فهرست مطالب :
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Chapter 1
1.1 Overview
1.2 Example Buildings
1.2.1 Building #1 – 5-Story Office Building
1.2.2 Building #2 – 12-Story Emergency Operations Center
1.2.3 Building #3 – 16-Story Residential Building
1.2.4 Building #4 – 30-Story Office Building
1.3 Organization of This Design Guide
Chapter 2 Material Requirements and Strength Reduction Factors
2.1 Overview
2.2 Material Requirements
2.2.1 Concrete Design Properties
Specified Compressive Strength
Modulus of Elasticity
Modulus of Rupture
Lightweight Concrete Modification Factor
2.2.2 Nonprestressed Steel Reinforcement
Material Properties
Design Properties
2.2.3 Headed Shear Stud Reinforcement
2.2.4 Durability of Steel Reinforcement
Specified Concrete Cover
Nonprestressed Coated Reinforcement
2.3 Strength Reduction Factors
2.3.1 Overview
2.3.2 Strength Reduction Factors Based On Action or Structural Element
2.3.3 Strength Reduction Factors For Moment, Axial Force, Or Combined Moment and Axial Force
2.3.4 Strength Reduction Factors For Shear In Structures Relying On Special Moment Frames and SpecialStructural Walls
Chapter 3
Design Loads and Load Combinations
3.1 Overview
3.2 Design Loads
3.3 Seismic Design Category
3.4 Live Load Reduction
3.5 Load Factors and Combinations
3.6 Determination of Wind Forces
3.7 Determination of Seismic Forces
3.7.1 Seismic Forces on the SFRS
3.7.2 Seismic Forces on Diaphragms, Chords, and Collectors
3.8 Examples
3.8.1 Example 3.1 – Determination of Wind Forces: Building #1
3.8.2 Example 3.2 – Determination of Wind Forces: Building #2
3.8.3 Example 3.3 – Determination of Wind Forces: Building #3
3.8.4 Example 3.4 – Determination of Wind Forces: Building #4
3.8.5 Example 3.5 – Determination of the Seismic Design Category: Building #1
3.8.6 Example 3.6 – Determination of the Seismic Design Category: Building #2
3.8.7 Example 3.7 – Determination of the Seismic Design Category: Building #3
3.8.8 Example 3.8 – Determination of the Seismic Design Category: Building #4
3.8.9 Example 3.9 – Determination of Seismic Forces: SFRS of Building #1 (Framing Option A)
3.8.10 Example 3.10 – Determination of Seismic Forces: SFRS of Building #2
3.8.11 Example 3.11 – Determination of Seismic Forces: SFRS of Building #3
3.8.12 Example 3.12 – Determination of Seismic Forces: SFRS of Building #4
3.8.13 Example 3.13 – Determination of Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of Building #1 (Framing Option A)
3.8.14 Example 3.14 – Determination of Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of Building #2
3.8.15 Example 3.15 – Determination of Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of Building #3
3.8.16 Example 3.16 – Determination of Seismic Forces: Diaphragms of Building #4
Chapter 4
One-way Slabs
4.1 Overview
4.2 Minimum Slab Thickness
4.3 Required Strength
4.3.1 Analysis Methods
4.3.2 Critical Sections for Flexure and Shear
4.4 Design Strength
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Nominal Flexural Strength
4.4.3 Nominal Shear Strength
4.5 Determination of Required Reinforcement
4.5.1 Required Flexural Reinforcement
4.5.2 Minimum Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement
4.6 Reinforcement Detailing
4.6.1 Concrete Cover
4.6.2 Minimum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars
4.6.3 Maximum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars
4.6.4 Selection of Flexural Reinforcement
4.6.5 Development of Flexural Reinforcement
Development of Deformed Bars in Tension
Development of Standard Hooks in Tension
Development of Headed Deformed Bars in Tension
Development of Mechanically Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension
Development of Positive and Negative Flexural Reinforcement
Negative Flexural Reinforcement
Positive Flexural Reinforcement
4.6.6 Splices of Reinforcement
Lap Splices
Mechanical Splices
Welded Splices
4.6.7 Structural Integrity Reinforcement
4.6.8 Recommended Flexural Reinforcement Details
4.7 Design Procedure
4.8 Examples
4.8.1 Example 4.1 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: One-way Slab System, Building #2,Normalweight Concrete
4.8.2 Example 4.2 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: One-way Slab System, Building #2,Lightweight Concrete
4.8.3 Example 4.3 – Determination of Required Reinforcement: One-way Slab System, Building #2
4.8.4 Example 4.4 – Determination of Lap Splice Lengths: One-way Slab System, Building #2
4.8.5 Example 4.5 – Determination of Reinforcement Details: One-way Slab System, Building #2
Chapter 5
Two-way Slabs
5.1 Overview
5.2 Minimum Slab Thickness
5.2.1 Overview
5.2.2 Flat Plates
5.2.3 Flat Slabs
5.2.4 Two-way Beam-Supported Slabs
5.2.5 Two-way Joists
5.2.6 Flat Plate Voided Concrete Slabs
5.3 Required Strength
5.3.1 Analysis Methods
5.3.2 Critical Sections for Flexure
5.3.3 Critical Sections for Shear
One-way Shear
Two-way Shear
Section Properties of Critical Sections
5.3.4 Direct Design Method
Determination of Factored Bending Moments in a Design Strip
Determination of Factored Moments in Columns and Walls
Determination of Factored Shear in Slabs with Beams
5.3.5 Lateral Loads
5.4 Design Strength
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Nominal Flexural Strength
5.4.3 Nominal One-way Shear Strength
5.4.4 Nominal Two-way Shear Strength
Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Concrete in Slabs without Shear Reinforcement
Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Concrete in Slabs with Shear Reinforcement
Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Single- or Multiple-leg Stirrups
Two-way Shear Strength Provided by Headed Shear Stud Reinforcement
Summary of Nominal Two-way Shear Strength Requirements
5.4.5 Openings in Two-way Slab Systems
5.5 Determination of Required Reinforcement
5.5.1 Required Flexural Reinforcement
5.5.2 Required Shear Reinforcement
Headed Shear Stud Reinforcement
5.6 Reinforcement Detailing
5.6.1 Concrete Cover
5.6.2 Minimum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars
5.6.3 Maximum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars
5.6.4 Selection of Flexural Reinforcement
5.6.5 Corner Restraint in Slabs
5.6.6 Termination of Flexural Reinforcement
5.6.7 Splices of Reinforcement
5.6.8 Structural Integrity Reinforcement
5.6.9 Shear Reinforcement Details
5.7 Design Procedure
5.8 Examples
5.8.1 Example 5.1 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: Flat Plate System, Building #1(Framing Option A)
5.8.2 Example 5.2 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: Flat Plate System with Edge Beams,Building #1 (Framing Option B)
5.8.3 Example 5.3 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: Two-way Beam-Supported Slab System,Building #1 (Framing Option C)
5.8.4 Example 5.4 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: Flat Slab System With Edge Beams,Building #1 (Framing Option D)
5.8.5 Example 5.5 – Determination of Minimum Thickness: Two-way Joist System,Building #1 (Framing Option E)
5.8.6 Example 5.6 – Determination of Minimum Slab Thickness: Flat Plate System, Building #3
5.8.7 Example 5.7 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Plate System,Building #1 (Framing Option A), SDC A
5.8.8 Example 5.8 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Plate System With EdgeBeams, Building #1 (Framing
5.8.9 Example 5.9 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Two-way Beam-Supported SlabSystem, Building #1 (Framing Option C), SDC A
5.8.10 Example 5.10 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Slab System With EdgeBeams, Building #1 (Framing Option D), SDC A
5.8.11 Example 5.11 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Two-way Joist System,Building #1 (Framing Option E), SDC A
5.8.12 Example 5.12 – Determination of Required Flexural Reinforcement: Flat Plate System, Building #1(Framing Option A), SDC B
5.8.13 Example 5.13 – Check of Shear Strength Requirements: Flat Plate System, Building #1(Framing Option A), SDC B
5.8.14 Example 5.14 – Check of Shear Strength Requirements: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (FramingOption A), SDC B, Shear Cap
5.8.15 Example 5.15 – Check of Shear Strength Requirements: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (FramingOption A), SDC B, Slab Opening
5.8.16 Example 5.16 – Check of Shear Strength Requirements: Flat Slab System With Edge Beams,Building #1 (Framing Option D), SDC A, Circular Columns
5.8.17 Example 5.17 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Flat Plate System, Building #1 (FramingOption A), SDC B, Stirrups
5.8.18 Example 5.18 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Flat Plate System, Building #1(Framing Option A), SDC B, Headed Shear Studs
Chapter 6
6.1 Overview
6.2 Sizing the Cross-Section
6.2.1 Determining the Beam Depth
6.2.2 Determining the Beam Width
6.2.3 General Guidelines for Sizing Beams for Economy
6.3 Required Strength
6.3.1 Analysis Methods
Bending Moments and Shear Forces
Torsional Moments
6.3.2 Critical Sections for Flexure, Shear, and Torsion
6.3.3 Redistribution of Moments in Continuous Flexural Members
6.4 Design Strength
6.4.1 General
6.4.2 Nominal Flexural Strength
Rectangular Sections with Tension Reinforcement Only
Rectangular Sections with Tension and Compression Reinforcement
T-Beams and Inverted L-Beams with Tension Reinforcement
6.4.3 Nominal Shear Strength
Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Concrete
Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Shear Reinforcement
6.4.4 Nominal Torsional Strength
6.5 Determination of Required Reinforcement
6.5.1 Required Flexural Reinforcement
Rectangular Sections with Tension Reinforcement Only
Rectangular Sections with Tension and Compression Reinforcement
T-Beams and Inverted L-Beams with Tension Reinforcement
6.5.3 Required Torsion Reinforcement
Transverse Reinforcement
Longitudinal Reinforcement
6.5.4 Reinforcement Requirements for Combined Flexure, Shear, and Torsion
6.6 Reinforcement Detailing
6.6.1 Concrete Cover
6.6.2 Flexural Reinforcement Spacing
Minimum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars
Maximum Spacing of Flexural Reinforcing Bars for Crack Control
Distribution of Tension Reinforcement in Flanges of T-Beams
Crack Control Reinforcement in Deep Flexural Members
6.6.3 Selection of Flexural Reinforcement
6.6.4 Development of Flexural Reinforcement
Development of Deformed Bars in Tension
Development of Standard Hooks in Tension
Development of Headed Deformed Bars in Tension
Development of Mechanically Anchored Deformed Bars in Tension
Development of Positive and Negative Flexural Reinforcement
Negative Flexural Reinforcement
Positive Flexural Reinforcement
6.6.5 Splices of Deformed Reinforcement
Lap Splices
Mechanical Splices
Welded Splices
6.6.6 Longitudinal Torsional Reinforcement
6.6.7 Transverse Reinforcement
Shear Reinforcement
Torsion Reinforcement
6.6.8 Structural Integrity Reinforcement
6.6.9 Flexural Reinforcement Requirements for SDC B
6.6.10 Recommended Flexural Reinforcement Details
6.7 Deflections
6.7.1 Overview
6.7.2 Immediate Deflections
Uncracked Sections
Cracked Sections
Effective Moment of Inertia
Approximate Immediate Deflections
6.7.3 Time-Dependent Deflections
6.7.4 Maximum Permissible Calculated Deflections
6.8 Design Procedure
6.9 Examples
6.9.1 Example 6.1 – Determination of Beam Size: Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Not Part of theLFRS, SDC A
6.9.2 Example 6.2 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C),Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Single Layer of Tension Reinforcement
6.9.3 Example 6.3 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C),Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A
6.9.4 Example 6.4 – Determination of Reinforcement Details: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C),Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A
6.9.5 Example 6.5 – Determination of Deflections: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is NotPart of the LFRS, SDC A
6.9.6 Example 6.6 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C),Beam is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Multiple Layers of Tension Reinforcement
6.9.7 Example 6.7 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C),Beam is Part of the LFRS, SDC A
6.9.8 Example 6.8 – Determination of Reinforcement Details: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C),Beam is Part of the LFRS, SDC A
6.9.9 Example 6.9 – Determination of Deflections: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C), Beam is Part ofthe LFRS, SDC A, Includes Compression Reinforcement
6.9.10 Example 6.10 – Determination of Joist Size: Joist in Building #2, Joist is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C
6.9.11 Example 6.11 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Joist in Building #2, Joist Not Part ofthe LFRS, SDC C
6.9.12 Example 6.12 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Joist in Building #2, Joist is Not Part ofthe LFRS, SDC C
6.9.13 Example 6.13 – Determination of Reinforcement Details: Joist in Building #2, Joist is Not Part ofthe LFRS, SDC C
6.9.14 Example 6.14 – Determination of Deflections: Joist in Building #2, Typical Floor, Joist is Not Part ofthe LFRS, SDC C
6.9.15 Example 6.15 – Determination of Beam Size: Edge Beam in Building #2, Beam is Not Part of theLFRS, SDC C
6.9.16 Example 6.16 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Edge Beam in Building #2, Beam is NotPart of the LFRS, SDC C
6.9.17 Example 6.17 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Edge Beam in Building #2, Beam is Not Partof the LFRS, SDC C
6.9.18 Example 6.18 – Determination of Torsion Reinforcement: Edge Beam in Building #2, Second-FloorLevel, Beam is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC C
6.9.19 Example 6.19 – Design for Combined Flexure, Shear, and Torsion: Edge Beam in Building #2, Beam isNot Part of the LFRS, SDC C
6.9.20 Example 6.20 – Determination of Reinforcement Details: Edge Beam in Building #2, Beam is Not Partof the LFRS, SDC C
Chapter 7
7.1 Overview
7.2 Dimensional Limits
7.3 Required Strength
7.3.1 Analysis Methods
Linear Elastic First-Order Analysis
Linear Elastic Second-Order Analysis
Inelastic Analysis
Finite Element Analysis
Section Properties
7.3.2 Factored Axial Force and Moment
7.3.3 Slenderness Effects
Columns in Nonsway and Sway Frames
Consideration of Slenderness Effects
Moment Magnification Method
Nonsway Frames
Sway Frames
7.3.4 Required Shear Strength for Columns in Buildings Assigned to Seismic Design Category B
7.4 Design Strength
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Nominal Axial Strength
Nominal Axial Compressive Strength
Nominal Axial Tensile Strength
7.4.3 Nominal Strength of Columns Subjected to Moment and Axial Forces
Rectangular Sections
Circular Sections
Interaction Diagrams
Biaxial Loading
Reciprocal Load Method
Load Contour Method
7.4.4 Nominal Shear Strength
Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Concrete
Nominal Shear Strength Provided by Shear Reinforcement
Biaxial Shear Strength
7.4.5 Nominal Torsional Strength
7.5 Reinforcement Limits
7.5.1 Longitudinal Reinforcement
7.5.2 Shear Reinforcement
7.6 Sizing the Cross-Section
7.6.1 Axial Compression
7.6.2 Combined Moment and Axial Force
7.6.3 Slenderness Effects
7.7 Determination of Required Reinforcement
7.7.1 Required Longitudinal Reinforcement
Axial Compression
Combined Moment and Axial Force
7.7.2 Required Shear Reinforcement
7.8 Reinforcement Detailing
7.8.1 Concrete Cover
7.8.2 Minimum Number of Longitudinal Bars
7.8.3 Spacing of Longitudinal Bars
7.8.4 Offset Bent Longitudinal Reinforcement
7.8.5 Splices of Longitudinal Reinforcement
Lap Splices
End-Bearing Splices
Mechanical and Welded Splices
7.8.6 Transverse Reinforcement
Tie Reinforcement
Spiral Reinforcement
7.9 Connections to Foundations
7.9.1 Overview
7.9.2 Vertical Transfer
7.9.3 Horizontal Transfer
7.10 Design Procedure
7.11 Examples
7.11.1 Example 7.1 – Determination of Preliminary Column Size: Building #1 (Framing Option B),Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces
7.11.2 Example 7.2 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B),Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces
7.11.3 Example 7.3 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B),Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces
7.11.4 Example 7.4 – Determination of Dowel Reinforcement at the Foundation: Building #1 (FramingOption B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to PrimarilyAxial Forces
7.11.5 Example 7.5 – Determination of Preliminary Column Size: Building #1 (Framing Option B),Circular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces
7.11.6 Example 7.6 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B),Circular, Tied Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces
7.11.7 Example 7.7 – Determination of Preliminary Column Size: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Circular,Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces
7.11.8 Example 7.8 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B),Circular, Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces
7.11.9 Example 7.9 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), Circular,Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Primarily Axial Forces
7.11.10 Example 7.10 – Determination of Dowel Reinforcement at the Foundation: Building #1 (FramingOption B), Circular, Spiral Column is Not Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to PrimarilyAxial Forces
7.11.11 Example 7.11 – Construction of Nominal and Design Strength Interaction Diagrams: Building #1(Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column, Grade 60 Longitudinal Reinforcement
7.11.12 Example 7.12 – Construction of Nominal and Design Strength Interaction Diagrams: Building #1(Framing Option B), Rectangular, Tied Column, Grade 100 Longitudinal Reinforcement
7.11.13 Example 7.13 – Construction of Nominal and Design Strength Interaction Diagrams: Building #1(Framing Option B), Circular, Tied Column, Grade 60 Longitudinal Reinforcement
7.11.14 Example 7.14 – Determination of Preliminary Column Size: Building #1 (Framing Option C),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Column Subjected to Uniaxial Bendingand Axial Forces
7.11.15 Example 7.15 – Determination of Nonsway or Sway Frame: Building #1 (Framing Option C),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A
7.11.16 Example 7.16 – Check if Slenderness Effects Must be Considered: Building #1 (Framing Option C),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame
7.11.17 Example 7.17 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected toUniaxial Bending and Axial Forces
7.11.18 Example 7.18 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected toUniaxial Bending and Axial Forces
7.11.19 Example 7.19 – Determination of Dowel Reinforcement at the Foundation: Building #1 (FramingOption C), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjectedto Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces
7.11.20 Example 7.20 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected to BiaxialBending and Axial Forces
7.11.21 Example 7.21 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected toBiaxial Bending and Axial Forces
7.11.22 Example 7.22 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Nonsway Frame, Column Subjected toUniaxial Bending and Axial Forces, Slenderness Effects
7.11.23 Example 7.23 – Determination of Nonsway or Sway Frame: Building #1 (Framing Option B),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A
7.11.24 Example 7.24 – Check if Slenderness Effects Must be Considered: Building #1 (Framing Option B),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame
7.11.25 Example 7.25 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame, Column Subjected to UniaxialBending and Axial Forces, Slenderness Effects
7.11.26 Example 7.26 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B),Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame, Column Subjected to UniaxialBending and Axial Forces, Slenderness Effects
7.11.27 Example 7.27 – Determination of Dowel Reinforcement at the Foundation: Building #1 (FramingOption B), Rectangular, Tied Column is Part of the LFRS, SDC A, Sway Frame, Column Subjectedto Uniaxial Bending and Axial Forces, Slenderness Effects
Chapter 8
8.1 Overview
8.2 Design Limits
8.2.1 Minimum Wall Thickness
8.2.2 Intersecting Elements
8.3 Required Strength
8.3.1 Analysis Methods
8.3.2 Factored Axial Force, Moment, and Shear
8.3.3 Slenderness Effects
Moment Magnification Method
Alternative Method for Out-of-Plane Slender Wall Analysis
8.4 Design Strength
8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Nominal Axial Strength
Nominal Axial Compressive Strength
Nominal Axial Tensile Strength
8.4.3 Nominal Strength of Walls Subjected to Moment and Axial Forces
Rectangular Sections
I-, T-, and L-Shaped Sections
Simplified Design Method
8.4.4 Nominal Shear Strength
In-Plane Shear
Out-of-Plane Shear
8.5 Reinforcement Limits
8.6 Determining the Wall Thickness
8.7 Determination of Required Reinforcement
8.7.1 Longitudinal Reinforcement
8.7.2 Transverse Reinforcement
8.8 Reinforcement Detailing
8.8.1 Concrete Cover
8.8.2 Splices of Reinforcement
Lap Splices
Mechanical and Welded Splices
8.8.3 Spacing of Longitudinal Reinforcement
8.8.4 Spacing of Transverse Reinforcement
8.8.5 Lateral Support of Longitudinal Reinforcement
8.8.6 Reinforcement Around Openings
8.9 Connections to Foundations
8.9.1 Overview
8.9.2 Vertical Transfer
8.9.3 Horizontal Transfer
8.10 Design Procedure
8.11 Examples
8.11.1 Example 8.1 – Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall: Building #2, Interior Wall is Not Part of the SFRS,Simplified Design Method
8.11.2 Example 8.2 – Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall: Building #2, Exterior Wall is Not Part of the SFRS,Moment Magnification Method, Out-of-Plane Forces
8.11.3 Example 8.3 – Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall: Building #2, Exterior Wall is Not Part of the SFRS,Alternative Method for Out-of-Plane Forces
8.11.4 Example 8.4 – Determination of Trial Wall Thickness of Reinforced Concrete Wall: Building #2, SDC C,Interior Wall is Part of the SFRS
8.11.5 Example 8.5 – Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall for Combined Flexure and Axal Forces: Building#2, SDC C, Interior Wall is Part of the SFRS
8.11.6 Example 8.6 – Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall for Shear Forces: Building #2, SDC C, Interior Wallis Part of the SFRS
8.11.7 Example 8.7 – Determination of Dowel Reinforcement at the Foundation of a Reinforced ConcreteWall: Building #2, SDC C, Interior Wall is Part of the SFRS
Chapter 9
9.1 Overview
9.2 Minimum Diaphragm Thickness
9.3 Required Strength
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Diaphragm Design Forces
In-Plane Forces due to Lateral Loads
In-Plane Forces due to Transfer Forces
Connection Forces Between the Diaphragm and Vertical Framing or Nonstructural Elements
Forces Resulting from Bracing Vertical or Sloped Building Elements
Out-of-Plane Forces
Collector Design Forces
9.3.3 Diaphragm Modeling and Analysis
In-Plane Stiffness Modeling
Analysis Methods
Equivalent Beam Model with Rigid Supports
Diaphragm Forces
Collector Forces
Corrected Equivalent Beam Method with Spring Supports
Diaphragms with Openings
9.4 Design Strength
9.4.1 General
9.4.2 Nominal Moment and Axial Force Strength
9.4.3 Nominal Shear Strength
Nominal Shear Strength of Diaphragms
Shear Transfer
9.4.4 Collectors
9.5 Reinforcement Limits
9.6 Determination of Required Reinforcement
9.6.1 Chord Reinforcement
9.6.2 Diaphragm Shear Reinforcement
9.6.3 Shear Transfer Reinforcement
9.6.4 Reinforcement Due to Eccentricity of Collector Forces
9.6.5 Collector Reinforcement
9.7 Reinforcement Detailing
9.8 Design Procedure
9.9 Examples
9.9.1 Example 9.1 – Determination of Diaphragm In-Plane Forces: Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A,Collectors Not Required
9.9.2 Example 9.2 – Determination of Diaphragm Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A,Collectors Not Required
9.9.3 Example 9.3 – Determination of Diaphragm In-Plane Forces: Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A,Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the LFRS
9.9.4 Example 9.4 – Determination of Diaphragm Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A,Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the LFRS
9.9.5 Example 9.5 – Determination of Diaphragm In-Plane Forces: Building #1 (Framing Option C), SDC A,Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the LFRS
9.9.6 Example 9.6 – Determination of Diaphragm Reinforcement: Building #1 (Framing Option C), SDC A,Collectors Required, Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the LFRS
9.9.7 Example 9.7 – Determination of Diaphragm In-Plane Forces: Building #2, SDC C, Collectors Required,Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the SFRS
9.9.8 Example 9.8 – Determination of Diaphragm Reinforcement: Building #2, SDC C, Collectors Required,
Collector Width the Same as the Width of the Vertical Elements of the SFRS
9.9.9 Example 9.9 – Determination of Diaphragm In-Plane Forces: Building #2, SDC C, Collectors Required,Collector Width Wider than the Width of the Vertical Elements of the SFRS
9.9.10 Example 9.10 – Determination of Diaphragm Reinforcement: Building #2, SDC C, Collectors Required,Collector Width Wider than the Width of the Vertical Elements of the SFRS
Chapter 10
10.1 Overview
10.2 Design Criteria
10.3 Footings
10.3.1 Overview
10.3.2 Determining the Base Area of a Footing
Isolated Spread Footing
Combined Footings
10.3.3 Determining the Thickness of a Footing
Minimum Thickness Based on Flexural Requirements
Minimum Thickness Based on Shear Requirements
10.3.4 Determining the Flexural Reinforcement
10.3.5 Detailing the Flexural Reinforcement
10.3.6 Development of Flexural Reinforcement
10.3.7 Force Transfer at the Base of Supported Members
Vertical Transfer – Compression
Vertical Transfer – Tension
Horizontal Transfer
10.3.8 Design Procedure
10.4 Drilled Piers
10.4.1 Overview
10.4.2 Design Methods
Allowable Axial Strength
Strength Design
10.4.3 Determining the Pier Size
Allowable Axial Strength
Strength Design
10.4.4 Determining the Bell Diameter
10.4.5 Reinforcement Details
10.5 Examples
10.5.1 Example 10.1 – Design of a Wall Footing Subjected to Axial Compression: Building #2
10.5.2 Example 10.2 – Design of a Square Isolated Spread Footing Subjected to Axial Compression:Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A
10.5.3 Example 10.3 – Design of a Rectangular Isolated Spread Footing Subjected to Axial Compression:Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A
10.5.4 Example 10.4 – Design of a Square Isolated Spread Footing Subjected to Axial Compression andFlexure: Building #1 (Framing Option C), SDC A
10.5.5 Example 10.5 – Design of a Square Isolated Spread Footing Subjected to Axial Compression andFlexure: Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A
10.5.6 Example 10.6 – Design of a Combined Rectangular Spread Footing Subjected to Axial Compression:Building #1 (Framing Option B), SDC A
10.5.7 Example 10.7 – Design of a Drilled Pier Subjected to Axial Compression: Building #1 (FramingOption B), SDC A
Chapter 11
Beam-Column and Slab-Column Joints
11.1 Overview
11.2 Design Criteria
11.3 Detailing of Joints
11.3.1 Beam-Column Joint Transverse Reinforcement
11.3.2 Slab-Column Joint Transverse Reinforcement
11.3.3 Longitudinal Reinforcement
11.4 Strength Requirements for Beam-Column Joints
11.4.1 Required Shear Strength
Joints in Moment Frames Subjected to Gravity Loads Only
Joints in Moment Frames Subjected to Gravity and Lateral Loads
11.4.2 Design Shear Strength
11.5 Transfer of Column Axial Force Through the Floor System
11.6 Examples
11.6.1 Example 11.1 – Check of Joint Shear Strength, Edge Column is Not Part of the LFRS: Building #1(Framing Option C), SDC A
11.6.2 Example 11.2 – Check of Joint Shear Strength, Edge Column is Part of the LFRS: Building #1(Framing Option C), SDC A
11.6.3 Example 11.3 – Check of Joint Shear Strength, Corner Column is Part of the LFRS: Building #1(Framing Option B), SDC A
11.6.4 Example 11.4 – Check of Joint Shear Strength, Edge Column is Part of the SFRS: Building #1(Framing Option B), SDC B
11.6.5 Example 11.5 – Adequacy of Transfer of Column Axial Force, Interior Column: Building #1 (FramingOption B), SDC A
Chapter 12
Earthquake-Resistant Structures – Overview
12.1 Overview
12.2 Seismic Design Category
12.3 Design and Detailing Requirements
12.4 Structural Systems
12.4.1 Overview
12.4.2 Bearing Wall Systems
SDC D, E, or F
12.4.3 Building Frame Systems
SDC D, E, or F
12.4.4 Moment-Resisting Frame Systems
SDC D, E, or F
12.4.5 Dual Systems
SDC D, E, or F
12.4.6 Shear Wall-Frame Interactive Systems
Chapter 13
Earthquake-Resistant Structures – SDC B and C
13.1 Overview
13.2 Ordinary Moment Frames (SDC B)
13.2.1 Overview
13.2.2 Beams
13.2.3 Columns
13.2.4 Beam-Column Joints
13.3 Intermediate Moment Frames (SDC C)
13.3.1 Overview
13.3.2 Beams
Flexural Strength Requirements
Shear Strength Requirements
13.3.3 Columns
Shear Strength Requirements
Columns Supporting Reactions from Discontinuous Stiff Members
13.3.4 Joints
Beam-Column Joints
Slab-Column Joints
Shear Strength Requirements for Beam-Column Joints
13.3.5 Two-way Slabs Without Beams
Analysis Methods
Required Flexural Reinforcement
Detailing the Flexural Reinforcement
Shear Strength Requirements
13.4 Foundations
13.5 Examples
13.5.1 Example 13.1 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option B),Beam is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
13.5.2 Example 13.2 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option B),Beam is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
13.5.3 Example 13.3 – Determination of Torsion Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option B),Beam is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
13.5.4 Example 13.4 – Design for Combined Flexure, Shear, and Torsion: Beam in Building #1 (FramingOption B), Beam is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
13.5.5 Example 13.5 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Column in Building #1 (FramingOption B), Column is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
13.5.6 Example 13.6 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Column in Building #1 (FramingOption B), Column is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
13.5.7 Example 13.7 – Determination of Lap Splice Length: Column in Building #1 (Framing Option B),Column is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
13.5.8 Example 13.8 – Check of Joint Shear Strength: Column in Building #1 (Framing Option B), Columnis Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
13.5.9 Example 13.9 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Two-way Slab in Building #1 (FramingOption A), Two-way Slab is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
13.5.10 Example 13.10 – Check of Two-way Shear Strength Requirements: Two-way Slab in Building #1(Framing Option A), Two-way Slab is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
13.5.11 Example 13.11 – Design of Foundation Seismic Tie: Column in Building #1 (Framing Option B),Column is Part of the SFRS (Intermediate Moment Frame), SDC C
Chapter 14
Earthquake-Resistant Structures – SDC D, E and F
14.1 Overview
14.2 Beams of Special Moment Frames
14.2.1 Overview
14.2.2 Dimensional Limits
14.2.3 Longitudinal Reinforcement
Determining the Required Flexural Reinforcement
Detailing the Flexural Reinforcement
14.2.4 Transverse Reinforcement
Determining the Required Transverse Reinforcement
Detailing the Transverse Reinforcement
14.3 Columns of Special Moment Frames
14.3.1 Overview
14.3.2 Dimensional Limits
14.3.3 Minimum Flexural Strength of Columns
14.3.4 Longitudinal Reinforcement
Determining the Required Longitudinal Reinforcement
Detailing the Longitudinal Reinforcement
14.3.5 Transverse Reinforcement
Determining the Required Transverse Reinforcement
Detailing the Transverse Reinforcement
14.4 Joints of Special Moment Frames
14.4.1 Overview
14.4.2 Transverse Reinforcement
14.4.3 Shear Strength
14.4.4 Development Length of Bars in Tension
14.5 Special Structural Walls
14.5.1 Overview
14.5.2 Reinforcement
Minimum Reinforcement Requirements
Tension Development and Splice Requirements
14.5.3 Design Shear Force
14.5.4 Shear Strength
14.5.5 Design for Flexure and Axial Force
14.5.6 Boundary Elements of Special Structural Walls
Displacement-Based Approach (ACI
Compressive Stress Approach (ACI
Design and Detailing Requirements for Special Boundary Elements
Design and Detailing Requirements Where Special Boundary Elements Are Not Required
Summary of Boundary Element Requirements for Special Structural Walls
14.5.7 Coupling Beams
Design and Detailing Requirements
14.5.8 Wall Piers
14.5.9 Ductile Coupled Structural Walls
14.5.10 Construction Joints
14.5.11 Discontinuous Walls
14.6 Diaphragms
14.6.1 Overview
14.6.2 Minimum Thickness
14.6.3 Reinforcement
Minimum Reinforcement
Development and Splices
14.6.4 Flexural Strength
14.6.5 Shear Strength
14.6.6 Construction Joints
14.7 Foundations
14.7.1 Overview
14.7.2 Footings, Foundation Mats, and Pile Caps
14.7.3 Grade Beams and Slabs-on-ground
14.7.4 Foundation Seismic Ties
Design and Detailing Requirements
14.7.5 Deep Foundations
14.8 Members Not Designated as Part of the SFRS
14.8.1 Overview
14.8.2 Beams
14.8.3 Columns
14.8.4 Joints
14.8.5 Slab-Column Connections
14.8.6 Wall Piers
14.9 Examples
14.9.1 Example 14.1 – Determination of Flexural Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C),Beam is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), SDC D
14.9.2 Example 14.2 – Determination of Shear Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1 (Framing Option C),Beam is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), SDC D
14.9.3 Example 14.3 – Determination of Cutoff Points of Flexural Reinforcement: Beam in Building #1(Framing Option C), Beam is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), SDC D
14.9.4 Example 14.4 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Interior Column in Building #1(Framing Option C), Column is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), SDC D
14.9.5 Example 14.5 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Interior Column in Building #1 (FramingOption C), Column is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), SDC D
14.9.6 Example 14.6 – Check of Joint Shear Strength: Interior Column in Building #1 (Framing Option C),Column is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), SDC D
14.9.7 Example 14.7 – Determination of Longitudinal Reinforcement: Corner Column in Building #1(Framing Option C), Column is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), SDC D
14.9.8 Example 14.8 – Determination of Transverse Reinforcement: Corner Column in Building #1 (FramingOption C), Column is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), SDC D
14.9.9 Example 14.9 – Check of Joint Shear Strength: Corner Column in Building #1 (Framing Option C),Column is Part of the SFRS (Special Moment Frame), SDC D
14.9.10 Example 14.10 – Design of Special Structural Wall: Building #3, Wall is Part of the SFRS (BuildingFrame System), SDC D, Displacement-Based Approach
14.9.11 Example 14.11 – Design of Special Structural Wall: Building #4, Wall is Part of the SFRS (DualSystem), SDC D, Compressive Stress Approach
14.9.12 Example 14.12 – Design of a Coupling Beam (Dual System): Building #4, SDC D
14.9.13 Example 14.13 – Determination of Diaphragm Reinforcement: Building #4, SDC D
14.9.14 Example 14.14 – Design of Foundation Seismic Tie: Building #1 (Framing Option C), SDC D
14.9.15 Example 14.15 – Determination of Required Reinforcement: Beam in Building #4, Beam is Not Partof the SFRS, SDC D
14.9.16 Example 14.16 – Determination of Required Reinforcement: Column in Building #4, Column is NotPart of the SFRS, SDC D
14.9.17 Example 14.17 – Check of Slab-Column Connection: Column in Building #3, Column is Not Part ofthe SFRS, SDC D
Appendix A
Appendix B
Reinforcing Bar Data
Table B.1 ASTM Standard Reinforcing Bars
Table B.2 Overall Reinforcing Bar Diameters
Appendix C
Section Index