توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
نیاز به مجموعه ای کلی از داده های مرجع الکتروآکوستیک و طراحی به شکل گرافیکی مدتی است که توسط آکوستیست ها و مهندسان احساس شده است. در غیر این صورت، این نوع دادهها را فقط در مجموعهای از کتابهای راهنما میتوان یافت. بنابراین، هدف نویسنده این است که این کتاب به عنوان یک منبع واحد برای بسیاری از مراجع الکتروآکوستیک و الزامات طراحی سیستم عمل کند. از نظر فرم، این حجم بسیار شبیه نمودارهای طراحی آکوستیک فرانک ماسا است، کتاب مفیدی که مربوط به سال 1942 است و مدتهاست که چاپ نشده است. قالب اصلی کتاب ماسا در اینجا دنبال شده است: برای هر ورودی، داده های گرافیکی در صفحه سمت راست ارائه می شود، در حالی که متن، مثال ها و ارجاعات در صفحه سمت چپ ظاهر می شوند. به این ترتیب، کاربر می تواند یک مشکل معین را بدون سر زدن از یک صفحه به صفحه دیگر حل کند. همه نمودارها و نمودارها برای سهولت در ورود و خواندن داده ها مقیاس بندی شده اند. این کتاب به بخشهای زیر تقسیم میشود: الف. روابط عمومی آکوستیک. این بخش رفتار انتقال صوت در میدانهای پژواک و آزاد، جذب و پراش صدا و ویژگیهای جهتی رادیاتورهای صوتی پایه را پوشش میدهد. ب- بلندگوها. بلندگوها از نظر روابط اساسی در مورد گشت و گذار مخروطی، حساسیت، کارایی و شاخص جهت، رتبه بندی قدرت و طرح معماری مورد بحث قرار می گیرند. ج میکروفون ها موضوعات این بخش شامل حساسیت میکروفون و رتبه بندی نویز، تجزیه و تحلیل ویژگی های جهت، ویژگی های آرایه میکروفون استریو، اثرات مجاورت، و شرایط مرزی است. د. انتقال سیگنال.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-ix
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Sound Pressure and dB L p (Sound Pressure Level)....Pages 2-3
Frequency and Wavelength in Air....Pages 4-5
Inverse Square Losses in a Free Field....Pages 6-7
Attenuation with Distance from Plane and Line Sources in a Free Field....Pages 8-9
Atmospheric Sound Absorption as a Function of Frequency and Relative Humidity, I....Pages 10-11
Atmospheric Sound Absorption as a Function of Frequency and Relative Humidity, II....Pages 12-13
Atmospheric Absorption Due to Inverse Square Losses and Relative Humidity....Pages 14-15
NC and PNC Noise Criteria Curves....Pages 16-17
Sound Transmission Class (STC) Curves....Pages 18-19
Helmholtz Resonators....Pages 20-21
Resonance Frequency for Pipes Open at Both Ends....Pages 22-23
End Correction for Pipes....Pages 24-25
Resonance Frequency for Pipes Open at One End....Pages 26-27
Diffraction of Sound by a Cylinder, a Cube, and a Sphere....Pages 28-29
Response Curves Showing Diffraction by 10 Objects of Different Shape....Pages 30-31
Fresnel Diffraction Over Sound Barriers....Pages 32-33
Definition of Critical Distance....Pages 34-35
Room Constant as a Function of Surface Area and Absorption....Pages 36-37
Relation Between $$ \overline \alpha $$ and $$ - \ln (1 - \overline \alpha ) $$ in Reverberation Time Calculations....Pages 38-39
Reverberant Level as a Function of Room Constant and Acoustical Power....Pages 40-41
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Mean Free Path (MFP), Room Volume, and Surface Area....Pages 42-43
Sound Attenuation over Distance in Semireverberant Spaces....Pages 44-45
Critical Distance as a Function of Room Constant and Directivity Factor....Pages 46-47
Acoustical Power Required to Produce a Level of 94 dB L p as a Function of Room Volume and Reveberation Time....Pages 48-49
Sound Pressure Level Produced by 1 Acoustic Watt as a Function of Room Constant and Distance from Source....Pages 50-51
Estimation of Total Absorption When Room Volume and Reverberation Time are Known....Pages 52-53
Estimation of Room Constant When Room Volume and Reverberation Time are Known....Pages 54-55
Estimation of Room Boundary Area When Volume is Known....Pages 56-57
Reveberation Time Ratios with and Without Atmospheric Losses....Pages 58-59
Relationship Between Directivity Factor and Directivity Index....Pages 60-61
Wave Number (k) as a Function of Piston Size and Frequency....Pages 62-63
Polar Response of a Piston Mounted in a Large Baffle....Pages 64-65
Polar Response of a Piston Mounted at the End of a Long Tube....Pages 66-67
Polar Response of an Unbaffled Piston....Pages 68-69
Off-Axis Response of a Piston in a Large Baffle....Pages 70-71
Directivity of a Piston in a Large Baffle, at the End of a Long Tube, and in Free Space....Pages 72-73
Front Matter....Pages 75-75
Transmission Coefficient Versus Frequency for a Piston Mounted in a Large Baffle....Pages 76-77
Normalized Mutual Coupling for Multiple Pistons....Pages 78-79
Acoustical Power Output Produced on One Side of a Piston in a Large Baffle as a Function of Amplitude, Radius, and Frequency....Pages 80-81
Sound Pressure Level Produced by a Piston in a Large Baffle at a Distance of 1 Meter as a Function of Amplitude, Radius, and Frequency....Pages 82-83
Front Matter....Pages 75-75
Sound Pressure Level Produced by a Piston in a Large Baffle as a Function of Radiated Power and Distance....Pages 84-85
Peak Amplitude for 1 Acoustical Watt Radiated by a Piston into Half-Space as a Function of Radius and Frequency....Pages 86-87
Transducer Cone Deflection as a Function of Resonance Frequency....Pages 88-89
Second Harmonic Distortion in Horns....Pages 90-91
Frequency Modulation (FM) Distortion in Cone Transducers....Pages 92-93
Nominal Loudspeaker Efficiency as a Function of On-Axis Sensitivity and Directivity Index....Pages 94-95
Sensitivity Ratings for Loudspeaker Systems....Pages 96-97
Plane Wave Tube (PWT) Sensitivity Ratings for Compression Drivers....Pages 98-99
Radiation Resistance for Various Horn Flare Development Curves....Pages 100-101
High-Frequency Driver Electrical Derating for Flat Power Response Equalization....Pages 102-103
Duty Cycle-Related Power Ratings....Pages 104-105
Resistance Change with Temperature for Copper....Pages 106-107
Weighting Curves for Loudspeaker Power Measurements....Pages 108-109
House Equalization Standard Curves for Sound Reinforcement and Program Monitoring....Pages 110-111
Transducer Sensitivity as a Function of Atmospheric Pressure and Temperature....Pages 112-113
Relation Between 2π and 4π Loading and Baffle Size....Pages 114-115
Horn Mouth Size Versus −6 dB Beamwidth Control....Pages 116-117
Beamwidth Control of Multicellular Horns....Pages 118-119
Beamwidth Narrowing with Vertical Stacked Horn Arrays....Pages 120-121
Directivity Versus Horizontal and Vertical Beamwidth....Pages 122-123
Front Matter....Pages 75-75
Beamwidth and Directivity Characteristics of a Pair of 250-mm (10-in) Low-Frequency Transducers....Pages 124-125
Beamwidth and Directivity Characteristics of a Pair of 300-mm (12-in) Low-Frequency Transducers....Pages 126-127
Beamwidth and Directivity Characteristics of a Pair of 380-mm (15-in) Low-Frequency Transducers....Pages 128-129
Distributed Loudspeaker Layout: Hexagonal Array....Pages 130-131
Distributed Loudspeaker Layout: Square Array....Pages 132-133
Dividing Networks: 6 dB per Octave Slopes....Pages 134-135
Dividing Networks: 12 dB Per Octave Slopes....Pages 136-137
Porting Data for Vented Loudspeaker Enclosures....Pages 138-139
Thiele-Small Parameters for Low-Frequency Horn Applications....Pages 140-141
Simple Line Arrays....Pages 142-143
Front Matter....Pages 145-145
Nomograph for Microphone Output Power and Voltage versus Microphone Impedance....Pages 146-147
Microphone Self-Noise Rating Curves....Pages 148-149
EIA G M Microphone Sensitivity Rating....Pages 150-151
First-Order Microphone Pattern Data....Pages 152-153
Mid-Side/XY Conversion Data....Pages 154-155
Random Energy Efficiency, Directivity Factor, and Distance Factor as a Function of Polar Pattern....Pages 156-157
Front-to-Total Ratio as a Function of Polar Pattern....Pages 158-159
Front-Back Ratio Versus Polar Pattern....Pages 160-161
Omni- and Bidirectional Components of the First-Order Cardioid Family....Pages 162-163
Back-to-Back Cardioid Components of the First-Order Cardioid Family....Pages 164-165
Front Matter....Pages 145-145
Splay Angles and Separation for Various Near-Coincident Stereo Microphone Arrays....Pages 166-167
Mid-Side (MS) and XY Microphone Pairs....Pages 168-169
Multipath and Multimicrophone Interference Effects....Pages 170-171
Effect of Dipole Dimension on Directional Microphone Frequency Response....Pages 172-173
Basic Proximity Effect in Directional Microphones....Pages 174-175
Proximity Effect in a Dipole Microphone at Several Distances....Pages 176-177
On-Axis Proximity Effect in a Cardioid Microphone at Several Distances....Pages 178-179
Proximity Effect in a Cardioid Microphone as a Function of Azimuth Angle....Pages 180-181
On-Axis and Diffuse Field Incidence Response of Omnidirectional Microphones....Pages 182-183
Delay Versus Level for Accent Microphones in Recording....Pages 184-185
Microphone Boundary Size Versus 2π to 4π Transition Frequency....Pages 186-187
Higher-Order Microphone Characteristics....Pages 188-189
Microphone Line Losses....Pages 190-191
Front Matter....Pages 193-193
Time Constant Versus Frequency....Pages 194-195
RIAA (Record Industry Association of America) Disc Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis....Pages 196-197
FM Broadcasting Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis....Pages 198-199
Early 78-rpm and 331/3-rpm Disc Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis Standards....Pages 200-201
Motion Picture Mono Optical Reproduce Standard....Pages 202-203
Digital Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis Standard....Pages 204-205
Comparison of Meters Used in Broadcasting and Recording....Pages 206-207
Front Matter....Pages 193-193
Power Ratios Expressed in dBm....Pages 208-209
Voltage Ratios Expressed in dBu....Pages 210-211
Power Ratios Expressed in dBW....Pages 212-213
Voltage Ratios Expressed in dBV....Pages 214-215
Sine Wave Voltage Output versus DC Voltage Capability....Pages 216-217
Resistance Values for Various Lengths and Gauges of Copper Wire....Pages 218-219
Metric Wire Gauges....Pages 220-221
High-Frequency Transducer Protection Capacitors....Pages 222-223
Design of Symmetrical T-pads....Pages 224-225
Design of L-pads....Pages 226-227
Summing of Levels....Pages 228-229
Distortion Percentage and Level....Pages 230-231
Load Impedance as a Function of Power Input in 70-Volt, 100-Volt, and 25-Volt Distribution Systems....Pages 232-233
Maximum Wire Runs for 0.5 dB Loss in 70-volt Systems....Pages 234-235
Peak and rms Values of Waveforms....Pages 236-237
Input and Output Impedances of Electronic Devices....Pages 238-241
Loudspeaker Damping Factor as a Function of Line Length and Wire Gauge....Pages 242-243
Amplifier Requirements: Direct Field Considerations....Pages 244-245
Amplifier Requirements: Reverberant Field Considerations....Pages 246-247
Panpot Response: One Channel to Two....Pages 248-249
Front Matter....Pages 193-193
Panpot Response: One Channel to Three....Pages 250-251
Quadraphonic Panpot Response: One Channel to Four....Pages 252-253
Effect of Noise on Speech Communication....Pages 254-255
Equivalent Acoustic Distance (EAD) and A-Weighted Noise Level....Pages 256-257
Horn Coverage Angle as Seen in Plan View....Pages 258-259
Peutz’s Percentage Articulation Loss of Consonants (Al cons )....Pages 260-261
Augspurger’s Modification of Peutz’s Data....Pages 262-263
Calculation of Articulation Index (AI)....Pages 264-265
Typical Motion Picture Screen Losses....Pages 266-267
House Equalization Standard for Motion Picture Systems....Pages 268-269
House Equalization for Motion Picture Systems: Adjustments for House Size....Pages 270-271
ISO (International Standards Organization) Preferred Numbers....Pages 272-273
Front Matter....Pages 275-275
Fletcher-Munson Equal Loudness Contours....Pages 276-277
Robinson-Dadson Equal Loudness Contours....Pages 278-279
Churcher-King Equal Loudness Contours....Pages 280-281
Determination of “Twice Loudness” at Low Frequencies....Pages 282-283
Calculation of Loudness in Sones....Pages 284-285
Standard Weighting Curves....Pages 286-287
Loudness and Signal Duration....Pages 288-289
Pitch and Level Relationships, I....Pages 290-291
Front Matter....Pages 275-275
Pitch and Level Relationships, I....Pages 292-293
Frequency and Pitch Relationships....Pages 294-295
Critical Bandwidth....Pages 296-297
Annoyance Due to Echo Effects....Pages 298-299
Blauert and Laws Criterion for the Audibility of Signal Group Delay....Pages 300-301
Optimum Reverberation Time as a Function of Room Volume and Usage....Pages 302-303
Optimum Reverberation Time as a Function of Frequency....Pages 304-305
Subjective Effects of First Reflections in a Concert Hall....Pages 306-307
Binaural Lateral Masking....Pages 308-309
Stereophonic Localization: Franssen’s Data....Pages 310-311
The Precedence Effect (Haas Effect)....Pages 312-313
Bauer’s Stereophonic Law of Sines....Pages 314-315
Pressures and Pressure Levels Generated by a Variety of Sound Sources....Pages 316-317
Typical Male Speech Spectra....Pages 318-319
Hearing Threshold Shift as a Function of Age....Pages 320-321
Front Matter....Pages 323-323
Frequency Ranges of Musical Instruments and the Human Voice....Pages 324-325
Dynamic Ranges of Wind and String Instruments....Pages 326-327
Directional Properties of Brass Instruments....Pages 328-329
Directional Properties of Woodwind Instruments....Pages 330-331
Directional Properties of String Instruments....Pages 332-333
Front Matter....Pages 323-323
Octave Band Spectral Amplitude Distribution, Music Sources....Pages 334-337
Front Matter....Pages 339-339
Track Width Standards for Professional Magnetic Recording....Pages 340-341
Track Widths Standards for Consumer Tape Formats....Pages 342-343
Azimuth Losses in Tape Playback....Pages 344-345
Oxide Thickness Losses in Tape Playback....Pages 346-347
Spacing Losses in Tape Playback....Pages 348-349
Gap Length Losses in Tape Playback....Pages 350-351
Reference Surface Fluxivity Standards for Tape Recording....Pages 352-353
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Equalization Standards for Professional Tape Playback....Pages 354-355
NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) Standard for Professional Tape Playback....Pages 356-357
AES (Audio Engineering Society) Standard for Professional Tape Playback at 76 cm/sec (30 in/sec)....Pages 358-359
Standards for Playback of Consumer Tape Formats....Pages 360-361
IEC to NAB Conversion at 38 cm/sec....Pages 362-363
IEC to NAB Conversion at 19 cm/sec....Pages 364-365
Standard Weighting Curve for Tape Flutter Measurements....Pages 366-368
Back Matter....Pages 369-378
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The need for a general collection of electroacoustical reference and design data in graphical form has been felt by acousticians and engineers for some time. This type of data can otherwise only be found in a collection of handbooks. Therefore, it is the author's intention that this book serve as a single source for many electroacoustical reference and system design requirements. In form, the volume closely resembles Frank Massa's Acoustic Design Charts, a handy book dating from 1942 that has long been out of print. The basic format of Massa's book has been followed here: For each entry, graphical data are presented on the right page, while text, examples, and refer ences appear on the left page. In this manner, the user can solve a given problem without thumbing from one page to the next. All graphs and charts have been scaled for ease in data entry and reading. The book is divided into the following sections: A. General Acoustical Relationships. This section covers the behavior of sound transmis sion in reverberant and free fields, sound absorption and diffraction, and directional characteris tics of basic sound radiators. B. Loudspeakers. Loudspeakers are discussed in terms of basic relationships regarding cone excursion, sensitivity, efficiency, and directivity index, power ratings, and architectural layout. c. Microphones. The topics in this section include microphone sensitivity and noise rating, analysis of directional properties, stereo microphone array characteristics, proximity effects, and boundary conditions. D. Signal Transmission.