فهرست مطالب :
Content: Preface ix Introduction xi GEOPOLYMERS AND CHEMICALLY BONDED CERAMICS Importance of Metakaolin Impurities for Geopolymer Based Synthesis 3 A. Autef, E. Joussein, G. Gasgnier, and S. Rossignol Mechanical Strength Development of Geopolymer Binder and the Effect of Quartz Content 13 C. H. Riischer, A. Schulz, M. H. Gougazeh, and A. Ritzmann The Role of Si02 and Al203 on the Properties of Geopolymers with and without Calcium 25 P. De Silva, S. Hanjitsuwan, and P. Chindaprasirt Synthesis of Thermostable Geopolymer-Type Material from Waste Glass 37 Qin Li, Zengqing Sun, Dejing Tao, Hao Cui, and Jianping Zhai The Effect of Curing Conditions on Compression Strength and Porosity of Metakaolin-Based Geopolymers 49 Bing Cai, Torbjorn Mellgren, Susanne Bredenberg, and Hakan Engqvist Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics Subject to Temperatures Up to 1000degree C 57 H. A. Colorado, C. Hiel, and J. M. Yang Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer Composite Reinforced by Organic or Inorganic Additives 67 E. Prud'homme, P. Michaud, S. Rossignol, and E. Joussein Evaluation of Geopolymer Concretes at Elevated Temperature 79 Kunal Kupwade-Patil, Md. Sufian Badar, Milap Dhakal, and Erez N. Allouche Basic Research on Geopolymer Gels for Production of Green Binders and Hydrogen Storage 97 C. H. Ruscher, L. Schomborg, A. Schulz, and J. C. Buhl Mechanical Characteristics of Cotton Fibre Reinforced Geopolymer Composites 115 T. Alomayri and I.M. Low Green Composite: Sodium-Based Geopolymer Reinforced with Chemically Extracted Com Husk Fibers 123 Sean S. Musil, P. F. Keane, and W. M. Kriven Optimization and Characterization of Geopolymer Mortars using Response Surface Methodology 135 Milap Dhakal, Kunal Kupwade-Patil, Erez N. Allouche, Charles Conner, la Baume Johnson, and Kyungmin Ham Evaluation of Graphitic Foam in Thermal Energy Storage Applications 151 Peter G. Stansberry and Edwin Pancost THERMAL MANAGEMENT MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES Q-State Monte Carlo Simulations of Anisotropic Grain Growth in Single Phase Materials 159 J. B. Allen, C. F. Comwell, B. D. Devine, and C. R. Welch VIRTUAL MATERIALS (COMPUTATIONAL) DESIGN AND CERAMIC GENOME Numerical Calculations of Dynamic Behavior of a Rotating Ceramic Composite with a Self-Healing Fluid 173 Louiza Benazzouk, Eric Arquis, Nathalie Bertrand, Cedric Descamps, and Marc Valat Explicit Modeling of Crack Initiation and Propagation in the Microstructure of a Ceramic Material Generated with Voronoi Tessellation 185 S. Falco, N. A. Yahya, R. I. Todd, and N. Petrinic Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation of Cation Diffusion in Low-K Ceramics 197 Brian Good Effective Thermoelastic Properties of C/C Composites Calculated using 3D Unit Cell Presentation of the Microstructure 213 Galyna Stasiuk, Romana Piat, Vinit V. Deshpande, and Puneet Mahajan Inelastic Design of MMCS with Lamellar Microstructure 221 Yuriy Sinchuk and Romana Piat Multi-Scale Modeling of Textile Reinforced Ceramic Composites 233 J. Vorel, S. Urbanova, E. Grippon, I. Jandejsek, M. Marsalkova, M. Sejnoha Numerical Estimation of the Infiltrability of Woven CMC Preforms 247 G. L. Vignoles, W. Ros, and C. Germain Multiscale Extraction of Morphological Features in Woven CMCs 253 C. Chapoullie, C. Germain, J-P. Da Costa, G. L. Vignoles, and M. Cataldi MATERIALS FOR EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS: ULTRAHIGH TEMPERATURE CERAMICS AND NANOLAMINATED TERNARY CARBIDES AND NITRIDES Influence of Precursors Stoichiometry on SHS Synthesis of Ti2AIC Powders 265 L. Chlubny, J. Lis, and M.M. Bucko XRD and TG-DSC Analysis of the Silicon Carbide-Palladium Reaction 273 M. Gentile, P.Xiao, and T. Abram Modelling Damage and Failure in Structural Ceramics at Ultra-High Temperatures 283 M. Pettina, F. Biglari, D. D. Jayaseelan, L. J. Vandeperre, P. Brown, A. Heaton, and K. Nikbin Influence of Precursor Zirconium Carbide Powders on the Properties of the Spark Plasma Sintered Ceramic Composite Materials 297 Nikolai Voltsihhin, Irina Hussainova, Simo-Pekka Hannula, and Mart Viljus SECOND ANNUAL GLOBAL YOUNG INVESTIGATOR FORUM Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Sr and La CO-Doped PZT Ceramics 311 Volkan Kalem and Muharrem Timucin Author Index 321