Essentials of Biology 2023

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نام کتاب : Essentials of Biology 2023
ویرایش : 7
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : ملزومات زیست شناسی 2023
سری :
نویسندگان : , , ,
ناشر : McGraw Hill
سال نشر : 2023
تعداد صفحات : 2707
ISBN (شابک) : 9781266098475 , 126609847X
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 97 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Table of Contents and Preface
Title Page
Copyright Information
Brief Contents
About the Authors
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Seventh Edition
Virtual Labs and Lab Simulations
Chapter 1: Biology: The Science of Life
Chapter 1 Introduction
Diversity in Science
1.1 The Characteristics of Life
Life Requires Materials and Energy
Living Organisms Maintain an Internal Environment
Living Organisms Respond
Living Organisms Reproduce and Develop
Living Organisms Have Adaptations
1.2 Evolution: The Core Concept of Biology
Natural Selection and Evolutionary Processes
Organizing the Diversity of Life
1.3 Science: A Way of Knowing
Start with an Observation
Develop a Hypothesis
Make a Prediction and Perform Experiments
Develop a Conclusion
Scientific Theory
An Example of a Controlled Study
Publishing the Results
1.4 Challenges Facing Science
Climate Change
Biodiversity and Habitat Loss
Emerging and Reemerging Diseases
Chapter 1 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 2: The Chemical Basis of Life
Chapter 2 Introduction
The Chemical Basis of Life
Ocean Acidification
2.1 Atoms and Atomic Bonds
Atomic Structure
The Periodic Table
Arrangement of Electrons in an Atom
Types of Chemical Bonds
Chemical Formulas and Reactions
2.2 Water’s Importance to Life
The Structure of Water
Properties of Water
2.3 Acids and Bases
Acidic Solutions
Basic Solutions
pH and the pH Scale
Buffers and pH
Chapter 2 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 3: The Organic Molecules of Life
Chapter 3 Introduction
What Is Gluten?
3.1 Organic Molecules
The Carbon Atom
The Carbon Skeleton and Functional Groups
3.2 Carbohydrates and Lipids
Building Complex Biological Molecules
3.3 Proteins and Nucleic Acids
Nucleic Acids
Chapter 3 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 4: Inside the Cell
Chapter 4 Introduction
Stem Cells
4.1 Cells Under the Microscope
The Limit to Cell Size
4.2 The Plasma Membrane
Functions of Membrane Proteins
4.3 The Two Main Types of Cells
Prokaryotic Cells
4.4 A Tour of the Eukaryotic Cell
Nucleus and Ribosomes
Endomembrane System
Vesicles and Vacuoles
Energy-Related Organelles
The Cytoskeleton and Motor Proteins
Cilia and Flagella
4.5 Outside the Eukaryotic Cell
Cell Walls
Extracellular Matrix
Junctions Between Cells
Chapter 4 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 5: The Dynamic Cell
Chapter 5 Introduction
The Opioid Crisis
5.1 What Is Energy?
Measuring Energy
Energy Laws
5.2 ATP: Energy for Cells
Structure of ATP
Use and Production of ATP
The Flow of Energy
5.3 Metabolic Pathways and Enzymes
An Enzyme’s Active Site
Energy of Activation
5.4 Cell Transport
Passive Transport: No Energy Required
Active Transport: Energy Required
Bulk Transport
Chapter 5 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 6: Energy for Life
Chapter 6 Introduction
Calories from the Sun
6.1 Overview of Photosynthesis
Plants as Photosynthesizers
The Photosynthetic Process
6.2 The Light Reactions—Harvesting Energy
Photosynthetic Pigments
The Light Reactions: Capturing Solar Energy
6.3 The Calvin Cycle Reactions—Making Sugars
Overview of the Calvin Cycle
The Many Uses of G3P
6.4 Variations in Photosynthesis
C3 Photosynthesis
C4 Photosynthesis
CAM Photosynthesis
Evolutionary Trends
Chapter 6 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 7: Energy for Cells
Chapter 7 Introduction
Metabolic Demands of Athletes
7.1 Cellular Respiration
Phases of Complete Glucose Breakdown
7.2 Outside the Mitochondria: Glycolysis
Energy-Investment Step
Energy-Harvesting Steps
7.3 Outside the Mitochondria: Fermentation
Lactic Acid Fermentation
Alcohol Fermentation
7.4 Inside the Mitochondria
Preparatory Reaction
The Citric Acid Cycle
The Electron Transport Chain
7.5 Metabolic Fate of Food
Energy Yield from Glucose Metabolism
Alternative Metabolic Pathways
Chapter 7 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 8: Cellular Reproduction
Chapter 8 Introduction
Cellular Reproduction
Why Don\'t Elephants Get Cancer?
8.1 An Overview of Cellular Reproduction
Chromatin to Chromosomes
8.2 The Cell Cycle: Interphase, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis
M (Mitotic) Phase
8.3 The Cell Cycle Control System
Cell Cycle Checkpoints
Internal and External Signals
8.4 The Cell Cycle and Cancer
Genetic Control of the Cell Cycle
Other Genetic Changes and Cancer
8.5 Characteristics of Cancer
Characteristics of Cancer Cells
Cancer Treatment
Prevention of Cancer
Chapter 8 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 9: Meiosis and the Genetic Basis of Sexual Reproduction
Chapter 9 Introduction
Is There Another You Out There?
9.1 An Overview of Meiosis
Homologous Chromosomes
The Human Life Cycle
Overview of Meiosis
9.2 The Phases of Meiosis
The First Division—Meiosis I
The Second Division—Meiosis II
9.3 Meiosis Compared with Mitosis
Meiosis I Compared with Mitosis
Meiosis II Compared with Mitosis
Mitosis and Meiosis Occur at Different Times
9.4 Changes in Chromosome Number
Down Syndrome
Abnormal Sex Chromosome Number
Chapter 9 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 10: Patterns of Inheritance
Chapter 10 Introduction
Genetics of Eye Color
10.1 Mendel’s Laws
Mendel’s Experimental Procedure
One-Trait Inheritance
Two-Trait Inheritance
Mendel’s Laws and Probability
Mendel’s Laws and Meiosis
10.2 Mendel’s Laws Apply to Humans
Family Pedigrees
Genetic Disorders of Interest
10.3 Beyond Mendel’s Laws
Incomplete Dominance
Multiple-Allele Traits
Polygenic Inheritance
Gene Interactions
10.4 Sex-Linked Inheritance
Sex-Linked Alleles
Pedigrees for Sex-Linked Disorders
X-Linked Recessive Disorders
Chapter 10 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 11: The Instructions for Life: DNA and RNA
Chapter 11 Introduction
Next-Generation DNA
11.1 DNA and RNA Structure and Function
The Structure of DNA
Replication of DNA
RNA Structure and Function
11.2 Gene Expression
From DNA to RNA to Protein
Review of Gene Expression
11.3 Gene Regulation
Levels of Gene Expression Control
Chapter 11 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 12: Biotechnology and Genomics
Chapter 12 Introduction
CRISPR and Genome Editing
12.1 Biotechnology
Recombinant DNA Technology
DNA Sequencing
Polymerase Chain Reaction
DNA Analysis
Genome Editing
12.2 Biotechnology Products
Genetically Modified Bacteria
Genetically Modified Plants
Genetically Modified Animals
12.3 Stem Cells and Cloning
Reproductive and Therapeutic Cloning
12.4 Genomics and Proteomics
Sequencing the Bases of the Human Genome
Proteomics and Bioinformatics
Chapter 12 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 13: Mutations and Genetic Testing
Chapter 13 Introduction
Progeria: Accelerated Aging
13.1 Gene Mutations
Causes of Gene Mutations
Types and Effects of Mutations
13.2 Chromosomal Mutations
13.3 Genetic Testing
Obtaining Chromosomes for Analysis
Karyotype Analysis
Testing for a Protein
Testing the DNA
Testing the Fetus
Testing the Embryo and Egg
13.4 Gene Therapy
Ex Vivo Gene Therapy
In Vivo Gene Therapy
Chapter 13 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 14: Darwin and Evolution
Chapter 14 Introduction
Darwin and Evolution
Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance
14.1 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Before Darwin
Darwin’s Conclusions
Natural Selection and Adaptation
Darwin and Wallace
14.2 Evidence of Evolutionary Change
Fossil Evidence
Biogeographical Evidence
Anatomical Evidence
Molecular Evidence
Chapter 14 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 15: Evolution on a Small Scale
Chapter 15 Introduction
Life at High Elevations
15.1 Natural Selection
Types of Selection
Sexual Selection
Adaptations Are Not Perfect
Maintenance of Variation
15.2 Microevolution
Evolution in a Genetic Context
Causes of Microevolution
Chapter 15 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 16: Evolution on a Large Scale
Chapter 16 Introduction
Evolution of Whales
16.1 Speciation and Macroevolution
Defining Species
Models of Speciation
16.2 The Fossil Record
The Geologic Time Scale
The Pace of Speciation
Causes of Mass Extinctions
16.3 Systematics
Linnaean Classification
Phylogenetic Trees
Cladistics and Cladograms
The Three-Domain System
Chapter 16 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 17: Viruses, Bacteria, and Protists
Chapter 17 Introduction
Viruses, Bacteria, and Protists
17.1 Viruses, Viroids, and Prions
Structure of a Virus
Viral Reproduction
Plant Viruses
Animal Viruses
Viroids and Prions
17.2 Emerging Viruses and SARS-CoV-2
17.3 Prokaryotes
The Origin of the First Cells
The Archaea
17.4 Protists
Evolution of Protists
Classification of Protists
Chapter 17 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 18: Plants and Fungi
Chapter 18 Introduction
Evolution Wars: Peppers Versus Fungi
18.1 An Overview of Plants
An Overview of Plant Evolution
Alternation of Generations
18.2 The Diversity of Plants
Nonvascular Plants
Vascular Plants
Seed Plants
18.3 Fungi
General Biology of a Fungus
Fungal Diversity
Ecological Benefits of Fungi
Economic Benefits of Fungi
Fungi as Disease-Causing Organisms
Chapter 18 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 19: Animals
Chapter 19 Introduction
The Neanderthal in You
19.1 The Evolution of Animals
Ancestry of Animals
The Evolutionary Tree of Animals
Evolutionary Trends
19.2 Sponges and Cnidarians: The Early Animals
Sponges: Multicellularity
Cnidarians: True Tissues
19.3 Flatworms, Mollusks, and Annelids: The Lophotrochozoans
Flatworms: Bilateral Symmetry
Annelids: Segmented Worms
19.4 Roundworms and Arthropods: The Ecdysozoans
Roundworms: Pseudocoelomates
Arthropods: Jointed Appendages
19.5 Echinoderms and Chordates: The Deuterostomes
Fishes: First Jaws and Lungs
Amphibians: Jointed Vertebrate Limbs
Reptiles: Amniotic Egg
Mammals: Hair and Mammary Glands
19.6 Human Evolution
Evolution of Humanlike Hominins
Evolution of Modern Humans
Chapter 19 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 20: Plant Anatomy and Growth
Chapter 20 Introduction
Plant Anatomy and Growth
The Amazing Neem Tree
20.1 Plant Cells and Tissues
Epidermal Tissue
Ground Tissue
Vascular Tissue
20.2 Plant Organs
Monocots Versus Eudicots
20.3 Organization of Leaves, Stems, and Roots
20.4 Plant Nutrition
Adaptations of Roots for Mineral Uptake
20.5 Transport of Nutrients
Water Transport in Xylem
Sugar Transport in Phloem
Chapter 20 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 21: Plant Responses and Reproduction
Chapter 21 Introduction
Plants That Track the Sun
21.1 Plant Hormones
Abscisic Acid
21.2 Plant Responses
21.3 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Overview of the Plant Life Cycle
From Spores to Fertilization
Development of the Seed in a Eudicot
Monocots Versus Eudicots
Fruit Types and Seed Dispersal
Germination of Seeds
21.4 Asexual Reproduction and Genetic Engineering in Plants
Propagation of Plants in a Garden
Propagation of Plants in Tissue Culture
Genetic Engineering of Plants
Chapter 21 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 22: Organization of the Animal Body and Homeostasis
Chapter 22 Introduction
Organization of the Animal Body and Homeostasis
Your Body Under Water
22.1 The Body’s Organization
Epithelial Tissue Protects
Connective Tissue Connects and Supports
Muscular Tissue Moves the Body
Nervous Tissue Communicates
22.2 Organs and Organ Systems
Transport and Protection
Maintenance of the Body
Sensory Input and Motor Output
22.3 Homeostasis
Organ Systems and Homeostasis
Negative Feedback
Chapter 22 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 23: The Transport Systems
Chapter 23 Introduction
Synthetic Blood
23.1 Open and Closed Circulatory Systems
Open Circulatory Systems
Closed Circulatory Systems
Comparison of Vertebrate Circulatory Pathways
23.2 Circulation in Humans
The Human Heart
Blood Vessels
Lymphatic System
Capillary Exchange in the Tissues
23.3 Blood: A Transport Medium
Formed Elements
Cardiovascular Disorders
Chapter 23 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 24: The Maintenance Systems
Chapter 24 Introduction
When Breathing Becomes Difficult
24.1 Respiratory System
The Human Respiratory Tract
Lungs and External Exchange of Gases
Respiration in Other Animals
Transport and Internal Exchange of Gases
24.2 Urinary System
Human Kidney
Problems with Kidney Function
Chapter 24 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 25: Digestion and Human Nutrition
Chapter 25 Introduction
Gluten: Sensitivity or Celiac Disease?
25.1 Digestive System
Complete and Incomplete Digestive Systems
The Digestive Tract
Accessory Organs
Digestive Enzymes
25.2 Nutrition
Introducing the Nutrients
25.3 The Classes of Nutrients
25.4 Understanding Nutrition Guidelines
Updating Dietary Guidelines
Visualizing Dietary Guidelines
The Bottom Line
25.5 Nutrition and Health
Body Mass Index
Disorders Associated with Obesity
Eating Disorders
Chapter 25 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 26: Defenses Against Disease
Chapter 26 Introduction
The COVID-19 Vaccine
26.1 Overview of the Immune System
Lymphatic Organs
Cells of the Immune System
26.2 Nonspecific Defenses and Innate Immunity
Barriers to Entry
The Inflammatory Response
The Complement System
Natural Killer Cells
26.3 Specific Defenses and Adaptive Immunity
B Cells and the Antibody Response
T Cells and the Cellular Response
26.4 Immunizations
26.5 Disorders of the Immune System
Autoimmune Diseases
Chapter 26 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 27: The Control Systems
Chapter 27 Introduction
Hormone Disruptors
27.1 Nervous System
Examples of Nervous Systems
The Human Nervous System
The Nerve Impulse
The Synapse
Substance Abuse Disorders
The Central Nervous System
The Peripheral Nervous System
27.2 Endocrine System
The Action of Hormones
Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
Adrenal Glands
Chapter 27 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 28: Sensory Input and Motor Output
Chapter 28 Introduction
The Marathon World Record Holder
28.1 The Senses
Chemical Senses
Hearing and Balance
Cutaneous Receptors and Proprioceptors
28.2 The Motor Systems
Types of Skeletons
The Human Skeleton
Skeletal Muscle Structure and Physiology
Chapter 28 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 29: Reproduction, Development, and Aging
Chapter 29 Introduction
How Long Will You Live?
29.1 How Animals Reproduce
Asexual Versus Sexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction
29.2 Human Reproduction
Male Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
Control of Reproduction
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
29.3 Human Embryonic Development
Early Embryonic Development
Later Embryonic Development
Fetal Development and Birth
29.4 Aging in Humans
Factors Influencing Aging
Chapter 29 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 30: Ecology of Populations
Chapter 30 Introduction
Ecology of Populations
The Lionfish Invasion of the Caribbean
30.1 The Science of Ecology
Ecology: A Biological Science
30.2 The Human Population
Present Population Growth
Projections of Future Population Growth
More-Developed Versus Less-Developed Countries
Comparing Age Structures
Population Growth and Environmental Impact
30.3 Characteristics of Populations
Distribution and Density
Population Growth
Patterns of Population Growth
Factors That Regulate Population Growth
30.4 Life History Patterns and Extinction
Chapter 30 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 31: Communities and Ecosystems
Chapter 31 Introduction
The Reality of Climate Change
31.1 Ecology of Communities
Community Composition and Diversity
Ecological Succession
Interactions in Communities
Community Stability
31.2 Ecology of Ecosystems
Energy Flow and Chemical Cycling
Chemical Cycling
31.3 Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems
Aquatic Ecosystems
Terrestrial Ecosystems
Primary Productivity
31.4 Ecological Consequences of Climate Change
Contributors to Climate Change
Consequences of Climate Change
Chapter 31 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Chapter 32: Human Impact on the Biosphere
Chapter 32 Introduction
Conservation Success Stories
32.1 Conservation Biology
32.2 Biodiversity
Direct Values of Biodiversity
Indirect Values of Biodiversity
32.3 Resources and Environmental Impact
Other Sources of Pollution
32.4 Sustainable Societies
Today’s Society
Characteristics of a Sustainable Society
Chapter 32 Review
Thinking Critically About Biology
Making It Relevant to You
Appendix A Periodic Table of Elements & The Metric System
Appendix A: Periodic Table of the Elements & The Metric System
Appendix A: The Metric System
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Figure 13.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 13)
Figure 13.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 13)
A Chart Shows the Chapter Text Alternative (Chapter 13)
An Illustration Shows Chromosomal Text Alternative (Chapter 13)
Figure 14.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.3 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.15 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.16 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 14.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
A Chart Shows the Chapter Text Alternative (Chapter 14)
Figure 15.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
Figure 15.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
Histogram of Birth Weight Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
Figure 15.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
Figure 15.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
Figure 15.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
Figure 15.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
Figure 15.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
A Chart Shows the Chapter Summary in Points 15.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
A Set of 3 Plots Show the Types of Selection: Stabilizing Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
A Close-Up Shows the Quail Eggs Which are White Text Alternative (Chapter 15)
Figure 16.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.10 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.15 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.16 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.19 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 16.20 Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
A Chart Shows the Chapter Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
The Three-Domain System Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Chart of 5 Vascular Plants Text Alternative (Chapter 16)
Figure 17.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.3 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
A Diagram Shows Graph Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
A Dead Person is Covered Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.10 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.19 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.20 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.21 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.22 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.25 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.26 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.27 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.29 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 17.30 Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
A Chart Shows the Chapter Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
A Schematic Diagram of the Various Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
A Phylogenetic Tree is Depicted Text Alternative (Chapter 17)
Figure 18.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.3 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.15 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.16 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.19 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.20 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.21 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.22 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 18.26 Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
A Chart Shows the Chapter Summary Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
A Tree Shows Evolution of Land Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
A Cladogram shows 5 Different Text Alternative (Chapter 18)
Figure 19.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.10 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.15 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.20 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.21 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.22 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.24 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.25 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.26 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.27 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.30 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.31 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.32 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.33 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.37 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.38 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.40 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 19.42 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
A Tabular Chart Summarizes Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
A Cladogram shows Classification Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 20.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 20)
Figure 20.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 20)
Figure 20.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 20)
Figure 20.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 20)
Figure 20.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 20)
Figure 20.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 20)
Figure 20.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 20)
Figure 20.19 Text Alternative (Chapter 20)
Figure 20.20 Text Alternative (Chapter 20)
A Tabular Chart Summarizes Text Alternative (Chapter 20)
Figure 21.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.3 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.10 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 19.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 19)
Figure 21.16 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.19 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.20 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.21 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 21.25 Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
A Tabular Chart Summarizes Text Alternative (Chapter 21)
Figure 22.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
Figure 22.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
Figure 22.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
Figure 22.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
Figure 22.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
Figure 22.10 Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
Figure 22.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
Figure 22.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
Figure 22.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
Figure 22.15 Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
A Tabular Chart Summarizes Text Alternative (Chapter 22)
Figure 23.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 23.3 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 23.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 23.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 23.10 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 23.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 23.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 23.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 23.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 23.15 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 23.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
A Chart Shows the Chapter Text Alternative (Chapter 23)
Figure 24.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.15 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.16 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 24.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
A Chart Shows the Chapter Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
The Diagram shows the Respiratory Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
The Diagram Represents Text Alternative (Chapter 24)
Figure 25.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 25.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 25.3 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 25.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 25.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 25.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 25.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 25.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 25.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 25.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 25.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
BMI Calculation Formula Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
A List Shows 5 Different Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
A Calculation Shows Total Calorific Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
A Tabular Chart Shows the Chapter Text Alternative (Chapter 25)
Figure 26.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Figure 26.3 Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Figure 26.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Figure 26.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Figure 26.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Figure 26.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Figure 26.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Figure 26.10 Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Figure 26.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Figure 26.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
A Tabular Chart Summarizes the Chapter with Points Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Two Reactions Depict the Function of Cytotoxic Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
A Plot Has Antibody Present on the Vertical Axis Text Alternative (Chapter 26)
Figure 27.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.3 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
A Diagram Shows Anatomy Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.16 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 27.20 Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
A Tabular chart shows the Chapter Text Alternative (Chapter 27)
Figure 28.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.3 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.15 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.16 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 28.19 Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
A Chart shows Summary Text Alternative (Chapter 28)
Figure 29.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.6 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.15 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.16 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 29.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
A Chart Shows Learning Summaries Marked Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
An Illustration Shows the Side View of Male Reproductive Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
An Illustration Shows the Side View of Female Reproductive Text Alternative (Chapter 29)
Figure 30.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 30.5 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 30.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 30.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 30.10 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 30.13 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 30.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 30.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 30.20 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Set of 4 Learning Summaries Marked From 30.1 Through 30.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Set of 3 Age Structure Pyramids Labeled Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
A Line Graph of Time Plotted Against the Number Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 31.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 31.4 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 31.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 31.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 30)
Figure 31.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.14 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.16 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.17 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.19 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.20 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.21 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.22 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.24 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.26 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.27 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.29 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.31 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
Figure 31.33 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
A Chart Shows Summary of Learning From 31.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 31)
A Chart Demonstrates All the Fields of Basic Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.2 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.7 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.8 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.9 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.10 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.11 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.12 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.18 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.20 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
Figure 32.21 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
A Chart Shows Summary of Learning From 32.1 Text Alternative (Chapter 32)
The Periodic Table Shows Solid, Liquid, Gaseous Text Alternative (Appendix A)
A Chart is Divided Into Four Columns Summarizing Text Alternative (Appendix A)
Title Page
Chapter 1: ‘I’m thinking’ – Oh, but are you?
Chapter 2: Renegade perception
Chapter 3: The Pushbacker sting
Chapter 4: ‘Covid’: The calculated catastrophe
Chapter 5: There is no ‘virus’
Chapter 6: Sequence of deceit
Chapter 7: War on your mind
Chapter 8: ‘Reframing’ insanity
Chapter 9: We must have it? So what is it?
Chapter 10: Human 2.0
Chapter 11: Who controls the Cult?
Chapter 12: Escaping Wetiko
Appendix: Cowan-Kaufman-Morell Statement on Virus Isolation

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