توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب یکی از 8 جلد کنگره XII IAEG است و به موضوع زمین شناسی کاربردی می پردازد که موضوعی حیاتی برای اقتصاد جهانی است. در رویکرد بینالمللی و چند رشتهای به پروژههای مهندسی بزرگ (در مقیاس کلان یا بزرگ)، استفاده از تکنیکهای بررسی زمینشناسی برای انتخاب مناسب مکانها، برنامهریزی ساخت و ساز و حفظ زیرساختها اساسی است. مشارکتهای این کتاب نه تنها شامل ساختوسازهای مهندسی، بلکه مطالعات موردی مربوط به پروژههای بزرگ در زمینه اکتشاف و استخراج منابع ژئو (مواد معدنی، نفت و آبهای زیرزمینی)، تولید انرژی (انرژی آبی، زمین گرمایی، هستهای و غیره)، حملونقل (راهآهن و بزرگراه) است. ) و دفع زباله و همچنین مدیریت زیست محیطی این فعالیت ها و سایر فعالیت ها. مجلدات زمین شناسی مهندسی برای جامعه و قلمرو کنگره دوازدهم IAEG که از 15 تا 19 سپتامبر 2014 در تورینو برگزار شد، نقش پویای زمین شناسی مهندسی را در دنیای در حال تغییر ما تحلیل می کند و بر چهار موضوع اصلی کنگره استوار است: محیط زیست، فرآیندها، مسائل و رویکردها موضوعات کنگره و حوزه های موضوعی 8 جلد کنگره IAEG XII عبارتند از: 1. تغییر اقلیم و زمین شناسی مهندسی 2. فرآیندهای زمین لغزش 3. حوضه های رودخانه ها، رسوب گذاری مخازن و منابع آب 4. فرآیندهای دریایی و ساحلی 5. زمین شناسی شهری، برنامه ریزی پایدار و بهره برداری از منظر 6. زمین شناسی کاربردی برای پروژه های مهندسی عمده 7. آموزش، اخلاق حرفه ای و شناخت عمومی زمین شناسی مهندسی 8. حفاظت از میراث فرهنگی.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-xxvii
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
Problems in Buildings and Public Works Derived from Soils with Unesteable Structure and Soils with Large Volume Instability....Pages 3-10
Translating Geotechnical Risk in Financial Terms....Pages 11-16
Large Deformation of Tunnel in Slate-Schistose Rock....Pages 17-23
Front Matter....Pages 25-25
Effect of Petrogenesis on the Suitability of Some Pelitic Rocks as Construction Aggregates in the Tropics....Pages 27-30
Geological Society of London Engineering Group Working Party on Periglacial and Glacial Engineering Geology....Pages 31-35
New Methods of Determining Rock Properties for Geothermal Reservoir Characterization....Pages 37-40
Application of Reliability Methods to Tunnel Lining Design in Weak Heterogeneous Rockmasses....Pages 41-45
Geological and Geotechnical Difference on Both Sides of the Same Tunnel....Pages 47-51
Development of Probabilistic Geotechnical Ground Models for Offshore Engineering....Pages 53-57
Baixo Sabor (Portugal) Upstream Dam Foundation: From Design Geological Predictions to Construction Geological Facts and Geotechnical Solutions....Pages 59-64
The Foundations of Constructions in Dobrogea—Romania, on Water Sensitive Soils, Loess....Pages 65-67
Influence of Micro-texture on the Geo-engineering Properties of Low Porosity Volcanic Rocks....Pages 69-72
Conceptual Geological Models, Its Importance in Interpreting Vadose Zone Hydrology and the Implications of Being Excluded....Pages 73-78
Treatment of Fossil Valley in Dam Area: A Case Study....Pages 79-84
Front Matter....Pages 85-85
A Case Study of Three-dimensional Determination of Stress Orientation to Crystalline Rock Samples in Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Scientific Drilling Project Hole-2....Pages 87-90
Mathematical-Numerical Modeling of Tectonic Fault Zone (Tadzhikistan)....Pages 91-93
Neotectonic and Mass Movements on the New Fez-Taza Highway (Northern Morocco)....Pages 95-99
Importance of Geological Map Updates in Engineering Geology, Application to the Rif-Chain and Its Foreland (Northern Morocco)....Pages 101-105
Disaster Awareness Education for Children in Schools Around Geological Hazard Prone Areas in Indonesia....Pages 107-111
Analysis of Recent Deformation in the Southern Atlas of Tunisia Using Geomorphometry....Pages 113-117
Front Matter....Pages 85-85
Spatial Analysis of Remote Sensing Data in Early Stage of a Seismo-tectonic Research....Pages 119-123
Geomorphic Evidence of Active Tectonics: The Case of Djemila Fault (Eastern Algeria)....Pages 125-127
Seismic Cycle of the Southern Apennine Deformation Front: The Taranto Gulf Marine Terraces Inputs and Implications....Pages 129-137
New Structural and Geodynamic Coastal Jeffara Model (Southern Tunisia) and Engineering Implications....Pages 139-146
Tunisia: A Mature Case Example of Structural Extrusion....Pages 147-152
The Extrusion of South-West Taiwan: An Offshore-Onshore Synthesis....Pages 153-160
Active Tectonic Risk Assessment—Problems with Soil and Soft Sediment Deformation Structures....Pages 161-165
Formation of Earthquake Faults by the Fukushima Hamadori Earthquake and an Estimation of Displacement Distribution Around the Faults Using Airborne LiDAR Data....Pages 167-171
Front Matter....Pages 173-173
Field Monitoring of the Behavior of Pile-Net Composite Foundation in Oversize-Deep-Soft Soil....Pages 175-184
Deformation Behavior of Excavated High Loess Slope Reinforced with Soil Nails and Pre-reinforced-Stabilizing Piles....Pages 185-193
Effects of Alkali Silica/Aggregate Reaction on Concrete Structures in Bundelkhand Region, Central India....Pages 195-201
Applied Engineering Geology Methods for Exemplar Infrastructure Projects in Malopolskie and Podkarpackie Provinces....Pages 203-210
A Brief Overview of the Typical Engineering Characteristics of Tropical Red Soils....Pages 211-214
Remote Analysis of Rock Slopes with Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Engineering Geological Tasks in Reservoir Planning....Pages 215-218
Dynamically Loaded Anchorages....Pages 219-222
LiDAR and Discrete Fracture Network Modeling for Rockslide Characterization and Analysis....Pages 223-227
Experimental Study on Water Sensitivity of the Red Sand Foundation in Angola....Pages 229-235
Geological Characterization and Stability Conditions of the Motorway Tunnels of Arrangement Project of the NR43, Melbou (W. Béjaïa)....Pages 237-242
A Modified Freeze-Thaw Laboratory Test for Pavement Sub Soils Affected by De-icing Chemicals....Pages 243-247
A Geotechnical and Geochemical Characterisation of Oil Fire Contaminated Soils in Kuwait....Pages 249-253
Front Matter....Pages 173-173
Comparison Between Neural Network and Finite Element Models for the Prediction of Groundwater Temperatures in Heat Pump (GWHP) Systems....Pages 255-258
Ground Stiffness Evaluation Using the Soil Stiffness Gauge (SSG)....Pages 259-262
Influence of Fracture Systems and Weathering on the Sustainability of Rock Excavation Made for the Purpose of Infrastructure Construction....Pages 263-267
Route Alignment and Optimization of Railway Based on Geological Condition....Pages 269-272
Engineering Properties of Permian Clay Tuffs....Pages 273-278
Vertical Harbour Quay Rehabilitation Using Ground Anchors....Pages 279-283
The Importance of the Existing Engineering Geological Conditions During the Building Construction on the Terrain Affected by Sliding....Pages 285-289
GIS Based, Heuristic Approach for Pipeline Route Corridor Selection....Pages 291-294
A Study of Ground Natural Temperature Along Tabriz Metro Line 2, Iran....Pages 295-298
The Challenges of Site Investigations, Dredging, and Land Reclamation: A Port Hedland (Western Australia) Project Perspective....Pages 299-302
The Role of Geological Analysis in the Design of Interventions for the Safety of the Road Asset. Some Examples....Pages 303-308
Groundwater Level Variation and Deformation in Clays Characteristic to the Helsinki Metropolitan Area....Pages 309-312
Determine of Tunnel Face Stability Pressure in EPB Machine with Use Analytical Methods (Case Study: Mashhad Metro Line2)....Pages 313-316
Numerical Modeling of Interrelationships Between Linear Transportation Infrastructures and Hydro-geological Hazard in Floodplains....Pages 317-321
Convergence Predictions and Primary Support Optimization of the Tunnel Progon....Pages 323-328
Quarry Site Selection and Geotechnical Characterization of Ballast Aggregate for Ambo-Ijaji Railway Project in Central Ethiopia: An Integrated GIS and Geotechnical Approach....Pages 329-335
Radon Emanation Techniques as an Added Dimension in Site Investigation of Water Storage Facilities....Pages 337-340
Front Matter....Pages 341-341
Improving Geotechnical Uncertainty Evaluation in Reliability-Based Design....Pages 343-346
Communicating Geological Uncertainty: The Use of the Conceptual Engineering Geological Model....Pages 347-350
Evaluating the Effects of Input Cost Surface Uncertainty on Deep-Water Petroleum Pipeline Route Optimization....Pages 351-355
Front Matter....Pages 341-341
Scanline Sampling Techniques for Rock Engineering Surveys: Insights from Intrinsic Geologic Variability and Uncertainty....Pages 357-361
A Suggested Geologic Model Complexity Rating System....Pages 363-366
Managing Uncertainty in Geological Engineering Models for Open-Pit Feasibility....Pages 367-370
Front Matter....Pages 371-371
Engineering Geological and Geotechnical Cartographic Modeling as a Methodological Basis for Engineering Surveys and Design in Complex Geological Environment....Pages 373-376
Experiences Learned from Engineering Geological Investigation of Headrace Tunnel on Sedimentary Rock—Xekaman3 Hydropower Project—Lao PDR....Pages 377-380
Engineering Properties of Badlands in the Canadian Prairies....Pages 381-385
Case Studies of Post Investigation Geological Assessments: Hunter Expressway....Pages 387-391
Contribution to the Behavior Study and Collapse Risk of Underground Cavities in Highly Saline Geological Formations....Pages 393-397
Seabed Properties for Anchoring Floating Structures in the Portuguese Offshore....Pages 399-403
Model of Permafrost Thaw Halo Formation Around a Pipeline....Pages 405-408
Assessing Rock Mass Properties for Tunnelling in a Challenging Environment. The Case of Pefka Tunnel in Northern Greece....Pages 409-413
Prediction of RMR Ahead Excavation Front in D&B Tunnelling....Pages 415-419
The Medium- to Long-Term Effects of Soil Liquefaction in the Po Plain (Italy)....Pages 421-425
Front Matter....Pages 427-427
Leaching Characteristics of Heavy Metals from Mineralized Rocks Located Along Tunnel Construction Sites....Pages 429-433
Hydrogeological Controls on the Swelling of Clay-Sulfate Rocks in Tunneling....Pages 435-438
Geomechanical Characterisation of Hard Rocks for Disc Cutting in Deep Tunnels....Pages 439-442
Geotechnical Design of an Underground Mine Dam in Gyöngyösoroszi, Hungary....Pages 443-447
An Approach on the Types and Mechanisms of Water Inrush in Traffic Tunnel Constructions in China....Pages 449-452
Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Tunnel Dimensions on Stress and Deformation Around Tunnels in Rocks....Pages 453-458
Analysis of Stress Conditions at Deep Seated Tunnels—A Case Study at Brenner Base Tunnel....Pages 459-463
Front Matter....Pages 427-427
Acoustic Emission Technique to Detect Micro Cracking During Uniaxial Compression of Brittle Rocks....Pages 465-468
Towards a Uniform Definition of Rock Toughness for Penetration Prediction in TBM Tunneling....Pages 469-473
Stability Analysis of Accidental Blocks in the Surrounding Rockmass of Tunnels in Zipingpu Hydroelectric Project....Pages 475-480
Front Matter....Pages 481-481
Feasible Study of the Siting of China ’ s High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository in an Area of Northwest China....Pages 483-487
A New Apparatus for the Measurement of Swelling Pressure Under Constant Volume Condition....Pages 489-492
2D and 3D Thermo-Hydraulic-Mechanical Analysis of Deep Geologic Disposal in Soft Sedimentary Rock....Pages 493-497
Anisotropy in Oedometer Test on Natural Boom Clay....Pages 499-502
The OECD/NEA Report on Self-sealing of Fractures in Argillaceous Formations in the Context of Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste....Pages 503-506
Permeability and Migration of Eu(III) in Compacted GMZ Bentonite-Sand Mixtures as HLW Buffer/Backfill Material....Pages 507-510
Correlative Research on Permeability and Microstructure of Life Source Contaminated Clay....Pages 511-514
Diffusion of La 3+ in Compacted GMZ Bentonite Used as Buffer Material in HLW Disposal....Pages 515-517
Soil Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils with Fractal-Texture....Pages 519-523
Thermal Effects on Chemical Diffusion in Multicomponent Ionic Systems....Pages 525-528
Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Highly Compacted Sand-GMZ01 Bentonite Mixtures Under Confined Conditions....Pages 529-532
Adsorption, Desorption and Competitive Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solution onto GMZ01 Bentonite....Pages 533-536
Enhanced Isothermal Effect on Swelling Pressure of Compacted MX80 Bentonite....Pages 537-539
Effects of Stress and Suction on the Volume Change Behaviour of GMZ Bentonite During Heating....Pages 541-543
Preliminary Assessment of Tunnel Stability for a Radioactive Waste Repository in Boom Clay....Pages 545-549
Measurements of Acoustic Emission and Deformation in a Repository of Nuclear Waste in Salt Rock....Pages 551-554
Front Matter....Pages 555-555
Construction of the Underground Powerhouse at Dagachhu Hydropower Project, Bhutan....Pages 557-561
Front Matter....Pages 555-555
The Influence of Microbiological Processes on Subsurface Waters and Grounds in River Dam Basement....Pages 563-565
Factors Controlling the Occurrence of Reservoir-Induced Seismicity....Pages 567-570
Condition of Boguchany Concrete Dam Foundation According to Instrumenal Observations....Pages 571-575
Study on Reservoir and Water Inrush Characteristic in Nibashan Tunnel, Sichuan Province, China....Pages 577-582
Differential Settlement Control Technologies of the Long Submarine Tunnel Covered by Municipal Road....Pages 583-590
Chontal HPP, Geological Features on Site Location and Dam Type....Pages 591-596
Front Matter....Pages 597-597
Evaluation of Geological Model in Construction Process of Sabzkuh Tunnel (Case Study in Iran)....Pages 599-610
Geological Design for Complex Geological-Structural Contest: The Example of SS 125 “Nuova Orientale Sarda”....Pages 611-616
The “A12—Tor dè Cenci” Motorway: Geological Reference Model and Design Solutions in Presence of Soft Soils....Pages 617-621
The Geological Reference Model for the Feasibility Study of the Corredor Bioceanico Aconcagua Base Tunnel (Argentina-Chile Trans-Andean Railway)....Pages 623-626
UHE Belo Monte: Geological and Geomechanical Model of Intake Foundation of Belo Monte Site....Pages 627-632
Geological Reference Model in the Design of the SS 182 “Trasversale Delle Serre”: Ionian Calabria....Pages 633-637
Front Matter....Pages 639-639
The Vulnerability Shadow Cast by Debris Flow Events....Pages 641-644
Active Faults at Critical Infrastructure Sites: Definition, Hazard Assessment and Mitigation Measures....Pages 645-647
Foundation Damage Responses of Concrete Infrastructure in Railway Tunnels Under Fatigue Load....Pages 649-652
Assessment and Risk Management for Integrated Water Services....Pages 653-656
Multi-risk Assessment of Cuneo Province Road Network....Pages 657-661
Superficial Hollows and Rockhead Anomalies in the London Basin, UK: Origins, Distribution and Risk Implications for Subsurface Infrastructure and Water Resources....Pages 663-666
Analysis of the Interaction Between Buried Pipelines and Slope Instability Phenomena....Pages 667-670
The Importance of Rockfall and Landslide Risks on Swiss National Roads....Pages 671-675
Front Matter....Pages 677-677
TLS Based Determination of the Orientation of Discontinuities in Karstic Rock Masses....Pages 679-683
Characterization of the Dagorda Claystone in Leiria, Portugal, Based on Laboratory Tests....Pages 685-688
Acoustic Monitoring of Underground Instabilities in an Old Limestone Quarry....Pages 689-693
Investigative Procedures for Assessing Subsidence and Earth Fissure Risk for Dams and Levees....Pages 695-698
An Integrated Approach for Monitoring Slow Deformations Preceding Dynamic Failure in Rock Slopes: A Preliminary Study....Pages 699-703
Combining Finite-Discrete Numerical Modelling and Radar Interferometry for Rock Landslide Early Warning Systems....Pages 705-708
A Tool for Semi-automatic Geostructural Survey Based on DTM....Pages 709-713
New Perspectives in Long Range Laser Scanner Survey Focus on Structural Data Treatment to Define Rockfall Susceptibility....Pages 715-719
Structural Data Treatment to Define Rockfall Susceptibility Using Long Range Laser Scanner....Pages 721-724
Artificial Neural Networks in Evaluating Piezometric Levels at the Foundation of Itaipu Dam....Pages 725-729
Use of an Advanced SAR Monitoring Technique to Monitor Old Embankment Dams....Pages 731-737
Modelling and Optimization of the Biological Treatment in the Conception of Water-Treatment Plants Whith Activated Sludge....Pages 739-746
Front Matter....Pages 747-747
Mining with Filling for Mitigating Overburden Failure and Water Inrush Due to Coalmining....Pages 749-752
Empirical Cutting Tool Wear Prognosis for Hydroshield TBM in Soft Ground....Pages 753-756
Risk and Mitigation of the Large Landslide of Brindisi di Montagna....Pages 757-760
Environmental Impact of a Motorway Tunnel Project on an Important Karst Aquifer in Southern Latium Region: The Case of Mazzoccolo Spring (Formia, Italy)....Pages 761-766
Front Matter....Pages 767-767
Rock Mass Quality Rating (RMQR) System and Its Application to the Estimation of Geomechanical Characteristics of Rock Masses....Pages 769-772
Investigation and Treatment of Problematic Foundations for Storage Dams: Some Experience....Pages 773-777
Dissolution Influences on Gypsum Rock Under Short and Long-term Loading: Implications for Dams....Pages 779-783
Underground Works in Weak and Complex Rock Mass and Urban Area....Pages 785-788
Front Matter....Pages 767-767
A Dam with Floating Foundations....Pages 789-791
Classification of “Loosened Rock Mass” Based on Cases of Dam Construction....Pages 793-797
Numerical Analysis of a Crossover Cavern Excavated in a Complex Rock Mass as Part of the Hong Kong Express Rail Link Project....Pages 799-804
The Influence of Geological History on Preferred Particle Orientation and the Observed Anisotropy of Over Consolidated UK Mudrocks....Pages 805-808
Mechanical Characterization of Weathered Schists....Pages 809-812
Deformation of Soil and Rock Transition Belt Caused by the Mining Damage....Pages 813-817
Geomechanical Assessment on a Metasedimentary Rock Cut Slope (Trofa, NW Portugal): Geotechnical Stability Analysis....Pages 819-823
Geomechanical Characterization of a Weak Sedimentary Rock Mass in a Large Embankment Dam Design....Pages 825-829
Experimental Study of Anisotropically Mechanical Features of Phyllite and Its Engineering Effect....Pages 831-834
Quantification of Rock Joint Roughness Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning....Pages 835-838
Elaboration and Interpretation of Ground Investigation Data for the Heterogeneous ‘Athens Schist’ Formation; from the ‘Lithological Type’ to the ‘Engineering Geological Formation’....Pages 839-842
Incorporating Variability and/or Uncertainty of Rock Mass Properties into GSI and RMi Systems Using Monte Carlo Method....Pages 843-849
Using of Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Engineering Geology at the Pest Side of the Metro Line 4 in Budapest, Hungary....Pages 851-854
Evaluation of the Swelling Pressure of the Corumbatai Formation Materials....Pages 855-858
Classification of Weak Rock Masses in Dam Foundation and Tunnel Excavation....Pages 859-863
Applicability of Weathering Classification to Quartzitic Materials and Relation Between Mechanical Properties and Assigned Weathering Grades: A Comparison with Investigations on Granitic Materials....Pages 865-868
Performance of Forepole Support Elements Used in Tunnelling Within Weak Rock Masses....Pages 869-873
The Research of Shear Creep Behaviors of Saturated Sericite-Quartz Phyllite....Pages 875-880
Front Matter....Pages 881-881
Investigation of Mineral Deformation and Dissolution Problems Under Various Temperature Conditions....Pages 883-886
Analysis of Permeability Coefficient Along a Rough Fractures Using a Homogenization Method....Pages 887-891
Front Matter....Pages 881-881
In Situ Quantification of Hydrocarbon in an Underground Facility in Tight Salt Rock....Pages 893-896
Relationship Between the Fractal Dimension and the Rock Mass Classification Parameters in the Bátaapáti Radioactive Waste Repository....Pages 897-900
Direct Shear Strength Test on Opalinus Clay, a Possible Host Rock for Radioactive Waste....Pages 901-904
Significance of Joint Pattern on Modelling of a Drill and Blast Tunnel in Crystalline Rock....Pages 905-908
Special Requirements for Geotechnical Characterization of Host Rocks and Designing of a Radioactive Waste Repository....Pages 909-913
Rock Mechanical and Geotechnical Characterization of a Granitic Formation Hosting the Hungarian National Radioactive Waste Repository at Bátaapáti....Pages 915-918
Front Matter....Pages 919-919
Ground Water Management for Large Under-Ground Storage Caverns....Pages 921-925
Experience from Investigation of Tectonically Extremely Deteriorated Rock Mass for the Highway Tunnel Višňové, Slovakia....Pages 927-930
Verification and Validation of Hydraulic Packer Test Results in a Deep Lying Tunnel Project....Pages 931-935
Change in Hydraulic Properties of Rock Mass Due to Tunnelling....Pages 937-940
Groundwater Ingress in Head Race Tunnel of Tapovan: Vishnugad Hydroelectric Project in Higher Himalaya, India....Pages 941-945
Investigation Constraints in Subsurface Water Aspect of Hydropower Development in the Indian Himalaya....Pages 947-953
Prediction and Management of Ground Water for Underground Works in Himalayas....Pages 955-960
Front Matter....Pages 961-961
Methodological Approach for the Valorisation of the Geothermal Energy Potential of Water Inflows Within Tunnels....Pages 963-966
Impacts on Groundwater Flow Due to the Excavation of Artificial Railway Tunnels in Soils....Pages 967-970
Chemical and Isotope Composition of Waters from Firenzuola Railway Tunnel, Italy....Pages 971-974
Hydrogeological Modeling Applications in Tunnel Excavations: Examples from Tunnel Excavations in Granitic Rocks....Pages 975-979
Effects on the Aquifer During the Realization of Underground Railway Works in Turin....Pages 981-984
Proposal for Guidelines on Sustainable Water Management in Tunnels....Pages 985-987
Front Matter....Pages 989-989
The Design Geological and Geotechnical Model (DGGM) for Long and Deep Tunnels....Pages 991-994
Front Matter....Pages 989-989
Research on Overall Risk Assessment and Its Application in High Slope Engineering Construction....Pages 995-999
The Research of Geological Forecast Based on Muti-source Information Fusion....Pages 1001-1005
Presentation of the Activity of the AFTES WG 32: Considerations Concerning the Characterization of Geotechnical Uncertainties and Risks for Underground Projects....Pages 1007-1011
Development of 3D Models for Determining Geotechnical-Geological Risk Sharing in Contracts—Dores de Guanhães/MG/Brazil Hydroelectric Powerplant Case Study....Pages 1013-1017
Use of Rock Mass Fabric Index in Fuzzy Environment for TBM Performance Prediction....Pages 1019-1022
The Risk Analysis Applied to Deep Tunnels Design—El Teniente New Mine Level Access Tunnels, Chile....Pages 1023-1030
Development of Measurement System of Seismic Wave Generated by the Excavation Blasting for Evaluating Geological Condition Around Tunnel Face....Pages 1031-1034
Multidisciplinary Methodology Used to Detect and Evaluate the Occurrence of Methane During Tunnel Design and Excavation: An Example from Calabria (Southern Italy)....Pages 1035-1038
Combined Geophysical Survey at the A2 Tunnel Maastricht....Pages 1039-1043
The Combined Use of Different Near Surface Geophysics Techniques and Geotechnical Analysis in Two Case Histories for the Advanced Design of Underground Works in Urban Environment: Rome Metro B and Torino-Ceres Railway....Pages 1045-1048
Landslides Induced by Intense Rainfall and Human Interventions—Case Studies in Algeria....Pages 1049-1053
Front Matter....Pages 1055-1055
Using of Man-Made Massives in Russian Mining (Engineering: Geological Aspects)....Pages 1057-1062
Modeling Optimized UCG Gas Qualities and Related Tar Pollutant Production Under Different Field Boundary Conditions....Pages 1063-1066
Considerations About the Integration of Geological and Geotechnical Studies Applied to Engineering Projects and to Environmental Impact Assessment in São Paulo State, Brazil....Pages 1067-1070
Integrated Geological, Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Model Applied to Environmental Impact Assessment of Road Projects in Brazil....Pages 1071-1075
Back Matter....Pages 1077-1082
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book is one out of 8 IAEG XII Congress volumes, and deals with the theme of applied geology, which is a critical theme for the global economy. In the international, multidisciplinary approach to major engineering projects (either to macro- or mega-scale), the application of geological investigation techniques is fundamental for properly selecting the location sites, planning the construction and maintaining the infrastructures. The contributions in this book include not only engineering constructions but also case studies related to large projects on geo-resources exploration and extraction (minerals, petroleum and groundwater), energy production (hydropower, geothermal, nuclear and others), transportation (railway and highway) and waste disposal as well as the environmental management of these and other activities. The Engineering Geology for Society and Territory volumes of the IAEG XII Congress held in Torino from September 15-19, 2014, analyze the dynamic role of engineering geology in our changing world and build on the four main themes of the congress: Environment, processes, issues, and approaches. The congress topics and subject areas of the 8 IAEG XII Congress volumes are: 1. Climate Change and Engineering Geology 2. Landslide Processes 3. River Basins, Reservoir Sedimentation and Water Resources 4. Marine and Coastal Processes 5. Urban Geology, Sustainable Planning and Landscape Exploitation 6. Applied Geology for Major Engineering Projects 7. Education, Professional Ethics and Public Recognition of Engineering Geology 8. Preservation of Cultural Heritage.