Eurotyp: 5 Clitics in the Languages of Europe

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Eurotyp: 5 Clitics in the Languages of Europe

نام کتاب : Eurotyp: 5 Clitics in the Languages of Europe
ویرایش : Reprint 2010
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : Eurotyp: 5 Clitics در زبان های اروپا
سری : Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT]; 20-5
نویسندگان :
ناشر : De Gruyter Mouton
سال نشر : 1999
تعداد صفحات : 1048
ISBN (شابک) : 9783110804010 , 9783110157512
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 47 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Contributors\nAbbreviations\nClitics: A state-of-the-art report\nPart I Area studies\nPronouns in Germanic and Romance languages: An overview\nClitics in the Slavic languages\nPronouns in Scandinavian languages: An overview\nPart II Theory\nA. Feature articles\nThe typology of structural deficiency: A case study of the three classes of pronouns\nPeer comments by\nJosef Bayer\nMolly Diesing\nCarmen Dobrovie-Sorin\nLiliane Haegeman\nAnders Holmberg\nJuan Uriagereka\nReply to comments by Anna Cardinaletti and Michal Starke\nHow clitics license null phrases: A theory of the lexical interface\nPeer comments by\nMark C Baker\nMarcel den Dikken\nFrank Drijkoningen\nHubert Haider\nMarco Haverkort\nTarald Taraldsen\nReply by Joseph Emonds\n1. Clitic clusters and the Wackernagel position\n“Clitic third” in Croatian\nClitics and Bulgarian clause structure\nClitics across categories: The case of Romanian\n2. Functional categories and the position of clitics\nItalian/Romance clitics: Structure and derivation\nThe internal structure of AgrS and subject clitics in the Northern Italian dialects\nAgreement marking in Welsh and Romance\nClitics, subjects and tense in European Portuguese\nPronominal clitic dependencies\n3. Clitics and scrambling\nOn the nature and distribution of Zurich German pronominal clitics\nOn the semantics and syntax of Scandinavian pronouns and object shift\n4. Semantic features\nConditions on clitic doubling in Greek\nOn the nature of pronoun movement\n5. Phonological aspects\nThe phonology of clitic groups\nAppendix\nClitic Questionnaire\nIndex of languages\nIndex of names\nIndex of subjects

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