فهرست مطالب :
Front Cover......Page 1
Title Page......Page 6
Copyright......Page 7
CONTENTS......Page 10
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Lost Worlds and Other Wonders......Page 37
A Pattern in Life’s Organization......Page 39
Organisms Sense and Respond to Change......Page 41
Organisms Grow and Reproduce......Page 42
1.3 Overview of Life’s Diversity......Page 43
1.4 An Evolutionary View of Diversity......Page 45
The Scope and Limits of Science......Page 46
About the Word “Theory”......Page 47
Some Terms Used in Experiments......Page 48
Butterflies and Birds......Page 49
Asking Useful Questions......Page 50
1.8 FOCUS ON SCIENCE: Sampling Error in Experiments......Page 51
IMPACTS, ISSUES: What Are You Worth?......Page 55
2.1 Start With Atoms......Page 57
2.2 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: Putting Radioisotopes to Use......Page 58
2.3 Why Electrons Matter......Page 59
2.4 What Happens When Atoms Interact?......Page 61
2.5 Water’s Life-Giving Properties......Page 63
2.6 Acids and Bases......Page 65
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Fear of Frying......Page 69
3.1 Organic Molecules......Page 71
3.2 From Structure to Function......Page 73
3.3 Carbohydrates......Page 75
3.4 Greasy, Oily—Must Be Lipids......Page 77
3.5 Proteins—Diversity in Structure and Function......Page 79
3.6 Why Is Protein Structure So Important?......Page 81
3.7 Nucleic Acids......Page 83
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Food for Thought......Page 87
4.1 The Cell Theory......Page 89
4.2 What Is a Cell?......Page 91
4.3 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: How Do We See Cells?......Page 93
4.4 Introducing Prokaryotic Cells......Page 95
4.5 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Microbial Mobs......Page 96
4.6 Introducing Eukaryotic Cells......Page 97
4.7 Visual Summary of Eukaryotic Cell Components......Page 98
4.8 The Nucleus......Page 99
4.9 The Endomembrane System......Page 101
4.11 Other Organelles......Page 103
4.12 Cell Surface Specializations......Page 105
4.13 The Dynamic Cytoskeleton......Page 107
IMPACTS, ISSUES: One Bad Transporter and Cystic Fibrosis......Page 111
5.1 Organization of Cell Membranes......Page 113
5.2 Membrane Proteins......Page 115
5.3 Diffusion, Membranes, and Metabolism......Page 117
5.4 Passive and Active Transport......Page 119
5.5 Membrane Trafficking......Page 121
5.6 Which Way Will Water Move?......Page 123
IMPACTS, ISSUES: A Toast to Alcohol Dehydrogenase......Page 127
6.1 Energy and the World of Life......Page 129
6.2 Energy in the Molecules of Life......Page 131
6.3 How Enzymes Make Substances React......Page 133
6.4 Metabolism—Organized, Enzyme-Mediated Reactions......Page 135
6.5 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: Night Lights......Page 137
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Biofuels......Page 141
7.1 Sunlight as an Energy Source......Page 143
7.2 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: Exploring the Rainbow......Page 145
7.3 Overview of Photosynthesis......Page 146
7.4 Light-Dependent Reactions......Page 147
7.5 Energy Flow in Photosynthesis......Page 149
7.6 Light-Independent Reactions: The Sugar Factory......Page 150
7.7 Adaptations: Different Carbon-Fixing Pathways......Page 151
7.8 Photosynthesis and the Atmosphere......Page 153
7.9 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: A Burning Concern......Page 154
IMPACTS, ISSUES: When Mitochondria Spin Their Wheels......Page 157
8.1 Overview of Carbohydrate Breakdown Pathways......Page 159
8.2 Glycolysis—Glucose Breakdown Starts......Page 161
8.3 Second Stage of Aerobic Respiration......Page 163
8.4 Aerobic Respiration’s Big Energy Payoff......Page 165
8.5 Anaerobic Energy-Releasing Pathways......Page 167
8.6 FOCUS ON HEALTH: The Twitchers......Page 168
8.7 Alternative Energy Sources in the Body......Page 169
8.8 Reflections on Life’s Unity......Page 171
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Henrietta’s Immortal Cells......Page 175
9.1 Overview of Cell Division Mechanisms......Page 177
9.2 Introducing the Cell Cycle......Page 179
9.3 A Closer Look at Mitosis......Page 181
9.4 Cytoplasmic Division Mechanisms......Page 183
9.5 FOCUS ON HEALTH: When Control Is Lost......Page 185
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Why Sex?......Page 189
10.2 What Meiosis Does......Page 191
10.3 Visual Tour of Meiosis......Page 193
10.4 How Meiosis Introduces Variations in Traits......Page 195
10.5 From Gametes to Offspring......Page 197
10.6 Mitosis and Meiosis—An Ancestral Connection?......Page 199
IMPACTS, ISSUES: The Color of Skin......Page 203
11.1 Mendel, Pea Plants, and Inheritance Patterns......Page 205
11.2 Mendel’s Law of Segregation......Page 207
11.3 Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment......Page 209
11.4 Beyond Simple Dominance......Page 211
11.5 Linkage Groups......Page 213
11.6 Genes and the Environment......Page 214
11.7 Complex Variations in Traits......Page 215
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Strange Genes, Tortured Minds......Page 219
12.1 Human Chromosomes......Page 221
12.2 Examples of Autosomal Inheritance Patterns......Page 223
12.3 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Too Young to be Old......Page 225
12.5 Heritable Changes in Chromosome Structure......Page 227
12.6 Heritable Changes in the Chromosome Number......Page 229
12.7 Human Genetic Analysis......Page 231
12.8 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Prospects in Human Genetics......Page 233
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty......Page 237
13.1 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: The Hunt for DNA......Page 239
13.2 The Discovery of DNA’s Structure......Page 241
13.3 DNA Replication and Repair......Page 243
13.4 Using DNA to Duplicate Existing Mammals......Page 245
13.5 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: Fame and Glory......Page 246
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Ricin and Your Ribosomes......Page 249
14.1 DNA, RNA, and Gene Expression......Page 251
14.2 Transcription: DNA to RNA......Page 253
14.3 RNA and the Genetic Code......Page 255
14.4 Translation: RNA to Protein......Page 257
14.5 Mutated Genes and Their Protein Products......Page 259
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Between You and Eternity......Page 263
15.1 Gene Expression in Eukaryotic Cells......Page 265
15.2 A Few Outcomes of Eukaryotic Gene Controls......Page 267
15.3 FOCUS ON SCIENCE: There’s a Fly in My Research......Page 269
15.4 Prokaryotic Gene Control......Page 271
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Golden Rice or Frankenfood?......Page 275
16.1 Cloning DNA......Page 277
16.2 From Haystacks to Needles......Page 279
16.3 DNA Sequencing......Page 281
16.4 FOCUS ON SCIENCE: DNA Fingerprinting......Page 282
16.5 Studying Genomes......Page 283
16.7 Designer Plants......Page 285
16.8 Biotech Barnyards......Page 287
16.9 Safety Issues......Page 288
16.10 FOCUS ON BIOETHICS: Modified Humans?......Page 289
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Measuring Time......Page 293
17.1 Early Beliefs, Confounding Discoveries......Page 295
17.2 A Flurry of New Theories......Page 297
17.3 Darwin, Wallace, and Natural Selection......Page 299
17.5 About Fossils......Page 301
17.6 Dating Pieces of the Puzzle......Page 303
17.7 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: A Whale of a Story......Page 304
17.8 Putting Time Into Perspective......Page 305
17.9 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: Drifting Continents, Changing Seas......Page 307
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Rise of the Super Rats......Page 311
18.1 Individuals Don’t Evolve, Populations Do......Page 313
18.2 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: A Closer Look at Genetic Equilibrium......Page 315
18.3 Natural Selection Revisited......Page 316
18.4 Directional Selection......Page 317
18.5 Selection Against or in Favor of Extreme Phenotypes......Page 319
18.6 Maintaining Variation......Page 321
18.7 Genetic Drift—The Chance Changes......Page 323
18.8 Gene Flow......Page 324
18.9 Reproductive Isolation......Page 325
18.10 Allopatric Speciation......Page 327
18.11 Other Speciation Models......Page 329
18.12 Macroevolution......Page 331
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Bye Bye Birdie......Page 335
19.1 Taxonomy and Cladistics......Page 337
19.2 Comparing Body Form and Function......Page 339
19.3 Comparing Patterns of Development......Page 341
19.4 Comparing DNA and Proteins......Page 343
19.5 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: Making Data Into Trees......Page 345
19.6 Preview of Life’s Evolutionary History......Page 347
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Looking for Life in All the Odd Places......Page 351
20.1 In the Beginning . . .......Page 353
20.2 How Did Cells Emerge?......Page 355
20.3 Life’s Early Evolution......Page 357
20.4 Where Did Organelles Come From?......Page 359
20.5 Time Line for Life’s Origin and Evolution......Page 361
20.6 FOCUS ON SCIENCE: About Astrobiology......Page 363
IMPACTS, ISSUES: The Effects of AIDS......Page 367
21.1 Viral Characteristics and Diversity......Page 369
21.2 Viral Replication......Page 371
21.3 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: Viroids and Prions......Page 373
21.4 Prokaryotes—Enduring, Abundant, and Diverse......Page 374
21.5 Prokaryotic Structure and Function......Page 375
21.6 The Bacteria......Page 377
21.7 The Archaeans......Page 379
21.8 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Evolution and Infectious Disease......Page 381
IMPACTS, ISSUES: The Malaria Menace......Page 385
22.1 The Many Protist Lineages......Page 387
22.2 Flagellated Protozoans......Page 389
22.3 Foraminiferans and Radiolarians......Page 391
22.4 The Ciliates......Page 392
22.5 Dinoflagellates......Page 393
22.6 FOCUS ON HEALTH: The Cell-Dwelling Apicomplexans......Page 394
22.7 The Stramenopiles......Page 395
22.8 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: The Plant Destroyers......Page 396
22.9 Green Algae......Page 397
22.10 Red Algae Do It Deeper......Page 399
22.11 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: Amoeboid Cells at the Crossroads......Page 400
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Beginnings and Endings......Page 403
23.1 Evolution on a Changing World Stage......Page 405
23.2 Evolutionary Trends Among Plants......Page 407
23.3 The Bryophytes......Page 409
23.4 Seedless Vascular Plants......Page 411
23.5 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Ancient Carbon Treasures......Page 413
23.6 Seed-Bearing Plants......Page 414
23.7 Gymnosperms—Plants With Naked Seeds......Page 415
23.8 Angiosperms—The Flowering Plants......Page 417
23.9 Focus on a Flowering Plant Life Cycle......Page 419
23.10 FOCUS ON SCIENCE: The World’s Most Nutritious Plant......Page 420
IMPACTS, ISSUES: High-Flying Fungi......Page 423
24.1 Fungal Traits and Classification......Page 425
24.2 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: The Flagellated Fungi......Page 426
24.3 Zygote Fungi and Relatives......Page 427
24.4 Sac Fungi—Ascomycetes......Page 429
24.5 Club Fungi—Basidiomycetes......Page 431
24.6 The Fungal Symbionts......Page 433
24.7 FOCUS ON HEALTH: An Unloved Few......Page 434
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Old Genes, New Drugs......Page 437
25.1 Animal Traits and Body Plans......Page 439
25.2 Animal Origins and Adaptive Radiation......Page 441
25.4 The Sponges......Page 443
25.5 Cnidarians—True Tissues......Page 445
25.6 Flatworms—Simple Organ Systems......Page 447
25.7 Annelids—Segmented Worms......Page 449
25.8 Mollusks—Animals With a Mantle......Page 451
25.9 FOCUS ON EVOLUTION Cephalopods—Fast and Brainy......Page 453
25.10 Rotifers and Tardigrades—Tiny and Tough......Page 454
25.11 Roundworms—Unsegmented Worms That Molt......Page 455
25.12 Arthropods—Animals With Jointed Legs......Page 456
25.13 Chelicerates—Spiders and Their Relatives......Page 457
25.14 The Mostly Marine Crustaceans......Page 458
25.16 The Insects......Page 459
25.17 Insect Diversity and Importance......Page 461
25.18 The Spiny-Skinned Echinoderms......Page 463
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Transitions Written in Stone......Page 467
26.1 The Chordate Heritage......Page 469
26.2 Vertebrate Traits and Trends......Page 471
26.4 The Jawed Fishes......Page 473
26.5 Amphibians—First Tetrapods on Land......Page 475
26.6 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Vanishing Acts......Page 476
26.7 The Rise of Amniotes......Page 477
26.8 FOCUS ON EVOLUTION So Long, Dinosaurs......Page 478
26.9 Diversity of Modern Reptiles......Page 479
26.10 Birds—The Feathered Ones......Page 481
26.11 The Rise of Mammals......Page 483
26.12 Modern Mammalian Diversity......Page 485
26.13 From Early Primates to Hominids......Page 487
26.14 Emergence of Early Humans......Page 489
26.15 Emergence of Modern Humans......Page 491
IMPACTS, ISSUES: A Cautionary Tale......Page 495
27.1 Levels of Structural Organization......Page 497
27.2 Common Challenges......Page 499
27.3 Homeostasis in Animals......Page 501
27.4 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Heat-Related Illness......Page 502
27.5 Does Homeostasis Occur in Plants?......Page 503
27.6 How Cells Receive and Respond to Signals......Page 505
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Droughts Versus Civilization......Page 509
28.1 The Plant Body......Page 511
28.2 Plant Tissues......Page 513
28.3 Primary Structure of Shoots......Page 515
28.4 A Closer Look at Leaves......Page 517
28.5 Primary Structure of Roots......Page 519
28.6 Secondary Growth......Page 521
28.7 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: Three Rings and Old Secrets......Page 523
28.8 Modified Stems......Page 524
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Leafy Cleanup Crews......Page 527
29.1 Plant Nutrients and Availability in Soil......Page 529
29.2 How Do Roots Absorb Water and Nutrients?......Page 531
29.3 How Does Water Move Through Plants?......Page 533
29.4 How Do Stems and Leaves Conserve Water?......Page 535
29.5 How Do Organic Compounds Move Through Plants?......Page 537
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Plight of the Honeybee......Page 541
30.1 Reproductive Structures of Flowering Plants......Page 543
30.2 Flowers and Their Pollinators......Page 545
30.3 A New Generation Begins......Page 547
30.4 Flower Sex......Page 549
30.5 Seed Formation......Page 550
30.6 Fruits......Page 551
30.7 Asexual Reproduction of Flowering Plants......Page 553
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Foolish Seedlings, Gorgeous Grapes......Page 557
31.1 Patterns of Development in Plants......Page 559
31.2 Plant Hormones and Other Signaling Molecules......Page 561
31.3 Examples of Plant Hormone Effects......Page 563
31.4 Adjusting the Direction and Rates of Growth......Page 565
31.5 Sensing Recurring Environmental Changes......Page 567
31.6 Senescence and Dormancy......Page 569
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Open or Close the Stem Cell Factories?......Page 573
32.1 Organization of Animal Bodies......Page 575
32.2 Epithelial Tissue......Page 576
32.3 Connective Tissues......Page 577
32.4 Muscle Tissues......Page 579
32.5 Nervous Tissue......Page 580
32.6 Overview of Major Organ Systems......Page 581
32.7 Vertebrate Skin—Example of an Organ System......Page 583
32.8 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Farming Skin......Page 584
IMPACTS, ISSUES: In Pursuit of Ecstasy......Page 587
33.1 Evolution of Nervous Systems......Page 589
33.2 Neurons—The Great Communicators......Page 591
33.3 Membrane Potentials......Page 592
33.4 A Closer Look at Action Potentials......Page 593
33.5 How Neurons Send Messages to Other Cells......Page 595
33.6 A Smorgasbord of Signals......Page 597
33.7 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Drugs Disrupt Signaling......Page 598
33.8 The Peripheral Nervous System......Page 599
33.9 The Spinal Cord......Page 601
33.10 The Vertebrate Brain......Page 603
33.11 The Human Cerebrum......Page 605
33.12 FOCUS ON RESEARCH: The Split Brain......Page 607
33.13 Neuroglia—The Neurons’ Support Staff......Page 608
IMPACTS, ISSUES: A Whale of a Dilemma......Page 611
34.1 Overview of Sensory Pathways......Page 613
34.2 Somatic and Visceral Sensations......Page 615
34.3 Sampling the Chemical World......Page 617
34.4 Sense of Balance......Page 618
34.5 Sense of Hearing......Page 619
34.7 Sense of Vision......Page 621
34.8 A Closer Look at the Human Eye......Page 623
34.9 From the Retina to the Visual Cortex......Page 625
34.10 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Visual Disorders......Page 627
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Hormones in the Balance......Page 631
35.1 Introducing the Vertebrate Endocrine System......Page 633
35.2 The Nature of Hormone Action......Page 635
35.3 The Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland......Page 637
35.4 Growth Hormone Function and Disorders......Page 639
35.5 Sources and Effects of Other Vertebrate Hormones......Page 640
35.6 Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands......Page 641
35.7 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Twisted Tadpoles......Page 642
35.8 Pancreatic Hormones......Page 643
35.9 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Blood Sugar Disorders......Page 644
35.10 The Adrenal Glands......Page 645
35.11 Too Much or Too Little Cortisol......Page 646
35.12 Other Endocrine Glands......Page 647
35.13 A Comparative Look at a Few Invertebrates......Page 648
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Pumping Up Muscles......Page 651
36.1 Invertebrate Skeletons......Page 653
36.2 The Vertebrate Endoskeleton......Page 655
36.3 Bone Structure and Function......Page 657
36.4 Skeletal Joints—Where Bones Meet......Page 659
36.5 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Those Aching Joints......Page 660
36.6 Skeletal–Muscular Systems......Page 661
36.7 How Does Skeletal Muscle Contract?......Page 663
36.8 From Signal to Response: A Closer Look at Contraction......Page 665
36.9 Energy for Contraction......Page 666
36.10 Properties of Whole Muscles......Page 667
36.11 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Disruption of Muscle Contraction......Page 668
IMPACTS, ISSUES: And Then My Heart Stood Still......Page 671
37.1 The Nature of Blood Circulation......Page 673
37.2 Characteristics of Blood......Page 675
37.4 Blood Typing......Page 677
37.5 Human Cardiovascular System......Page 679
37.6 The Human Heart......Page 681
37.7 Pressure, Transport, and Flow Distribution......Page 683
37.8 Diffusion at Capillaries, Then Back to the Heart......Page 685
37.9 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Blood and Cardiovascular Disorders......Page 687
37.10 Interactions With the Lymphatic System......Page 689
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Frankie’s Last Wish......Page 693
38.1 Integrated Responses to Threats......Page 695
38.2 Surface Barriers......Page 697
38.3 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Remember to Floss......Page 698
38.4 Innate Immune Responses......Page 699
38.5 Overview of Adaptive Immunity......Page 701
38.6 Antibodies and Other Antigen Receptors......Page 703
38.7 The Antibody-Mediated Immune Response......Page 705
38.8 The Cell-Mediated Response......Page 707
38.9 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Allergies......Page 708
38.10 Vaccines......Page 709
38.11 Immunity Gone Wrong......Page 710
38.12 AIDS Revisited—Immunity Lost......Page 711
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Up in Smoke......Page 715
39.1 The Nature of Respiration......Page 717
39.2 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Gasping for Oxygen......Page 718
39.3 Invertebrate Respiration......Page 719
39.4 Vertebrate Respiration......Page 721
39.5 Human Respiratory System......Page 723
39.6 Cyclic Reversals in Air Pressure Gradients......Page 725
39.7 Gas Exchange and Transport......Page 727
39.8 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Respiratory Diseases and Disorders......Page 729
39.9 High Climbers and Deep Divers......Page 731
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Hormones and Hunger......Page 735
40.1 The Nature of Digestive Systems......Page 737
40.2 Overview of the Human Digestive System......Page 739
40.3 Food in the Mouth......Page 740
40.4 Food Breakdown in the Stomach and Small Intestine......Page 741
40.5 Absorption From the Small Intestine......Page 743
40.6 The Large Intestine......Page 745
40.7 Metabolism of Absorbed Organic Compounds......Page 746
40.8 Human Nutritional Requirements......Page 747
40.9 Vitamins, Minerals, and Phytochemicals......Page 749
40.10 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Weighty Questions, Tantalizing Answers......Page 751
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Truth in a Test Tube......Page 755
41.2 How Do Invertebrates Maintain Fluid Balance?......Page 757
41.3 Fluid Regulation in Vertebrates......Page 759
41.4 The Human Urinary System......Page 761
41.5 How Urine Forms......Page 763
41.6 Regulation of Water Intake and Urine Formation......Page 765
41.7 Acid–Base Balance......Page 766
41.8 FOCUS ON HEALTH: When Kidneys Fail......Page 767
41.9 Heat Gains and Losses......Page 768
41.10 Temperature Regulation in Mammals......Page 769
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Male or Female? Body or Genes?......Page 773
42.1 Modes of Animal Reproduction......Page 775
42.2 Reproductive System of Human Males......Page 777
42.3 Sperm Formation......Page 779
42.4 Reproductive System of Human Females......Page 781
42.5 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Female Troubles......Page 782
42.6 Preparations for Pregnancy......Page 783
42.8 When Gametes Meet......Page 785
42.9 Preventing or Seeking Pregnancy......Page 787
42.10 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Sexually Transmitted Diseases......Page 789
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Mind-Boggling Births......Page 793
43.1 Stages of Reproduction and Development......Page 795
43.2 Early Marching Orders......Page 797
43.3 From Blastula to Gastrula......Page 799
43.4 Specialized Tissues and Organs Form......Page 800
43.5 An Evolutionary View of Development......Page 801
43.6 Overview of Human Development......Page 802
43.7 Early Human Development......Page 803
43.8 Emergence of the Vertebrate Body Plan......Page 805
43.9 The Function of the Placenta......Page 806
43.10 Emergence of Distinctly Human Features......Page 807
43.11 FOCUS ON HEALTH: Mother as Provider and Protector......Page 809
43.12 Birth and Lactation......Page 811
IMPACTS, ISSUES: My Pheromones Made Me Do It......Page 815
44.1 Behavioral Genetics......Page 817
44.2 Instinct and Learning......Page 819
44.4 Communication Signals......Page 821
44.5 Mates, Offspring, and Reproductive Success......Page 823
44.6 Living in Groups......Page 825
44.7 Why Sacrifice Yourself?......Page 827
44.8 FOCUS ON SCIENCE: Human Behavior......Page 828
IMPACTS, ISSUES: The Numbers Game......Page 831
45.1 Population Demographics......Page 833
45.2 FOCUS ON SCIENCE: Elusive Heads to Count......Page 834
45.3 Population Size and Exponential Growth......Page 835
45.4 Limits on Population Growth......Page 837
45.5 Life History Patterns......Page 839
45.6 FOCUS ON SCIENCE: Natural Selection and Life Histories......Page 841
45.7 Human Population Growth......Page 843
45.8 Fertility Rates and Age Structure......Page 845
45.9 Population Growth and Economic Effects......Page 847
45.10 Rise of the Seniors......Page 848
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Fire Ants in the Pants......Page 851
46.1 Which Factors Shape Community Structure?......Page 853
46.2 Mutualism......Page 854
46.3 Competitive Interactions......Page 855
46.4 Predator–Prey Interactions......Page 857
46.5 FOCUS ON EVOLUTION An Evolutionary Arms Race......Page 859
46.6 Parasite–Host Interactions......Page 861
46.7 FOCUS ON EVOLUTION Strangers in the Nest......Page 862
46.8 Ecological Succession......Page 863
46.9 Species Interactions and Community Instability......Page 865
46.10 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Exotic Invaders......Page 867
46.11 Biogeographic Patterns in Community Structure......Page 869
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Bye-Bye, Blue Bayou......Page 873
47.1 The Nature of Ecosystems......Page 875
47.2 The Nature of Food Webs......Page 877
47.3 Energy Flow Through Ecosystems......Page 879
47.4 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Biological Magnification......Page 881
47.5 Biogeochemical Cycles......Page 882
47.6 The Water Cycle......Page 883
47.7 Carbon Cycle......Page 885
47.8 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change......Page 887
47.9 Nitrogen Cycle......Page 889
47.10 The Phosphorus Cycle......Page 891
IMPACTS, ISSUES: Surfers, Seals, and the Sea......Page 895
48.1 Global Air Circulation Patterns......Page 897
48.2 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Something in the Air......Page 899
48.3 The Ocean, Landforms, and Climates......Page 901
48.4 Biogeographic Realms and Biomes......Page 903
48.5 Soils of Major Biomes......Page 905
48.6 Deserts......Page 906
48.7 Grasslands, Shrublands, and Woodlands......Page 907
48.8 More Rain, Broadleaf Forests......Page 909
48.9 FOCUS ON BIOETHICS: You and the Tropical Forests......Page 910
48.10 Coniferous Forests......Page 911
48.11 Tundra......Page 912
48.12 Freshwater Ecosystems......Page 913
48.14 Coastal Zones......Page 915
48.15 FOCUS ON THE ENVIRONMENT: The Once and Future Reefs......Page 917
48.16 The Open Ocean......Page 919
48.17 Climate, Copepods, and Cholera......Page 921
IMPACTS, ISSUES: A Long Reach......Page 925
49.1 The Extinction Crisis......Page 927
49.2 Current Threats to Species......Page 929
49.4 Assessing Biodiversity......Page 931
49.5 Effects of Development and Consumption......Page 933
49.6 The Threat of Desertification......Page 935
49.7 The Trouble With Trash......Page 936
49.8 Maintaining Biodiversity and Human Populations......Page 937
Appendix I: Classification System......Page 941
Appendix II: Annotations to A Journal Article......Page 945
Appendix III: Answers to Self-Quizzes and Genetics Problems......Page 953
Appendix IV: Periodic Table of the Elements......Page 957
Appendix V: Molecular Models......Page 958
Appendix VI: Closer Look at Some Major Metabolic Pathways......Page 960
Appendix VII: A Plain English Map of the Human Chromosomes......Page 964
Appendix VIII: Restless Earth—Life’s Changing Geological Stage......Page 965
Appendix IX: Units of Measure......Page 967
Appendix X: A Comparative View of Mitosis in Plant and Animal Cells......Page 968
Index......Page 1000