توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
بیش از یک قرن است که نارساخوانی رشدی موضوع مورد توجه پزشکان بوده است. با وجود این، نارساخوانی علیرغم سابقه طولانی تحقیقاتی خود (اصطلاحات «ناتوانی خاص در خواندن»، «ناتوانی خواندن» و «ناتوانی یادگیری» نیز به جای یکدیگر در این جلد استفاده میشوند) همچنان چالشی برای روانشناسی شناختی، آموزش، عصبشناسی معاصر است. و فیزیولوژی با گردآوری مشارکتهای محققان و محققانی که در طیف گستردهای از زمینهها و دیدگاهها کار میکنند، این جلد ابزاری برای در نظر گرفتن جنبههای مختلف نارساخوانی ارائه میدهد و باید درک بیشتری از اختلالات خواندن و اصلاح آنها را امکانپذیر سازد. این کتاب به هشت بخش اصلی تقسیم شده است که تمرکز در هر بخش بر جنبه متفاوتی از نارساخوانی است. این چارچوب باید خواننده را قادر سازد تا طیف وسیعی از تحقیقات ناب و کاربردی را جذب کند و دیدگاه جدیدی برای درک نارساخوانی ایجاد کند.
فهرست مطالب :
Studies in Visual Information Processing 3
Page ii
Front Matter
Page iii
Copyright page
Page iv
Page v
Pages vi-viii
Pages xiv-xxiii
Texture Segregation Based on Line Orientation Develops Late in Childhood
Pages 3-12
R. Sireteanu, W. Singer, C. Rieth
The Roles of Sustained (P) and Transient (M) Channels in Reading and Reading Disability
Pages 13-31
B.G. Breitmeyer
Do Dyslexics have a Visual Deficit?
Pages 33-49
W. Lovegrove
Manifesto on Dyslexia
Pages 51-63
G. Geiger, J. Lettvin
One Word at a Time: A Solution to the Visual Deficit in SRDs?
Pages 65-76
R. Hill, W.J. Lovegrove
The Effects of Wavelength on Visual Processing and Reading Performance in Normal and Disabled Readers
Pages 77-94
A. Rock-Faucheux, K. LeCluyse, Mary Williams
The Role of Visual Processing in Good and Poor Readers' Utilization of Orthographic Information in Letter Strings
Pages 95-106
E. Corcos, D.M. Willows
The Optimal Viewing Position for Children with Normal and with Poor Reading Abilities
Pages 107-123
M. Brysbaert, C. Meyers
Vision in Dyslexics: Letter Recognition Acuity, Visual Crowding, Contrast Sensitivity, Accommodation, Convergence and Sight Reading Music
Pages 125-138
J. Atkinson
Fixation, Contrast Sensitivity and Children's Reading
Pages 139-162
P. Cornelissen
Perceptual and Cognitive Factors in Disabled and Normal Readers' Perception and Memory of Unfamiliar Visual Symbols
Pages 163-177
D.M. Willows, E. Corcos, J.R. Kershner
Linking the Sensory and Motor Visual Correlates of Dyslexia
Pages 179-191
B.J.W. Evans, N. Drasdo, I.L. Richards
Toward an Ecologically Valid Analysis of Visual Processes in Dyslexic Readers
Pages 193-206
R.S. Kruk, D.M. Willows
Some Reflections on Psychophysical Measurement with Dyslexic Children
Pages 207-214
P.U. Müller
Saccadic Eye Movements of Dyslexic Children in Non-Cognitive Tasks
Pages 217-233
M. Biscaldi, B. Fischer
Saccadic Eye Movements in Dyslexics, Low Achievers, and Competent Readers
Pages 235-243
H. Fields, S. Newman, S.F. Wright
Eye Movements in Reading Chinese: Paragraphs, Single Characters and Pinyin
Pages 245-255
F. Sun
Reading Vertically Without a Fovea
Pages 257-265
N. Osaka
Eye and Head Reading Path in Hemianopic Patients
Pages 267-287
D. Schoepf, W.H. Zangemeister
A New Theoretical Framework for Understanding Reading and Spelling Tasks
Pages 291-304
E. Graf
Information Integration and Reading Disabilities
Pages 305-320
K.L. Holtz
Visuospatial Ability and Language Processing in Reading Disabled and Normal Children
Pages 321-335
G.F. Eden, J.F. Stein, F.B. Wood
Rate of Elementary Symbol Processing in Dyslexics
Pages 337-347
R. Yap, A. van der Leij
The Development of Symbolic - Motor Performance in Minimal Brain Dysfunction Boys
Pages 349-353
P. Cakirpaloglu, T. Radil
Possible Attentional Origins of Word Decoding Deficits in Dyslexia
Pages 357-370
R. Stringer, J. Kershner
Towards the Origins of Dyslexia
Pages 371-392
R.I. Nicolson, A.J. Fawcett
The Development of the Autonomous Lexicon of Reading Disabled Students
Pages 393-407
A. van der Leij
Personality Characteristics of Adult Dyslexics
Pages 411-423
A.J. Richardson, J.F. Stein
The Emotional Effects of Dyslexia
Pages 425-433
J. Edwards
Dyslexia: Issues of Definition and Subtyping
Pages 437-453
S.F. Wright, R. Groner
Patterns of Development in Good and Poor Readers Age 6 – 11
Pages 455-481
J. Whyte
Development of the Dest Test for the Early Screening for Dyslexia
Pages 483-496
A.J. Fawcett, S. Pickering, R.I. Nicolson
Dyslexia Therapy: In Search for a Rationale
Pages 499-512
F. Gaillard
Reason, Rhythm, Relaxation and the New Literacy: Implications for Curriculum Differentiation to Meet the Special Educational Needs of Pupils with Specific Learning Difficulties
Pages 513-539
C.M. Hunter-Carsch
Systematic Phonology: The Critical Element in Teaching Reading and Language to Dyslexics: Analysis of Project Read, a systematic phonology, multi-sensory reading/language arts program piloted in regular education classrooms of three Louisiana school districts during the 1990–1991 academic year
Pages 541-549
J. Greene
Computer-Based Spelling Remediation for Dyslexic Children using the Selfspell Environment
Pages 551-565
R.I. Nicolson, A.J. Fawcett
Visual and Linguistic Determinants of Reading Fluency in Dyslexics: A Classroom Study with Talking Computers
Pages 567-584
D. Moseley
Ophthalmologic Aspects of Dyslexia: Binocular Full Correction of Dyslexics with Prismatic Glasses
Pages 585-600
D. Pestalozzi
The Orthoptic Treatment of Dyslexia
Pages 601-606
D. Safra
Illiteracy in Adults: Results from a Survey Study of a Reading and Writing Tutorial Program for Adults
Pages 607-621
S. Burri, R. Hänni
Reading Acquisition in Analphabetic Adults
Pages 623-630
U. Tymister
Author Index
Pages 631-642
Subject Index
Pages 643-646
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Developmental dyslexia has been a subject of interest to practitioners for more than a century. Despite its long research history however, dyslexia (the terms ''specific reading disability'', reading disability'' and ''learning disability'' are also used interchangeably in this volume) still provides a challenge for contemporary cognitive psychology, education, neurology and physiology. By bringing together contributions from researchers and scholars working in a wide range of fields and perspectives, this volume offers a means of considering different facets of dyslexia and should enable a greater understanding of reading disorders and their remediation to emerge. The book is divided into eight major sections, the focus in each section being on a different facet of dyslexia. This framework should enable the reader to assimilate the wide range of pure and applied research and give rise to a new perspective for the understanding of dyslexia