توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
سیاست فرهنگی در هری پاتر: زندگی، مرگ و سیاست ترس اولین تحلیل کتاب از موضوعاتی مانند مرگ، ترس و بیوپولتیک در J.K. کار رولینگ از دیدگاه های بحث برانگیز و میان رشته ای. این مجموعه مطالعات فرهنگی نظری و کاربردی اخیر را گرد هم میآورد و بر سه حوزه کلیدی تحقیق تمرکز دارد: (1) زیستسیاست جادویی و گفتمانهای متقاطع. (2) اضطراب، مرگ، تاب آوری و تروما. و (3) سیاست ترس و تحولات پست مدرن. به این ترتیب، این کتاب:
• مروری جامع از گفتمانهای ملی و جنسیتی، و همچنین نهادهای در حال عبور در میان، در رابطه با سری کتابهای هری پاتر و امتیاز چندرسانهای مرتبط ارائه میکند.
• قدرت دگرگون کننده مرگ را در تصویرهای فاندم، فرارسانه ای و فیلمی از Potterverse قرار می دهد و فرآیندهای ذهنی سازی و مشروعیت بخشیدن به مرگ و ترس را به طور انتقادی تجزیه می کند.
• استراتژی ها و مکانیسم هایی را که از طریق آنها فرآیندهای فرهنگی و سیاسی مدیریت می شوند، بررسی می کند، و همچنین به ما یادآوری می کند که چگونه داستان و واقعیت در پیوندهایی مانند تروریسم، هموطن گرایی، ماتریالیسم، سرمایه داری، پساانسان گرایی و فناوری تلاقی می کنند.
این کتاب که دقیقاً در مورد سیاست جادوگرانه فرهنگی و فرهنگ سیاسی چیست، مطالعه کلیدی برای دانشجویان ادبیات، رسانه و فرهنگ معاصر، و همچنین هر کسی که به جهان داستانی و دنیای جادوگرانه هری پاتر علاقه دارد، است.
فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of Contributors
Note on the Text
PART I: Wizarding (Bio)Politics and Intersected Discourses
1. The Chosen One(s): Ethnic Election and Contemporary English National Identity in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter Series
2. Squibs, Disability and Having a Place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
3. A Magic Manic Pixie Dream Girl?: Luna Lovegood and the Concept of Postfeminism
4. “Like an Old Tale”: Art and Transformation in the Harry Potter Novels and The Winter’s Tale
PART II: Death Culture, Trauma and Anxiety
5. Death Sells: Relatable Death in the Harry Potter Novels
Representation of Death in Harry Potter
Fate Worse than Death?
Death as a Marketing Tool
6. The Last Enemy: Harry Potter and Western Anxiety about Death
Dualling Influences
Modern Medicine
Plato and the Soul
Problem Solved?
7. “A Story About How Humans Are Frightened of Death”: Harry Potter, Death and the Cultural Imagination
8. Arthur, Harry and the Late Mother: From T.H. White to J.K. Rowling
9. King’s Cross: Harry Potter and the Transformative Power of Pain and Suffering
Pain and Identity Crisis
Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions
Growing Pains
Teaching as Torture, Torture as Teaching
King’s Cross
Pain and Power
10. When Spares Are Spared: Innocent Bystanders and Survivor’s Guilt in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
11. Death Culture, Literary References and Postmodern Sacred Elements in Harry Potter as a Transmedia Franchise
12. Death and How to Deal with It in the Harry Potter Series
What Is Death in the Harry Potter World?
Coping with Death and the Grieving Process in the Harry Potter World
PART III: Trauma, the Politics of Fear and Postmodern Transformations
13. Al-Qa’ida and the Horcruxes: Quests for Immortality by Violent Extremist Organizations and Lord Voldemort
14. Gender, Sexuality and the War on Terror in Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Nationalism, Class and Gender in Harry Potter
Non-normative Masculinities and National Discourse in Fantastic
Beast and Where to Find Them
15. Magic as Technological Utopia?: Unpacking Issues of Interactivity and Infrastructuring in the Potterverse
16. Flirting with Posthuman Technologies in Harry Potter: Overconsumption of a Good Thing – Technology as Magic
Conservative Consumption of Posthuman Technologies
Consumer of Posthuman Technology Becomes Posthuman
Understanding Voldemort’s Choices to Overconsume
Ethics and Consequences of Posthuman Technologies
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Cultural Politics in Harry Potter: Life, Death and the Politics of Fear is the first book-length analysis of topics, such as death, fear and biopolitics in J.K. Rowling's work from controversial and interdisciplinary perspectives. This collection brings together recent theoretical and applied cultural studies and focuses on three key areas of inquiry: (1) wizarding biopolitics and intersected discourses; (2) anxiety, death, resilience and trauma; and (3) the politics of fear and postmodern transformations. As such, this book:
• provides a comprehensive overview of national and gender discourses, as well as the transiting bodies in-between, in relation to the Harry Potter books series and related multimedia franchise;
• situates the transformative power of death within the fandom, transmedia and film depictions of the Potterverse and critically deconstructs the processes of subjectivation and legitimation of death and fear;
• examines the strategies and mechanisms through which cultural and political processes are managed, as well as reminding us how fiction and reality intersect at junctions, such as terrorism, homonationalism, materialism, capitalism, posthumanism and technology.
Exploring precisely what is cultural about wizarding politics, and what is political about culture, this book is key reading for students of contemporary literature, media and culture, as well as anyone with an interest in the fictional universe and wizarding world of Harry Potter.