فهرست مطالب :
Pergamon Policy Studies on Socio-Economie Development, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Foreword, Pages ix-x, Herman Kahn
Preface, Pages xi-xiii
Credits, Page xiv
Acknowledgments, Page xv, Marylin Chou, David P. Harmon Jr.
1 - The World at a Turning Point: New Class Attitudes, Pages 5-17, Herman Kahn
2 - The Preoccupation with Food Safety, Pages 18-41, Marylin Chou
3 - Leadership and Responsibility in the Food Industry, Pages 42-47, Peg Rogers, Emil M. Mrak
4 - Food Price Inflation— A Heretical View, Pages 48-65, Dean Peterson
5 - Sweden: A Bellwether of Future Policy Trends, Pages 66-90, Graham T.T. Molitor
6 - The Intellectual Basis of Nutritional Science and Practice, Pages 95-102, René Dubos
7 - Changing Food Policies, Pages 103-118, Marylin Chou
8 - The U.S. Quandary: Can We Formulate a Rational Nutrition Policy?, Pages 119-133, Robert E. Olson
9 - National Nutrition Goals—How Far Have We Come?, Pages 134-141, Graham T.T. Molitor
10 - Changing Attitudes and Lifestyles Shaping Food Technology in the 1980s, Pages 149-190, Marylin Chou
11 - The Effect of Government Policies on Technological Innovation in the Food Industry: A Government Perspective, Pages 191-196, Robert M. Schaffner
12 - The Effect of Government Policies on Technological Innovation in the Food Industry: An Industry Perspective, Pages 197-215, Steven Goldby
13 - Future of Engineered Foods, Pages 216-221, Wayne Henry
14 - Emerging Food Marketing Technologies: Priorities for Assessment, Pages 222-233, Michael J. Phillips, William W. Gallimore, J.B. Cordaro
15 - Fuel, Food, and the Future, Pages 234-244, Donald R. Price
16 - Changing Portable Energy Sources: An Assessment, Pages 245-260, William C. Burrows, Norman A. Sauter
17 - Biomass Conversion and National Energy Requirements, Pages 261-264, Don C. Paarlberg
18 - Agricultural Chemicals: Boon or Bane?, Pages 265-289, David P. Harmon Jr.
19 - An Assessment of Future Technological Advances in Agriculture and Their Impact on the Regulatory Environment, Pages 290-316, Sylvan H. Wittwer
20 - Return to World Grain Surpluses: Trends and Implications, Pages 323-339, David P. Harmon Jr.
21 - A World Grain Outlook for the 1980s: Three Viewpoints, Pages 340-346, J. Dawson Ahalt, Philip Sisson, Thomas R. Saylor
22 - The Multinational Corporation: A Buffer in the Food-Climate System, Pages 347-365, David P. Harmon Jr.
23 - Foundation Chile—A New Strategy for Industrial Development, Pages 366-371, Robert H. Cotton, Steward S. Flaschen
24 - Coping with Abundance, Pages 372-379, Don C. Paarlberg
Index, Pages 381-401
About the Contributors, Pages 403-404
Pergamon Policy Studies, Pages 405-406