توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
هموستات و دسموپرسین: مکانیسمهای مولکولی پاسخهای سلولی به DDAVP. S. هاشمی و همکارانفارماکولوژی وفارماکودینامیک دسموپرسین:سمومیت دسموپرسین و پپتیدهای مرتبط. L.B. کینتر و همکاراندسموپرسین در بیماری کلیوی:کنترل خونریزی در بیماران اورمیک. Y. سلطان.دسموپرسین و پلاکت:دسموپرسین در درمان نقایص مادرزادی و اکتسابی عملکرد پلاکت; م. Cattaneo، P.M. Mannucci.Desmopressin وSurgery:Desmopressin, von Willenbrand Factor, and Surgery; M.Weinstein.Desmopressin و اهدای خون: اثرات دسموپرسین بر اهداکنندگان عادی در اهدای تبادل پلاسما. R.J. Sassetti, B.C.McLeod.کاربردهای بالینی دسموپرسین در هموفیلی و بیماری فونWillenbrand:دسموپرسین داخل وریدی و زیر جلدی; M.Kohler, G. Mariani.عوارض جانبی و واکنش های نامطلوب دسموپرسین:DDAVP و تاکی فیلاکسی در افراد سالم. V. ویسنته، و همکارانبازنویسی:بازنگری عمومی و جستجوی یک اجماع; پ.م. Mannucci, et al.33 مقاله اضافی. فهرست مطالب.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-x
Regulation of Haemostasis: The Role of Arginine Vasopressin....Pages 1-11
Von Willebrand Factor and P-Selectin Targeting to and Release from Endothelial Cell-Specific Storage Granules....Pages 13-25
Factor VIII in Monkeys, Effect of DDAVP Analogues....Pages 27-33
Possible Involvement of Serotonin in the Haemostatic Action of DDAVP in Patients with Uraemia....Pages 35-41
Molecular Mechanisms of Cellular Responses to DDAVP....Pages 43-56
Some Pharmacological Properties of Desmopressin....Pages 57-64
Pharmacokinetics of Desmopressin....Pages 65-71
Fall Off of Factor VIII Elicited by Desmopressin Administration in Hemophiliacs and von Willebrand’s Disease Patients....Pages 73-77
Toxicity of Desmopressin and Related Peptides....Pages 79-87
The Hemodynamic and Coagulant Effects of DDAVP Are Specific Extrarenal V 2 - Receptor Responses....Pages 89-100
The Vasopressin Antagonist Sk&F 105494 Inhibits Desmopressin-Stimulated Clotting Factor Release in Vivo....Pages 101-108
Non-Responsiveness of T-Pa, U-Pa and VWF to DDAVP....Pages 109-118
Control of Bleeding in Uremic Patients....Pages 119-126
Hemostatic Effectiveness of Desmopressin in the Bleeding Disorders of Uremia....Pages 127-133
Renal Function and Thromboembolism in High Dose Desmopressin Treatment....Pages 135-145
DDAVP Corrects the Platelet Dysfunction Produced by Cardiopulmonary by-Pass, Hemodialysis, and Prolonged Storage: Re-Expression of Glycoprotein Ib on the Platelet Membrane....Pages 147-154
Desmopressin in the Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Defects of Platelet Functions....Pages 155-160
The Effectiveness of Desmopressin in Patients with Disorders of Primary Haemostasis....Pages 161-167
Clinical Efficacy of Desmopressin and Consistency of Responses to Separate Infusion in Patients with Prolonged Bleeding time Due to Congenital Platelet Defect....Pages 169-175
Desmopressin, Von Willebrand Factor and Surgery....Pages 177-189
Desmopressin in Cardiac Surgery with Extra-Corporeal Circulation....Pages 191-202
Desmopressin Corrects the Hemostatic Disorder Induced by Dextran and Regional Anesthesia in Total Hip Replacement....Pages 203-211
Effects of Desmopressin on Normal Donors in Plasma Exchange Donations....Pages 213-225
The Use of Ddavp in Blood Donors to Increase The Yield of Factor VIII in the Preparation of Factor VIII Concentrates....Pages 227-232
Epidemiology of Mild and Moderate Hemophilia a and Von Willebrand’s Disease....Pages 233-238
An Overview of Gene Alterations in Mild Hemophilia and Von Willebrand Disease....Pages 239-247
DDAVP — Clinical Use and Therapeutic Limitations in Patients with Congenital Bleeding Disorders: The Auckland Experience....Pages 249-260
Multicenter Evaluation of a New Concentrated Desmopressin Preparation (Emosint) Administered Intravenously or Subcutaneously: Analysis of Biological Responses and Side-Effects in 49 Patients with Hemophilia a and Von Willebrand’s Disease....Pages 261-266
Management of Spontaneous Bleeding and Prevention of Bleeding After Dental Extractions and Other Surgical Procedures in Mild Hemophilia a and Von Willebrand’s Disease: Ten Years of Experience at the Vicenza Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center....Pages 267-275
Multicenter Italian Study on Subcutaneous Concentrated Desmopressin (Emosint) for the in-Hospital and Home Treatment of Patients with von Willebrand Disease and Mild or Moderate Hemophilia A: Outline of the Project....Pages 277-281
Desmopressin: An Overview of Present and Future Indications with a Review Of Investigations Performed at the University Of Manitoba 1981-1989....Pages 283-295
Desmopressin in Acquired Hemophilia....Pages 297-300
Intravenous and Subcutaneous Desmopressin: Clinical Results....Pages 301-307
Intranasal Application of DDAVP — Biological Function, Pharmacokinetics and Reproducibility....Pages 309-316
Use of a Highly Concentrated Intranasal Spray Formulation of Desmopressin in Persons with Congenital Bleeding Disorders....Pages 317-324
Nasal Spray Desmopressin: Laboratory and Clinical Implications....Pages 325-332
DDAVP and Tachyphylaxis in Healthy Subjects....Pages 333-340
Biological Responses to Repeated Doses of Desmopressin (DDAVP) in Patients with Hemophilia and Von Wille Brand’s Disease....Pages 341-345
Myocardial Infarction and Stroke-is the Risk Increased by Desmopressin?....Pages 347-353
DDAVP in the Management of Congenital and Acquired Bleeding Disorders: Solved and Unsolved Issues....Pages 355-358
Back Matter....Pages 359-361
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Hemostatis and Desmopressin: Molecular Mechanisms of Cellular Responses to DDAVP; S. Hashemi, et al.Pharmacology andPharmacodynamics of Desmopressin: Toxicity of Desmopressin and Related Peptides; L.B. Kinter, et al.Desmopressin in Renal Disease: Control of Bleeding in Uremic Patients; Y. Sultan.Desmopressin and Platelets: Desmopressin in the Treatment of Congenital and Acquired Defects of Platelet Function; M. Cattaneo, P.M. Mannucci.Desmopressin andSurgery: Desmopressin, von Willenbrand Factor, and Surgery; M.Weinstein.Desmopressin and Blood Donation: Effects of Desmopressin on Normal Donors in Plasma Exchange Donations; R.J. Sassetti, B.C.McLeod.Clinical Applications of Desmopressin in Hemophilia and vonWillenbrand's Disease: Intravenous and Subcutaneous Desmopressin; M.Kohler, G. Mariani.SideEffects and Adverse Reactions of Desmopressin: DDAVP and Tachyphylaxis in Healthy Subjects; V. Vicente, et al.Recapitulation: General Recapitulation and Search for a Consensus; P.M. Mannucci, et al. 33 additional articles. Index.