فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages 1-7
Introduction (J. Rutenfranz, W. P. Colquhoun)....Pages 9-10
Relative effects of sleep disturbance and persistent endogenous rhythm after experimental phase shift (J. N. Mills, A. Fort)....Pages 11-19
Effects of circadian rhythm, sleep deprivation, and fatigue on watchkeeping performance during the night hours (W. P. Colquhoun, P. Hamilton, R. S. Edwards)....Pages 20-28
EEG and self-recorded sleep of two shiftworkers over four weeks of real and synthetic work (A. A. I. Wedderburn)....Pages 29-47
Changes in sleep patterns caused by shift work and traffic noise (W. Ehrenstein, W. Müller-Limmroth)....Pages 48-56
The effects of noise on the sleep of nightworkers (P. Knauth, J. Rutenfranz)....Pages 57-65
Continuous measurement of body temperature during a three-week experiment with inverted working and sleeping hours (P. Knauth, J. Ilmarinen)....Pages 66-73
Desynchronization of different physiological functions during three weeks of experimental nightshift with limited and unlimited sleep (J. Rutenfranz, F. Klimmer, P. Knauth)....Pages 74-77
Work hours and 24h temporal patterns in sympathetic-adrenal medullary activity and self-rated activation (T. Åkerstedt, J. E. Fröberg)....Pages 78-93
Continuous measurements of heart and respiratory rate during a long-term experiment with an inverted activity cycle (L. Pöllmann)....Pages 94-102
Experimental evaluation of frequent eight-hour versus less frequent longer night shifts (K. Kogi, M. Takahashi, N. Onishi)....Pages 103-112
The nature of diurnal variations in performance and their implications for shift work studies (S. Folkard)....Pages 113-122
Circadian rhythms of six healthy young men over a 4-week period with night-work every 48 h and a 2 % CO2 atmosphere (Peter Colquhoun, Simon Folkard, Peter Knauth, Joseph Rutenfranz)....Pages 123-130
The diurnal pattern of some physiological and psychological functions in permanent night workers and in men working on a two-shift (day and night) system (P. Pátkai, K. Pettersson, T. Åkerstedt)....Pages 131-141
Circadian temporal structure of 20 shift workers (8-hour shift-weekly rotation): An autometric field study (A. Reinberg, A.-J. Chaumont, A. Laporte)....Pages 142-165
Physiological circadian rhythms in shift-workers in the high arctic (M. C. Lobban)....Pages 166-167
A field study of rotating and continuous night shifts in a steel mill (Z. Vokac, K. Rodahl)....Pages 168-173
The influence of fatigue and rest period on the circadian variation of error frequency in shift workers (engine drivers) (G. Hildebrandt, W. Rohmert, J. Rutenfranz)....Pages 174-187
Performance on different turns of duty within a three-shift system and its relation to body temperature — two field studies (A. Meers)....Pages 188-205
Field study of the diurnal changes of the adrenal system (N. Tsaneva, M. Daleva)....Pages 206-212
Attitudes of permanent day and shift workers towards shiftwork — a field study (H. Thierry, C. Hoolwerf, P. J. D. Drenth)....Pages 213-231
Role perceptions, job satisfaction, and attitudes towards shiftwork of workers in different shift systems as related to situational and personal factors (F. Nachreiner)....Pages 232-243
Circadian variations of visual sensitivity and vegetative responsiveness to light in man (R. Knoerchen, E. M. Gundlach, G. Hildebrandt)....Pages 244-253
“Functional age” and physical work capacity during day and night (O. Östberg, G. Svensson)....Pages 254-264
Circadian variations of maximal aerobic power (J. Ilmarinen, F. Klimt, J. Rutenfranz)....Pages 265-272
Shiftwork of professional drivers (O. Adum)....Pages 273-276
Back Matter ....Pages 277-282