توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
از هر پنج نفر یک نفر در سراسر جهان با وجود رونق اقتصادی یا رشد سریع در بسیاری از نقاط جهان، هنوز با کمتر از 1 روز در روز زندگی می کند. تعهد به نصف کاهش فقر جهانی که در اهداف توسعه بین المللی گنجانده شده است، اکنون اولویت مشترک همکاری های توسعه بین المللی و موضوع راهنمای گزارش همکاری توسعه امسال است. گزارش امسال پیشرفتهای اخیر را در جهت اهداف، روندهای مالی توسعه، و تلاشها و سیاستهای اهداکنندگان کمک بررسی میکند. تمرکز ویژه بر دو اقدام سیاستی با پتانسیل قوی برای کاهش فقر است: سرمایه گذاری. بیشتر بخوانید... div>
فهرست مطالب :
""Table of Contents""
""List of Tables""
""Table III-1. Total net resource flows from DAC Member countries and multilateral agencies to aid recipients""
""Table III-2. Debt: All aid recipients""
""Table IV-1. Net Official Development Assistance from DAC Members in 1998 and 1999""
""Table V-1. DAC statistical definition of “aid to health�""
""Table V-2. Aid to health 1990-98: Annual average commitment and share in total aid""
""Table V-3. Main recipients of aid to health, 1990-98"" ""Table V-4. Top Ten recipients of aid to health in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean...""""Table V-5. Other Official Flows to health 1990-98: Annual average commitments""
""Table V-A1. DAC Members' bilateral ODA to basic social services, 1997-98, two-year average""
""Table V-A2. DAC Members� bilateral and multilateral ODA to basic social services, 1997-98, two-year average""
""List of Charts""
""Chart II-1. Poverty reduction: Progress in some regions � delays and setbacks in others""
""Chart II-2. Rising enrolment � but too many children out of school"" ""Chart II-3. Enrolment gap between girls and boys � narrowing but still unacceptably wide""""Chart II-4. The outlook for children � improving, but too slowly""
""Chart II-5. Skilled care at birth still not available in many places""
""Chart II-6. Contraceptive prevalence rising in all regions""
""Chart II-7. Little progress in improving water supplies""
""Chart II-8. Energy efficiency generally improves with economic growth... but greenhouse gases...""
""Chart II-9. More countries are becoming democratic"" ""Chart II-10. Crossing the digital divide is essential for being competitive""""Chart II-11. The growing importance of trade""
""Chart II-12. Aid, on the decline in the 1990s, needs a major boost, especially for the poorest...""
""Chart IV-1. Net ODA from DAC Members in 1999""
""Chart IV-2. GNP per capita of selected DAC Members""
""Chart IV-3. ODA per capita of selected DAC Members""
""Chart V-1. Aid to health, 1973-98: 5-year moving average""
""Chart V-2. ODA/GNP ratio, 1990-98""
""Chart V-3. Aid to health as a share of total ODA, 1973-98: 5-year moving average"" ""Chart V-4. Sub-sectoral breakdown of aid to health, 1990-98""""Chart V-5. Aid to health, 1990-98, in constant (1997) prices""
""Chart V-6. Aid to health, 1990-98, by region""
""Chart V-7. Aid to health, 1990-98, by income group""
""List of Boxes""
""Box I-1. Basic education to reduce poverty: The Dakar Framework for Action""
""Box I-2. Development Partnership Forum 2000""
""Annex I Box: DAC Guidelines on Poverty Reduction � Preview""
""Annex I Box: Gender mainstreaming in the DAC""
""Annex I Box: Biennial review of DAC subsidiary bodies""
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
One person in five across the globe still lives on less than 1 a day despite the economic boom or rapid growth in many parts of the world. The commitment to halve world poverty, embodied in the international development goals, is now the shared priority of international development co-operation, and the guiding theme of this year's Development Co-operation Report. This year's Report reviews recent progress towards the goals, trends in development finance, and the efforts and policies of aid donors. There is a special focus on two policy measures with a strong potential to reduce poverty: inve. Read more...