and Pickers......Page 129
Stalk-Snapping Rolls and Snapping Plates......Page 131
Stalk-Chopping......Page 132
Threshing......Page 133
Separating......Page 135
Combine ``Sweet Spot´´......Page 136
The Harvest and Kernel Quality......Page 137
Managing Field Operations......Page 139
When Should a Combine Be Replaced?......Page 140
The Harvester as a Tool in Precision Farming......Page 141
Equilibrium Moisture Content......Page 142
Maximum Moisture Content for Storage as Dry Corn......Page 143
Loss of Weight in Drying......Page 144
Forced-Air Corn Drying......Page 145
Heat Sources......Page 146
Deep-Bed Drying......Page 147
Fan Characteristics......Page 148
Natural-Air/Low-Temperature Dryers......Page 149
Continuous-Flow Cross-Flow Column Dryers......Page 150
Chemical Treatments for Corn Preservation......Page 151
Hauling Corn From the Field......Page 152
Screw Conveyors......Page 153
Bucket Elevators......Page 154
Belt Conveyors......Page 155
Other Handling Components......Page 156
Ear Corn Storage......Page 157
Temporary Outside Corn Storage......Page 158
Aeration......Page 159
References......Page 160
Further Reading......Page 162
Main Kernel Structure......Page 164
Hardness......Page 166
Kernel Weight......Page 168
Pollination and Fertilization......Page 169
Starchy Endosperm Development......Page 170
Germ Development......Page 172
Pericarp......Page 173
Peripheral Endosperm......Page 174
Starchy Endosperm......Page 175
Germ......Page 176
Scutellum......Page 177
Conclusions......Page 178
References......Page 179
Introduction......Page 182
U.S. Grades......Page 183
U.S. Grading Factors......Page 184
Importance of Grades in Corn Marketing......Page 185
Grades and Standards of Other Countries......Page 186
Canada......Page 187
South Africa......Page 189
China......Page 190
Accuracy of Sample/Grade Determinations......Page 191
Moisture Shrink......Page 192
Reference Moisture Methods......Page 195
Moisture Meters......Page 197
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy......Page 198
Broken Corn, Foreign Material (BCFM)......Page 200
Dust......Page 201
True Density......Page 202
Bulk Density (Test Weight)......Page 203
Maturity......Page 205
Test Weight in Milling......Page 206
Measurements......Page 207
Pericarp Damage......Page 208
Stress Cracks......Page 209
Breakage Susceptibility......Page 211
Damage Grade Factor......Page 212
Role of Microorganisms in Quality Deterioration......Page 213
Wet Milling......Page 216
Ethanol Processing......Page 217
Dry Milling......Page 219
Seed Corn......Page 220
Conclusions and Trends......Page 221
References......Page 222
Further Reading......Page 228
Important Insects Affecting Corn Quality......Page 230
Important Rodents Affecting Corn Quality......Page 233
Insect Developmental Stages......Page 234
Factors Affecting Insect Population Development......Page 235
Insects......Page 236
Before Binning......Page 238
During Binning......Page 239
Insect Control......Page 240
Fungal Control......Page 242
Alternative Control Measures to Traditional Pesticides......Page 243
References......Page 245
Further Reading......Page 251
Introduction......Page 252
Fusarium......Page 256
Penicillium......Page 257
Fumonisins......Page 258
Trichothecenes......Page 261
Zearalenone......Page 264
Other Fusarium Toxins......Page 265
Aflatoxins and Other Aspergillus Toxins......Page 266
Global Mycotoxin Occurrence in Corn......Page 269
Mycotoxins in Corn in Countries Outside USA......Page 270
Global Mycotoxin Occurrence in Corn DDGS......Page 272
Mycotoxins in North American Corn DDGS......Page 274
Mycotoxins in Corn Silage......Page 275
Sampling......Page 276
Grinding and Homogenization......Page 278
Analysis......Page 279
Liquid Chromatographic Methods......Page 280
ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)......Page 281
Immunochomatographic Strip Test or Lateral Flow Immunoassay......Page 282
Masked Mycotoxins......Page 283
Preharvest......Page 284
Harvest and Drying......Page 287
Postharvest Management......Page 288
Physical Methods......Page 290
Biological Degradation......Page 293
References......Page 294
Food-Grade Corn......Page 306
Amino Acid Balance and Quality Protein Maize......Page 308
High-Oil Corn......Page 309
Popcorn......Page 310
Sweet Corn......Page 312
Silage Quality......Page 313
Genetic Variation in Silage Quality and Yield......Page 315
Organic and GMO-Free Corn......Page 316
References......Page 317
Further Reading......Page 320
Corn Starch Structure and Function......Page 322
Starch Molecular Fine Structure......Page 323
Retrogradation......Page 324
Genotype and Environment Variation......Page 325
Nonstarch Polysaccharides......Page 326
Cellulose......Page 327
Arabinoxylans......Page 328
β-Glucan......Page 329
Nutritional Importance of Nonstarch Polysaccharides of Corn......Page 330
References......Page 332
Further Reading......Page 335
Introduction......Page 336
Traditional Approaches to Kernel Protein Extraction and Characterization......Page 337
Proteomics: An Integration of Techniques for Protein Identification......Page 338
Corn Kernel Proteins in Differentiated Cell Types......Page 339
Zein Protein Bodies......Page 342
Relationship Between Zein Proteins and Vitreous Endosperm......Page 344
Mutations Affecting Zein Synthesis......Page 345
Zein Structural Features and Utilities......Page 347
Conclusions......Page 348
References......Page 349
Further Reading......Page 353
Introduction......Page 354
Factors Affecting Corn Oil Content......Page 355
Fatty Acid Composition......Page 357
Triacylglycerols (TAG)......Page 358
Phospholipids......Page 360
Sphingolipids......Page 362
Phytosterols......Page 364
Waxes and Cutin......Page 366
Carotenoids......Page 367
Tocols......Page 369
Dissected Grain......Page 371
Corn Fiber Oil......Page 373
Starch Lipids......Page 376
Enzymatically Derived Lipids and Hormones......Page 377
Oil Obtained from Coproduct of Corn Dry-Grind Ethanol Fermentation......Page 378
Conclusions......Page 379
References......Page 380
Further Reading......Page 385
Introduction......Page 386
Major Minerals......Page 387
Trace Minerals......Page 391
Water-Soluble Vitamins......Page 394
Fat-Soluble Vitamins......Page 399
Phytochemicals......Page 402
Simple Phenolic Compounds (Phenolic Acids)......Page 403
Anthocyanins: Pigmented Flavonoids......Page 407
Carotenes and Xanthophylls......Page 408
Phytosterols......Page 409
Phospholipids......Page 410
Policosanols......Page 413
Conclusions......Page 414
References......Page 415
Further Reading......Page 420
History of Corn Dry-Milling......Page 422
Industry Overview......Page 423
Corn Grain Quality for Dry-Milling......Page 425
Full-Fat Milling Process......Page 426
Bolted Milling Process......Page 428
Tempering-Degerming Milling Process......Page 429
Beall Degerminating System......Page 431
Buhler Degerminating System......Page 433
Satake Degerminating System......Page 434
Other Degerminating Systems......Page 435
Categories and Composition......Page 436
RTE Breakfast Cereals......Page 439
Brewing Adjuncts......Page 440
Extruded and Sheeted Snacks......Page 441
Breadings, Batters, and Prepared Mixes......Page 442
Fortified Food......Page 443
Pregelatinized Binders......Page 445
Future Trends and Developments......Page 446
Conclusions......Page 447
References......Page 448
Further Reading......Page 450
Human Consumption of Corn......Page 452
Popcorn......Page 453
Sweet Corn......Page 456
Blue and Pigmented Corns......Page 457
High Oil Corn......Page 458
North American Traditional Corn Food......Page 459
Processing of Popcorn......Page 460
Frozen Corn......Page 462
Baby Corn......Page 463
Gluten-Free Products......Page 464
Breakfast Cereals......Page 465
Corn Flake Production......Page 466
Extruded Corn-Based Breakfast Food......Page 467
Direct-Expanded or Second-Generation Snacks......Page 470
Third-Generation Snacks......Page 471
Chemically Leavened Cornbread and Muffins......Page 473
Arepas......Page 475
Batters and Breadings......Page 476
Corn Brewing Adjuncts......Page 477
Future of Corn Food......Page 478
Conclusions......Page 479
References......Page 481
Introduction......Page 486
Corn Quality for Lime-Cooking......Page 487
Acids and Preservatives......Page 489
Micronutrients......Page 490
Traditional Products Based on Nixtamalized Corn......Page 491
Industrial Manufacturing of Corn Tortillas......Page 493
Cleaning of Corn......Page 494
Lime-Cooking and Steeping......Page 495
Stone-Grinding......Page 496
Industrial Manufacturing of Dry Masa Flour......Page 497
Categories of Dry Masa Flours......Page 498
Novel Technologies for Production of Fresh Masa and Dry Masa Flours......Page 499
Salt and Seasonings......Page 500
Production of Alkaline-Cooked Parched Products......Page 501
Production of Extruded Corn Chips......Page 502
Kneading-Mixing and Sheeting-Forming......Page 503
Cooling-Equilibration......Page 504
Low-Fat Tortilla Chips......Page 505
Quality Control for Tortillas and Related Snacks......Page 506
Nutritional Value of Lime-Cooked Corn Products......Page 513
Conclusions......Page 514
References......Page 515
Further Reading......Page 517
Introduction......Page 518
Grain Drying, Storage, and Handling......Page 520
Cleaning......Page 522
Steeping......Page 523
Coarse Grinding and Germ Separation......Page 524
Fine Grinding and Fiber Separation......Page 527
Primary Starch Separation......Page 528
Steepwater Evaporation......Page 531
Germ Processing......Page 532
Utilities......Page 533
Air Pollution Control......Page 534
Laboratory Wet Milling Procedures......Page 535
Pilot Scale Wet Milling Procedures......Page 537
Starch Mutants: Waxy Corn......Page 538
Hybrid-Specific Milling for Enhanced Starch Yield......Page 539
Hybrids With Improved Amino Acid Contents......Page 541
Yields, Production, and Marketing of Products......Page 542
Enzymatic Wet Milling......Page 543
Steeping Grits......Page 544
Alkali Wet Milling......Page 545
Corn Fiber Utilization......Page 546
Processing Transgenic Corn for Industrial Enzymes and Specialty Chemicals......Page 547
References......Page 548
Further Reading......Page 552
Basic Natures of Corn Starch Granules and Molecules......Page 554
Stabilization (Substitution)......Page 556
Cross-Linking......Page 558
Oxidation......Page 560
Dextrinization......Page 561
Objectives......Page 562
Granular Cold-Water-Swelling Starch......Page 563
Milling......Page 564
References......Page 565
Introduction......Page 568
Process Overview......Page 569
Acid Conversion......Page 570
Acid/Enzyme Conversion......Page 571
Enzyme-Enzyme Conversion......Page 573
Fungal α-Amylase......Page 575
Decolorizing/Carbon Treatment......Page 576
Maltodextrins......Page 578
Dextrose......Page 579
High-Fructose Corn Syrups......Page 581
Storage and Handling of Corn Sweeteners......Page 582
Total Sugars......Page 584
Solids......Page 585
Viscosity......Page 589
Sweetness......Page 591
Color......Page 592
Fermentability......Page 593
Humectancy and Hygroscopicity......Page 594
Crystallization......Page 595
Water Activity......Page 596
Beverages......Page 597
Brewing......Page 604
Ice Cream......Page 605
Conclusions......Page 606
References......Page 607
Further Reading......Page 608
Introduction......Page 610
Triacylglycerol Composition......Page 611
Phospholipids......Page 612
Physical Properties......Page 613
Conventional Corn Germ Extraction......Page 614
Enzymatic-Assisted Aqueous Extraction......Page 616
Degumming......Page 617
Neutralization......Page 618
Winterization......Page 619
Deodorization/Distillation......Page 620
Modification Processes......Page 621
Hydrogenation......Page 622
Uses and Applications of Corn Oil......Page 623
Peroxide Index (PV)......Page 624
Refractive Index......Page 625
Nutritional Aspects......Page 626
References......Page 627
Feedstocks for Bioethanol Production......Page 632
Corn Composition and Structure......Page 633
Biomass Composition and Structure......Page 634
Conventional Dry Grind Process......Page 635
Ethanol Production From Corn Stover......Page 637
Technology Developments in Corn Ethanol Production......Page 639
Corn Fractionation......Page 640
Fractionation at Back End......Page 641
Decrease of Exogenous Enzyme Use......Page 642
High Solid Use......Page 643
Control of Process Conditions......Page 644
References......Page 646
Further Reading......Page 648
Starch Type......Page 650
Normal and High-Protein Corn......Page 651
High-Lysine Corn and Synthetic Lysine......Page 652
Carotene......Page 653
Vitamins......Page 654
Antinutrients......Page 656
Particle Size......Page 657
Corn Feed Coproducts From Food and Fuel......Page 658
Beef Cattle......Page 659
Swine......Page 661
Poultry......Page 662
Condensed Fermented Corn Extractives (Steep Liquor)......Page 663
Corn Dry-Mill Feed Products......Page 664
Corn Distillers Dried Grains......Page 666
Wet and Modified Distillers Grains......Page 667
Process......Page 668
Hominy Feed......Page 669
References......Page 671
Index......Page 678
Back Cover......Page 692

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