توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
گزارشگری مالی
فهرست مطالب :
1 The Economic and Institutional Setting for Financial Reporting
WorldCom in May 2002
Why Financial Statements Are Important
Untangling the Web at WorldCom
Economics of Accounting Information
Demand for Financial Statements
Disclosure Incentives and the Supply of Financial Information
A Closer Look at Professional Analysts
Analysts’ Decisions
Analysts’ Information Needs
The Rules of the Financial Reporting Game
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Who Determines the Rules?
FASB Accounting Standards Codification TM
The Politics of Accounting Standards
Adversarial Nature of Financial Reporting
Aggressive Financial Reporting: A Case Study
An International Perspective
International Financial Reporting
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
The March toward Convergence
Challenges Confronting the Analyst
APPENDIX: GAAP in the United States
Early Developments
Emergence of GAAP
Current Institutional Structure in the United States
2 Accrual Accounting and Income Determination
Example: Cash versus Accrual Income Measurement
Measurement of Profit Performance: Revenues and Expenses
Criteria for Revenue Recognition
Matching Expenses with Revenues
Income Statement Format and Classification
Special or Unusual Items (Item 2)
Discontinued Operations (Item 3)
Extraordinary Items (Item 4)
Frequency and Magnitude of Various Categories of Transitory Income Statement Items
Reporting Accounting Changes
Earnings per Share
Comprehensive Income and Other Comprehensive Income
Global Vantage Point
Sections, Categories, and Subcategories
APPENDIX: Review of Accounting Procedures and T-Account Analysis
Understanding Debits and Credits
Adjusting Entries
Closing Entries
3 Additional Topics in Income Determination
Revenue Recognition Prior to Sale
Percentage-of-Completion Method
Completed-Contract Method
Revenue Recognition on Commodities
Revenue Recognition Subsequent to Sale
Installment Sales Method
Cost Recovery Method
Revenue Recognition for Specialized Sales Transactions
Franchise Sales 146 xvii
Sales with Right of Return
Bundled (Multiple-Element) Sales
Earnings Management
Popular Earnings Management Devices
Accounting Errors, Earnings Restatements, and Prior Period Adjustments
Global Vantage Point
IFRS Revenue Recognition and Measurement
Long-Term Construction Accounting
Installment Sales
Joint IASB/FASB Project on Revenue Recognition
4 Structure of the Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows
Classification Criteria and Measurement Conventions for Balance Sheet Accounts
Analytical Insights: Understanding the Nature of a Firm’s Business
International Differences in Balance Sheet Presentation
Notes to Financial Statements
Statement of Cash Flows
Cash Flows versus Accrual Earnings
Deriving Cash Flow Information
Global Vantage Point
Defining the Sections, Categories, and Subcategories in the Statements
5 Essentials of Financial Statement Analysis
Basic Approaches
Financial Statement Analysis and Accounting Quality
A Case in Point: Getting Behind the Numbers at Whole Foods Market
Examining Whole Foods Market’s Financial Statements
Profitability, Competition, and Business Strategy
Financial Ratios and Profitability Analysis
ROA and Competitive Advantage
Return on Common Equity and Financial Leverage
Components of ROCE
Global Vantage Point
Liquidity, Solvency, and Credit Analysis
Cash Flow Analysis
Financial Ratios and Default Risk
APPENDIX: Altman’s Z-Score and the Prediction of Bankruptcy
6 The Role of Financial Information in Valuation and Credit Risk Assessment
Business Valuation
The Discounted Free Cash Flow Approach to Valuation
The Role of Earnings in Valuation
The Abnormal Earnings Approach to Valuation
Fair Value Accounting
Global Vantage Point
Research on Earnings and Equity Valuation
Sources of Variation in P/E Multiples
Earnings Surprises
Credit Risk Assessment
Traditional Lending Products
Credit Analysis
Credit-Rating Agencies
APPENDIX A: Discounted Cash Flow and Abnormal Earnings Valuation Applications
Valuing a Business Opportunity
Valuing Whole Foods Market’s Shares
APPENDIX B: Financial Statement Forecasts
Illustration of Comprehensive Financial Statement Forecasts
7 The Role of Financial Information in Contracting
Finalizing the BookWorm Loan
Conflicts of Interest in Business Relationships
Debt Covenants in Lending Agreements
Affirmative Covenants, Negative Covenants, and Default Provisions
Mandated Accounting Changes May Trigger Debt Covenant Violation
Managers’ Responses to Potential Debt Covenant Violations
Management Compensation
How Executives Are Paid
Proxy Statements and Executive Compensation
Incentives Tied to Accounting Numbers
Catering to Wall Street
Regulatory Agencies
Capital Requirements in the Banking Industry
Rate Regulation in the Electric Utilities Industry
Fair Value Accounting and the Financial Crisis
The Meltdown
The Controversy
Analytical Insights: Incentives to “Manage” Earnings
8 Receivables
Assessing the Net Realizable Value of Accounts Receivable
Estimating Uncollectibles
Assessing the Adequacy of the Allowance for Uncollectibles Account Balance
Estimating Sales Returns and Allowances
Analytical Insight: Do Existing Receivables Represent Real Sales?
Imputing Interest on Trade Notes Receivable
The Fair Value Option
Accelerating Cash Collection: Sale of Receivables and Collateralized Borrowings
Sale of Receivables (Factoring)
Borrowing Using Receivables as Collateral
Ambiguities Abound: Is It a Sale or a Borrowing?
A Closer Look at Securitizations
Securitization and the 2008 Financial Crisis
Some Cautions for Statement Readers
Troubled Debt Restructuring
Continuation with Modification of Debt Terms
Evaluating Troubled Debt Restructuring Rules
Global Vantage Point
Comparison of IFRS and GAAP Receivable Accounting
Expected FASB and IASB Actions
9 Inventories
An Overview of Inventory Accounting Issues
Determination of Inventory Quantities
Items Included in Inventory
Costs Included in Inventory
Manufacturing Costs
Absorption Costing versus Variable Costing
Vendor Allowances
Cost Flow Assumptions: The Concepts
First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Cost Flow
Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) Cost Flow
FIFO, LIFO, and Inventory Holding Gains
The LIFO Reserve Disclosure
Inflation and LIFO Reserves
LIFO Liquidation
Reconciliation of Changes in LIFO Reserve
Improved Trend Analysis
Eliminating LIFO Ratio Distortions
Tax Implications of LIFO
Eliminating Realized Holding Gains for FIFO Firms
Analytical Insights: LIFO Dangers
Empirical Evidence on Inventory Policy Choice
Lower of Cost or Market Method
The Contracting Origins of the Lower of Cost or Market Method
Evaluation of the Lower of Cost or Market Rule
Global Vantage Point
Comparison of IFRS and GAAP Inventory Accounting
Future Directions
APPENDIX A: Eliminating Realized Holding Gains from FIFO Income
APPENDIX C: Inventory Errors
10 Long-Lived Assets
Measurement of the Carrying Amount of Long-Lived Assets
The Approach Used by GAAP
Long-Lived Asset Measurement Rules Illustrated
Financial Analysis and Fixed Asset Reporting
Intangible Assets
Asset Impairment
Tangible and Amortizable Intangible Assets
Indefinite-Lived Intangible Assets
Case Study of Impairment Recognition and Disclosure—Fortune Brands
Management Judgments and Impairments
Obligations Arising from Retiring Long-Lived Assets
Assets Held for Sale
Disposition of Long-Lived Assets
Financial Analysis and Depreciation Differences
Exchanges of Nonmonetary Assets
Exchanges Recorded at Book Value
Global Vantage Point
Comparison of IFRS and GAAP Long-Lived Asset Accounting
Future Directions
11 Financial Instruments as Liabilities
Balance Sheet Presentation
Global Vantage Point
Debt or Equity?
Bonds Payable
Characteristics of Bond Cash Flows
Bonds Issued at Par
Bonds Issued at a Discount
Bonds Issued at a Premium
Graphic Look at Bonds
Book Value versus Market Value after Issuance
Fair Value Option
Global Vantage Point
Managerial Incentives and Financial Reporting for Debt
Debt Carried at Amortized Historical Cost
Imputed Interest on Notes Payable
Analytical Insights: Future Cash Flow Effects of Debt
Incentives for Off-Balance-Sheet Liabilities
Typical Derivative Instruments and the Benefits of Hedging
Financial Reporting for Derivative Instruments
Hedge Accounting
Fair Value Hedge Accounting
Cash Flow Hedge Accounting
Hedge Accounting for a Forecasted Transaction
Hedge Effectiveness
Global Vantage Point
Contingent Liabilities
Measuring and Recognizing Loss Contingencies
Recording Gain Contingencies
Global Vantage Point
12 Financial Reporting for Leases
Evolution of Lease Accounting
Why Lessees Like the Operating Lease Method
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Initiative
Lessee Accounting
FASB ASC 840 Criteria for Capital Lease Treatment
Capital Lease Treatment Illustrated
Executory Costs
Residual Value Guarantees
Payments in Advance
Financial Statement Effects of Treating a Lease as a Capital Lease versus Treating It as an Operating Lease
Lessees’ Financial Statement Disclosures
Lessor Accounting
Sales-Type and Direct Financing Leases
Lessors’ Operating Leases
Distinction between Capital and Operating Leases
Direct Financing Lease Treatment Illustrated
Guaranteed versus Unguaranteed Residual Values
Financial Statement Effects of Direct Financing versus Operating Leases
Sales-Type Lease Treatment Illustrated
Additional Leasing Aspects
Sale and Leaseback
Other Special Lease Accounting Rules
Financial Reporting versus Tax Accounting for Leases
Lessors’ Disclosures
Global Vantage Point
Comparison of IFRS and GAAP Lease Accounting
FASB and IASB Joint Exposure Draft
APPENDIX: Making Financial Statement Data Comparable by Adjusting for Off-Balance-Sheet Leases
13 Income Tax Reporting
Understanding Income Tax Reporting
Temporary and Permanent Differences between Book Income and Taxable Income
Problems Caused by Temporary Differences
Deferred Income Tax Accounting: Interperiod Tax Allocation
Deferred Income Tax Assets
Deferred Income Tax Asset Valuation Allowances
Illustration of Footnote Disclosure for Valuation Allowances
Classification of Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities
Deferred Income Tax Accounting When Tax Rates Change
Net Operating Losses: Carrybacks and Carryforwards
Using Footnote Disclosures to Improve Financial Analysis
Understanding Income Tax Footnote Disclosures
Measuring and Reporting Uncertain Tax Positions
Assessing Uncertain Tax Position Related to a Permanent Difference
Recording Uncertain Tax Position Related to Timing of Deductibility
Making Changes or Resolving Uncertain Tax Positions
Assessing Disclosures on Uncertain Tax Positions
Extracting Analytical Insights from Footnote Disclosures
Using Deferred Tax Footnotes to Assess Earnings Quality
Using Tax Footnotes to Improve Interfirm Comparability
Using Income Tax Footnotes to Assess the Degree of Conservatism in Firms’ Accounting Choices
Global Vantage Point
Approach for Recognizing Deferred Tax Assets
Reconciliation of Statutory and Effective Tax Rates
Reporting Deferred Taxes on the Balance Sheet
Disclosure of Income Tax Amounts Recognized Directly in Equity (Other Comprehensive Income)
Uncertain Tax Positions
IASB Exposure Draft on Income Taxes
APPENDIX: Comprehensive Interperiod Tax Allocation Problem
Computation of Taxable Income and Taxes Payable
Calculation of Change in Deferred Tax Asset and Liability Accounts
Calculation of Tax Expense
14 Pensions and Postretirement Benefits
Rights and Obligations in Pension Contracts
Accounting Issues Related to Defined Benefit Pension Plans
Financial Reporting for Defined Benefit Pension Plans
A Simple Example: A World of Complete Certainty
The Real World: Uncertainty Introduces Gains and Losses
Journal Entries for Changes in Funded Status
Determinants of Pension Funding
Case Study of Pension Recognition and Disclosure— General Electric
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Disclosure and Deferred Income Taxes
Additional Issues in Computing Expected Return
Extraction of Additional Analytic Insights from Footnote Disclosures
Cash Balance Plans
Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions
Analytical Insights: Assessing OPEB Liability
Evaluation of Pension and Postretirement Benefit Financial Reporting
Global Vantage Point
Comparison of IFRS and GAAP Retirement Benefit Accounting
FASB and IASB Activity
15 Financial Reporting for Owners’ Equity
Appropriate Income Measurement
What Constitutes the “Firm”? Entity View versus Proprietary View
Why Companies Repurchase Their Stock
Compliance with Contract Terms
Legality of Corporate Dividend Distributions
Shareholders’ Equity: Financial Statement Presentation
Global Vantage Point
Earnings per Share
Simple Capital Structure
Complex Capital Structure
Analytical Insights
Is Earnings per Share a Meaningful Number?
Global Vantage Point
Accounting for Share-Based Compensation
Historical Perspective
Opposition to the FASB
The Initial Compromise— SFAS No. 123
Stock Options Debate Rekindled
Current GAAP Requirements
Options Backdating Scandal
Convertible Debt
Financial Reporting Issues
Analytical Insights
Global Vantage Point
16 Intercorporate Equity Investments
Noncontrolling (Minority) Ownership
Minority Passive Investments: Fair Value Accounting
Other-Than-Temporary Impairment of Investments
Minority Active Investments: Equity Method
Fair Value Option for Equity Method Investments
Controlling Financial Interest (Majority Ownership)
Acquisition Method and Preparation of Consolidated Statements (100% Acquisition)
Adjustments to the Consolidated Balance Sheet
Other Consolidation Adjustments—Intra-entity Transactions
Acquisition Method with Noncontrolling Interests
Noncontrolling Interest under the Purchase Method
Proportionate Consolidation
Accounting for Goodwill
Acquisition and Purchase Methods versus Pooling-of-Interests Method
Acquisition and Purchase Methods Complicate Financial Analysis
Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities
Accounting for Foreign Subsidiaries
Foreign Currency Transactions
Accounting for Nonfreestanding Foreign Subsidiaries
Accounting for Self-Contained Foreign Subsidiaries
Global Vantage Point
Accounting for Financial Assets (Marketable Securities and Investments)
Consolidated Financial Statements and Accounting for Business Combinations
Accounting for Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) or Variable Interest Entities (VIEs)
Accounting for Joint Ventures
FASB Exposure Draft on Financial Instruments
APPENDIX A: Accounting for Held-to-Maturity Debt Investments
APPENDIX B: Pooling-of-Interests Accounting
Acquisition versus Pooling Methods and Financial Analysis
17 Statement of Cash Flows
Statement Format
The Direct Method
The Indirect Method
Other Elements of the Cash Flow Statement
Preparing the Cash Flow Statement
Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Reconciling between Statements: Some Complexities
Discrepancies in Current Accruals
Discrepancies Related to Property, Plant, and Equipment
Simultaneous Noncash Financing and Investing Activities
Analytical Insights: Ways Operating Cash Flows Can Be Distorted or Manipulated
Changes in Working Capital Accounts
Accounts Receivable Sale (Securitization) versus Collateralized Borrowing
Capitalizing versus Expensing
Software Development Costs
Capital versus Operating Leases
Cash Flow Impact of Stock Option Expensing
Global Vantage Point
Reporting of Interest Received and Paid, Dividends Received and Paid, and Tax Refunds and Payments
Joint IASB and FASB Proposal on Statement of Cash Flows
Appendix Time Value of Money
Future Value
Present Value
Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity
Present Value of an Annuity Due
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Financial Reporting & Analysis (FR&A) by Revsine/Collins/Johnson/Mittelstaedt emphasizes both the process of financial reporting and the analysis of financial statements. This book employs a true "user" perspective by discussing the contracting and decision implications of accounting and this helps readers understand why accounting choices matter and to whom. Revsine, Collins, Johnson, and Mittelstaedt train their readers to be good financial detectives, able to read, use, and interpret the statements and-most importantly understand how and why managers can utilize the flexibility in GAAP to manipulate the numbers for their own purposes. Significantly, the new edition emphasizes the differences and similarities between GAAP and IFRS, which is a critical component of this course.