فهرست مطالب :
List of Figures
List of Tables
1: Introduction: What Travellers Can Really See on Their Trip to the Rainforest
2: The Amazon: The Largest River on Earth
2.1 The River Between Its Source and Mouth
2.2 Várzeas: Floodplain Meadows
2.3 Igapós: Floodplain Forests
2.4 River Meanders and Terra Firme
2.5 White Water
2.6 Black Water
2.7 Clear Water
3: Cities Along the Amazon River
3.1 Iquitos
3.2 Leticia
3.3 Manaus
3.4 Parintins
3.5 Santarém
3.6 Belém
4: The People of the Amazon River
4.1 The Original Population
4.2 The caboclos
5: The Rainforest
5.1 Greatest Diversity of Plant Species
5.2 A “New” Primary Forest Cannot Be Planted
5.3 The Ground Layer of the Rainforest
5.4 Middle Floor of the Rainforest
5.5 The Soil of the Old-Growth Forest
5.6 Top Floor of the Rainforest
5.7 Root Types
5.8 The Brazil Nut Tree
5.9 Epiphytes and Climbers
5.10 Summary: Structure of the Rainforest
6: Flowering Plants in and Around Water
6.1 Trees
6.1.1 Shield-Leaved Snake Wood Tree (Cecropia peltata)—Nettle Family (Urticaceae)
6.1.2 Gustavia (Gustavia superba)—(Lecythidaceae)
6.1.3 Eschweilera ovata: (Lecythidaceae)
6.1.4 Campsiandra comosa: Legume Family (Fabaceae)
6.1.5 Parkia discolor: Legume Family (Fabaceae)
6.1.6 Guiana chestnut (Pachira aquatica: Mallow Family (Malvaceae)
Other Names: Provision Tree, Malabar Chestnut, Monguba (Brazil)
6.1.7 Munguba Tree (Pseudobombax munguba): Mallow Family (Malvaceae)
Other Name: Brazilian silk-cotton-tree
6.1.8 Clitoria Tree (Clitoria fairchildiana): Legume Family (Fabaceae)
Other Name: Sombreiro tree
6.1.9 Ice-Cream Bean (Inga edulis): Legume Family (Fabaceae)
Other Name: Inga tree
6.1.10 Marimari Tree (Cassia leiandra): Legume Family (Fabaceae)
6.1.11 Garlic Pear (Crateva tapia): Caper Family (Capparaceae)
6.1.12 Many-Leaved Acacia (Acacia polyphylla): Legume Family (Fabaceae)
6.1.13 Morich Palm (Mauritia flexuosa): Palm Family (Arecaceae)
Other Name: Buruti palm (brazilian)
6.1.14 Buçu Palm (Manicaria saccifera): Palm Family (Arecaceae)
Other Names: Ubuçu (brazilian), Manicaria
6.2 Shrubs
6.2.1 Mickey Mouse Bush (Ouratea lucens): (Ochnaceae)
Other Names: Carnival Bush, Chupeta de Macaco (brazilian for “Monkey Soother”)
6.2.2 Guarana (Paullinia cupana): (Sapindaceae)
6.2.3 Golden Trumpet (Allamanda cathartica): Dogbane Family (Apocynaceae)
6.2.4 Blue Potato Bush (Solanum spec.): Nightshade Family (Solanaceae)
Other Names: Gentian Tree, Potato Tree
6.2.5 Monkey’s Brush (Combretum aubletii): White Mangrove Family (Combretaceae)
Other Names: Spanish Flag, Monkey Comb, Flor De Cepillos (Spanish = “Brush Flower”), Escova-De-Macaco-Alaranjada (Portuguese = “Orange Monkey Brush”)
6.2.6 Odontadenia hypoglauca: Dogbane Family (Apocynaceae)
Other Names: Agadenia hypoglauca dipladenia (in nurseries)
6.3 Perennials
6.3.1 Hanging Lobster Claw (Heliconia rostrata): (Heliconiaceae)
Other Names: Lobster or Crab Claw, parrot beak (French: Bec de Perroquet)
6.3.2 Arum Lily (Montrichardia arborescens): Arum Family (Araceae)
6.3.3 Dormilones (Mimosa pudica): Mimosa Family (Mimosaceae)
Other Names: Meaning-plant, touch-me-not, shame flower
6.4 Aquatic Plants
6.4.1 Queen Victoria’s Water Lily (Victoria amazonica): Water Lily Family (Nymphaeaceaea)
6.4.2 Common Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): Pontederia Family (Pontederiaceae)
Other Names: Thick-stemmed water hyacinth, Eichhornia, purple curse, blue devil
6.4.3 Water Cabbage (Pistia stratiotes) Arum Family (Araceae)
Other Name: Shell flower
6.4.4 Floating Heart (Nymphoides humboldtiana): (Menyanthaceae)
Other Names: Humboldt’s sea pot, Nymphoides Indica
6.4.5 Ludwigs
Ludwigiae (Ludwigia sedioides): (Onagraceae)
Other Name: Ludwigia
Floating ludwigia (Ludwigia helminthorrhiza): Evening primrose Family (Onagraceae)
6.4.6 Leafy Bladderwort (Utricularia foliosa): Bladderwort Family (Lentibulariaceae)
6.4.7 Aquatic Ferns
6.4.8 Floating Antler Fern (Ceratopteris pteridoides): (Pteridaceae)
Other Name: Eagle fern-like horn fern
6.4.9 Eared moss (Salvinia auriculata): (Salviniaceae)
6.4.10 Carolina Azolla (Azolla caroliniana): (Salviniaceae)
Other Names: Water fern, water velvet, synon. Azolla cristata
6.4.11 Water clover (Marsilea crotophora): (Marsileaceae)
6.5 Epiphytes
6.5.1 Ruby-Lipped Cattleya (Cattleya labiata): Orchid Family (Orchidaceae)
6.5.2 Parrot Flower (Psittacanthus cucullaris): (Loranthaceae)
6.5.3 Bromeliads: Pineapple Family (Bromeliaceae)
Tillandsia (Tillandsia paraensis)
Lance Bromeliad (Aechmea distichantha)
Tufted Guzmania (Guzmania sanguinea)
6.5.4 Large Philodendron (Philodendron maximum): Arum Family (Araceae)
6.6 Vines
6.6.1 Heartleaf Amazon Vine (Stigmaphyllon diversifolium): (Malpighiaceae)
Other Names: Butterfly vine, Brazilian glory vine
6.6.2 Red Passionflower (Passiflora cocchinea): Passionflower Family (Passifloraceae)
6.6.3 Jungle Cucumber (Gurania eriantha): Gourd Family (Curcubitaceae)
7: Flowering Plants in the Rainforest
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Deciduous Trees of the Terra Firme
7.2.1 Red Trumpet Tree (Tabebuia impetiginosus): (Bignoniaceae)
Other Names: Ipé, (rosa, yellow trumpet tree; Lapacho—synonym: Handroanthus impetiginosus
7.2.2 Cannonball Tree (Couroupita guianensis): (Lecythidaceae)
Other Names: Arbre à Bombe (“Bomb Tree”), castanha de Macaco (“monkey chestnut”)
7.2.3 Monkey Pot (Lecythis zabucajo): (Lecythidaceae)
Other Name: Cream nut, Sapucaia (Brazilian); synonym: Lecythis Pisoanis
7.2.4 Cacao Trees (Theobroma and Herrania): Mallow Family (Malvaceae)
7.2.5 Lipstick Tree (Bixa orellana): (Bixaceae)
Other Names: Orleans shrub, Bixi, Achiote, Urucu (brazilian)
7.2.6 Pride of Trinidad and Tobago (Warszewiczia coccinea): Coffee Family (Rubiaceae).
Other Names: Wasi Wixi, wild Poinsettia
7.2.7 Florida Strangler Fig (Ficus aurea): Mulberry Family (Moraceae)
Other Names: West Indian laurel fig, rubber tree, strangler fig
7.2.8 Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis): Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae)
Other Name: Caouchouc (French)
7.2.9 Golden Shower Tree (Senna spectabilis): Legume Family (Fabacea)
Other Names: American Cassia, popcorn tree; synonym: Cassia spectabilis or excelsa
7.3 Palms
7.3.1 Peach Palm (Bactris gasipaes): Palm Family (Arecaceae)
Other Names: Prickly palm, Chontaduro (spanish), Pupunha (brazilian)
7.3.2 Tucumã Palm (Astrocaryum aculeatum): Palm Family (Arecaceae)
Other Name: Astrocaryum tucumã
7.4 Giant Strelitzia (Strelitziaceae)
8: Animal Observations by and in the Water
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Fish
8.2.1 Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Peacock Bass (Cichla orinocensis): Cichlid Family (Cichlidae)
Other name: Tucunaré (brazilian)
Marble Cichlid (Astronotus rubroocellatus) Cichlid Family (Cichlidae)
Other name: (Red Oskar)
Flag Cichlid (Mesonauta insignis): Cichlid Family (Cichlidae)
Demon Eartheater (Satanoperca jurupari): Cichlid Family (Cichlidae)
Heckel’s Cichlid (Acarichthys heckelii): Cichlid Family (Cichlidae)
Leopard Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla lenticulata): Cichlid Family (Cichlidae)
8.2.2 Characids
Red (−Bellied) Piranha (Serrasalmus nattereri): Characin Family (Characidae)
Synonym: Pygocentrus Nattereri; Piranha preta (brazilian): “true piranha”
Pirapitinga (Piarachus brachypomus): Serrasalmid Family (Serrasalmidae)
Other names: False Piranha, red-bellied Pacú
Black Pacú (Colossoma macropomum): Serrasalmid Family (Serrasalmidae)
Other names: Black-finned Pacu; Tambaquí (brazilian)
Silver Dollar (Metynnis argenteus): Serrasalmid Family (Serrasalmidae)
Flag-Tailed Prochilodus (Semaprochilodus taeniurus): (Prochilodontidae)
Other names: Striped Tetra, flag-tailed Tetra; Jaraqui (brazilian)
Dogtooth Characins (Cynodontidae)
Other names: “Cachorro” (portugese for “dog”, freshwater Barracuda)
8.2.3 Catfish
Sailfin Catfish (Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus): Armoured Catfish Family (Loricariidae)
Other names: Suckermouth Catfish, common Pleco
Redtailed Catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus): Long Whiskered Catfish Family (Pimelodidae)
Other name: Pirarara (brazilian)
Tiger Surubim (Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum): Long Whiskered Catfish Family (Pimelodidae)
Other name: Surubim (brazilian)
Ripsaw Catfish (Oxydoras niger): Thorny Catfish Family (Doradidae)
Other name: Cuiú-Cuiú (brazilian)
Candirú (Vandellia spec.): Whale Catfish Family (Trichomycteridae)
Other names: Vampire fish, Canero (spanish)
8.2.4 Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum): Bony Tongue Family (Osteoglossidae)
Other name: Aruanã (Brazilian), water monkey
8.2.5 Cururu Stingray (Potamotrygon wallacei): (Potamotrygonidae)
8.2.6 Electric eel (Electrophous electricus): Neotropical Knifefish (Gymnotidae)
8.2.7 Arapaima (Arapaima gigas): Bony Tongue Family (Osteoglossidae)
Other name: Pirarucu (brazilian)
8.3 Frogs
8.3.1 Tree Frogs (Hylidae) and Other Families
8.3.2 Tarsier Leaf Frog (Phyllomedusa tarsius): Subfamily of the Treefrogs (Phyllomedusidae)
8.3.3 Buckley’s Slender-Legged Tree Frog (Osteocephalus buckleyi): Tree Frog Family (Hylidae)
8.3.4 South American Bullfrog (Leptodactylus pentadactylus): Southern Frog Family (Leptodctylidae)
Other name: Smoky jungle frog
8.4 Reptiles
8.4.1 Green Ameiva Lizard (Ameiva ameiva): (Teiidae)
Other names: Giant Ameiva, Amazon racerunner
8.4.2 Green iguana (Iguana iguana): Iguanas (Iguanidae)
8.4.3 Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus): Alligator and Caiman Family (Alligatoridae)
8.4.4 Anaconda and Other Boas—Boas (Boidae)
Other name: Sucuri (brazilian)
8.4.5 Mata-Mata (Chelus fimbriatus): (Chelidae)
8.5 Birds
8.5.1 Large-Billed Tern (Phaetusa simplex): Terns (Laridae)
8.5.2 Wattled Jacana (Jacana jacana): Waders (Jacanidae)
8.5.3 Herons: (Ardeidae)
8.5.4 Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus): Cormorant Family (Phalocrocoracidae)
8.5.5 Darter (Anhinga anhinga): Darter Family (Anhingidae)
8.5.6 Kingfishers: Family—Kingfishers (Alcedinidae)
8.5.7 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus): (Pandionidae)
8.5.8 Buzzards/Hawks: Family—(Accipitridae)
8.5.9 Falcons and caracaras- Falconidae
8.5.10 New World Vultures (Cathartidae)
8.5.11 Hoatzins (Opisthocomus hoatzin): (Opisthocomidae)
8.5.12 Horned Screamer (Anhima cornuta): (Anhimidae)
8.5.13 Hummingbirds: Hummingbird Family (Trochilidae)
8.5.14 The Anis: Cuckoo Family (Cuculidae)
8.5.15 Icterids: New World Black Birds (Icteridae)
8.5.16 New World Flycatcher: Tyrant Flycatcher Family (Tyrannidae)
8.5.17 Common Potoo (Nyctibius griseus): Potoos (Nyctibiidae)
8.5.18 Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor): Nightjar Family (Caprimulgidae)
8.6 Mammals
8.6.1 River Dolphins: Families—River Dolphins (Iniidae) and Oceanic Dolphins (Delphinidae)
8.6.2 The Pale-Throated Sloth (Bradypus tridactylus): Sloths (Bradypodidae)
8.6.3 Common Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus): Capuchin Family (Cebidae)
8.6.4 White-Fronted Capuchin (Cebus albifrons): Capuchin Family (Cebidae)
8.6.5 Columbia Red Howler (Alouatta seniculus): (Atelidae)
8.7 Butterflies
9: Animal Observations in the Rainforest
9.1 Poison Dart Frogs
9.2 Lizards
9.3 Parrots
9.4 Toucans
9.5 Woodpeckers
9.6 Tanagers
9.7 Monkeys
9.7.1 Spix’s Night Monkey (Aotus vociferans): Night Monkey (Aotidae)
9.8 Porcupine Relatives
9.9 Tarantulas
9.10 Ants
9.10.1 Leafcutter Ants
9.10.2 Azteca Ants
9.10.3 Bullet Ants
9.11 Termites
9.12 Beetles and Praying Mantises
9.12.1 Praying Mantises (Mantidae)
10: Concluding Note: What Is the Future of the Amazon Lowlands?
10.1 Forest Destruction
10.2 Climate Change
10.3 Population Growth