ایالات متحده: انتشارات ناصره ، 2002. - 346 (XL 306) ص. انگلیسی. منوی تعاملی.
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
USA.: Nazarene Publishing House, 2002. — 346(xl+306) p. English. Interactive menu.
Members of the development committeefor the Modular Course of Study were: Michael W. Vail, Ph.D., Series Curriculum Editor Ron Blake, Director, Clergy Development
Jerry D. Lambert, Commissioner, International Board of Education
Al Truesdale, Ph.D.,Nazarene Theological Seminary (retired)
Robert L. Woodruff, Ph.D., World Mission Educational Coordinator
David Busic, Pastor, Central Church of the Nazarene, Lenexa, KS
Michael W. Stipp, Clergy Development.
[Clergy Development. Church of the Nazarene. Kansas City, Missouri.
All scripture quotations except where otherwise noted are from the New Revised Standard Version (
Series Foreword. A Vision for Christian Ministry: Clergy Education in the Church of the Nazarene. The chief purpose of all persons—indeed, all of the creation—is to worship, love, and serve God. God has made himself known in His deeds of creation and redemption. As the Redeemer, God has called into existence a people: the Church, who embody, celebrate, and declare His name and His ways. The life of God with His people and the world constitutes the Story of God. That story is recorded principally in the Old and New Testaments, and continues to be told by the resurrected Christ who lives and reigns as Head of His Church. The Church lives to declare the whole Story of God. This it does in many ways—in the lives of its members who are even now being transformed by Christ through preaching, the sacraments, in oral testimony, community life, and in mission. All members of the Body of Christ are called to exercise a ministry of witness and service. No one is excluded.
Contents. Series Foreword.
Christian Theology—Its Function, Focus, and Practice in the Local Church.
The Sources and Definition of Christian Theology.
How Can We Speak of God?
Five Theological Models of Revelation.
Knowing God as Creator.
What Kind of a World Is It?
Some Classic Approaches to Thinking About God’s Power and Wisdom.
Some Classic Approaches to Thinking About God’s Holiness and Love.
Recent Ways of Speaking of God and Thinking Theologically.
Continuing the Conversation About Contemporary Theology.
The Doctrine of the Trinity: Vital Center or Antique Relic?
Biblical Foundations of the Trinity.
Who Is the Christian God?
The Christian Life and the Trinity.
The Convergence and Divergence of Philosophy and Christian Theology.
Further Investigations into Demonstrations for the Existence of God.
How Should We Regard Religions Other than Christianity?
Christianity Engages Culture.
Humanity Graciously Endowed: Theological Anthropology.
The Element WithinUs, or Thinking About Sin.
Resources: (contained in the Student Guide).