فهرست مطالب :
Content: Preface Organization Keynote speakers ICT for energy and building simulation System analysis and coupled modeling: Toward integrated performance assessment of industrial facilities K. Orehounig, A. Mahdavi, I. Leobner & K. Ponweiser Design and software architecture of a cloud-based virtual energy laboratory for energy-efficient design and life cycle simulation K. Baumgartel, P. Katranuschkov & R.J. Scherer Customizable continuous building simulation using the design performance toolkit and Kepler scientific workflows D. Thomas &A. Schlueter Validation of simulation results using sensor data to improve building control D. Browne & K. Menzel PassivBIM - a new approach for low energy simulation using BIM A. Cemesova, C.J. Hopfe &Y. Rezgui Virtual wind laboratory for the aerodynamic analysis of building structures R.Windisch, R.J. Scherer, Th. Pappou & B. Protopsaltis Practical application of a newly developed automated building energy-analysis software module prototype S. Dehlin, T. Olofsson, T. Racz & K. Heikkila Building information modeling supporting facilities management F. Forns-Samso, T. Laine & B. Hensel ICT for energy efficiency in buildings Energy efficiency in European social housing - Three pilots across Europe demonstrating the enabling factor of ICTs to sustainable growth R. Decorme, J.L.B. Martinez, J. Mardaras, M. Scotto, P. Dymarski & N. Salmon Decision making for an optimized renovation process F. Andrieux, M. Thorel & C. Buhe Tools for building energy efficiency and retrofitting in southwest Europe. E4R project S. Munoz, A. Garcia, E. Mestre, R. Gregori & P. Beltran Energy and sensitivity analysis of Spanish dwelling stock J.M. Hernandez-Sanchez Building use as source of innovation for energy efficiency improvement of non-residential buildings A. Junghans MOST: An open-source, vendor and technology independent toolkit for building monitoring, data preprocessing, and visualization R. Zach, S. Glawischnig, M. Honisch, R. Appel &A. Mahdavi Responsive architecture and software: A prototype simulation software for responsive constructions A. Fotiadou BIM and solar PV modeling A. Gupta, C.J. Hopfe &Y. Rezgui Smart buildings and intelligent building automation systems Overcoming challenges for energy management in underground railway stations. The SEAM4US project 123 A. Fuertes, M. Casals, M. Gangolells & O. Puigdollers Realization of ICT potential in improving the energy efficiency of buildings: The CAMPUS 21 project 131 A. Mahdavi, M. Schuss, K. Menzel & D. Browne Multi dimensional monitoring, analysis and optimization system architecture for energy efficient building operations 139 H.U. Gokce & K.U. Gokce An optimization-based approach to recurrent calibration of building performance simulation models 145 A. Mahdavi & F. Tahmasebi Improving building monitoring using a data preprocessing storage engine based on MySQL 151 R. Zach, M. Schuss, R. Brauer &A. Mahdavi A generative schema for a hierarchically distributed multi-domain and multi-zonal building systems control architecture 159 A. Mahdavi & M. Schuss Integrated system architecture for optimised building operations 165 H.U. Gokce & K.U. Gokce Exploring the possibility of promoting energy conservation behaviors in public buildings within the ENCOURAGE project 171 M. Gangolells, M. Casals &A. Fuertes Sustainability and environmental performance Facilitating environmental performance assessment in architectural design competitions utilizing a model-based workflow A. Schlueter & F. Thesseling Recommendations for the integration of sustainable building assessment and benchmarking methods with BIM B. Fies Multi-objective building envelope optimization for life-cycle cost and global warming potential F. Flager, J. Basbagill, M. Lepech & M. Fischer A computerized model for managing environmental impacts in residential construction projects M. Gangolells & M. Casals Process modelling, methods and applications Using process models to support design of airport terminals S. Shuchi & R. Drogemuller High-level Petri Nets for modeling of geodetic processes and their integration into construction processes N. Rinke, V. Berkhahn & I. von Gosseln (nee Rehr) Job scheduling using event-discrete simulation, pre-optimisation and just-in-time consideration of disturbance factors M. Bode, C. Schiermeyer &V. Berkhahn Process knowledge preparation based on machine learning methods K. Shapir & M. Konig Petri Net based verification of BPMN represented configured construction processes F. Kog, R.J. Scherer &A. Dikbas nD modelling 5D: Creating cost certainty and better buildings D. Mitchell Operative 4D planning and controlling for the digital construction site (OPS4D) 259 M. Breit, F. Haubi & M. Konig Global path planning in 4D environments using topological mapping 263 V.A. Semenov, K.A. Kazakov &V.A. Zolotov Towards a configurable nD-viewer for building information models: A generic model for the description of visualization methods 271 H. Tauscher & R.J. Scherer BIM/IFC modelling IFC view for product catalogues in the construction management domain K.U. Gokce, H.U. Gokce & R.J. Scherer IFC-based product modeling for tunnel boring machines F. Hegemann, K. Lehner & M. Konig Rule driven enhancement of BIM models N. Nisbet, S. Lockley, M. Cerny, J. Matthews & G. Capper Process and building information modelling in the construction industry by using information delivery manuals and model view definitions J. Karlshoej A generic filter concept for the generation of BIM-based domain- and system-oriented model views R.Windisch, A. Wulfing & R.J. Scherer Information and knowledge modelling, methods and tools Organization, access and sharing of knowledge in architectural design E. Bogani, E. Arlati, M. Condotta, A. Giretti & M. Masera Knowledge management in an integrated design and engineering environment R.J.B. Reefman & S. van Nederveen Knowledge management system in a construction company: A case study P.V. Serra, F.L. Ribeiro &A. Grilo Towards a semantic-based approach for modeling regulatory documents in building industry K.R. Bouzidi, B. Fies, C. Faron-Zucker, N. Le Than & O. Corby Semantic technologies, methods and application Semantic data in Finnish land use management system J. Malmi, T. Teittinen & J. Laitinen SEMERGY: Semantic web technology support for comprehensive building design assessment A. Mahdavi, U. Pont, F. Shayeganfar, N. Ghiassi, A. Anjomshoaa, S. Fenz, J. Heurix, T. Neubauer &A.M. Tjoa An ontological model for construction concepts T.E. El-Diraby Semantic modelling of energy-related information throughout the whole building lifecycle L. Madrazo, A. Sicilia, M. Massetti & F. Galan BIM interoperability and standards Life-cycle building control 391 E.W. East, C. Bogen & M. Rashid State-of-the-art analysis of product data definitions usage in BIM S. Palos A review of the process formalization standards to develop a transaction protocol for infrastructure management J. Zeb, T. Froese & D. Vanier A notation based integration methodology for software interoperability K.U. Gokce, H.U. Gokce & R.J. Scherer BIM cube and systems-of-systems framework T. Cerovsek BIM and life-cycle integration Embedding BIM into interaction frameworks and object libraries P.Willems & M. Bohms Increasing integration in construction projects: A case study on a PPP project adopting BIM T. Lehtinen Compatibility between design and construction building information models M. Kriphal &A. Grilo Bridging building information modeling and parametric design S. Boeykens BIM Guidelines, ICT for code compliance checking Converting performance based regulations into computable rules in BIM based model checking software E. Hjelseth The Finnish COBIM project - common national BIM requirements C. Finne Optimization in compliance checking using heuristics: Flemish Energy Performance Regulations (EPR) T. Strobbe, P. Pauwels, R. Verstraeten, R. De Meyer & J. Van Campenhout BIM and interoperability: A database to collect data errors and solutions M. Del Giudice, C. Boido, D. Dalmasso & A. Osello Changing the building regulatory system in Iceland and paving the way toward electronic submission of building permits and automated code compliance checks B. Karlsson BIM based design and construction BIM practices and challenges framed - an approach to systemic change management T. Makelainen, J. Hyvarinen & J. Peura Accessing large 3D BIMs from mobile devices B.D. Larsen A pragmatic approach towards software usage in construction projects: The Port House in Antwerp, Belgium P. Pauwels, T. Strobbe & P. Present Towards coordinated BIM based design and construction process R. Lavikka, M. Smeds & R. Smeds Integrated collaborative approach to managing building information modeling projects M. Jadhav &A. Koutamanis Model data and design management in project development phase T. Teittinen, J. Laitinen & J. Malmi A utilization approach of BIM for integrated design process R.M. Reffat, A.M. Radwan & M.A. Eid Practical implementation and evidencing the benefits of Building Information Modelling (BIM) across Skanska UK H. Jeffrey BIM based FM and building operation BIM as a centre piece for optimised building operation B. Cahill, K. Menzel & D. Flynn Distinguishing object category properties and property ranges in the IFC standard for visual pattern recognition B. Ilhan, H. Yaman, H. Fathi, I. Brilakis & R. Sacks Maintenance guidance system for technical fire protection systems in complex buildings U. Ruppel & U. Zwinger Defining a building information model for emergency management S. Muhic, T. Bernoulli, M. Krammer & U.Walder BIM in infrastructure design and engineering Infrastructural BIM standards - Development of an Information Delivery Manual for the geotechnical infrastructural design and analysis process M. Obergriesser & A. Borrmann Implementing building information modeling in public works projects in Ireland B. McAuley, A. Hore & R.West Traffic infrastructure design and geo-information systems, a case of interoperability N.N. Esfahani, R. Balder & R.J. Scherer Open InfraBIM: IFCs, LandXML, or ...? J. Hyvarinen & C. Finne Innovations in building design A modular facade design approach in buildings renovations M. Otreba & K. Menzel A living system - Discursive wall 617 M.J. de Oliveira, A. Paio, V.M. Rato & L.M. Carvao Hybrid high energy efficient ventilated facade's experimental application E. Arlati, E. Bogani, L. Roberti & S. Tarantino Innovative design methods and tools Add-ons for accessibility control in object oriented design software A. Ekholm Information system support in construction industry with semantic web technologies and/or autonomous reasoning agents P. Pauwels, R. De Meyer & J. Van Campenhout Knowledge representation and reasoning in case-based design systems T.G. Tsokos &A.J. Dentsoras User centred passive building design: Attributes and sub-attributes A. Alzaed &A. Boussabaine Design, construction and supply chain management A multi-criteria decision-support approach for fall protection planning J. Melzner, S. Hollermann & H.-J. Bargstadt System dynamics tool for modeling weather condition impacts on construction operations M. Marzouk, A. Hamdy & M. El-Said Optimizing design management process by assessment of information maturity at design stage R.R. Zou & L.C.M. Tang Electronic procurement on construction works - offer evaluation methodologies H. Sousa, P. Meda & P. Carvalho Piloting a new information sharing method in a construction supply chain A. Jussila, M. Kiviniemi & U. Talvitie The development of constructability using BIM as an intensifying technology M. Tauriainen, A.-K. Mero, A. Lemstrom, J. Puttonen &A. Saari BIM to field: Robotic total station and BIM for quality control J. Kang, A. Ganapathi, J. Lee &V. Faghihi Tracking construction defects based on images M. Macarulla, N. Forcada, M. Casals & S. Kubicki Advanced visualization techniques, virtual and augmented reality User evaluation of mobile augmented reality in architectural planning T.D. Olsson, A.T. Savisalo, M. Hakkarainen & C.Woodward Augmenting reality with model information: Roles and opportunities S. Meza, Z. Turk & M. Dolenc Building data visualization using the open-source MOST framework and the GoogleWeb Toolkit R. Zach, S. Glawischnig, R. Appel, J.Weber &A. Mahdavi Multi-user interactive visualization of asphalt paving operations A. Vasenev, T. Hartmann &A.G. Doree Managing electrocution hazards in the US construction industry using VR simulation and cloud technology D. Zhao,W. Thabet, A. McCoy & B. Kleiner The power of graphs A. Koutamanis RTD innovation, vision and strategies Built environment process re-engineering (PRE) - research program A. Salonen & J. Kuusisto An activity theoretical approach to BIM-research R. Miettinen, H. Kerosuo, J. Korpela, T. Maki & S. Paavola ICT for energy efficient buildings: Stakeholder-based strategic roadmap M. Hannus, I. Pinto Seppa, J. Kuusisto, C. Mastrodonato, A. Cavallaro & E. Delponte Methods and tools for multi-disciplinary collaboration Collaboration in multi-actor BIM design: A configuration analysis view C. Merschbrock A model of cross-disciplinary building knowledge supporting collaboration G. Carrara, A. Fioravanti & G. Loffreda Collaborative engineering with IFC: New insights and technology L.A.H.M. van Berlo, J. Beetz, P. Bos, H. Hendriks & R.C.J. van Tongeren The BIM collaboration hub supporting IDDS: Research issues and their current status V. Tarandi Groupware requirements modelling for adaptive user interface design T. Altenburger, A. Guerriero, A. Vagner & B. Martin BIM - a challenge for communication between parties involved in construction S. Hollermann, J. Melzner & H.-J. Bargstadt Collaborative construction based on work breakdown structures H. Sousa & P. Meda Role of social media in the development of land use and building projects J. Porkka, N. Jung, J. Paivanen, P. Javaja & S. Suwal BIM technologies and collaboration in a life-cycle project S. Paavola, H. Kerosuo, T. Maki, J. Korpela & R. Miettinen Value-driven processes and best practices Why IS projects fail? Some Finnish aspects to the global phenomenon R. Myllymaki Cases of use in the model conversion of the development indicators of intangible assets C.M. Dias Junior, A.M. Ramos, M.T. Perez & R.L.R. Jardim-Goncalves Cost maintenance management 879 S.H. Al-Mutairi 3rd Workshop on eeBuildings Data Models (energy efficiency vocabularies) Energy and behavioural modelling and simulation at facility management M. Bourdeau, A. Boissonnat & I. Laresgoiti A simple vocabulary for semi-decentralised management of energy demand in households M. Damm, S. Mahlknecht & C. Grimm SEMANCO: Semantic tools for carbon reduction in urban planning L. Madrazo, A. Sicilia & G. Gamboa Towards a context control model for simulation and optimization of energy performance in buildings M. Jahn, M. Eisenhauer, R. Serban, A. Salden & A. Stam Occupancy and business modelling D. Ioannidis, D. Tzovaras & C. Malavazos An ontology for modeling flexibility in smart grid energy management J. Verhoosel, D. Rothengatter, F.J. Rumph & M. Konsman Ontological specification for the model integration in ICT building energy systems R. Guruz, P. Katranuschkov, R.J. Scherer, J. Kaiser, J. Grunewald, B. Hensel, K. Kabitzsch & T. Liebich Ontology-based building information model for integrated lifecycle energy management R.J. Scherer, P. Katranuschkov, M. Kadolsky & T. Laine Author index