توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
آموزش و توسعه کارکنان Raymond Noe استانداردها را در این زمینه تعیین می کند. اولین بار در سال 1998 معرفی شد، ETD در عرض 6 ماه پس از انتشار به متنی تعیین کننده بازار تبدیل شد. محبوبیت آن به دلیل سبک نگارش پر جنب و جوش و نمونه های مرتبط از به روزترین پیشرفت ها در آموزش، تحقیق و عمل، از جمله نقش استراتژیک آموزش و استفاده از فناوری های جدید در آموزش است. آموزش و توسعه کارکنان تعادلی بین تحقیقات و شیوه های واقعی شرکت ایجاد می کند. این دانش آموزان را با پیشینه ای قوی در زمینه اصول آموزشی و توسعه مانند نیازسنجی، انتقال آموزش، طراحی محیط یادگیری، روش ها و ارزشیابی می دهد. برای کمک به دانش آموزان در درک بهتر رابطه بین عناصر اصلی کتاب، اکنون کتاب در پنج بخش مختلف سازماندهی شده است. بخش اول بر زمینه آموزش و توسعه تمرکز دارد و شامل فصلی است که به آموزش استراتژیک اختصاص دارد. بخش دوم شامل پوشش های مرتبط با اصول طراحی برنامه های آموزشی است. فصلهای قسمت دوم بر نیازسنجی، تئوریهای یادگیری و طراحی برنامه، انتقال آموزش و ارزیابی آموزشی تمرکز دارند. بخش سوم بر روشهای آموزش و توسعه تمرکز دارد و شامل فصلهایی است که به روشهای آموزشی سنتی، یادگیری الکترونیکی و استفاده از فناوری در آموزش، توسعه کارکنان، و مسائل ویژه در توسعه کارکنان، مانند مدیریت تنوع، برنامهریزی جانشین پروری، و بین فرهنگی اختصاص دارد. آماده سازی. فصلهای قسمت چهارم مسائل شغلی و نحوه مدیریت مشاغل و همچنین چالشهای مدیریت شغلی، مانند برخورد با تضاد کار و زندگی، بازنشستگی و اجتماعی شدن را پوشش میدهند. در نهایت، قسمت پنجم نگاهی به آینده آموزش و توسعه ارائه می دهد.
فهرست مطالب :
Cover Page......Page 1
Title Page......Page 2
Copyright Page......Page 3
......Page 4
Preface......Page 5
Acknowledgments......Page 10
About the Author
......Page 11
Brief Contents......Page 12
Contents......Page 13
Forces Affecting the Workplace Make Training a Key Ingredient for Company Success......Page 21
Introduction......Page 23
What Is Training?......Page 24
Designing Effective Training......Page 26
The Forces Influencing Working and Learning......Page 29
Snapshot of Training Practices......Page 53
Organization of This Book......Page 62
Discussion Questions......Page 63
Application Assignments......Page 64
Case: Zappos: Facing Competitive Challenges......Page 65
Endnotes......Page 66
McCormick & Company Uses Strategic Training to Spice Up Business Results......Page 71
Introduction......Page 73
The Evolution of Training’s Role......Page 74
The Strategic Training and Development Process......Page 77
Organizational Characteristics That Influence Training......Page 87
Training Needs in Different Strategies......Page 95
Models of Organizing the Training Department......Page 98
Marketing the Training Function......Page 108
Outsourcing Training......Page 110
Summary......Page 111
Discussion Questions......Page 112
Application Assignments......Page 113
Endnotes......Page 114
Case 1: From the Pages of BusinessWeek: It Takes a Village—And a Consultant......Page 118
Needs Assessment at NetApp......Page 121
Why Is Needs Assessment Necessary?......Page 122
Who Should Participate in Needs Assessment?......Page 124
Methods Used in Needs Assessment......Page 126
The Needs Assessment Process......Page 128
Competency Models......Page 146
Scope of Needs Assessment......Page 150
Summary......Page 151
Discussion Questions......Page 152
Application Assignments......Page 153
Endnotes......Page 154
A Positive Learning Environment Energizes Training!......Page 157
Introduction......Page 158
What Is Learning? What Is Learned?......Page 159
Learning Theories......Page 160
The Learning Process......Page 169
Instructional Emphasis for Learning Outcomes......Page 183
Considerations in Designing Effective Training Programs......Page 184
Summary......Page 196
Key Terms......Page 197
Application Assignments......Page 198
Case: Plastics Make Perfect......Page 200
Endnotes......Page 201
Transfer of Training and Knowledge Sharing Are Important for Nonprofits......Page 204
Introduction......Page 205
Training Design......Page 207
Work Environment Characteristics That InfluenceTransfer......Page 215
Organizational Environments That Encourage Transfer......Page 222
Discussion Questions......Page 229
Application Assignments......Page 230
Case: Patagonia’s Culture......Page 231
Endnotes......Page 232
Training and Leadership Development: A Healthy Investment at Sisters of Charity Providence Hospital......Page 235
Introduction......Page 236
Reasons for Evaluating Training......Page 237
Overview of the Evaluation Process......Page 239
Outcomes Used in the Evaluation of Training Programs......Page 240
Determining Whether Outcomes Are Appropriate......Page 247
Evaluation Practices......Page 249
Evaluation Designs......Page 251
Determining Return on Investment......Page 260
Measuring Human Capital and Training Activity......Page 267
Summary......Page 268
Discussion Questions......Page 269
Application Assignments......Page 270
Case: Evaluating the Returns on Leadership Development at BP......Page 271
Endnotes......Page 272
Case 2: From the Pages of BusinessWeek: On-the-Job Video Gaming......Page 275
Training at La Quinta Hotels Helps Delight Guests......Page 278
Introduction......Page 279
Presentation Methods......Page 280
Hands-on Methods......Page 283
Group Building Methods......Page 297
Choosing a Training Method......Page 304
Summary......Page 306
Application Assignments......Page 307
Case: Training Methods for Bank Tellers......Page 309
Endnotes......Page 311
Blended Learning Is the Key to Tasty Donuts and Hot Coffee......Page 314
Introduction......Page 315
Technology’s Influence on Training and Learning......Page 317
Technology and Multimedia......Page 321
Computer-Based Training......Page 323
Developing Effective Online Learning......Page 330
Blended Learning......Page 337
Simulations......Page 338
Mobile Technology and Training Methods: iPods, PDAs......Page 342
Intelligent Tutoring Systems......Page 344
Distance Learning......Page 345
Technologies for Training Support......Page 347
Technologies for Training Administration......Page 350
Learning Management Systems: Systems for Training Delivery, Support, and Administration......Page 351
Choosing New Technology Training Methods......Page 354
Key Terms......Page 357
Application Assignments......Page 358
Case: Cisco Systems Account Managers Are Too Busy for Training......Page 359
Endnotes......Page 360
Randstad’s Partnering Program Develops Employees......Page 365
Introduction......Page 366
Approaches to Employee Development......Page 369
The Development Planning Process......Page 397
Company Strategies for Providing Development......Page 398
Key Terms......Page 401
Application Assignments......Page 402
Endnotes......Page 403
Successful Management Requires InternationalExperience......Page 409
Training Issues Resulting from the External Environment......Page 410
Training Issues Related to Internal Needs of the Company......Page 438
Summary......Page 450
Discussion Questions......Page 451
Application Assignments......Page 452
Case: Melting the Glass Ceiling for Accountants......Page 453
Endnotes......Page 454
Case 3: From the Pages of BusinessWeek: Secrets of an HR Superstar......Page 459
Managing Careers Helps Accenture Reach Out to Its Virtual Work Force......Page 464
Introduction......Page 465
Why Is Career Management Important?......Page 467
What Is a Career?......Page 469
A Model of Career Development......Page 474
Career Management Systems......Page 479
Roles of Employees, Managers, Human Resource Managers, and the Company in Career Management......Page 485
Evaluating Career Management Systems......Page 489
Discussion Questions......Page 490
Application Assignments......Page 491
Endnotes......Page 492
Nonwork Lives Are Important Food for Thought......Page 496
Introduction......Page 497
Socialization and Orientation......Page 498
Career Paths, Developing Dual-Career Paths, and Career Portfolios......Page 502
Plateauing......Page 507
Skills Obsolescence......Page 508
Coping with Career Breaks......Page 510
Balancing Work and Life......Page 511
Company Policies to Accommodate Work and Nonwork......Page 512
Coping with Job Loss......Page 522
Dealing with Older Workers......Page 525
Key Terms......Page 529
Application Assignments......Page 530
Endnotes......Page 531
Case 4 From the Pages of BusinessWeek: Two for the Cubicle......Page 537
Training for Sustainability......Page 541
Increased Use of New Technologies for Training Delivery......Page 543
Increased Demand for Training for Virtual Work Arrangements......Page 544
Increased Emphasis on Speed in Design, Focus in Content, and Use of Multiple Delivery Methods......Page 545
Increased Use of True Performance Support......Page 547
Increased Emphasis on Performance Analysis and Learning for Business Enhancement......Page 549
Increased Use of Training Partnerships and Outsourcing Training......Page 551
Training and Development from a Change Model Perspective......Page 553
Methods to Determine Whether Change Is Necessary......Page 556
Key Issues in Implementing Change......Page 559
Key Terms......Page 563
Case: Going Paperless Requires a Change Management Process......Page 564
Endnotes......Page 565
Case 5: From the Pages of BusinessWeek: IBM Reinvents Mentoring, Via the Web......Page 567
Glossary......Page 568
Name Index......Page 580
Company/Organizational Index......Page 591
Subject Index......Page 595
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Raymond Noe’s Employee Training and Development sets the standard in this course area. First introduced in 1998, ETD became the market-defining text within 6 months of publication. Its popularity is due to its lively writing style and relevant examples of the most up-to-date developments in training, research and practice, including the strategic role of training and the use of new technologies in training. Employee Training and Development strikes a balance between research and real company practices. It provides students with a solid background in the fundamentals of training and development such as needs assessment, transfer of training, learning environment design, methods, and evaluation. To help students better understand the relationship between the main elements of the book, the book is now organized into five different parts. Part I focuses on the context for training and development and includes a chapter devoted to strategic training. Part II includes coverage related to the fundamentals of designing training programs. Chapters in Part II focus on needs assessment, learning theories and program design, transfer of training, and training evaluation. Part III focuses on training and development methods and includes chapters devoted to traditional training methods, e-learning and the use of technology in training, employee development, and special issues in employee development, such as managing diversity, succession planning, and cross-cultural preparation. Chapters in Part IV cover career issues and how companies manage careers, as well as challenges in career management, such as dealing with work-life conflict, retirement, and socialization. Finally, Part V provides a look at the future of training and development.