فهرست مطالب :
Title Pages
General Overview and Topographical Maps
Christoph Baumer, Mirko Novák and Susanne Rutishauser: Introduction
Michael Mäder: Bronze Age Sceptres and Staffs from Elam and Margiana, and their Possible Names in Cuneiform and Linear Elamite
Luca Forni: Sharing Spiritual Life and Belief in the Murghab Region (Southern Turkmenistan). New Evidence from Bronze Age Seals
Gian Luca Bonora: Lock-shaped Stone Handbags (Pierres Ansées) from Central Asia. Typology, Distribution, and New Findings
Barbara Cerasetti, Roberto Arciero, Traci N. Billings, Maurizio Cattani, Luana D’Ippolito, Luca Forni, Elise Luneau, Kyle G. Olson, Alberto C. Potenza, Lynne M. Rouse, Robert N. Spengler III: The Rise and Decline of the Desert Cities. The Last Stages of the BMAC at Togolok 1 (Southern Turkmenistan)
Aydogdy Kurbanov: Between Two Cultures. The Archaeological Record of Akdepe
Johanna Lhuillier: Intercultural Interactions of the Sine Sepulchro Cultural Community (Handmade Painted Ware Cultures) of the Early Iron Age with the Neighbouring Cultures of Asia and the Near East
Sonja Kroll, Mike Teufer, Natalia Vinogradova, Yuri Kutimov, Giovanna Lombardo, Delphine Bosch, Marjan Mashkour: Isotopic Studies and Archaeological Evidence in Bronze Age Tajikistan. The “Lady from Gelot”
Andrei V. Omel’chenko: Nomadic Influence in Sogdian Domains. New Discoveries of Ancient Weapons in the Bukhara Oasis (Uzbekistan)
Alisher Begmatov: Cross-cultural Exchange across Eurasia as Reflected in the Sealings from Kafir-kala in Samarkand
Sara Peterson: A Study of the Gold Folding Crown from Tillâ-Tepeas an Indicator of Cultural Exchange
Shakirdjan R. Pidaev: Monumental Narrative Paintings of Karatepa in Old Termez, South Uzbekistan
Claude Rapin, Mutalib Khasanov, and Shokhimardan Rakhmanov: The Iron Gates Wall near Derbent (Uzbekistan). From Alexander the Great to the 19th Century
Silvia Pozzi and Sirojiddin Mirzaahmedov: Bactrian Influences in the Early Medieval Re-foundation of Vardāna
Jacopo Bruno and Gabriele Puschnigg: Reflections on Ceramics in the Bukhara Oasis. New Data from the MAFOUB Project
Ilaria Vincenzi: Uch Kulakh: Cultural Contacts in the Early Medieval Period
Ehsan Shavarebi: Gesticulationes Sogdianorum. A Preliminary Study of Hand Gestures in Sogdian Iconography: their Origins and Significance
Michael Shenkar, Sharof Kurbanov, Abdurahmon Pulotov, and Firuz Aminov: The Eastern Zeravshan Valley in the Early Islamic Period (8th to 9th Century CE). New Evidence from the Sanjar-Shah Excavations (2016–2019)
Pavel B. Lurje: The Three Brothers’ Houses? An Elusive Modular Block in Ancient Panjikent
Djangar Ilyasov: End of a Long Way. Tamga Signs on Ceramics from Qarshovul Tepa
Djamaliddin K. Mirzaahmedov, Munira N. Sultanova and Shuxrat T. Adylov: Early Karakhanid Glazed Ceramics of Bukhara. Based on a Corpus of Material from the Citadel of Vardanzeh
Azim Malikov: The Cultural Traditions of Urban Planning in Samarkand during the Epoch of Timur
Julio Bendezu-Sarmiento: Archaeological Survey and First Preliminary Results of the Site of Shahr-i Gholghola (Afghanistan). The Bamiyan Valley as a Centre of Trade and Cultural Exchange
Farda Asadov: Archaeological Evidence of the Presence of the Khazars in the Territory of Azerbaijan in the 7th to 10th Century CE
Shahin Mustafayev: Archaeological Representations of Caspian Trade Routes in North-eastern Azerbaijan
Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
Bakyt E. Amanbaeva: New Information on the Ak-Beshim Site (Chui Valley, Northern Kyrgyzstan)
Valerii A. Kolchenko: Hearth Pedestals of the Medieval Chuy Valley as Ethno-cultural and Chronological Indicators (of the Genesis of the Medieval Cities of the Chuy Valley)
Charles A. Stewart and Steven T. Gilbert: Ili Valley Settlement. Trade along the Northern Silk Route
Dmitriy Voyakin: The Hidden Oghuz. Some Remarks on the Archaeological Investigation of the Kesken-Kuyuk-Kala Site
Xinjiang and Tuva
Alexey A. Kovalev: The Chemurchek (Qie’muerqieke) Cultural Phenomenon. As a Result of Western European Migration to Dzungaria and the Mongolian Altai(on Archaeological Data)
Tomas Larsen Høisæter: The Kingdom of Kroraina. At the Crossroads of the Ancient World
Marina E. Kilunovskaya and Pavel M. Leus: Burials with Openwork Belt Plaques of the Xiongnu Period from Tuva
Gino Caspari: The Earliest “Scythians” in Tuva and the World Beyond. Architectural Ideas and Interacti
Comprehensive Index of Toponyms
List of Authors