فهرست مطالب :
Other Pergamon Titles of Interest, Page ii
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Preface, Pages v-vi, John Twidell
Review of Renewable Energy Development and Use in Scotland, Pages 3-34, H. Wyper, F. Riddoch, J. Twidell
Initial Conclusions Regarding the Usage of Renewable Energy Sources on Tresco, Isles of Scilly, Pages 35-47, T.L. Shaw, I.D. Mays
Second Law of Thermodynamics as a Planning Tool for Rural Development, Pages 49-56, F. Butera
The Potential and Need for Energy Co-operatives, Pages 57-61, P.J. Meynell
Energy Demand Analysis as a Planning Instrument in Limited Resources Areas: the Enza River Valley Case, Pages 63-69, W. Ganapini
The Aberfeldy Project, Pages 71-76, H. Liddell
Energy and Planning in Limited Resources Areas: the Fontanabuona Case, Pages 77-85, E. Manzini, C.F. Ratto
North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board Experience with 22 kW Aerogenerator, Pages 89-95, I.T. Pope
A Programme to Integrate Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines into the Orkney Distribution System, Pages 97-105, D. Lindley, W.G. Stevenson
Danish Experience of Small Wind Powered Generators, Pages 107-109, P. Lundsager
A Small-scale Wind Power Installation in Shetland, Pages 111-116, F.C. Evans, H. Winterbotham
Wind Resource Evaluation in Ireland, Pages 117-120, E. Kelledy
Small Vertical Axis Wind Turbine–Design and Experience, Pages 121-128, W.S. Bannister, S. Gair, J.D. Fyvie, M.N. Millar
Commercial Experience with 10 kW Rated Electricity Generating Windmills in Scotland, Pages 129-133, J.M. Galt, I.T. Findlay
Electrical Power Generation and Control Options for Wind Turbines, Pages 135-141, S. Gair
A Utility Wind Energy Programme, Pages 143-148, M.L. Hally
Wind/Diesel Integration for Electricity Supply to Isolated Communities, Pages 149-164, N.H. Lipman, P.D. Dunn, P.J. Musgrove, B.E. Sexon, G. Slack
Wind Energy System Design for Remote Applications, Pages 165-170, G.R. Watson
Microprocessor Instrumentation for Energy-related Physical Measurements, Pages 171-177, N. Lockerbie
Estimating Wind Energy Potential Using Statistical Models, Pages 179-184, A.H. Elgammal
The Clam Wave Energy Converter to Provide Electricity for Island and Coastal Communities, Pages 187-192, A.M. Peatfield
Wave Energy Studies at the UK National Engineering Laboratory, Pages 193-206, G. Elliot, G. Roxburgh
Energy for Island Communities — Small Wave Energy Systems Based on the Air Diaphragm Principle, Pages 207-213, M. Woolley
Small Scale Hydro Electric Power, Pages 217-223, E.E. Francis
The Development of a Range of Small Water Turbines, Pages 225-231, P.W. Agnew
Micro Hydro in the Everest Region — a Measure Against Deforestation, Pages 233-239, M.T. Crawford
The Hydro Heat Pump, Pages 241-243, A.W.K. MacGregor
Tidal Current Power Utilisation Using Moored Turbines, Pages 245-250, P.R. Cave, K.R. Welsh
The Integration of Energy Production into Tropical Agricultural Systems, Pages 253-258, B. Pound, T.R. Preston
The Use of Wood for Industrial and Domestic Energy in Rural Areas of Britain and the Transfer of Wood-Energy Technology to Developing Countries, Pages 259-273, A.I. Fraser
A Study of the Feasibility of Coppice for Energy as a Lowland Farm Enterprise, Pages 275-279, B.J. Unwin, C.P. Mitchell
Biomass Potential in Thailand, Pages 281-288, M. Slesser, C. Sintunawa
Rural Energy Strategy — Alternative Applications in Rural Pakistan, Pages 289-297, J.L. Gaddy, I.H. Usmani
Biogas — the State of the Art in the UK, Pages 299-307, P.J. Meynell
Fuel Alcohol from Sweet Potatoes, Pages 309-313, B.M. Whitehurst
Ethanol Production in Kenya — an Economic Perspective, Pages 315-322, G.W. Barnard, D.M. Kanyi
Experience with Domestic Solar Water-Heating, Pages 325-335, M. Hanlon
A Low Energy Consumption House with Solar Powered Ducted Hot Air Space Heating and Water Heating, Pages 337-342, F.W. Fleming
Active Solar Systems for Higher Latitudes, Pages 343-348, G.S. Saluja, P. Robertson
Simulations to Determine the Effect of Irradiance and Demand Sequence Structure on the Solar Contribution of a Domestic Hot Water Heating System, Pages 349-356, K.P. Donnelly
Field Test of a Solar-powered Micro-irrigation Pump* in the Village of Basaisa, Egypt, Pages 359-365, C. Nelson, S. Arafa, R. Pearson
On the Use of Solar Energy in Irrigation, Pages 367-375, W.A. Kamal
Application of Small Scale Solar Crop Driers to Maize Drying in Kenya, Pages 377-386, H. Othieno, W. Grainger, J.W. Twidell
Residential Photovoltaic Applications in the United States, Pages 389-394, S.J. Strong, R.J. Osten Jr.
The World\'s Largest Photovoltaic Concentrator System — a Case Study, Pages 395-399, H.V. Smith
Solar Electric Systems for Domestic Housing — the Australian Experience, Pages 401-404, P. Golding
List of Participants, Pages 405-419
Author – Paper Index, Pages 421-423
Subject Index, Pages 425-427