فهرست مطالب :
Contents\nIllustrations\nPROLOGUE Bethinking One’s Own Strengths: The Performative Potential of Curating\nAcknowledgments\nA Collective Introduction\nA NOTE ON CURATORIAL STATEMENTS A Third Space: Chasing the Intangible\nPART I Historical Framings\nCHAPTER 1 From Content to Context: The Emergence of the Performance Curator\nPRACTICAL SPACE Curiosity and Intuition\nCHAPTER 2 Exhibiting Performances: Process and Valorization in When Attitudes Become Forms—Bern 1969 / Venice 2013\nCHAPTER 3 Can We Curate Dance without Making a Festival? On Dance Curatorship and Its Shifting Borders\nCHAPTER 4 Curating Performance from Africa on International Stages: Thoughts on Artistic Categories and Critical Discourse\nPRACTICAL SPACE Untitled\nCHAPTER 5 The Curating Nation: Emergence of Performance Curation in Singapore and Its Impact on Cultural Politics\nCHAPTER 6 The Curatorial Chronotope\nPRACTICAL SPACE Layers\nCHAPTER 7 More Weirdness, More Joy: Performance Curation and Pedagogy at Danspace Project and the Institute for Curatorial Practice in Performance\nPART II Ethical Proposals\nCHAPTER 8 Dancing the Museum\nCHAPTER 9 Curatorial Discourse and Equity: Tensions in Contemporary Dance Presenting in the United States\nPRACTICAL SPACE Holy Motor—a Mechanical Metaphor Surrounding the Live Arts Curator\nCHAPTER 10 Noticing the Feedback: A Proposal to the Contemporary Dance Field, and/or This Revolution Will Be Crowdsourced\nCHAPTER 11 Email to a Curator: An Introduction to The Curators’ Piece\nPRACTICAL SPACE Curating Liveness\nCHAPTER 12 Curation as a Form of Artistic Practice: Context as a New Work through UK-based Forest Fringe\nPART III The Artist-Curators\nCHAPTER 13 The Artist-Curator, or the Philosophy of “Do-It-Yourself”\nEMBODIED SPACE “Soft-Curation,” Pollination, and Rhizomes\nCHAPTER 14 Being in the Vanguard of Sensibility: Artists as Curators in Performing Arts— a Study of Collective Affect\nCHAPTER 15 Familias: Artist-Activist Curation in the South Bronx, New York\nCHAPTER 16 What We Talk About When We Talk About Curating the “Unexpected”\nEMBODIED SPACE Greater Than\nCHAPTER 17 Because I Love Art, I Want Art to Be Different: The Project Perverse Curating and a Few Things I’ve Learned from It\nCHAPTER 18 Making Stage: Contemporary Dance and Performance Curation in the Caribbean\nEMBODIED SPACE As We\nCHAPTER 19 The Work of the Musician-Curator in Relation to the “Concert Scenario”\nCHAPTER 20 Pseudo-, Anti-, and Total Dance: A Self-Interview on Curation\nCHAPTER 21 Collective Creation and Improvised Curation: A Discussion with Body Slam\nPART IV Exhibition as Events\nCHAPTER 22 A New Kind of Critical Elsewhere\nCHAPTER 23 Re-enact History? Performing the Archive!\nCHAPTER 24 Choreographing Archives, Curating Choreographers: Yvonne Rainer, Xavier Le Roy, and the Dance Retrospective\nEMBODIED SPACE THE TITLE AS THE CURATOR’S ART PIECE\nCHAPTER 25 Exhibiting Dance, Performing Objects: Cultural Mediation in the Museum\nCHAPTER 26 The Curator’s Work: Stories and Experiences from Tino Sehgal’s Events\nPART V Artivism\nCHAPTER 27 Framing a Network, Charting Dis/Courses: Performance Curation, Community Work, and the Logic/Anxieties of an Emerging Field\nETHICAL SPACE Curate\nCHAPTER 28 Food=Need: Constraints, Reflexivity, and Community Performance\nCHAPTER 29 ARC.HIVE of Contemporary Arab Performing Arts: Memory, Catastrophe, Resistance, and Oblivion\nCHAPTER 30 Collective Walks / Spaces of Contestation: Site-Specifi city, Community Involvement, and Mobility Employed as Curatorial Strategies in the Creation of Participatory Performances\nCHAPTER 31 Sound Citizen: Curating Sound Art in the Distributed Public Sphere\nETHICAL SPACE Curation as a Practice of Radical Care: A Defi nition\nPART VI Institutional Reinventions\nCHAPTER 32 Rethinking the Role of Institutions and Curators in a New Interdisciplinary Age\nC HAPTER 33 The Curator as a Culture Producer\nETHICAL SPACE Definition of Curation\nCHAPTER 34 How to Build a Manifesto for the Future of a Festival “Festivals as Thinking Entities,” a Conversation with Judith Blackenberg, Daniel Blanga-Gubbay, Silvia Bottiroli, and Livia Andrea Piazza, initiated by Silvia Bottiroli and Berno Odo Polze\nCHAPTER 35 The Curatorial Gesture as a Decolonial Gesture\nETHICAL SPACE Proposing Intervals— Curating as Choreography\nCHAPTER 36 Are You Not Entertained? Curating Performance within the Institution\nCHAPTER 37 Bodies in Museums: Institutional Practices and Politics\nETHICAL SPACE Curating History, Curating Resistance\nCHAPTER 38 What Can Contemporary Art Perform? And Then Transgress?\nEPILOGUE Situation Critical: What Comes Next for the Field of Performance Curation?\nETHICAL SPACE The Parable of the Curator MICHEL HERRERIA (DRAWING) AND JEAN-PAUL RATHIER (TEXT)\nIndex