توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
تجربه توسعه انسانی به دانش آموزان کمک می کند تا جنبه انسانی توسعه را از طریق قرار گرفتن در معرض فرهنگ و تنوع، ارزیابی علم در مورد توسعه انسانی و غوطه ور شدن در کاربردهای عملی کشف کنند. چاپ پانزدهم که مدتها به دلیل پوشش گسترده سؤالات تنوع و توسعه انسانی مورد توجه قرار گرفته است، اکنون راهنمای طولانی برای تنوع، برابری و گنجاندن در مقدمه دارد تا تغییرات مربوط به این موضوع مهم را خلاصه و شفاف کند. این متن دارای دانش قوی، استناد به آخرین تحقیقات، و پوششی غنی و محترمانه از تنوع و مسایل برابری است، به طوری که همه فراگیران بتوانند خود را در این برنامه ببینند. ابزارهای یادگیری دیجیتال McGraw Hill Connect® برای کمک به دانش آموزان در ترکیب و تسلط بر دامنه وسیع محتوای دوره توسعه طول عمر ارزشمند هستند.
فهرست مطالب :
Title Page
Copyright Page
About the Authors
Brief Contents
Part 1 About Human Development
chapter 1 The Study of Human Development
Human Development: An Evolving Field
Studying the Life Span
Basic Concepts in Human Development
Domains of Development
Periods of the Life Span
Influences on Development
Heredity, Environment, and Maturation
Contexts of Development
Normative and Nonnormative Influences
Timing of Influences
The Life-Span Developmental Approach
summary and key terms
Research in Action Intersectionality and Inequity in Human Development
Window on the World The World within Our Borders: Immigration
chapter 2 Theory and Research
Basic Theoretical Issues
Issue 1: Is Development Active or Reactive?
Issue 2: Is Development Continuous or Discontinuous?
Theoretical Perspectives
Perspective 1: Psychoanalytic
Perspective 2: Learning
Perspective 3: Cognitive
Perspective 4: Contextual
Perspective 5: Evolutionary/Sociobiological
Research Methods
Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Forms of Data Collection
Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Basic Research Designs
Developmental Research Designs
Research Issues
Diversity in Research
The Open Science Movement and the Reproducibility Crisis
Research Ethics
summary and key terms
Window on the World Cross-Cultural Research
Research in Action Broadening the Narrative: Diversity in Psychological Research
Part 2 Beginnings
chapter 3 Forming a New Life
Conceiving New Life
Cultural Beliefs About Conception
Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Multiple Births
Mechanisms of Heredity
The Genetic Code
Sex Determination
Patterns of Genetic Transmission
Genetic and Chromosomal Abnormalities
Genetic Counseling and Testing
Studying the Influences of Heredity and Environment
Measuring Heritability
How Heredity and the Environment Work Together
Characteristics Influenced by Heredity and Environment
Prenatal Development
Cultural Beliefs about Prenatal Development
Stages of Prenatal Development
Environmental Influences: Maternal Factors
Environmental Influences: Paternal Factors
Monitoring and Promoting Prenatal Development
summary and key terms
Research in Action Indigenous Motherhood
Window on the World Prenatal Care around the World
chapter 4 Birth and Physical Development during the First Three Years
Childbirth, Culture, and Change
The Birth Process
Stages of Childbirth
Electronic Fetal Monitoring
Vaginal versus Cesarean Delivery
Medicated versus Nonmedicated Delivery
Childbirth and the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Newborn Baby
Size and Appearance
Body Systems
Medical and Behavioral Assessment
States of Arousal
Complications of Childbirth
Low Birth Weight
Survival and Health
Infant Mortality
Immunization for Better Health
Early Physical Development
Principles of Development
Physical Growth
Building the Brain
Early Sensory Capacities
Motor Development
Milestones of Motor Development
Motor Development and Perception
Theories of Motor Development
Ethnic and Cultural Influences on Motor Development
summary and key terms
Window on the World Where to Lay You Down to Sleep? Sleep Customs across the World
Research in Action Should I Stay or Should I Go: Disparities in the Use of Parental Leave
chapter 5 Cognitive Development during the First Three Years
Studying Cognitive Development
Behaviorist Approach
Classical and Operant Conditioning
Research Applications
Psychometric Approach
Testing Infants and Toddlers
Assessing the Early Home Environment
Early Intervention
Piagetian Approach
Substages of the Sensorimotor Stage
Object Concept
Symbolic Development
Evaluating Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage
Information-Processing Approach
Tools of Infant Research
Perceptual and Attentional Processes
Cross-Modal Transfer
Information Processing as a Predictor of Intelligence
Information Processing and Piagetian Abilities
Evaluating Information-Processing Research
Cognitive Neuroscience Approach
Social-Contextual Approach
Language Development
Classic Theories of Language Acquisition: The Nature-Nurture Debate
Sequence of Early Language Development
Variations in Language Development
Characteristics of Early Speech
Influences on Early Language Development
summary and key terms
Research in Action Strength versus Deficit: Contextualizing Research in Language Development
Window on the World Literacy and Language
chapter 6 Psychosocial Development during the First Three Years
Foundations of Psychosocial Development
Early Emotional Development
Early Social Experiences: The Family
Developmental Issues in Infancy
Developing Trust
Developing Attachments
Mutual Regulation
Social Referencing
Developmental Issues in Toddlerhood
The Emerging Sense of Self
Development of Autonomy
Moral Development and Socialization
Relationships with Other Children
Children of Working Parents
Effects of Maternal Employment
Early Child Care
Child Maltreatment
Maltreatment in Infancy and Toddlerhood
Long-Term Effects of Maltreatment
summary and key terms
Research in Action Cultural Considerations in the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Window on the World The Terrible Twos Might Not Be That Bad
Part 3 Early Childhood
chapter 7 Physical and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood
Aspects of Physical Development
Bodily Growth and Change
Brain Development
Motor Skills
Health and Safety
Obesity and Overweight
Food Allergies
Oral Health
Deaths and Accidental Injuries
Environmental Influences
Piagetian Approach
Advances of Preoperational Thought
Immature Aspects of Preoperational Thought
Theory of Mind
Basic Processes and Capacities
Executive Functioning
Childhood Memories
Psychometric Measures of Intelligence
Influences on Measured Intelligence
Testing and Teaching Based on Vygotsky’s Theory
Language Development
Grammar and Syntax
Pragmatics and Social Speech
Private Speech
Speech and Language Delays
Emergent Literacy
Early Childhood Education
Cultural Variations in Early Education
summary and key terms
Research in Action Health Risks of Screen Time During COVID-19
Window on the World The First 5 Years
chapter 8 Psychosocial Development in Early Childhood
The Developing Self
The Self-Concept and Cognitive Development
Regulating Emotions
Understanding Emotions
Erikson: Initiative versus Guilt
Sex Differences
Perspectives on Gender Development
Cognitive Levels of Play
The Social Dimension of Play
Gender and Play
Culture and Play
Forms of Discipline
Parenting Styles
Relationships with Other Children
Sibling Relationships
The Only Child
Playmates and Friends
summary and key terms
Research in Action Lights, Camera, Representation: BIPOC Children’s Exposure to Violent Digital Media
Window on the World Age Segregation versus Mixed-Age Play
Part 4 Middle Childhood
chapter 9 Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood
Aspects of Physical Development
Height and Weight
Dental Health
Brain Development
Motor Development and Physical Activity
Physical Health
Chronic Medical Conditions
Accidental Injuries
Piagetian Approach: Cognition
Cognitive Advances
Information-Processing Approach: Planning, Attention, and Memory
Executive Functioning
Selective Attention
Working Memory
Psychometric Approach: Intelligence
Measuring Intelligence
The IQ Controversy
Influences on Intelligence
Is There More Than One Intelligence?
Language and Literacy
Vocabulary, Grammar, and Syntax
Second-Language Learning
The Child in School
Influences on School Achievement
Educating Children with Special Needs
Children with Learning Problems
Gifted Children
summary and key terms
Window on the World Cultural Conceptions of Intelligence
Research in Action Compounding Disadvantage: Educational Access in the Age of COVID-19
chapter 10 Psychosocial Development in Middle Childhood
The Developing Self
Self-Concept Development
Industry versus Inferiority
Emotional Development
The Child in the Family
Family Atmosphere
Family Structure
Sibling Relationships
The Child in the Peer Group
Peer Groups
Aggression and Bullying
Mental Health
Common Emotional Problems
Treatment Techniques
summary and key terms
Window on the World Bullying across the World
Research in Action “The Talk”: Racial Socialization in African American Families
Part 5 Adolescence
chapter 11 Physical and Cognitive Development in Adolescence
Adolescence as a Social Construction
Hormonal Changes in Puberty
Puberty and Sexual Maturity
Pubertal Timing
The Adolescent Brain
Physical and Mental Health
Physical Activity
Nutrition and Eating Disorders
Drug Use
Death in Adolescence
Aspects of Cognitive Maturation
Piaget’s Stage of Formal Operations
Immature Aspects of Adolescent Thought
Language Development
Moral Development and Prosocial Behavior
Educational and Vocational Issues
Academic Achievement
Dropping Out of High School
Preparing for Higher Education or Vocations
summary and key terms
Window on the World Culture and Cognition
Research in Action Who Are You? Puberty and LGBTQ+ Identity Development
chapter 12 Psychosocial Development in Adolescence
The Search for Identity
Identity versus Identity Confusion
Identity Status
Gender Differences in Identity Formation
Identity Development in Sexual-Minority Youth
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Identity Formation
Cultural Differences in Identity Formation
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Behavior
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Teen Pregnancy
Other Risks of Adolescence
Relationships with Family, Peers, and Adult Society
The Myth of Adolescent Rebellion
Adolescents and Parents
Sibling Relationships
Peer Relationships
Antisocial Behavior and Juvenile Delinquency
Biological Influences
Environmental Influences
Preventing and Treating Delinquency
summary and key terms
Research in Action LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Sex Education
Window on the World Culture and Discretionary Time
Part 6 Emerging and Young Adulthood
chapter 13 Physical and Cognitive Development in Emerging and Young Adulthood
Emerging Adulthood
Health and Fitness
Health Status
Genetic Influences on Health
Behavioral Influences on Health
Indirect Influences on Health
Mental Health Problems
Sexual Issues
Sexual Behavior and Attitudes
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Menstrual Disorders
Perspectives on Adult Cognition
Piagetian Approaches
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Moral Reasoning
The Three Ethics
Education and Work
Entering the World of Work
summary and key terms
Research in Action Hidden Disability: Rheumatoid Arthritis in Young Adults
Window on the World Internet Addiction
chapter 14 Psychosocial Development in Emerging and Young Adulthood
Developmental Tasks of Emerging Adulthood
Paths to Adulthood
Identity Development
Personality Development: Four Views
Normative-Stage Models
Timing-of-Events Model
Trait Models
Typological Models
Relationships in Emerging Adulthood
Relationships with Parents
Marital and Nonmarital Lifestyles
Single Life
Nonheterosexual Relationships
Cultural and Contextual Influences
Relationship Dynamics
When Marriage Ends
Remarriage and Stepparenthood
summary and key terms
Research in Action Interracial Dating
Window on the World Popular Wedding Traditions across Cultures
Part 7 Middle Adulthood
chapter 15 Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood
Middle Age: A Social Construct
Physical Changes
Sensory Functioning
Physical Fitness
The Brain at Midlife
Structural and Systemic Changes
Sexuality and Reproductive Functioning
Physical and Mental Health
Physical Health at Midlife
Behavioral Influences on Health
Socioeconomic Status and Health
Race/Ethnicity and Health
Gender and Health
Mental Health at Midlife
Cognitive Development at Midlife
Cognitive Performance
Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence
The Distinctiveness of Adult Cognition
Integrative Thought
Creativity and Age
Work and Education
Work and Retirement
Work and Cognitive Development
Adult Education
summary and key terms
Window on the World Cultural Differences in Menopause
Research in Action Hard Times: Financial Stress at Midlife
chapter 16 Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood
Theoretical Models of Change at Midlife
Normative-Stage Models
Trait Models
Timing of Events Models
Issues and Themes at Midlife
The Midlife Crisis?
Identity Development
Positive Mental Health at Midlife
Relationships at Midlife
Theories of Social Contact
Relationships and Well-Being
Consensual Relationships
Relationships with Maturing Children
Adolescent Children
The Empty Nest
Adult Children
Voluntary Childlessness
Other Kinship Ties
Aging Parents
summary and key terms
Research in Action Body Image and Well-Being at Midlife
Window on the World The Global Sandwich Generation
Part 8 Late Adulthood
chapter 17 Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood
Old Age Today
The Graying of the Population
Conceptualization of Aging
Longevity and Aging
Correlates of Life Expectancy
Theories of Aging
Extending the Human Life Span
Physical Changes
Organic and Systemic Changes
The Aging Brain
Sensory and Psychomotor Functioning
Sexual Functioning
Physical and Mental Health
Health Status
Chronic Conditions and Disabilities
Lifestyle Influences on Health and Longevity
Mental and Behavioral Problems
Cognitive Changes
Intelligence and Processing Abilities
summary and key terms
Window on the World Elder Care Worldwide
Research in Action The Psychological Consequences of Hearing Loss
chapter 18 Psychosocial Development in Late Adulthood
Personality Development in Late Adulthood
Ego Integrity versus Despair
Personality Traits in Old Age
Well-Being in Late Adulthood
Well-Being in Sexual Minorities
The Effect of Religion and Spirituality on Well-Being
Coping and Mental Health
Models of Successful Aging
Practical and Social Issues Related to Aging
Work and Retirement
Financial Concerns
Living Arrangements
Elder Abuse
Personal Relationships in Late Life
Theories of Social Contact and Support
Relationships and Health
The Multigenerational Family
Marital and Long-Term Relationships
Divorce and Remarriage
Nonmarital Lifestyles and Relationships
Single Life
Nonmarital Kinship Ties
Relationships with Adult Children
Relationships with Siblings
summary and key terms
Window on the World Aging Stereotypes Worldwide
Research in Action Technology and Aging in Place
Part 9 The End of Life
chapter 19 Dealing with Death and Bereavement
The Meaning of Death and Dying
The Cultural Context
The Mortality Revolution
Facing Death and Loss
Factors Preceding Death
Confronting One’s Own Death
Patterns of Grieving
Responses to Death across the Life Span
Significant Losses
Surviving a Spouse
Losing a Parent in Adulthood
Losing a Child
Mourning a Miscarriage
Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues
Hastening Death
Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life and Death
Life Review
Development: A Lifelong Process
summary and key terms
Window on the World Cultural Variations in Funeral Customs
Research in Action Cultural Influences on Children’s Understanding of Death
Name Index
Subject Index
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Experience Human Development helps students explore the human side of development through exposure to culture and diversity, evaluation of the science on human development, and immersion in practical applications. Long noted for its wide-ranging coverage of questions of diversity and human development, the 15th edition now has a lengthy Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the preface to summarize and provide transparency on the relevant changes to this important topic. The text combines robust scholarship, citations from the latest research, and a rich and respectful coverage of diversity and equity issues, so that all learners can see themselves within this program. McGraw Hill Connect’s® digital learning tools are invaluable in helping students synthesize and master the broad scope of content of the lifespan development course.