فهرست مطالب :
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Summaries (English/French/German/Spanish)
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1: Background to the project
1.2: Geology, topography and land use
Chapter 2: Documentary and Archaeological Background
2.1: Documentary, archaeological and landscape evidence (by Dr Nick Corcos, 2013)
2.2: The placename Eckweek (by Dr Michael Costen)
2.3: Eckweek in Domesday Book (by Dr Frank Thorn)
Chapter 3: Surveys
3.1: Preliminary surveys
3.2: Geophysical survey (by Andrew Payne of Historic England, 1989, updated 2015)
Chapter 4: Excavations
4.1: Excavation areas and methodologies
4.2: Summary of structural phasing
4.3: The excavated evidence
4.4: Watching brief
Chapter 5: Artefacts and Environmental Evidence
5.1: Prehistoric ceramics – pottery, briquetage and a bronze-working crucible (by Dr Elaine Morris, 1992, updated 2015)
5.2: Romano-British pottery (by Dr Jane Timby, 2015)
5.3: The late Saxon, Saxo-Norman, medieval and post-medieval pottery (by Andrew Young and Alexander Kidd, 1990–1991, updated 2015)
5.3.1 The petrology of medieval pottery (by D F Williams PhD FSA – Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton, 1991)
5.4: Coins (by Sarah Newns, 2015)
5.5: Iron and lead objects (by Ann Thompson, 1991)
5.6: Copper alloy objects (by Sarah Newns, 2015)
5.7: Flint (by Vince Russett, 1991)
5.8: Worked stone objects (by Alexander Kidd and Andrew Young, 1991)
5.8.1 The petrology of medieval whetstones of sandstone from Eckweek (by Professor Gilbert Kelling – Department of Geology, University of Keele, 1991)
5.9: Clay tobacco pipe (by Sarah Newns, 2014)
5.10: The composition of a group of later medieval copper alloy ‘ingots’ and other objects (by Nigel Blades, 1991)
5.11: Worked bone objects (by Sarah Newns, 2015)
5.12: The jet bead SF627 (by Sarah Newns, 2015)
5.13: Faunal remains (by Dr Simon Davis, 1992, updated 2015)
5.14: Charred plant remains (by Wendy Carruthers, 1995, updated 2015)
5.15: Molluscs (by Dr Matthew Law, 2014)
Chapter 6: Independent Dating
6.1: Radiocarbon dating (Queens University Belfast, 1991, reviewed and updated by Dr Peter Marshall, 2015)
6.2: Comment on the 1991 radiocarbon dates (by Andrew Young, 1991, revised 2015)
Chapter 7: Reconstructing Late Saxon and Medieval Eckweek (2015)
7.1: The medieval buildings and structures
7.2: Artefacts: the character and distribution of Late Saxon and medieval finds
7.3: Artefactual evidence for settlement development – continuity and change
7.4: Artefacts and ecofacts – general conclusions
7.5: The agricultural and domestic economy
Chapter 8: Synthesis
8.1: Prehistoric activity
8.2: Late Saxon and medieval settlement