Environmental Science for AP*

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کتاب علوم محیطی برای AP* نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Environmental Science for AP*

نام کتاب : Environmental Science for AP*
ویرایش : 2nd ed. 2015
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : علوم محیطی برای AP*
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : WH Freeman
سال نشر : 2015
تعداد صفحات : 841
ISBN (شابک) : 1464108684 , 9781464108686
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 110 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Authors
Getting the Most from This Book
UNIT 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Environmental Science: Studying the State of Our Earth
Module 1 Environmental Science
Module 1 Review
Module 2 Environmental Indicators and Sustainability
Do the math: Converting Between Hectares and Acres
Do the math: Rates of Forest Clearing
Module 2 Review
Module 3 Scientific Method
Module 3 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Using Environmental Indicators to Make a Better City
Chapter 1 Review
Chapter 1 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 2 Environmental Systems
Module 4 Systems and Matter
Module 4 Review
Module 5 Energy, Flows, and Feedbacks
Do the math: Calculating Energy Use and Converting Units
Module 5 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Managing Environmental Systems in the Florida Everglades
Chapter 2 Review
Chapter 2 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Unit 1 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Scienceapplied 1 What Happened to the Missing Salt?
UNIT 2 The Living World
Chapter 3 Ecosystem Ecology
Module 6 The Movement of Energy
Module 6 Review
Module 7 The Movement of Matter
Do the math: Raising Mangoes
Module 7 Review
Module 8 Responses to Disturbances
Module 8 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Can We Make Golf Greens Greener?
Chapter 3 Review
Chapter 3 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 4 Global Climates and Biomes
Module 9 The Unequal Heating of Earth
Module 9 Review
Module 10 Air Currents
Module 10 Review
Module 11 Ocean Currents
Module 11 Review
Module 12 Terrestrial Biomes
Module 12 Review
Module 13 Aquatic Biomes
Module 13 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Is Your Coffee Made in the Shade?
Chapter 4 Review
Chapter 4 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 5 Evolution of Biodiversity
Module 14 The Biodiversity of Earth
Do the math: Measuring Species Diversity
Module 14 Review
Module 15 How Evolution Creates Biodiversity
Module 15 Review
Module 16 Speciation and the Pace of Evolution
Module 16 Review
Module 17 Evolution of Niches and Species Distributions
Module 17 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Protecting the Oceans When They Cannot Be Bought
Chapter 5 Review
Chapter 5 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Unit 2 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Scienceapplied 2 How Should We Prioritize the Protection of Species Diversity?
UNIT 3 Biological and Human Populations
Chapter 6 Population and Community Ecology
Module 18 The Abundance and Distribution of Populations
Module 18 Review
Module 19 Population Growth Models
Do the math: Calculating Exponential Growth
Module 19 Review
Module 20 Community Ecology
Module 20 Review
Module 21 Community Succession
Module 21 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Bringing Back the Black-footed Ferret
Chapter 6 Review
Chapter 6 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 7 The Human Population
Module 22 Human Population Numbers
Do the math: Calculating Population Growth
Module 22 Review
Module 23 Economic Development, Consumption, and Sustainability
Module 23 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Gender Equity and Population Control in Kerala
Chapter 7 Review
Chapter 7 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Unit 3 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Scienceapplied 3 How Can We Manage Overabundant Animal Populations?
UNIT 4 Earth Systems and Resources
Chapter 8 Earth Systems
Module 24 Mineral Resources and Geology
Do the math: Plate Movement
Module 24 Review
Module 25 Weathering and Soil Science
Module 25 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Mine Reclamation and Biodiversity
Chapter 8 Review
Chapter 8 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 9 Water Resources
Module 26 The Availability of Water
Module 26 Review
Module 27 Human Alteration of Water Availability
Module 27 Review
Module 28 Human Use of Water Now and in the Future
Do the math: Selecting the Best Washing Machine
Module 28 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Is the Water in Your Toilet Too Clean?
Chapter 9 Review
Chapter 9 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Unit 4 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Scienceapplied 4 Is There a Way to Resolve the California Water Wars?
UNIT 5 Land Use
Chapter 10 Land, Public and Private
Module 29 Land Use Concepts and Classification
Module 29 Review
Module 30 Land Management Practices
Module 30 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: What Are the Ingredients for a Successful Neighborhood?
Chapter 10 Review
Chapter 10 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 11 Feeding the World
Module 31 Human Nutritional Needs
Module 31 Review
Module 32 Modern Large-Scale Farming Methods
Do the math: Land Needed for Food
Module 32 Review
Module 33 Alternatives to Industrial Farming Methods
Module 33 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: The Prospect of Perennial Crops
Chapter 11 Review
Chapter 11 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Unit 5 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Scienceapplied 5 How Do We Define Organic Food?
UNIT 6 Energy Resources and Consumption
Chapter 12 Nonrenewable Energy Resources
Module 34 Patterns of Energy Use
Do the math: Efficiency of Travel
Do the math: Calculating Energy Supply
Module 34 Review
Module 35 Fossil Fuel Resources
Module 35 Review
Module 36 Nuclear Energy Resources
Do the math: Calculating Half-Lives
Module 36 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Meet TED: The Energy Detective
Chapter 12 Review
Chapter 12 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 13 Achieving Energy Sustainability
Module 37 Conservation, Efficiency, and Renewable Energy
Do the math: Energy Star
Module 37 Review
Module 38 Biomass and Water
Module 38 Review
Module 39 Solar, Wind, Geothermal, and Hydrogen
Module 39 Review
Module 40 Planning Our Energy Future
Module 40 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Building an Alternative Energy Society in Iceland
Chapter 13 Review
Chapter 13 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Unit 6 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Scienceapplied 6 Should Corn Become Fuel?
UNIT 7 Pollution
Chapter 14 Water Pollution
Module 41 Wastewater from Humans and Livestock
Do the math: Building a Manure Lagoon
Module 41 Review
Module 42 Heavy Metals and Other Chemicals
Module 42 Review
Module 43 Oil Pollution
Module 43 Review
Module 44 Nonchemical Water Pollution
Module 44 Review
Module 45 Water Pollution Laws
Module 45 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Purifying Water for Pennies
Chapter 14 Review
Chapter 14 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 15 Air Pollution and Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
Module 46 Major Air Pollutants and Their Sources
Module 46 Review
Module 47 Photochemical Smog and Acid Rain
Module 47 Review
Module 48 Pollution Control Measures
Do the math: Calculating Annual Sulfur Reductions
Module 48 Review
Module 49 Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
Module 49 Review
Module 50 Indoor Air Pollution
Module 50 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: A New Cook Stove Design
Chapter 15 Review
Chapter 15 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 16 Waste Generation and Waste Disposal
Module 51 Only Humans Generate Waste
Module 51 Review
Module 52 The Three Rs and Composting
Module 52 Review
Module 53 Landfills and Incineration
Do the math: How Much Leachate Might Be Collected?
Module 53 Review
Module 54 Hazardous Waste
Module 54 Review
Module 55 New Ways to Think About Solid Waste
Module 55 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Recycling E-Waste in Chile
Chapter 16 Review
Chapter 16 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 17 Human Health and Environmental Risks
Module 56 Human Disease
Module 56 Review
Module 57 Toxicology and Chemical Risks
Do the math: Estimating LD50 Values and Safe Exposures
Module 57 Review
Module 58 Risk Analysis
Module 58 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: The Global Fight Against Malaria
Chapter 17 Review
Chapter 17 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Unit 7 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Scienceapplied 7 Is Recycling Always Good for the Environment?
UNIT 8 Global Change and a Sustainable Future
Chapter 18 Conservation of Biodiversity
Module 59 The Sixth Mass Extinction
Module 59 Review
Module 60 Causes of Declining Biodiversity
Module 60 Review
Module 61 The Conservation of Biodiversity
Module 61 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Swapping Debt for Nature
Chapter 18 Review
Chapter 18 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 19 Global Change
Module 62 Global Climate Change and the Greenhouse Effect
Module 62 Review
Module 63 The Evidence for Global Warming
Do the math: Projecting Future Increases in CO[sub(2)]
Module 63 Review
Module 64 Consequences of Global Climate Change
Module 64 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Cities, States, and Businesses Lead the Way to Reduce Greenhouse Gases
Chapter 19 Review
Chapter 19 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Chapter 20 Sustainability, Economics, and Equity
Module 65 Sustainability and Economics
Module 65 Review
Module 66 Regulations and Equity
Module 66 Review
Working Toward Sustainability: Reuse-A-Sneaker
Chapter 20 Review
Chapter 20 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Unit 8 AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Scienceapplied 8 Can We Solve the Carbon Crisis Using Cap-and-Trade?
Cumulative AP® Environmental Science Practice Exam
Appendix: Reading Graphs

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