فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
EDITORIAL, Pages v-vi, Stanislas Wicherek
EDITORIAL, Pages vii-viii, Stanislas Wicherek
Acknowledgments to organizations participating in the Symposium Organismes remerciés pour leur participation à l'organisation du Symposium, Page ix
The Soil Asset : Preservation of a natural resource, Pages 1-16, S. Wicherek
Simple methods of characterizing erosive rainfall with reference to the South Downs, southern England, Pages 17-29, J. Boardman, D.T. Favis-Mortlock
Effect of cultivation techniques on the hydrodynamic and mechanical behaviour of the “Lauragais-Terreforts”, Pages 31-46, D. Boudjemline, E. Roose, F. Lelong
On-site and Off-site Damages by Erosion in Landscapes of East Germany, Pages 47-59, M. Frielinghaus, R. Schmidt
Water input / output and soil erosion on a cultivated watershed, Pages 61-70, A. Kertesz, D. Loczy, G.Y. Varga
Characteristics of runoff generating rains on bare loess soil in South-Limbourg (The Netherlands), Pages 71-86, F.J.P.M. Kwaad
Assessment of soil erodibility : the relationship between soil properties, erosion processes and susceptibility to erosion, Pages 87-96, Y. Le Bissonnais, M.J. Singer, J.M. Bradford
The effects of tillage system and annual crop residue on rill morphology, Pages 97-106, G.F. McIsaac, J.K. Mitchell
On the Question of Aggregate Stability of Soils, Pages 107-109, O. Nestroy
The role of test plot measurements in a long-term soil. Erosion research project in Switzerland, Pages 111-123, D. Schaub, V. Prasuhn
Assessment of factors affecting ephemeral gully erosion in cultivated catchments of the Belgian Loam Belt, Pages 125-136, K. Vandaele
Impact of agriculture on soil degradation : modelisation at the watershed scale for a spatial management and development, Pages 137-153, S. Wicherek, G. Chêne, M. Mekharchi
Remarks on Flow for an Evaluation of Erosion Risks (examples in the Parisian Basin), Pages 155-163, M. Dacharry, Y. Veyret, S. Wicherek
Soil erosion under irrigation in Bulgaria, Pages 165-171, G. Dochev, M. Neshkova, R. Rafailov, V. Krasteva
Long-term effects of erosion on soil degradation, Pages 173-176, Ph. Duchaufour
Extent, Frequency and Rates of Rilling of Arable Land in Localities in England and Wales, Pages 177-190, R. Evans
Regional assessment of runoff and erosion risk. Example of the Nord/Pas-de-Calais region, France, Pages 191-205, D. King, Y. Le Bissonnais, R. Hardy
Assessment of Soil Losses in Brie (France) : Measuring suspended loads in rivers with a graduated monitoring network, Pages 207-220, M.J. Penven, T. Muxart, A. Andrieu, S. Chambolle
Gully typology and gully control measures in the European loess belt, Pages 221-239, J. Poesen
The extinction of some perennial grass vegetation and the degradation of chernozem due to anthropo-zoogenial factors, in some steppes of Ukrainian SSR, Pages 241-251, J.G. Ray, A.P. Travleev, N.A. Belova
Assessment of Soil Erosion in Quebec (Canada) with Cs-137, Pages 253-259, C. Bernard, M.R. Laverdière
Combination of single storm erosion and hydrological models into a geographic information system, Pages 261-270, H. Chakroun, F. Bonn, J.P. Fortin
The use of caesium-137 to investigate soil erosion and sediment delivery from cultivated slopes in the Polish Carpathians, Pages 271-283, W. Froehlich, D.L. Higgitt, D.E. Walling
The effect of water erosion and tillage movement on hillslope profile development : a comparison of field observations and model results, Pages 285-300, G. Govers, T.A. Quine, D.E. Walling
The value of caesium-137 measurements for estimating soil erosion and sediment delivery in an agricultural catchment, Avon, UK., Pages 301-315, D.L. Higgitt, D.E. Walling
Le modèle Es de Jan DE PLOEY. Discussion et nouvelles applications, Pages 317-322, B. Kaiser
Towards improved hypothesis testing in erosion-process research, Pages 323-337, D.M. Lawler
Use of Caesium-137 in Study of Pedogeomorphic Processes, Pages 339-346, M. Lehotsky, M. Stankoviansky, V. Linkes
Impact of Modelling in furrow irrigation erosion, Pages 347-355, Z. Popova, I. Petrova
Assessing recent rates of soil loss from areas of arable cultivation in the UK, Pages 357-371, T.A. Quine, D.E. Walling
Rainfall Simulation Tests for Parameter Determination of a Soil Erosion Model, Pages 373-388, M. Schramm, D. Prinz
Soil erosion and badlands areas, Pages 389-401, P. Ballerini, M. Brunori, S. Moretti, G. Rodolfi
Agriculture on the Brazilian basaltic plateau. Cultivation practices and soil conservation : First results of the Potiribu project, Pages 403-414, N.M. dos R. Castro, P. Chevallier, A.L.L. Silveira da
Evaluation of Erosion Processes on an Area of the Karla basin in Larissa, Greece, Pages 415-427, S.A. Floras, I. Sgouras
Terrace degradation and soil erosion on Naxos Island, Greece, Pages 429-450, R. Lehmann
Soil erosion evaluation on hillslopes in Taiwan, Pages 451-462, K.F.A. Lo, S.H. Chiang, B.W. Tsai
“Possibilities for an environmentally-sound restructuring of agriculture in the new Bundesländer”, Pages 463-470, C. AHL
Field experiments on the reduction of sediment yield from arable land to receiving watercourses (N-Kraichgau, SW-Germany), Pages 471-480, J. Baade, D. Barsch, R. Mäusbacher, G. Schukraft
Analysis of catastrophic erosion in Czechoslovakia : The reflections of the structure of agriculural land and the physical conditions of soils, Pages 481-496, M. Kundrata, J. Ungerman
A specific strategy set up with farmers to succeed erosion control : The experience of a French region “Pays de Caux”, Pages 497-502, J.F. Ouvry, L. Ligneau
Control of overland runoff and talweg erosion: a land management approach, Pages 503-514, F. Papy, V. Souchère
Effect of hog manure and fertilizer application on runoff and drainage water quality, Pages 515-524, A.R. Pesant, G. Gangbazo, G. Barnett, D. Cluis, J.-P. Charuest
Tillage and Crop Residue Management Practices for Soil Erosion Control, Pages 525-534, J.F. Power, J.E. Gilley, W.W. Wilhelm, L.N. Mielke, J.W. Doran
Influences agro-pastorales sur les caractéristiques physico-chimiques de la rivière l'Assomption (Canada), Pages 535-549, C. Pronovost, M. Bouchard
Erosion hydrique et entraînement mécanique des terres par les outils dans les côteaux du sud-ouest de la France. La nécessité d'établir un bilan avant toute mesure anti-érosive, Pages 551-562, J.C. Revel, M. Guiresse, N. Coste, J. Cavalie, J.L. Costes
Soil Degradation in Hungary, Pages 563-569, P. Szabó
Erosion…a current environmental problem ? The GCES, a new strategy for fighting erosion to resolve this dilemna of a growing society, Pages 571-585, E. Roose