فهرست مطالب :
Crusades Volume 1, 2002
Fsti rpsut bpluibshliesdh e2d0 0230 0b3y bAys Ahgsahtgea Pteu bPluisbhliisnhgi ng , r A k, b A in b g i d n o g n d ,
Editors’ Statement
De Jean-Baptiste Mailly à Joseph-François Michaud: un moment de l’historiographie des croisades (1774–1841)
Casualties and the Number of Knights on the First Crusade
P e r c e n t a g e s o f t o t a l s o f d e a t h s o f k n i g h t s o n t h e F i r s t C r u s a d e i n c o m b a t , A u t u m n 1 0 9 6 -L a t e S u m m e r 1 0 9 9
Fiefs and Vassals in Twelfth-Century Jerusalem: a View from the West
Fiefs and Vassals in the Kingdom of Jerusalem: from the Twelfth Century to the Thirteenth
Prudentes homines … qui sensus habebant magis exercitatos: a Preliminary Inquiry into William of Tyre’s Vocabulary of Power
Coins at Vadum Jacob: New Evidence on the Circulation of Money in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem during the Second Half of the Twelfth Century
Vadum Jacob and its contribution to the study of coins from the Frankish period
Frisian Fighters and the Crusade
Regional origins
Milites et pedites
The Cited Tales of the Wondrous Doings of the Shaykhs of the Holy Land by D ¢iya@@@@\' al-D @¸n Abu@ ‘Abd Alla@@@@h Muh¢ammad b. ‘Abd al-Wa@@@@h¢id al-Maqdis¸@ (569/1173–643/1245): Text, Translation and Commentary
Al-Hi¢ ka@ya@t al-Muqtabasa f @¸ Kara @ma @t Mashay@ ikh al-Ard ¢ al-Muqaddasa – Arabic Text
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@*,+,1, The Cited Tales of the Wondrous Doings of the Shaykhs of the Holy Land
Languages in Contact in the Latin East: Acre and Cyprus
The Levantine French in Frankish States
Pope Pius II’s Letter to Sultan Mehmed II: a Reexamination
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