توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب تحقیقات بسیار مورد نیاز در مورد مسائل اخلاقی و سیاسی مربوط به معلولیت را ارائه میکند و به بررسی این موضوع میپردازد که چگونه تجربیات افراد دارای معلولیت میتواند منجر به بازنگری مواضع برجسته در مورد مسائل هنجاری شود. سیزده مقاله جدید موضوعاتی مانند مفهوم ناتوانی، شرایط عدالت، ماهیت استقلال، توزیع مراقبت های بهداشتی، و انتخاب های باروری را بررسی می کنند. مشارکت کنندگان نورمن دانیلز، الن دنیلز زید، لزلی پی فرانسیس، کریستی هارتلی، ریچارد هال، گای کاهان، اف.ام. کام، روزالیند مک دوگال، جف مک ماهان، داگلاس مکلین، سوزانا رز، آنیتا سیلورز، جولیان ساوولسکو، لورلا ترزی، دیوید واسرمن و جاناتان وولف.
فهرست مطالب :
Contents......Page 8
Abbreviations......Page 13
Notes on Contributors......Page 14
Introduction......Page 16
1 The Welfarist Account of Disability......Page 29
1.1. The Everyday Concept......Page 32
1.2. The Species Norm Account......Page 33
1.3. 'Germans' and 'Krauts'......Page 35
1.4. The Social Model Account......Page 36
1.5. The Welfarist Account......Page 38
1.6. The Relation of the Welfarist Account to the Everyday Concept of Disability......Page 46
1.7. The Relation of the Welfarist Account to the Social and Species-Norm Views......Page 48
1.8. Well-being, Social Arrangements, and the Social Model......Page 50
1.9. Objections to the Welfarist Account......Page 57
1.10. Well-being, Disability, and Ability......Page 60
1.11. The Welfarist Account at Work......Page 62
1.12. Conclusion......Page 67
2.1. Introduction......Page 69
2.2. Brain Injury, Impairment, and Adaptation: Two Cases......Page 72
2.3. Health State Evaluations and the Standard Story......Page 77
2.4. Implications for Conceptualizing Disability......Page 87
2.5. Implications for Advocacy......Page 95
References......Page 97
3.1. Introduction......Page 101
3.2. Human Diversity, Normality, and Difference in the Social Model of Disability......Page 104
3.3. A Capability Perspective on Impairment and Disability......Page 109
3.4. Justifying the Capability Perspective on Impairment and Disability......Page 119
References......Page 124
4 Disability among Equals......Page 127
4.1. Egalitarian Thought and Disability Policy......Page 129
4.2. The Good Society......Page 131
4.3. Creating Opportunities and Remedying Disadvantage......Page 138
4.4. The Nature of Disability......Page 140
4.5. Choice of Strategies of Reasons for Personal Enhancement......Page 142
4.6. Reasons for Status Enhancement......Page 145
4.7. Disability and Social Policy......Page 147
4.8. Anti-Discrimination......Page 149
4.9. Conclusion......Page 150
References......Page 151
5 An Inclusive Contractualism: Obligations to the Mentally Disabled......Page 153
5.1. The Exclusion of the Mentally Disabled......Page 155
5.2. The Nature of Contractualist Cooperation......Page 156
5.3. From Fair Cooperation to Membership in Society......Page 160
5.4. Cooperation and the Mentally Disabled......Page 162
5.5. Conclusion......Page 176
6 No Talent? Beyond the Worst Off! A Diverse Theory of Justice for Disability......Page 178
6.1. Outlying......Page 180
6.2. The Dilemma......Page 182
6.3. Three Strategies for Justice......Page 184
6.4. Justice for Talent......Page 207
6.5. Conclusion......Page 213
7 Understanding Autonomy in Light of Intellectual Disability......Page 215
7.1. Autonomy Attributes......Page 216
7.2. Autonomy as Descriptive and Normative, not Metaphysical......Page 218
7.3. Being a Subject of Justice......Page 223
7.4. Autonomy and Responsibility......Page 226
7.5. Summary......Page 229
8 Respect without Reason: Relating to Alzheimer's......Page 231
8.1. Patients with Mid-Stage Alzheimer's......Page 232
8.2. Relating to Alzheimer's Patients and Relating to Pets......Page 234
8.3. Identity and Advance Directives......Page 237
8.4. Autonomy and Critical Interests......Page 242
8.5. Autonomy and the Capacity to Value......Page 244
8.6. Valuing, Memory, and a Normative Conception of Oneself......Page 246
8.7. Respecting Human Beings......Page 250
9.1. The Radically Cognitively Limited......Page 255
9.2. Are Cognitively Limited Human Beings Disabled?......Page 257
9.3. Misfortune as a Matter of Species Membership......Page 264
9.4. Equality and Priority......Page 268
10 Disability, Discrimination, and Irrelevant Goods......Page 275
10.1. General Background to Fairness and Outcome......Page 277
10.2. QALYs and DALYs......Page 283
10.3. The Principle of Irrelevant Goods......Page 287
10.4. Larger Disabilities and the Principles of Irrelevant Goods and Treatment Aim......Page 290
10.5. More Grounds for not Ignoring Disabilities When Allocating Scarce Resources......Page 301
10.6. The Causative Principle......Page 306
10.7. Treatment Aim Principle Modified......Page 309
10.8. Intrapersonal Quality/Quantity Tradeoffs......Page 310
10.9. Problems for the Causative Principle......Page 313
10.10. The Principle of Irrelevant Identity......Page 316
10.11. Causal and Component Role of Identity in Relation to the Principle of Irrelevant Identity Once Again......Page 320
10.12. Views of Discrimination and a Decision Procedure......Page 324
10.13. Intransitivities......Page 328
10.14. The Supererogation Argument......Page 329
11 Ethical Constraints on Allowing or Causing the Existence of People with Disabilities......Page 334
11.1. The Ideal of Unconditional Welcome......Page 340
11.2. Allowing and Causing Impairment and the Ideal of Unconditional Welcome......Page 343
11.3. Justifying Unavoidable Impairments......Page 348
11.4. Tension between Unconditional Welcome and Justification......Page 354
11.5. An Additional Challenge for Justified Selectivity......Page 357
11.6. An Additional Challenge for Unconditional Welcome......Page 361
11.7. Conclusion......Page 363
12 Impairment, Flourishing, and the Moral Nature of Parenthood......Page 367
12.1. A Virtue-Based Approach to Reproductive Ethics......Page 369
12.2. A Case of Selecting for Impairment......Page 373
12.3. Two Understandings of the Characteristics Compatible with a Child's Flourishing......Page 376
12.4. Implications Beyond Selection for Impairment......Page 379
12.5. Conclusion......Page 382
13 Projected Disability and Parental Responsibilities......Page 384
B......Page 400
D......Page 401
E......Page 402
I......Page 403
M......Page 404
Q......Page 405
S......Page 406
W......Page 407
Z......Page 408
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book offers a much-needed investigation of moral and political issues concerning disability, and explores how the experiences of people with disabilities can lead to reconsideration of prominent positions on normative issues. Thirteen new essays examine such topics as the concept of disability, the conditions of justice, the nature of autonomy, healthcare distribution, and reproductive choices. The contributors are Norman Daniels, Ellen Daniels Zide, Leslie P. Francis, Christie Hartley, Richard Hull, Guy Kahane, F.M. Kamm, Rosalind McDougall, Jeff McMahan, Douglas MacLean, Susannah Rose, Anita Silvers, Julian Savulescu, Lorella Terzi, David Wasserman, and Jonathan Wolff.