Coronaviruses and Arteriviruses

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کتاب کرونا ویروس ها و آرتری ویروس ها نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Coronaviruses and Arteriviruses

نام کتاب : Coronaviruses and Arteriviruses
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : کرونا ویروس ها و آرتری ویروس ها
سری : Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 440
نویسندگان : , , , , , ,
ناشر : Springer US
سال نشر : 1998
تعداد صفحات : 775
ISBN (شابک) : 9781461374329 , 9781461553311
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 23 مگابایت

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

ورود ویروس: خنثی سازی MHV-A59 توسط گلیکوپروتئین های گیرنده نوترکیب محلول. B.D. Zelus, et al.Replication I: The Polymerase:The Arterivirus Replicase: The Road from RNA to Protein(s) and Back Again; E.J.Snijder.Replication II: سنتز RNA: نقش پلی پروتئین های غیرساختاری در سنتز RNA آلفا ویروس. D.L. Sawicki،S.G. Sawicki.بیان و مونتاژ پروتئین I: بیان:ساخت یک ویروس هپاتیت موش نوترکیب بیان کننده یک ژن خارجی. F. Fischer, et al.Protein Expression and Assembly II:Assembly:Molecular Events in the Assembly of Retrovirus Particles; M.Sakalian، E. Hunter.پاتوژنز I: سیستم ایمنی:ویروس واکسینیا با پوشش خارج سلولی: ورود، خروج، و فرار. G.L. اسمیت، A.Vanderplasschen.Pathogenesis II: Pathology:Pathogenesis of Coronavirus-Induced Infections: Review of Pathological and Immunological Aspects; S. Perlman.استراتژی های کنترل بیماری های ناشی از ویروس کرونا: جداسازی و بیان نوترکیب یک آنتی بادی مونوکلونال خنثی کننده MHV-JHM. A.F. کلب و همکارانتغییرپذیری وتکامل: پویایی جمعیت در تکامل ویروسهای RNA; E.Domingo, et al. 97 مقالات اضافی. شاخص

فهرست مطالب :

Front Matter....Pages i-xviii
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Neutralization of MHV-A59 by Soluble Recombinant Receptor Glycoproteins....Pages 3-9
Isolation and Characterization of Murine Coronavirus Mutants Resistant to Neutralization by Soluble Receptors....Pages 11-16
Mutational Analysis of Fusion Peptide-Like Regions in the Mouse Hepatitis Virus Strain A59 Spike Protein....Pages 17-23
Interactions of Enterotropic Mouse Hepatitis Viruses with Bgp2 Receptor Proteins....Pages 25-31
Virus-Receptor Interactions and Interspecies Transfer of a Mouse Hepatitis Virus....Pages 33-41
Human Biliary Glycoproteins Function as Receptors for Interspecies Transfer of Mouse Hepatitis Virus....Pages 43-52
Obtention of Porcine Aminopeptidase-N Transgenic Mice and Analysis of Their Susceptibility to Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus....Pages 53-59
Molecular Analysis of the Coronavirus-Receptor Function of Aminopeptidase N....Pages 61-67
Feline Aminopeptidase N is a Receptor for All Group I Coronaviruses....Pages 69-75
Differential Receptor-Functionality of the Two Distinct Receptor Proteins for Mouse Hepatitis Virus....Pages 77-80
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Infection of Alveolar Macrophages can be Blocked by Monoclonal Antibodies Against Cell Surface Antigens....Pages 81-88
Requirement of Proteolytic Cleavage of the Murine Coronavirus MHV-2 Spike Protein for Fusion Activity....Pages 89-93
Front Matter....Pages 95-95
The Arterivirus Replicase....Pages 97-109
Replication and Transcription of HCV 229E Replicons....Pages 109-113
Substrate Specificity of the Human Coronavirus 229E 3C-Like Proteinase....Pages 115-120
Processing of the MHV-A59 Gene 1 Polyprotein by the 3C-Like Proteinase....Pages 121-127
Expression, Purification, and Activity of Recombinant MHV-A59 3CLpro....Pages 129-134
Maturation of the Polymerase Polyprotein of the Coronavirus MHV Strain JHM Involves a Cascade of Proteolytic Processing Events....Pages 135-139
Characterization of a Papain-Like Cysteine-Proteinase Encoded by Gene 1 of the Human Coronavirus HCV 229E....Pages 141-147
Proteolytic Processing of the Polyprotein Encoded by ORF1b of the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)....Pages 149-159
Front Matter....Pages 95-95
Further Characterisation of the Coronavirus IBV ORF 1a Products Encoded by the 3C-Like Proteinase Domain and the Flanking Regions....Pages 161-171
Characterisation of a Papain-Like Proteinase Domain Encoded by ORF1a of the Coronavirus IBV and Determination of the C-Terminal Cleavage Site of an 87 kDa Protein....Pages 173-184
Front Matter....Pages 185-185
Role of the Nonstructural Polyproteins in Alphavirus RNA Synthesis....Pages 187-198
An Infectious cDNA Clone of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus....Pages 199-206
The Spike Protein of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Controls the Tropism of Pseudorecombinant Virions Engineered Using Synthetic Minigenomes....Pages 207-214
A New Model for Coronavirus Transcription....Pages 215-219
Negative Strand RNA Synthesis by Temperature-Sensitive Mutants of Mouse Hepatitis Virus....Pages 221-227
Cellular Protein hnRNP-A1 Interacts with the 3’-end and the Intergenic Sequence of Mouse Hepatitis Virus Negative-Strand RNA to Form a Ribonucleoprotein Complex....Pages 227-234
Cell Proteins Bind to A 67 Nucleotide Sequence within the 3’ Noncoding Region (NCR) of Simian Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (SFV) Negative-Strand RNA....Pages 235-240
Studies of Murine Coronavirus DI RNA Replication from Negative-Strand Transcripts....Pages 241-246
The Effect of Deletion of a Conserved 11 Nucleotide Sequence on Mouse Hepatitis Virus RNA Replication....Pages 247-252
Sequence Elements Involved in the Rescue of IBV Defective RNA CD-91....Pages 253-257
Rescue of IBV D-RNA by Heterologous Helper Virus Strains....Pages 259-264
A Strategy for the Generation of Infectious RNAs and Autonomously Replicating RNAs Based on the HCV 229E Genome....Pages 265-268
Long Distance RT-PCRs of Human Coronavirus 229E RNA....Pages 269-273
Subgenomic RNA7 is Transcribed with Different Leader-Body Junction Sites in PRRSV (Strain VR2332) Infection of CL2621 Cells....Pages 275-279
Organization of the Simian Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Genome and Identification of the sgRNA Junction Sequences....Pages 281-287
Front Matter....Pages 289-289
Construction of a Mouse Hepatitis Virus Recombinant Expressing a Foreign Gene....Pages 291-295
An Essential Secondary Structure in the 3’ Untranslated Region of the Mouse Hepatitis Virus Genome....Pages 297-302
Regulation of mRNA 1 Expression by the 5’-Untranslated Region (5’-UTR) of the Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV)....Pages 303-311
Front Matter....Pages 289-289
Mouse Hepatitis Virus Nucleocapsid Protein as a Translational Effector of Viral mRNAs....Pages 313-318
Progress Towards the Construction of a Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Self-Replicating RNA Using a Two-Layer Expression System....Pages 319-325
Front Matter....Pages 327-327
Molecular Events in the Assembly of Retrovirus Particles....Pages 329-339
Structure and Intracellular Assembly of the Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus....Pages 341-346
Characterization of Coronavirus DI RNA Packaging....Pages 347-353
Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Protein....Pages 355-359
Coronavirus Envelope Glycoprotein Assembly Complexes....Pages 361-365
Coronavirus Envelope Assembly is Sensitive to Changes in the Terminal Regions of the Viral M Protein....Pages 367-375
Interferon Alpha Inducing Property of Coronavirus Particles and Pseudoparticles....Pages 377-386
Expression and Processing of Nonstructural Proteins of the Human Astroviruses....Pages 387-391
Front Matter....Pages 393-393
Extracellular Enveloped Vaccinia Virus....Pages 395-414
Resistance of Naive Mice to Murine Hepatitis Virus Strain 3 Requires Development of a Th1, but not a Th2, Response, Whereas Pre-Existing Antibody Partially Protects Against Primary Infection....Pages 415-423
Apoptosis of JHMV-Specific CTL in the Cns in the Absence of CD4 + T Cells....Pages 425-430
Mechanisms of Viral Clearance in Perforin-Deficient Mice....Pages 431-436
Coronavirus Infection and Demyelination....Pages 437-444
MHV-Induced Fatal Peritonitis in Mice Lacking IFN-γ....Pages 445-450
Coronavirus MHV-A59 Causes Upregulation of Interferon-ß RNA in Primary Glial Cell Cultures....Pages 451-454
Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Responses to Infectious Bronchitis Virus Infection....Pages 455-460
In Vivo and In Vitro Interferon (IFN) Studies with the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV)....Pages 461-467
Identification of a Common Antigenic Site in the Nucleocapsid Protein of European and North American Isolates of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus....Pages 469-477
Front Matter....Pages 393-393
Intrahepatic αβ-TcR intermediate LFA-1 high T Cells are Stimulated During Mouse Hepatitis Viral Infection....Pages 479-483
Clonal Deletion of Some Vβ+ T Cells in Peripheral Lymphocytes from C57BL/6 Mice Infected with MHV3....Pages 485-489
A Serological Survey of Human Coronavirus in Pigs of the Tohoku District of Japan....Pages 491-494
A Monoclonal Antibody Blocking Elisa for the Detection of IBV Antibodies in Fowl....Pages 495-499
Front Matter....Pages 501-501
Pathogenesis of Coronavirus-Induced Infections....Pages 503-513
Role of CTL Mutants in Demyelination Induced by Mouse Hepatitis Virus, Strain JHM....Pages 515-519
Using a Defective-Interfering RNA System to Express the HE Protein of Mouse Hepatitis Virus for Studying Viral Pathogenesis....Pages 521-528
The Mouse Hepatitis Virus A59 Spike Protein is not Cleaved in Primary Hepatocyte and Glial Cell Cultures....Pages 529-535
The Pathogenesis of MHV Nucleocapsid Gene Chimeric Viruses....Pages 537-541
Targeted Recombination Between MHV-2 and MHV-A59 to Study Neurotropic Determinants of MHV....Pages 543-547
Mouse Hepatitis Virus Receptor Levels Influence Virus-Induced Cytopathology....Pages 549-555
Is the Sialic Acid Binding Activity of the S Protein Involved in the Enteropathogenicity of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus?....Pages 557-561
Isolation of Hemagglutination-Defective Mutants for the Analysis of the Sialic Acid Binding Activity of Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus....Pages 563-568
Role of Mouse Hepatitis Virus-A59 Receptor Bgp1a Expression in Virus-Induced Pathogenesis....Pages 569-574
Persistent Infection of Neural Cell Lines by Human Coronaviruses....Pages 575-581
Neuropathogenicity and Susceptibility to Immune Response are Interdependent Properties of Lactate Dehydrogenase-Elevating Virus (LDV) and Correlate with the Number of N-Linked Polylactosaminoglycan Chains on the Ectodomain of the Primary Envelope Glycoprotein....Pages 583-592
Arterivirus PRRSV....Pages 593-599
Spread of Swine Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus From Peripheral Nerves to the CNS....Pages 601-607
Expression of the fgl2 and Its Protein Product (Prothrombinase) in Tissues During Murine Hepatitis Virus Strain-3 (MHV-3) Infection....Pages 609-618
The Pattern of Induction of Apoptosis During Infection with MHV-3 Correlates with Strain Variation in Resistance and Susceptibility to Lethal Hepatitis....Pages 619-625
Front Matter....Pages 501-501
The C12 Mutant of MHV-A59 is Very Weakly Demyelinating and has Five Amino Acid Substitutions Restricted to the Spike and Replicase Genes....Pages 627-633
Human Macrophages are Susceptible to Coronavirus OC43....Pages 635-639
Transmissible Gastroenteritis Coronavirus Carrier Sow....Pages 641-647
Equine Viral Arteritis....Pages 649-653
Front Matter....Pages 655-655
Isolation and Recombinant Expression of an MHV-JHM Neutralising Monoclonal Antibody....Pages 657-664
Interference of Coronavirus Infection by Expression of IgG or IgA Virus Neutralizing Antibodies....Pages 665-674
Lactogenic Immunity in Transgenic Mice Producing Recombinant Antibodies Neutralizing Coronavirus....Pages 675-686
Utilising a Defective IBV RNA for Heterologous Gene Expression with Potential Prophylactic Application....Pages 687-692
Intramuscular Injection of Plasmid DNA Expressing mRNA7 Coding the Nucleocapsid Protein of JHMV Partially Protected Mice Against Acute Infection with JHMV....Pages 693-699
Inhibitory Effects of Modified Oligonucleotides Complementary to the Leader RNA on the Multiplication of Mouse Hepatitis Virus....Pages 701-705
Adaptation and Serial Passage of Bovine Coronavirus in an Established Diploid Swine Testicular Cell Line and Subsequent Development of a Modified Live Vaccine....Pages 707-711
European Serotype PRRSV Vaccine Protects Against European Serotype Challenge Whereas an American Serotype Vaccine Does Not....Pages 713-718
Front Matter....Pages 719-719
Population Dynamics in the Evolution of RNA Viruses....Pages 721-727
Does IBV Change Slowly Despite the Capacity of the Spike Protein to Vary Greatly?....Pages 729-734
Selection in Persistently Infected Murine Cells of an MHV-A59 Variant with Extended Host Range....Pages 735-741
Receptor Homologue Scanning Functions in the Maintenance of MHV-A59 Persistence in Vitro....Pages 743-750
Viral Evolution and CTL Epitope Stability During JHMV Infection in the Central Nervous System....Pages 751-757
Quasispecies Development by High Frequency RNA Recombination during MHV Persistence....Pages 759-765
Coronavirus Infection and Demyelination....Pages 767-773
Prokaryotic Expression of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea Virus ORF3....Pages 775-780
Front Matter....Pages 719-719
Further Analysis of the Genome of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea Virus....Pages 781-786
Genetic Variation in the PRRS Virus....Pages 787-794
Sequence Analysis of the Nucleocapsid Protein Gene of the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Taiwan MD-001 Strain....Pages 795-799
Comparison of the Di- and Trinucleotide Frequencies from the Genomes of Nine Different Coronaviruses....Pages 801-804
Sequence Determination and Genetic Analysis of the Leader Region of Various Equine Arteritis Virus Isolates....Pages 805-812
Genetic Variation and Phylogenetic Analysis of Open Reading Frames 3 and 4 of Various Equine Arteritis Virus Isolates....Pages 813-819
Back Matter....Pages 821-826

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

Virus Entry: Neutralization of MHV-A59 by Soluble Recombinant Receptor Glycoproteins; B.D. Zelus, et al.Replication I: The Polymerase: The Arterivirus Replicase: The Road from RNA to Protein(s), and Back Again; E.J.Snijder.Replication II: RNA Synthesis: Role of the Nonstructural Polyproteins in Alphavirus RNA Synthesis; D.L. Sawicki,S.G. Sawicki.Protein Expression and Assembly I: Expression: Construction of a Mouse Hepatitis Virus Recombinant Expressing a Foreign Gene; F. Fischer, et al.Protein Expression and Assembly II:Assembly: Molecular Events in the Assembly of Retrovirus Particles; M.Sakalian, E. Hunter.Pathogenesis I: The Immune System: Extracellular Enveloped Vaccinia Virus: Entry, Egress, and Evasion; G.L. Smith, A.Vanderplasschen.Pathogenesis II: Pathology: Pathogenesis of Coronavirus-Induced Infections: Review of Pathological and Immunological Aspects; S. Perlman.Strategies to Control CoronavirusInduced Diseases: Isolation and Recombinant Expression of an MHV-JHM Neutralising Monoclonal Antibody; A.F. Kolb, et al.Variability andEvolution: Population Dynamics in the Evolution of RNA Viruses; E.Domingo, et al. 97 Additional Articles. Index.

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