توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
خدمات اکوسیستم: مسائل جهانی، اقدامات محلی ورودی های علمی، ملاحظات اقتصادی-اجتماعی، و مسائل حاکمیتی در مورد خدمات اکوسیستم را پوشش می دهد. این کتاب بازتابهای فرا رشتهای را توسط مدیران و نمایندگان بخش درگیر در جامعه خدمات اکوسیستم ارائه میکند. خدمات اکوسیستم رویکردهای مشترک و روش های علمی را برای دستیابی به برنامه ریزی و مدیریت پایدار مبتنی بر دانش خدمات اکوسیستمی توسعه می دهد.
حرفهایانی که در اجرای خدمات اکوسیستم فعالیت میکنند دو گزینه دارند: تأکید بر پیچیدگی اکولوژیکی و اقتصادی-اجتماعی و پیشرفت در زمینه تئوری و انتزاعی، یا تلاش برای توسعه تحقیقاتی که مرتبط با سیاست و در یک محیط نامشخص است. این کتاب نمای کلی گستردهای از مسائل در خطر را ارائه میکند، که برای هر حرفهای که مایل به ایجاد دیدگاه گستردهتری در مورد علم و عمل خدمات اکوسیستم است، مورد علاقه است.
- محدوده وسیعی از موضوعات مرتبط را برای ایجاد درک مشترک در جامعه خدمات اکوسیستم بررسی میکند
- شامل مشارکتهایی از چندین زمینه، ارائه دیدگاهی گسترده و چند رشتهای است
- < li>توصیه هایی برای توسعه درک و مدیریت کامل خدمات اکوسیستم بر اساس ابزارها و تحقیقات در مناطق بزرگتر و همچنین در مقیاس های محلی ارائه می دهد
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Foreword, Pages xiii-xiv, Pavan Sukhdev
Contributors, Pages xv-xviii, Alain Peeters, Anik Schneiders, Anil Markandya, Anne Teller, Anne-hélène Prieur-Richard, Birgen Haest, Cédric Chevalier, Conor Kretsch, Corentin Fontaine, Dirk Van Gijseghem, Dirk Vrebos, Dries Landuyt, Erik Gómez-Baggethun, Ferdinando Villa, Francis Turkelboom, Frederic Ghys, Frédéric Huybrechs, Gert Van Hecken, Glenn Deliège, Guy Duke, et al.
Editorial - Editorial for Ecosystem Services—Global Issues, Local Practices, Pages xix-xxviii, Sander Jacobs, Nicolas Dendoncker, Hans Keune
Introduction, Pages xxix-xxxii, Hendrik Segers, Dimitri Brosens, Hans Keune, Sander Jacobs, Nicolas Dendoncker, Patrick Meire
Chapter 1 - Inclusive Ecosystem Services Valuation, Pages 3-12, Nicolas Dendoncker, Hans Keune, Sander Jacobs, Erik Gómez-Baggethun
Chapter 2 - Ecosystem Services and Their Monetary Value, Pages 13-28, Inge Liekens, Leo De Nocker, Steven Broekx, Joris Aertsens, Anil Markandya
Chapter 3 - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Pages 29-40, Sander Jacobs, Birgen Haest, Tom de Bie, Glenn Deliège, Anik Schneiders, Francis Turkelboom
Chapter 4 - Ecosystem Service Indicators: Are We Measuring What We Want to Manage?, Pages 41-61, Wouter Van Reeth
Chapter 5 - Inquiring into the Governance of Ecosystem Services: An Introduction, Pages 63-69, Hans Keune, Tom Bauler, Heidi Wittmer
Chapter 6 - Monetary Valuation of Ecosystem Services: Unresolvable Problems with the Standard Economic Model, Pages 73-77, John Gowdy, Philippe C. Baveye
Chapter 7 - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Opposed Visions, Opposed Paradigms, Pages 79-84, Martin Sharman
Chapter 8 - Earth System Services—A Global Science Perspective on Ecosystem Services, Pages 85-89, Sarah Cornell
Chapter 9 - Ecosystem Services in a Societal Context, Pages 91-95, Joachim H. Spangenberg
Chapter 10 - The Value of the Ecosystem Services Concept in Economic and Biodiversity Policy, Pages 97-103, Leon C. Braat
Chapter 11 - Valuation of ES: Challenges and Policy Use, Pages 107-119, Inge Liekens, Leo De Nocker
Chapter 12 - Ecosystem Services in Belgian Environmental Policy Making: Expectations and Challenges Linked to the Conceptualization and Valuation of Ecosystem Services, Pages 121-133, Tom Bauler, Nathalie Pipart
Chapter 13 - Ecosystem Services Governance: Managing Complexity?, Pages 135-155, Hans Keune, Tom Bauler, Heidi Wittmer
Chapter 14 - Ecosystem Service Assessments: Science or Pragmatism?, Pages 157-165, Sander Jacobs, Hans Keune, Dirk Vrebos, Olivier Beauchard, Ferdinando Villa, Patrick Meire
Chapter 15 - Negotiated Complexity in Ecosystem Services Science and Policy Making, Pages 167-180, Hans Keune, Nicolas Dendoncker
Chapter 16 - The Natural Relation between Biodiversity and Public Health: An Ecosystem Services Perspective, Pages 181-189, Hans Keune, Pim Martens, Conor Kretsch, Anne-hélène Prieur-Richard
Chapter 17 - Global Trade Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Pages 191-219, Alain Peeters
Chapter 18 - CICES Going Local: Ecosystem Services Classification Adapted for a Highly Populated Country, Pages 223-247, Francis Turkelboom, Perrine Raquez, Marc Dufrêne, Leander Raes, Ilse Simoens, Sander Jacobs, Maarten Stevens, Rik De Vreese, Jeroen A.E. Panis, Martin Hermy, Marijke Thoonen, Inge Liekens, Corentin Fontaine, Nicolas Dendoncker, Katrien van der Biest, Jim Casaer, Hilde Heyrman, Linda Meiresonne, Hans Keune
Chapter 19 - The Ecosystem Services Valuation Tool and its Future Developments, Pages 249-262, Inge Liekens, Steven Broekx, Nele Smeets, Jan Staes, Katrien Van der Biest, Marije Schaafsma, Leo De Nocker, Patrick Meire, Tanya Cerulus
Chapter 20 - EBI—An Index for Delivery of Ecosystem Service Bundles, Pages 263-272, Katrien Van der Biest, Rob D’Hondt, Sander Jacobs, Dries Landuyt, Jan Staes, Peter Goethals, Patrick Meire
Chapter 21 - ES Thinking and Some of Its Implications: A Critical Note from a Rural Development Perspective, Pages 273-284, Frédéric Huybrechs, Johan Bastiaensen, Gert Van Hecken
Chapter 22 - Enhancing Ecosystem Services in Belgian Agriculture through Agroecology: A Vision for a Farming with a Future, Pages 285-304, Alain Peeters, Nicolas Dendoncker, Sander Jacobs
Chapter 23 - Ecosystem Service Practices, Pages 307-315, Hans Keune, Nicolas Dendoncker, Sander Jacobs
Chapter 24 - Reflections from Policy Practice, Pages 317-319, Anne Teller
Chapter 25 - (how) Can Financial Institutions Contribute to Sustainable Use of Ecosystem Services?, Pages 321-323, Frederic Ghys
Chapter 26 - Making Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services Operational in Europe through Biodiversity Offsetting and Habitat Banking, Pages 325-330, Guy Duke
Chapter 27 - SKB, SNOWMAN, and Ecosystem Services, Pages 331-334, Simon W. Moolenaar, Jos Brils
Chapter 28 - Contribution of DG Environment of Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, Pages 335-340, Lucette Flandroy, Sabine Wallens, Kelly Hertenweg, Saskia Van Gaever
Chapter 29 - Relevance of an Ecosystem Services Approach in Southern Belgium, Pages 341-345, Marc Dufrêne
Chapter 30 - A Participatory Approach to Wildlife Management in Walloon Farmlands, Pages 347-349, Layla Saad
Chapter 31 - Ecosystem Services for Wallonia, Pages 351-357, Cédric Chevalier
Chapter 32 - Relevance of the Concept of Ecosystem Services in the Practice of Brussels Environment (BE), Pages 359-361, Machteld Gryseels
Chapter 33 - Contribution of the Agency for Nature and Forests, Pages 363-366, Panis Jeroen A.E.
Chapter 34 - Integrating Ecosystem Services in Rural Development Projects in Flanders, Pages 367-372, Jan Verboven, Paula Ulenaers
Chapter 35 - Reflection on the Relevance and Use of Ecosystem Services to the LNE Department, Pages 373-376, Tanya Cerulus
Chapter 36 - Obstacles to Use an Ecosystem Services Concept in Agriculture, Pages 377-379, Sylvie Danckaert, Dirk Van Gijseghem
Chapter 37 - The Concept of Ecosystem Services, Pages 381-383, Leen Franchois
Chapter 38 - Ecosystem Services in Natuurpunt, Pages 385-387, Wim Van Gils
Chapter 39 - Ecosystem Services in Nature Education in the Province of West Flanders, Pages 389-392, Kris Struyf, Leo Declercq
Chapter 40 - Integrating the Concept of Ecosystem Services in the Province of Antwerp: The Inland Dunes Project, Pages 393-396, Lieve Janssens
Chapter 41 - Bosland: Application of the Ecosystem Services Concept in a New Style of Forest Management, Pages 397-404, Pieter Vangansbeke, Leen Gorissen, Kris Verheyen
Colophon, Pages 405-406
Index, Pages 407-422
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Ecosystem Services: Global Issues, Local Practices covers scientific input, socioeconomic considerations, and governance issues on ecosystem services. This book provides hands-on transdisciplinary reflections by administrators and sector representatives involved in the ecosystem service community. Ecosystem Services develops shared approaches and scientific methods to achieve knowledge-based sustainable planning and management of ecosystem services.
Professionals engaged in ecosystem service implementation have two options: de-emphasize the ecological and socioeconomic complexity and advance in the theoretical, abstract field, or try to develop research that is policy relevant and inclusive in an uncertain environment. This book provides a wide overview of issues at stake, of interest for any professional wishing to develop a broader view on ecosystem service science and practice.
- Examines a broad scope of relevant issues to create common understanding in the ecosystem services community
- Includes contributions from several backgrounds, providing a broad, multidisciplinary view
- Offers recommendations to develop a thorough understanding and management of ecosystem services based on tools and research in larger territories as well as on local scales