توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این انتخاب نوشته ها از مهمترین لحظات تاریخ مسیحیت به عنوان یک کار مرجع کلاسیک تثبیت شده است و بینش هایی را در مورد 2000 سال بحث کلامی و سیاسی مسیحی ارائه می دهد.
کریس مونر ضمن حفظ مطالب اصلی انتخاب شده توسط هنری بتنسون ، بخش قابل توجهی از نوشته های اخیر را اضافه کرده است. اینها شورای دوم واتیکان را نشان می دهد. الهیات رهایی ؛ کلیسا و ایالت از "انگلیس تاچر" گرفته تا اروپای شرقی کمونیست ؛ الهیات سیاه ، فمینیستی و زیست محیطی ؛ اکومنیسم ؛ و گفتگوی بین فیث. تأکید بر مباحث اخلاقی در کلیساهای معاصر در انتخاب هایی که در مورد سؤالات مربوط به همجنسگرایی ، طلاق ، ایدز و لقاح در آزمایشات در مورد سایر موضوعات بحث می شود ، منعکس شده است.
این نسخه چهارم را گسترش داد ، گلچین را به روز می کند و بخش جدیدی را با نگاهی به موضوعاتی که کلیساهای قرن بیست و یکم با آن روبرو هستند ، به روز می کند. این شامل عصاره هایی است که پاسخ کلیساها به سؤالات مربوط به عدالت اجتماعی ، سیاست بین المللی ، تجارت و بدهی ، تغییر محیط زیست و توسعه تکنولوژیکی را بررسی می کند. مطالب جدید همچنین رشد جهانی مسیحیت ، پیشرفت وحدت مسیحی و مأموریت در جوامع چند ایمان و پست مدرن را در بر می گیرد.
فهرست مطالب :
Contents......Page 14
I. References to Christianity in Classical Authors......Page 26
II. Christianity and Ancient Learning......Page 30
III. Church and State......Page 32
I. The Apostles’ Creed......Page 50
II. The Nicene Creed......Page 52
I. The Tradition of the Elders......Page 54
II. The Evangelists and their Sources......Page 55
III. The Muratorian Canon......Page 56
II. Irenaeus......Page 57
IV. Dionysius, Bishop of Rome, 259–268, on the Trinity and the Incarnation......Page 59
V. Athanasius on the Atonement......Page 61
VI. The Atonement: the Transaction with the Devil......Page 62
VII. Heresies concerning the Person of Christ......Page 63
Section V: The Problem of the Relation of the Divinity and the Humanity in Christ......Page 73
I. Apollinarianism......Page 74
II. Nestorianism......Page 75
III. Eutychianism......Page 77
I. The Teaching of Pelagius......Page 82
II. Teaching ascribed to Pelagius and Coelestius......Page 83
III. The Doctrine of Augustine......Page 84
IV. The Council of Carthage, 417. Canons on Sin and Grace......Page 89
V. The Synod of Arles, c.473. ‘Semi-Pelagianism’......Page 90
VI. The Council of Orange, 529. Reaction from ‘Semi-Pelagianism’......Page 91
I. The Christian Ministry at the End of the First Century......Page 93
III. A Church Order of the Second Century......Page 94
IV. Christian Worship in the Second Century......Page 97
V. Apostolical Succession......Page 99
VI. Eucharistic Doctrine......Page 106
VII. Two Heresies on the Nature of the Church and the Ministry......Page 109
I. The Claims of Rome, 341......Page 111
II. Appeals to the Roman See......Page 112
V. Papal Authority defied by the African Bishops......Page 113
VI. The African Bishops on Appeals to Rome......Page 114
VII. Rome and Constantinople......Page 115
Section IX: Doctrine and Development. The Vincentian Canon......Page 116
Section X: Christian Inscriptions......Page 118
I. The Eastern and Western Churches......Page 122
II. The Breach between East and West, 1054......Page 130
I. Charlemagne and Education, 789......Page 131
II. ‘The Donation of Constantine’, Eighth Century......Page 132
III. Church and State......Page 135
IV. The End of the Struggle over Investiture......Page 146
V. The Pope and Imperial Elections......Page 148
VI. The Bull ‘Clericis Laicos’, 1296......Page 149
VII. The Bull ‘Unam Sanctam’, 1302......Page 151
I. The Rule of S. Benedict......Page 152
II. The Rule of S. Francis......Page 166
I. The Episcopal Inquisition and the Secular Arm......Page 171
II. The Justification of the Inquisition......Page 172
I. The Decree of the Council of Constance, ‘Sacrosancta’......Page 174
II. The Bull ‘Execrabilis’ of Pius II......Page 175
I. S. Anselm’s ‘Ontological Proof’ of God’s Existence......Page 176
II. S. Anselm on the Atonement......Page 177
III. S. Thomas Aquinas, 1225–1274......Page 179
I. Gregory the Great and the Church of England......Page 192
II. The First National Synod of English Clergy The Council of Hertford, 673......Page 194
III. William the Conqueror and the Church......Page 196
IV. Henry and Anselm......Page 197
V. The Constitutions of Clarendon, 1164......Page 199
VI. The Pope’s Interdict on England, 1208......Page 203
VII. John’s Concession of the Kingdom to the Pope, 1213......Page 204
VIII. John Ecclesiastical Charter, 1214......Page 206
X. Statutes of Provisors and Praemunire......Page 208
XI. Wycliffe and the Lollards......Page 216
I. The Lutheran Reformation......Page 227
II. Calvinism......Page 261
III. The Peace of Augsburg, 1555......Page 263
IV. The Edict of Nantes, 1598......Page 264
V. The Peace of Westphalia, 1648......Page 265
I. The Reformation under Henry VIII......Page 266
II. The Elizabethan Settlement......Page 285
I. The Jesuits......Page 297
II. The Council of Trent, 1545–1563......Page 300
III. The Tridentine Profession of Faith, 1564......Page 306
IV. Arminianism. The Five Articles of the Remonstrants......Page 307
V. Jansenism. The ‘Five Propositions’, 1653......Page 309
VI. The Gallican Declaration, 1682......Page 310
VII. The Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, 1854......Page 311
VIII. The Syllabus of Errors, 1864......Page 312
IX. The Doctrine of Papal Infallibility, 1870......Page 313
X. Pope Leo XIII on Anglican Orders, 1896......Page 314
XI. The Roman Catholic Church and Social Problems......Page 315
XII. The Doctrine of the Assumption. Munificentissimus Deus, 1950......Page 322
I. Anglicanism of the Seventeenth Century......Page 323
II. James I and the Puritans......Page 336
III. The Solemn League and Covenant, 1643......Page 341
IV. Presbyterianism. The Westminster Confession of Faith, 1643......Page 344
V. Baptist Confessions of Faith......Page 348
VI. Selections from the Agreement of the People, 1649......Page 350
VII. Selections from the Instrument of Government, 1653......Page 351
VIII. ‘The Humble Petition and Advice’, 1657......Page 352
IX. The Independents (Congregationalism). The Savoy Declaration of Faith and Order, 1658......Page 354
X. The Clarendon Code......Page 356
XI. The Test Act, 1673......Page 361
XII. The Quakers......Page 362
XIII. The Declaration of Indulgence, 1688......Page 367
I. The Deistic Controversy of the Eighteenth Century......Page 370
II. The Organization of the Methodists......Page 374
III. John Keble’s Assize Sermon, 1833......Page 376
IV. Tract XC. Remarks on Certain Passages in the Thirty-Nine Articles, London, 1841......Page 379
I. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy......Page 384
II. Dogmatic Constitution on the Church......Page 385
IV. Decree on Ecumenism......Page 388
V. Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions......Page 389
VI. Declaration on Religious Liberty......Page 390
VII. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World......Page 391
I. The Call for Peace......Page 394
II. Resistance in Nazi Germany......Page 397
III. Black Theology in the 1960s......Page 400
IV. The Origins of Liberation Theology......Page 404
V. Liberation Theology and the Vatican......Page 410
VI. The Ordination of Women......Page 415
VII. Feminist Theology......Page 416
VIII. Ecotheology......Page 420
IX. South Africa and Third World Solidarity......Page 422
X. Faith, Society, and the Economy......Page 425
XI. The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe......Page 428
I. Jewish–Christian Relations......Page 429
II. Muslim–Christian Relations. Christian–Muslim Conversations,WCC, 1969......Page 432
III. The Parliament of the World’s Religions. Declaration Toward a Global Ethic, 1993......Page 433
IV. Christianity and the New Age Movement. Methodist Conference Report, 1994......Page 435
I. Ecumenism and Anglicanism......Page 436
II. Christian Unity in the British Isles......Page 443
III. Taizé and Reconciliation. Brother Roger, No Greater Love, 1990......Page 446
IV. The Church of South India. Basis of Union, 1946......Page 448
V. The World Council of Churches......Page 451
VI. Ecumenism in the USA. Consultation on Church Union, 1964......Page 453
VII. Ecumenism and Roman Catholicism......Page 454
VIII. Lima Report: Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry......Page 457
IX. Lutheran–Reformed Relations. Towards Church Fellowship, 1989......Page 460
I. Sexuality......Page 461
II. Marriage and Divorce......Page 465
III. Contraception......Page 467
IV. The Embryo—Abortion and Bioethics......Page 469
V. AIDS.WCC, Facing AIDS, 1997......Page 473
VI. Moral Controversy within Roman Catholicism. John Paul II, Veritatis Splendor, 1993......Page 475
Appendix. A List of Councils......Page 477
Bibliography......Page 478
Acknowledgements......Page 481
B......Page 484
F......Page 485
L......Page 486
R......Page 487
Z......Page 488
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This selection of writings from the most important moments in the history of Christianity has become established as a classic reference work, providing insights into 2000 years of Christian theological and political debate.
While retaining the original material selected by Henry Bettenson, Chris Maunder has added a substantial section of more recent writings. These illustrate the Second Vatican Council; the theologies of liberation; Church and State from 'Thatcher's Britain' to Communist Eastern Europe; Black, feminist, and ecological theology; ecumenism; and inter-faith dialogue. The emphasis on moral debate in the contemporary churches is reflected in selections discussing questions about homosexuality, divorce, AIDS, and in-vitro fertilization, amongst other issues.
This further expanded fourth edition brings the anthology up-to-date with a new section looking at issues facing the twenty-first century churches. This includes extracts exploring the churches' responses to questions of social justice, international politics, trade and debt, environmental change, and technological development. New material also covers the global growth of Christianity, the progress of Christian unity, and mission in multi-faith and postmodern societies.