Cyber security innovation for the digital economy : a case study of the Russian Federation

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کتاب نوآوری امنیت سایبری برای اقتصاد دیجیتال: مطالعه موردی فدراسیون روسیه نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب نوآوری امنیت سایبری برای اقتصاد دیجیتال: مطالعه موردی فدراسیون روسیه بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Cyber security innovation for the digital economy : a case study of the Russian Federation

نام کتاب : Cyber security innovation for the digital economy : a case study of the Russian Federation
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : نوآوری امنیت سایبری برای اقتصاد دیجیتال: مطالعه موردی فدراسیون روسیه
سری : River publishers series in security and digital forensics
نویسندگان :
ناشر :
سال نشر : 2018
تعداد صفحات : 492
ISBN (شابک) : 9788770220224 , 8770220220
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 225 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Front Cover Half Title Page RIVER PUBLISHERS SERIES IN SECURITY AND DIGITAL FORENSICS Copyright Page Contents Foreword Preface Acknowledgements List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations Introduction Chapter 1 - Relevance of Cyber Security Innovations 1.1 Digital Transformation of State and Society 1.1.1 State Program “Digital Economy” 1.1.2 Main Information Infrastructure Development Objectives 1.1.3 Implementation of the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) Technology 1.1.4 IIoT/IoT Technologies Development 1.2 Typical Cyber Security Threats 1.2.1 Possible Scenarios of Cyber-Attack on the Information Infrastructure 1.2.2 Threats and Consequences of Wireless LAN IEEE 802.1x Implementation 1.2.3 Cyber Security Threats of Corporate Digital and IP-ATX (Private Automatic Telephone Exchanges) 1.2.4 Threats and Security Profile of the Mobile Operating System OS Sailfish and Tizen 1.3 Cyber Security Threats Monitoring Necessity 1.3.1 Cyber Security Incidents Factual Account 1.3.2 Need for Joint Initiatives of Society and States 1.3.3 Capture the Flag Competition on Vulnerability Detection 1.3.4 Security Operations Center (SOC) Key Role Chapter 2 - MSSP/MDR National Operator Development 2.1 Ultimate Opportunity of National MSSP/MDR Operators 2.1.1 Relevance of MSSP/MDR Cyber Security Services 2.1.2 MSSP/MDR Best Organization PracticeThe MSSP market dynamics in North Americ 2.1.3 Sample of MSSP by AT&T 2.1.4 Sample of MSSP Model by UBIqube 2.1.5 Feasible Technical Solutions 2.2 Possible Ways of Providing Cyber Security Services 2.2.1 Typical MSSR/MDR Services 2.2.2 IS Sourcing Model Analysis 2.2.3 The IS Sourcing Practice 2.2.4 Sample SLA Content for the Provision of Cyber Security Services 2.2.5 Best Practices for Providing Cyber Security Service 2.3 Development of National MSSP/MDR Based on Big Data 2.3.1 Big Data Processing Requirements Analysis 2.3.2 Best Big Data Processing Practice 2.3.3 MSSP/MDR Subsystem Functionality for Big Data Processing 2.3.4 Sensor Cloud Architecture Advantages 2.4 New Methods of Cyber Security Knowledge Management 2.4.1 Possible State of the Art 2.4.2 Cyber Security MDM Principles 2.4.3 MDM Cyber Security System Example Chapter 3 - Innovative Methods for Detecting Anomalies 3.1 Justification of a New Method for Detecting Anomalies 3.1.1 Analysis of the Existing Approaches to the TCP/IP Network Abnormal Functioning Detection 3.1.2 Possible Statement of the Detecting Anomalies’ Problem 3.1.3 Definition of New Informative Features 3.1.4 Detection of Anomalies Based on Dimensions 3.1.5 Investigation of Properties of Invariants of Dimension 3.2 The Main Provisions of the New Method for Detecting Anomalies 3.2.1 The Main Hypotheses for Detecting Anomalies 3.2.2 Control of Semantic Correctness Criteria 3.2.3 Sufficient Condition for the Criteria Fulfillment 3.2.4 Implementation of the New Method of TCP Transport Layer Protocol 3.3 Startup of Anomaly Detection Based on Dimensions 3.3.1 Possible Architecture Solutions 3.3.2 Features of the Transfer and Control Criteria 3.3.3 Experiment Results 3.3.4 Trends and Development Prospects 3.4 New Method of Analytical Verification 3.4.1 Data Processing Model on the Example of Oracle Solution 3.4.2 Marked Data Visualization 3.4.3 Formalization of HTTP and SQL * Net Protocols 3.4.4 Presentation of the Transport Layer Protocol (TCP) 3.4.5 Presentation of the Networking Layer IP 3.4.6 Control of the Platform Semantic Correctness 3.4.7 Platform Semantic Correctness Control 3.4.8 Verification of Applied Queries 3.4.9 TCP Verification 3.4.10 IP Verification Chapter 4 - Development of Cyber Security Technologies 4.1 Cyber Security R&D Best Practice 4.1.1 Cyber Security R&D Importance 4.1.2 Cyber Security Project Management 4.1.3 New Cyber Security Problems Statement 4.2 Development of the Cyber Security Requirements in Terms of GOST R IEC 61508 4.2.1 Analysis of the Cyber Security Requirements 4.2.2 Need for GOST R IEC 61508 Development 4.2.3 Method for Anomaly Detection in the CF CPCS Behavior 4.3 Creation of New Cyber Security Ontologies 4.3.1 Analysis of New Requirements of Cyber Security 4.3.2 Known Cyber Security Ontologies 4.3.3 Proposed Cyber Security Ontology 4.3.4 Ontology Structure Example 4.4 Development of Cyber Security Platforms 4.4.1 Principles of Designing Special Computing Systems 4.4.2 Feasible Computing Classifications 4.4.3 Characteristics of the Known Computing Systems 4.4.4 Development of the Supercomputer Technologies 4.5 Security Software Development based on Agile Methodology 4.5.1 Main Ideas and Principles of the Agile Methodology 4.5.2 Best Practices of Agile Methodology 4.5.3 Adapting Agile for Secure Application Development 4.6 Development of BI-platforms for Cyber Security Predictive Analytics 4.6.1 BI-security Platform Requirements 4.6.2 BI Security Platform Startup 4.6.3 Expected Results Conclusion References Index About the Author Back Cover

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