فهرست مطالب :
Contributors xi
List of abbreviations xxiv
1 – Structure and function of the respiratory system
Anatomy and development of the respiratory system1
Pinelopi Anagnostopoulou and Johannes C. Schittny
Applied respiratory physiology14
Monika Gappa and Nicole Beydon
Immunology and defence mechanisms24
Johanna Theodorou and Bianca Schaub
2 – Respiratory symptoms and signs
History and physical examination36
Sotirios Fouzas, Konstantinos Douros and Michael B. Anthracopoulos
Evaluation and management of acute and chronic cough 45
Julie M. Marchant, Anne B. Chang and Ahmad Kantar
Evaluation and management of wheezing, stridor, snoring 53
and hoarseness
Konstantinos Douros, Sotirios Fouzas and Kostas N. Priftis
Evaluation and management of dyspnoea, respiratory distress 62
and respiratory insufficiency
Nilay Bas Ikizoglu, Sedat Oktem and Refika Ersu
Questionnaires in clinical assessment73
John A. King and Louise J. Fleming
3 – Pulmonary function and diagnostic testing
Static and dynamic lung volumes80
Elisabeth Kieninger, Yasmin Salem Mahmoud and Oliver Fuchs
Respiratory mechanics89
Marc-Alexander Oestreich, Christoph Corin Willers and Oliver Fuchs
Respiratory muscle function97
Brigitte Fauroux, Alessandro Amaddeo and Sonia Khirani
Reversibility and bronchial provocation testing104
Nicole Beydon and Monika Gappa
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing113
Helge Hebestreit and Thomas Radtke
Blood gas assessment and oximetry121
Paola Papoff, Corrado Moretti and Raffaella Nenna
Single- and multiple-breath washout techniques129
Bettina Sarah Frauchiger, Sophie Yammine and Florian Singer
Pulmonary function testing in infants and preschool children 135
Enrico Lombardi, Claudia Calogero and Graham L. Hall
Forced oscillation techniques141
Shannon J. Simpson, Sherlynn Ang and Graham L. Hall
Exhaled nitric oxide, induced sputum and exhaled breath 146
Mariëlle Pijnenburg, Valentina Ferraro and Silvia Carraro
Assessing respiratory risks of air travel, altitude and diving 154
Mary J. Sharp, Carly E. Seeber and Graham L. Hall
4 – Airway endoscopy
Flexible airway endoscopy158
Ernst Eber, Jacques de Blic and Fabio Midulla
Bronchoalveolar lavage: techniques and indications169
Fabio Midulla, Raffaella Nenna and Ernst Eber
Bronchial brushing and bronchial and transbronchial biopsies 176
Petr Pohunek, Václav Koucký and Pierre Goussard
Rigid and interventional airway endoscopy183
Ernst Eber, Thomas Nicolai and Fabio Midulla
Sedation for airway endoscopy190
Jacques de Blic
5 – Imaging
Conventional chest radiography196
Matthias C. Schaal and Meinrad Beer
Lung/chest ultrasonography203
Michael Riccabona
Chest computed tomography212
Harm A.W.M. Tiddens, Pierluigi Ciet and Marcel van Straten
Chest magnetic resonance imaging222
Pierluigi Ciet, Harm A.W.M. Tiddens and Piotr Wielopolski
Lung isotope imaging methods234
Georg Berding
Chest interventional radiology238
Efthymia Alexopoulou, Argyro Mazioti and Dimitrios Filippiadis
6 – Respiratory infections
Upper respiratory tract infections244
Rossa Brugha, Chinedu Nwokoro and Jonathan Grigg
Acute lower respiratory tract infections253
Vanessa E. Craven and Mark L. Everard
Acute viral bronchiolitis267
Fabio Midulla, Greta Di Mattia and Laura Petrarca
Pleural infection, necrotising pneumonia and lung abscess 274
Fernando Maria de Benedictis, Roberto Guidi and Giovanni Cobellis
Mycobacterial infection and disease284
James Paton
Protracted bacterial bronchitis and non-CF bronchiectasis312
Adeline Y.L. Lim, Ahmad Kantar and Anne B. Chang
Lung involvement in the immunocompromised host324
Rossa Brugha and Paul Aurora
Microbiology and infectivity331
Elpis Hatziagorou, Emmanuel Roilides and John Tsanakas
Immunisation against respiratory pathogens339
Horst von Bernuth, Volker Strenger and Philippe Stock
7 – Asthma and wheezing disorders
Epidemiology and phenotypes of asthma and wheezing348
Franca Rusconi, Cristina Ardura-Garcia and Claudia E. Kuehni
Genetic and environmental factors in asthma and wheezing 355
Erika von Mutius
Preschool wheezing361
Giorgio Piacentini and Laura Tenero
Mariëlle Pijnenburg, Antonella Frassanito and Alexander Moeller
Difficult and severe asthma382
Andrew Bush and Louise Selby
8 – Allergic disorders
Antonella Muraro and Stefania Arasi
Allergic rhinitis396
Michele Miraglia del Giudice, Annalisa Allegorico, Fabio Decimo and
Anna Maria Zicari
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis406
Andrew Bush and Dominic Hughes
Diagnosis and basic management of associated allergic414
Maurizio Mennini, Stefania Arasi, Vincenzo Fierro,
Maria Cristina Artesani and Alessandro Giovanni Fiocchi
In vivo and in vitro allergy diagnostics422
Gunilla Hedlin and Jon Konradsen
Prevention measures in allergic disorders427
Susanne Halken
9 – Cystic fibrosis
Epidemiology, genetics, pathophysiology and prognosis of CF435
Caroline Poulter, Iolo Doull and Jayesh Mahendra Bhatt
Screening and diagnosis of CF446
Jürg Barben and Kevin W. Southern
CF lung disease452
Nicolas Regamey and Giulia Cangiano
Extrapulmonary manifestations of CF461
Vanessa Stadlbauer
Microbiology, cross-infection and hygiene in CF473
Michael Hogardt and Silke Besier
10 – Congenital malformations
Airway malformations484
Ernst Eber and Andreas Pfleger
Lung malformations495
Ashok Daya Ram, Katherine Burke, Jennifer Calvert and Sailesh Kotecha
Vascular malformations504
Oliviero Sacco and Laura Petrarca
11 – Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Epidemiology, aetiology, prevention, diagnosis, management and 515
complications of BPD
Alice Hadchouel, Pierre-Henri Jarreau and Christophe Delacourt
Long-term respiratory outcomes of BPD521
Laura Moschino, Charles C. Roehr and Eugenio Baraldi
12 – Effects of systemic and extrapulmonary conditions on the
respiratory system
Effects of systemic and extrapulmonary conditions on the 532
respiratory system
Andrew Bush and Rishi Pabary
13 – Aerodigestive disorders
GOR-associated lung disease and chronic pulmonary aspiration 550
Charmaine Chai, Anna Rybak and Osvaldo Borrelli
Laryngeal cleft, tracheo-oesophageal fistula and oesophageal 557
Colin Butler, Richard Hewitt, Paolo de Coppi and Colin Wallis
Foreign body aspiration563
Iolo Doull
14 – Rare diseases
Primary ciliary dyskinesia569
Bruna Rubbo, Myrofora Goutaki and Jane S. Lucas
Bronchiolitis obliterans579
Marco Poeta, Francesca Santamaria and Salvatore Cazzato
Interstitial lung diseases588
Nadia Nathan, Laura Berdah and Annick Clement
Surfactant dysfunction syndromes and pulmonary alveolar 602
Elias Seidl, Christina Rapp, Matthias Kappler and Matthias Griese
Pulmonary vascular disorders 610
Andrew Bush and Elizabeth Scotney
Pulmonary haemorrhage 620
Matthias Griese
Pleural effusion, chylothorax, haemothorax and mediastinitis 626
Juan Antón-Pacheco, Carmen Luna-Paredes and
Alvaro Gimeno Díaz de Atauri
Pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum 637
Nicolaus Schwerk, Julia Carlens and Hartmut Grasemann
Drug- and radiation-induced lung disease 646
Nicolaus Schwerk, Julia Carlens and Matthias Griese
Neuromuscular disorders 657
Anita K. Simonds, Claudio Cherchi and Renato Cutrera
Chest wall disorders 661
Daniel Trachsel, Thierry de Trey and Daniel Studer
Plastic bronchitis 669
Bruce K. Rubin and Maxim Itkin
Haemangiomas, lymphangiomas and papillomatosis 675
Thomas Nicolai
Lung and mediastinal tumours 683
Amalia Schiavetti and Giulia Varrasso
Sickle cell disease 689
Tobias Ankermann
15 – Sleep medicine and breathing control disorders
Physiology and pathophysiology of sleep694
Frederic Proulx, Valeria Caldarelli and Refika Ersu
Ela Erdem Eralp, Sedat Oktem and Refika Ersu
OSAS and upper airway resistance syndrome718
Maria Pia Villa, Melania Evangelisti and Athanasios G. Kaditis
Central sleep apnoeas and hypoventilation syndromes725
Ha Trang and Iulia Ioan
Breathing pattern disorders732
Samatha Sonnappa and Charlotte Wells
16 – Long-term management in chronic respiratory disorders
Rehabilitation programmes and nutritional management739
Andreas Jung
Respiratory physiotherapy747
Marlies Wagner
Sports medicine753
Giancarlo Tancredi, Giovanna De Castro and Ambra Nicolai
Lung transplantation and management after transplantation 760
Paul D. Robinson and Paul Aurora
17 – Inhalation therapy
Inhalation therapy771
Wytse B. van den Bosch and Hettie M. Janssens
18 – Technology-dependent children
Home oxygen therapy, noninvasive and invasive ventilation, 782
and home ventilatory support
Brigitte Fauroux, Sonia Khirani and Alessandro Amaddeo
Colin Wallis and Joanne Cooke
19 – Epidemiology and environment
Epidemiology of lower respiratory tract infections797
Hepsi Xavier and Steve Turner
Impact of indoor and outdoor pollution on respiratory health806
Norrice Liu and Jonathan Grigg
Prevention and cessation of smoking815
Giuliana Ferrante, Giovanna Cilluffo and Stefania La Grutta