فهرست مطالب :
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Authors
Brief Contents
part 1 About Human Development
chapter 1 The Study of Human Development
Human Development: An Ever-Evolving Field
Studying the Life Span
Human Development Today
The Study of Human Development: Basic Concepts
Domains of Development
Periods of the Life Span
Influences on Development
Heredity, Environment, and Maturation
Contexts of Development
Normative and Nonnormative Influences
Timing of Influences: Critical or Sensitive Periods
The Life-Span Developmental Approach
summary and key terms
Window on the World Immigrant Families
Research in Action Baby Talk
chapter 2 Theory and Research
Basic Theoretical Issues
Issue 1: Is Development Active or Reactive?
Issue 2: Is Development Continuous or Discontinuous?
Theoretical Perspectives
Perspective 1: Psychoanalytic
Perspective 2: Learning
Perspective 3: Cognitive
Perspective 4: Contextual
Perspective 5: Evolutionary/Sociobiological
Research Methods
Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Forms of Data Collection
Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Basic Research Designs
Developmental Research Designs
Ethics of Research
summary and key terms
Window on the World Purposes of Cross-Cultural Research
part 2 Beginnings
chapter 3 Forming a New Life
Conceiving New Life
How Fertilization Takes Place
What Causes Multiple Births?
Mechanisms of Heredity
The Genetic Code
What Determines Sex?
Patterns of Genetic Transmission
Genetic and Chromosomal Abnormalities
Genetic Counseling and Testing
Nature and Nurture: Influences of Heredity and Environment
Studying Heredity and Environment
How Heredity and Environment Work Together
Some Characteristics Influenced by Heredity and Environment
Prenatal Development
Stages of Prenatal Development
Environmental Influences: Maternal Factors
Environmental Influences: Paternal Factors
Monitoring and Promoting Prenatal Development
Disparities in Prenatal Care
summary and key terms
Research in Action Epigenetics: Identical Twins That Aren’t Identical
Window on the World Prenatal Care around the World
chapter 4 Birth and Physical Development during the First Three Years
Childbirth and Culture: How Birthing Has Changed
The Birth Process
Stages of Childbirth
Electronic Fetal Monitoring
Vaginal versus Cesarean Delivery
Medicated versus Nonmedicated Delivery
The Newborn Baby
Size and Appearance
Body Systems
Medical and Behavioral Assessment
States of Arousal
Complications of Childbirth
Low Birth Weight
Survival and Health
Infant Mortality
Immunization for Better Health
Early Physical Development
Principles of Development
Growth Patterns
The Brain and Reflex Behavior
Early Sensory Capacities
Motor Development
Milestones of Motor Development
Motor Development and Perception
Eleanor and James Gibson’s Ecological Theory of Perception
How Motor Development Occurs: Thelen’s Dynamic Systems Theory
Cultural Influences on Motor Development
summary and key terms
Window on the World Malnutrition: The First 1,000 Days
Research in Action Autism
chapter 5 Cognitive Development during the First Three Years
Studying Cognitive Development
Behaviorist Approach
Classical and Operant Conditioning
Infant Memory
Psychometric Approach
Testing Infants and Toddlers
Assessing the Impact of the Early Home Environment
Early Intervention
Piagetian Approach
Substages of the Sensorimotor Stage
Object Concept
Symbolic Development, Pictorial Competence, and Understanding of Scale
Evaluating Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage
Information-Processing Approach
Tools of Infant Research
Perceptual Processes
Information Processing as a Predictor of Intelligence
Information Processing and Piagetian Abilities
Evaluating Information-Processing Research
Cognitive Neuroscience Approach
Social-Contextual Approach
Language Development
Sequence of Early Language Development
Characteristics of Early Speech
Variations In Language Development
Classic Theories of Language Acquisition: The Nature-Nurture Debate
Influences on Early Language Development
Preparing for Literacy: The Benefits of Reading Aloud
summary and key terms
Research in Action Infants, Toddlers, and TV
Window on the World Literacy and Children’s Books
chapter 6 Psychosocial Development during the First Three Years
Foundations of Psychosocial Development
Early Social Experiences: the Family
Developmental Issues in Infancy
Developing Trust
Developing Attachments
Emotional Communication with Caregivers: Mutual Regulation
Social Referencing
Developmental Issues in Toddlerhood
The Emerging Sense of Self
Development of Autonomy
Moral Development: Socialization and Internalization
Relationships with Other Children
Children of Working Parents
Effects of Maternal Employment
Early Child Care
Maltreatment: Abuse and Neglect
Maltreatment in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Contributing Factors: An Ecological View
Helping Families in Trouble
Long-Term Effects of Maltreatment
summary and key terms
Research in Action Postpartum Depression and Early Development
Window on the World Are Struggles with Toddlers Necessary?
part 3 Early Childhood
chapter 7 Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood
Aspects of Physical Development
Bodily Growth and Change
Sleep Patterns and Problems
Brain Development
Motor Skills
Health and Safety
Food Allergies
Oral Health
Deaths and Accidental Injuries
Health in Context: Environmental Influences
Piagetian Approach: The Preoperational Child
Advances of Preoperational Thought
Immature Aspects of Preoperational Thought
Theory of Mind
Information-Processing Approach: Memory
Basic Processes and Capacities
Recognition and Recall
Forming and Retaining Childhood Memories
Intelligence: Psychometric and Vygotskian Approaches
Traditional Psychometric Measures
Influences on Measured Intelligence
Testing and Teaching Based on Vygotsky’s Theory
Language Development
Grammar and Syntax
Pragmatics and Social Speech
Private Speech
Delayed Language Development
Preparation for Literacy
Media and Cognition
Early Childhood Education
Types of Preschools
Compensatory Preschool Programs
The Child in Kindergarten
summary and key terms
Research in Action Food Security
Window on the World Surviving the First Five Years of Life
chapter 8 Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood
The Developing Self
The Self-Concept and Cognitive Development
Regulating Emotions
Understanding Emotions
Erikson: Initiative versus Guilt
Gender Differences
Perspectives on Gender Development
Cognitive Levels of Play
The Social Dimension of Play
Gender and Play
Culture and Play
Forms of Discipline
Parenting Styles
Special Behavioral Concerns
Relationships with Other Children
Sibling Relationships
The Only Child
Playmates and Friends
summary and key terms
Research in Action The Adaptive Nature of Play
Window on the World Age Segregation versus Mixed-Age Play
part 4 Middle Childhood
chapter 9 Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood
Aspects of Physical Development
Height and Weight
Tooth Development and Dental Care
Brain Development
Motor Development and Physical Activity
Health, Fitness, and Safety
Obesity and Body Image
Other Medical Conditions
Accidental Injuries
Piagetian Approach: The Concrete Operational Child
Cognitive Advances
Information-Processing Approach: Planning, Attention, and Memory
The Development of Executive Functioning
Selective Attention
Working Memory
The Development of Memory Strategies
Psychometric Approach: Assessment of Intelligence
The IQ Controversy
Influences on Intelligence (IQ)
Is There More Than One Intelligence?
Other Directions in Intelligence Testing
Language and Literacy
Vocabulary, Grammar, and Syntax
Pragmatics: Knowledge about Communication
Second-Language Learning
Becoming Literate
The Child in School
Influences on School Achievement
Educating Children with Special Needs
Children with Learning Problems
Gifted Children
summary and key terms
Research in Action Barbie Dolls and Girls’ Body Image
Window on the World Culture and IQ
chapter 10 Psychosocial Development in Middle Childhood
The Developing Self
Self-Concept Development: Representational Systems
Representational Systems
Industry versus Inferiority
Emotional Growth
The Child in the Family
Family Atmosphere
Family Structure
Sibling Relationships
The Child in the Peer Group
Positive and Negative Effects of Peer Relations
Gender and Peer Groups
Aggression and Bullying
Mental Health
Common Emotional Problems
Treatment Techniques
summary and key terms
Window on the World Bullying: A Worldwide Problem
Research in Action Children’s Experiences with Terrorist Attacks
part 5 Adolescence
chapter 11 Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence
Adolescence: A Developmental Transition
Adolescence as a Social Construction
Adolescence: A Time of Opportunities and Risks
How Puberty Begins: Hormonal Changes
Timing, Signs, and Sequence of Puberty and Sexual Maturity
Implications of Pubertal Timing
The Adolescent Brain
Physical and Mental Health
Physical Activity
Sleep Needs and Problems
Nutrition and Eating Disorders
Use and Abuse of Drugs
Death in Adolescence
Aspects of Cognitive Maturation
Piaget’s Stage of Formal Operations
Immature Aspects of Adolescent Thought
Language Development
Moral Reasoning: Kohlberg’s Theory
An Ethic of Care: Gilligan’s Theory
Prosocial Behavior
Educational and Vocational Issues
Influences on School Achievement
Dropping Out of High School
Preparing for Higher Education or Vocations
summary and key terms
Window on the World Culture and Cognition
Research in Action Teens and Media Multitasking
chapter 12 Psychosocial Development in Adolescence
The Search for Identity
Identity versus Identity Confusion
Identity Status—Crisis and Commitment
Gender Differences in Identity Formation
Ethnic Factors in Identity Formation
Sexual Orientation and Identity
Sexual Behavior
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Teenage Pregnancy and Childbearing
Relationships with Family, Peers, and Adult Society
The Myth of Adolescent Rebellion
Adolescents and Parents
Adolescents and Siblings
Adolescents and Peers
Antisocial Behavior and Juvenile Delinquency
Biological Influences
Environmental Influences
Long-Term Prospects
Preventing and Treating Delinquency
summary and key terms
Window on the World Culture and Discretionary Time
Research in Action Teen Dating and Technology
part 6 Emerging and Young Adulthood
chapter 13 Physical and Cognitive Development in Emerging and Young Adulthood
Emerging Adulthood
Health and Fitness
Health Status and Health Issues
Genetic Influences on Health
Behavioral Influences on Health and Fitness
Indirect Influences on Health
Mental Health Problems
Sexual and Reproductive Issues
Sexual Behavior and Attitudes
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Menstrual Disorders
Perspectives on Adult Cognition
Beyond Piaget: New Ways of Thinking in Adulthood
Schaie: A Life-Span Model of Cognitive Development
Sternberg: Insight and Know-How
Emotional Intelligence
Moral Reasoning
Culture and Moral Reasoning
Gender and Moral Reasoning
Education and Work
The College Transition
Entering the World of Work
summary and key terms
Window on the World Internet Use around the World
Research in Action In Vitro Fertilization
chapter 14 Psychosocial Development in Emerging and Young Adulthood
Emerging Adulthood: Patterns and Tasks
Varied Paths to Adulthood
Identity Development in Emerging Adulthood
Developing Adult Relationships with Parents
Personality Development: Four Views
Normative-Stage Models
Timing-of-Events Model
Trait Models: Costa and McCrae’s Five Factors
Typological Models
Foundations of Intimate Relationships
Marital and Nonmarital Lifestyles
Single Life
Gay and Lesbian Relationships
Men’s and Women’s Involvement in Parenthood
Parenthood and Marital Satisfaction
Dual-Income Families
When Marriage Ends
Remarriage and Stepparenthood
summary and key terms
Window on the World Popular Wedding Traditions across Cultures
Research in Action Intimate Partner Violence
part 7 Middle Adulthood
chapter 15 Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood
Middle Age: A Social Construct
Physical Changes
Sensory and Psychomotor Functioning
The Brain at Midlife
Structural and Systemic Changes
Sexuality and Reproductive Functioning
Physical and Mental Health
Health Trends at Midlife
Behavioral Influences on Health
Socioeconomic Status and Health
Race/Ethnicity and Health
Gender and Health
Stress in Middle Age
Emotions and Health
Mental Health
Measuring Cognitive Abilities in Middle Age
Schaie: The Seattle Longitudinal Study
Horn and Cattell: Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
The Distinctiveness of Adult Cognition
The Role of Expertise
Integrative Thought
Characteristics of Creative Achievers
Creativity and Age
Work and Education
Work and Retirement Age
Work and Cognitive Development
The Mature Learner
summary and key terms
Window on the World Cultural Differences in Menopause
Research in Action Andropause and Testosterone Replacement Therapy
chapter 16 Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood
Looking at the Life Course in Middle Age
Change at Midlife: Theoretical Approaches
Trait Models
Normative-Stage Models
Timing of Events: The Social Clock
The Self at Midlife: Issues and Themes
Is There a Midlife Crisis?
Identity Development
Psychological Well-Being and Positive Mental Health
Relationships at Midlife
Theories of Social Contact
Relationships, Gender, and Quality of Life
Consensual Relationships
Marital Status, Well-Being, and Health
Gay and Lesbian Relationships
Relationships with Maturing Children
Adolescent Children
When Children Leave: The Empty Nest
Parenting Grown Children
Other Kinship Ties
Relationships with Aging Parents
Relationships with Siblings
summary and key terms
Research in Action Midlife Career Change
Window on the World The Global “Sandwich Generation”
part 8 Late Adulthood
chapter 17 Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood
Old Age Today
The Graying of the Population
Young Old to Oldest Old
Longevity and Aging
Trends and Factors in Life Expectancy
Why People Age
How Far Can the Life Span Be Extended?
Physical Changes
Organic and Systemic Changes
The Aging Brain
Sensory and Psychomotor Functioning
Sexual Functioning
Physical and Mental Health
Health Status
Chronic Conditions and Disabilities
Lifestyle Influences on Health and Longevity
Mental and Behavioral Problems
Aspects of Cognitive Development
Intelligence and Processing Abilities
Memory and Aging
summary and key terms
Window on the World Elder Care Worldwide
Research in Action The Oldest Old
chapter 18 Psychosocial Development in Late Adulthood
Theory and Research on Personality Development
Erik Erikson: Normative Issues and Tasks
The Five-Factor Model: Personality Traits in Old Age
Well-Being in Late Adulthood
Coping and Mental Health
Models of “Successful,” or “Optimal,” Aging
Practical and Social Issues Related to Aging
Work and Retirement
How Do Older Adults Fare Financially?
Living Arrangements
Personal Relationships in Late Life
Theories of Social Contact and Social Support
The Importance of Social Relationships
The Multigenerational Family
Marital Relationships
Long-Term Marriage
Divorce and Remarriage
Nonmarital Lifestyles and Relationships
Single Life
Gay and Lesbian Relationships
Nonmarital Kinship Ties
Relationships with Adult Children
Relationships with Siblings
summary and key terms
Window on the World Aging Stereotypes Worldwide
Research in Action Elder Abuse
part 9 The End of Life
chapter 19 Dealing with Death and Bereavement
The Many, Changing Meanings of Death and Dying
The Cultural Context
The Mortality Revolution
Care of the Dying
Facing Death and Loss
Physical and Cognitive Changes Preceding Death
Confronting One’s Own Death
Patterns of Grieving
Attitudes about Death and Dying across the Life Span
Significant Losses
Surviving a Spouse
Losing a Parent in Adulthood
Losing a Child
Mourning a Miscarriage
Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues: The “Right to Die”
Hastening Death
Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life and Death
Reviewing a Life
Development: A Lifelong Process
summary and key terms
Window on the World Cultural Variations in Funeral Customs
Research in Action Physician-Assisted Suicide
Name Index
Subject Index