فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Preface, Pages ix-x
List of Symbols, Pages xi-xii
EXPERIMENT 1 - Molecular Weight using van der Waals' Equation, Pages 1-2
EXPERIMENT 2 - The Density of a Liquid as a Function of Temperature, Pages 3-5
EXPERIMENT 3 - Molar Refraction, Pages 6-7
EXPERIMENT 4 - Viscosity as a Function of Temperature, Pages 8-9
EXPERIMENT 5 - The Ratio of the Heat Capacities of a Gas (Clément and Desormes Method), Pages 10-12
EXPERIMENT 6 - The Ratio of the Heat Capacities of a Gas (Lummer and Pringsheim Method), Pages 13-15
EXPERIMENT 7 - Molecular Weight by Ebullioscopy (Landsberger's Method), Pages 16-18
EXPERIMENT 8 - Molecular Weight by Ebullioscopy (Cottrell's Method), Pages 19-20
EXPERIMENT 9 - Molecular Weight by Cryoscopy, Pages 21-23
EXPERIMENT 10 - Molecular Weight by Rast's Method, Page 24
EXPERIMENT 11 - Heat of Neutralization by Calorimetry, Pages 25-27
EXPERIMENT 12 - Heat of Transition by Calorimetry, Page 28
EXPERIMENT 13 - Heat of Vaporization by Calorimetry, Pages 29-30
EXPERIMENT 14 - The Vapour Pressure of a Liquid as a Function of Temperature, Pages 31-32
EXPERIMENT 15 - Heat of Solution from Solubility, Pages 33-34
EXPERIMENT 16 - Heat of Combustion by Bomb Calorimetry, Pages 35-38
EXPERIMENT 17 - An Equilibrium Constant by the Distribution Method, Pages 39-40
EXPERIMENT 18 - Distillation of an Azeotropic Mixture with a Minimum Boiling Point, Pages 41-43
EXPERIMENT 19 - Molecular Weight of a Liquid by Steam Distillation, Pages 44-45
EXPERIMENT 20 - Phase Diagram for a Binary System, Page 46
EXPERIMENT 21 - The Variation of Miscibility with Temperature, Pages 47-48
EXPERIMENT 22 - A Study of the Ternary System: Benzene-Acetic Acid-Water, Pages 49-51
EXPERIMENT 23 - The Thermal Analysis of a Hydrate by the Differential Couple Method, Pages 52-54
EXPERIMENT 24 - A Transition Temperature by a Solubility Method, Pages 55-56
EXPERIMENT 25 - Verification of the Lambert—Beer Law, Pages 57-58
EXPERIMENT 26 - Composition of a Complex Ion in Solution, Pages 59-60
EXPERIMENT 27 - A Velocity Constant by a Titration Method, Pages 61-63
EXPERIMENT 28 - Variation of a Velocity Constant with Catalyst Concentration by a Polarimetrie Method, Pages 64-66
EXPERIMENT 29 - A Velocity Constant by a Gas Evolution Method, Pages 67-69
EXPERIMENT 30 - A Velocity Constant by a Conductimetric Method, Pages 70-71
EXPERIMENT 31 - The Effeet of Change of Temperature on the Rate of a Reaction, Pages 72-74
EXPERIMENT 32 - Determination of the Order of a Reaction, Pages 75-76
EXPERIMENT 33 - Surface Tension using a Traube Stalagmometer, Pages 77-79
EXPERIMENT 34 - Interfacial Tension (Micrometer Syringe Method), Pages 80-81
EXPERIMENT 35 - Variation of the Surface Tension of a Liquid with Temperature, Pages 82-84
EXPERIMENT 36 - Adsorption Isotherm, Pages 85-87
EXPERIMENT 37 - Variation of Conductance with Concentration (Strong and Weak Electrolytes), Pages 88-90
EXPERIMENT 38 - Conductimetric Titration of an Acid Mixture, Pages 91-92
EXPERIMENT 39 - Solubility by a Conductimetric Method, Pages 93-94
EXPERIMENT 40 - Transport Numbers (Hittorf's Method), Pages 95-97
EXPERIMENT 41 - Dissociation Constant of a Weak Acid (Approximate e.m.f. Method), Pages 98-101
EXPERIMENT 42 - Dissociation Constant of a Weak Acid (Conductimetric Method), Pages 102-103
EXPERIMENT 43 - Hydrolysis Constant by a Conductimetric Method, Pages 104-105
EXPERIMENT 44 - The Standard Electrode Potentials of Zinc and Copper, Pages 106-109
EXPERIMENT 45 - Concentration Cells, Pages 110-111
EXPERIMENT 46 - Solubility Product from e.m.f. Measurements, Pages 112-113
EXPERIMENT 47 - The Quinhydrone Reference Electrode, Pages 114-115
EXPERIMENT 48 - pH Titration Curve, Pages 116-118
EXPERIMENT 49 - Study of Potentiometrie and Indicator End Points, Pages 119-120
EXPERIMENT 50 - Potentiometrie Titration—Verification of the Nernst Equation, Pages 121-122
EXPERIMENT 51 - Thermodynamics of Cells, Pages 123-125
EXPERIMENT 52 - The Radius of a Molecule from Viscosity Measurements, Pages 129-130
EXPERIMENT 53 - Dipole Moment of a Polar Molecule, Pages 131-134
EXPERIMENT 54 - The Additivity of Group Moments in Aromatic Compounds, Pages 135-136
EXPERIMENT 55 - The Joule-Thomson Coefficient, Pages 137-141
EXPERIMENT 56 - The Partition Coefficient in Gas Chromatography, Pages 142-145
EXPERIMENT 57 - The Raoult Law Factor in Gas Chromatography, Pages 146-148
EXPERIMENT 58 - Activity of a Non-electrolyte by Gryoscopy, Pages 149-151
EXPERIMENT 59 - Activity of an Electrolyte by Cryoscopy, Pages 152-159
EXPERIMENT 60 - Activity Coefficient by an e.m.f. Method, Pages 160-163
EXPERIMENT 61 - The Partial Molal Volumes of a Binary Solution, Pages 164-166
EXPERIMENT 62 - A Ternary Phase Diagram for a System of Two Solids and a Liquid, Pages 167-170
EXPERIMENT 63 - Emission Spectra Study of Atomic Hydrogen, Pages 171-173
EXPERIMENT 64 - The Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra of Geometrical Isomers, Pages 174-176
EXPERIMENT 65 - Force Constants from Vibrational Frequencies, Pages 177-178
EXPERIMENT 66 - Infra-red Spectra of Carbonyl Compound, Pages 179-180
EXPERIMENT 67 - Variation of Velocity Constant with Catalyst Concentration by a Dilatometer Method, Pages 181-183
EXPERIMENT 68 - A Velocity Constant by an Amperometric Method, Pages 184-186
EXPERIMENT 69 - A Velocity Constant by a Potentiometric Method, Pages 187-188
EXPERIMENT 70 - A Velocity Constant by a Polarimetric Method, Pages 189-192
EXPERIMENT 71 - A Velocity Constant for an Anionotropic Rearrangement (Spectrophotometric Method), Pages 193-194
EXPERIMENT 72 - Gas Adsorption (McBain-Bakr Balance), Pages 195-197
EXPERIMENT 73 - Surface Tension–Concentration Relationship for Solutions (Gibbs Equation), Pages 198-199
EXPERIMENT 74 - Molecular Weight of a Polymer from Viscosity Measurements, Pages 200-201
EXPERIMENT 75 - Electrophoresis, Pages 202-204
EXPERIMENT 76 - Variation of Conductance with Concentration, Pages 205-206
EXPERIMENT 77 - Transport Numbers (Moving Boundary Method), Pages 207-209
EXPERIMENT 78 - Transport Numbers (e.m.f. Method), Pages 210-212
EXPERIMENT 79 - The Absorption Curve of an Indicator as a Function of pH, Pages 213-215
EXPERIMENT 80 - Dissociation Constant of an Acid (Accurate e.m.f. Method), Pages 216-220
EXPERIMENT 81 - Dissociation Constant of an Acid (Spectrophotometric Method), Pages 221-223
EXPERIMENT 82 - Dissociation Constant of a Weak Acid (Accurate Conductimetric Method), Pages 224-226
EXPERIMENT 83 - Dead-stop End Point Titration Technique, Pages 227-228
EXPERIMENT 84 - Potentiometrie Titration—Solubility of Silver Halides, Pages 229-230
EXPERIMENT 85 - The Polarographic Method of Analysis, Pages 231-233
EXPERIMENT 86 - The Polarographic Method of Analysis— Wave Separation, Pages 234-235
EXPERIMENT 87 - Polarographic Study of Acetaldehyde, Pages 236-238
EXPERIMENT 88 - Separation of Radioelements by Ion Exchange, Pages 239-241
EXPERIMENT 89 - Distribution Constant by a Radioactive Tracer Technique, Pages 242-245
INVESTIGATION 90 - A Chromatographic Study of the Effects of Substitution on Acetophenone, Pages 249-252
INVESTIGATION 91 - A Chromatographic Study of the Relationship between Heats of Solution and Molecular Structure, Pages 253-254
INVESTIGATION 92 - Steric Effects and Resonance, Pages 255-256
INVESTIGATION 93 - Dipole Moments of Polar Compounds (Guggenheim's Method), Pages 257-259
INVESTIGATION 94 - Diffusion of Solvent Molecules through High Polymers, Pages 260-263
INVESTIGATION 95 - Interpretation of X-ray Powder Photographs, Pages 264-268
INVESTIGATION 96 - Delocalization Energies of TT Molecular Orbital Systems, Pages 269-275
INVESTIGATION 97 - Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constant of a Molecular Charge Transfer Complex, Pages 276-279
INVESTIGATION 98 - Thermodynamic Functions for Acid–Base Equilibria, Pages 280-281
INVESTIGATION 99 - A Comparison of the Efficiency of Laboratory Fractionating Columns, Pages 282-285
INVESTIGATION 100 - The Angle of Twist around an Essential C — C Single Bond for a Series of Substituted Carbonyl Compounds, Pages 286-290
INVESTIGATION 101 - Relative Strengths of Hydrogen Bonds by a Spectrophotometric Method, Pages 291-293
INVESTIGATION 102 - The Evaluation of the Bond Angle, Force Constants and Heat Capacity of Sulphur Dioxide from its Vibrational Spectrum, Pages 294-298
INVESTIGATION 103 - The Internuclear Distance of Hydrogen Chloride from its Vibration-Rotation Spectrum, Pages 299-302
INVESTIGATION 104 - The Dissociation Energy of Iodine from its Absorption Spectrum, Pages 303-306
INVESTIGATION 105 - The Interpretation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra, Pages 307-324
INVESTIGATION 106 - Explosion Limits of the Hydrogen—Oxygen Reaction, Pages 325-328
INVESTIGATION 107 - Mechanism of the Reaction between Hydrogen Iodide and Hydrogen Peroxide, Pages 329-331
INVESTIGATION 108 - The Brønsted Primary Salt Effect, Pages 332-334
INVESTIGATION 109 - The Variation of Rate Constant with Catalyst Concentration by a Polarimetric Method, Pages 335-336
INVESTIGATION 110 - The Measurement of Surface Area by the B.E.T. Method, Pages 337-342
INVESTIGATION 111 - Critical Micelle Concentration, Pages 343-344
INVESTIGATION 112 - The Protonation of Aldehydes and Ketones in Sulphuric Acid Media, Pages 345-348
INVESTIGATION 113 - The Anodic Behaviour of Metals, Pages 349-350
INVESTIGATION 114 - The Polarograph: A Study of the Variables when Interpreting Polarograms, Pages 351-352
INVESTIGATION 115 - Differential Potentiometrie Titrations, Pages 353-355
APPENDIX I - Statistical Treatment of Experimental Data, Pages 356-376
APPENDIX II - List of Textbooks, Pages 377-378
APPENDIX III - List of Instruments and Manufacturers, Pages 379-381
LOGARITHMS, Pages 384-385
Index, Pages 389-394