Flipping Your English Class to Reach All Learners

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کتاب برای دسترسی به همه زبان‌آموزان، کلاس انگلیسی خود را تغییر دهید نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب برای دسترسی به همه زبان‌آموزان، کلاس انگلیسی خود را تغییر دهید بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Flipping Your English Class to Reach All Learners

نام کتاب : Flipping Your English Class to Reach All Learners
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : برای دسترسی به همه زبان‌آموزان، کلاس انگلیسی خود را تغییر دهید
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Taylor and Francis
سال نشر :
تعداد صفحات : 0
ISBN (شابک) : 9780415734684 , 9781317821014
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : epub    درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF تبدیل می شود
حجم کتاب : 895 کیلوبایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Meet the Author
1 Why I Flipped My Class
Flipping Benefits Students of All Abilities
Flipping Helps Students Become More Responsible for Their Own Learning
Flipping Benefits Busy Students
Flipping Allows Teachers More Individual Interaction with Every Student
Flipping Allows Teachers the Ability to Develop Better Relationships with All Their Students
Flipping Significantly Reduces Negative Behaviors that Affect Classroom Management
Flipping Is Not About the Video
2 What Is a Flipped Classroom?
Instruction Delivered Asynchronously. Students Have Immediate and Consistent Access to InformationTeachers Are Available during Class Time to Answer Questions and to Guide Learning
3 Why a Flipped Class Works in Language Arts
Individualized Instruction
Choice in Activities/Alternate Assessment
Focus on the \"Fun Stuff \"
Efficiently Use Time
Autonomous Learning
Common Core State Standards
4 Models of a Flipped Classroom
First Iteration Flips
Second Iteration Flips
Third Iteration Flips
5 Flipped Writing Instruction
What Does a Flipped English Class Look Like? Writing Lesson Plan (Traditional Flip): How Can a Source Be Reliable?Writing Lesson Plan (Explore-Flip-Apply): How Can a Source Be Reliable?
Writing Lesson Plan (Traditional Flip): English and Italian Sonnets
Writing Lesson Plan (Explore-Flip-Apply): English and Italian Sonnets
Writing Lesson Plan (Traditional Flip): Argument in the Real World
Writing Lesson Plan (Explore-Flip-Apply): Should Mr. Smith Flip His Class?
Writing Lesson Plan: At the RACES: Writing Open-Ended Responses on Standardized Tests
6 Flipped Language Instruction
Language Lesson Plan: Comma Usage. Language Lesson Plan: Verbal Phrases: Gerunds, Participles, InfinitivesLanguage Lesson Plan: Parts of Speech
Language Lesson Plan: Ask the Expert
7 Flipped Reading Instruction
Reading Lesson Plan: Symbolism in Lord of the Flies
Reading Lesson Plan: \"maggy, milly, molly, and may\" by e.e. cummings
Reading Lesson Plan: Drama: The Three- and Five-Act Plays
Reading Lesson Plan: Of Mice and Men: Introductory Idioms
Reading Lesson Plan: Exposition in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
8 Flipping Speaking and Listening Instruction
Speaking and Listening Lesson Plan: Analyzing Famous Speeches. Speaking and Listening Lesson Plan: Bad PowerPointsSpeaking and Listening Lesson Plan: Where Do My Hands Go?
Rubric Sample
Speaking and Listening Lesson Plan: Socratic Seminar
9 Other Uses for Flipping Language Arts
Student Feedback
Peer Feedback
Student-Created Content
Creative Projects
10 Tips for Making Engaging Videos
High Energy (I Mean Over-the-Top Energy)
Student Reflection
Script or No Script? That Is the Question.
Keep It Short
Tell Stories
Create with Another Teacher
Make It Multimodal
Go on Location
Consider Interactivity
Done Is Better Than Perfect.

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