فهرست مطالب :
Part I: Foundations of Complex Systems --
Aggregation and Emergence in Agent-Based Models: A Markov Chain Approach / Sven Banisch, Ricardo Lima and Tanya Araújo --
Chemically-Driven Miscible Viscous Fingering: How Can a Reaction Destabilize Typically Stable Fluid Displacements? / L.A. Riolfo, Y. Nagatsu, P.M.J. Trevelyan and A. De Wit --
Dynamical Localization in Kicked Rotator as a Paradigm of Other Systems: Spectral Statistics and the Localization Measure / Thanos Manos and Marko Robnik --
A+B[right arrow]C Reaction Fronts in Hele-Shaw Cells Under Modulated Gravitational Acceleration / Laurence Rongy, Kerstin Eckert and Anne De Wit --
Effect of Limited Stirring on the Belousov Zhabotinsky Reaction / Florian Wodlei and Mihnea R. Hristea --
Size Distribution of Barchan Dunes by a Cellular Dune Model / Atsunari Katsuki --
Experimental Study of Buoyancy-Driven Instabilities Around Acid-Base Reaction Fronts / L. Lemaigre, L.A. Riolfo and A. De Wit --
Dynamical Trap Effect in Virtual Stick Balancing / Arkady Zgonnikov, Ihor Lubashevsky and Maxim Mozgovoy --
Bounded Capacity of Human Cognition as a New Mechanism of Instability in Dynamical Systems / Ihor Lubashevsky --
Complex Systems with Trivial Dynamics / Ricardo López-Ruiz --
Advection of Optical Localized Structures / F. Haudin, R.G. Rojas, U. Bortolozzo, M.G. Clerc and S. Residori --
Comparative Analysis of Buoyancy- and Marangoni-Driven Convective Flows Around Autocatalytic Fronts / M.A. Budroni, L. Rongy and A. De Wit --
A Field Theory for Self-organised Criticality / Gunnar Pruessner --
Chaos and Non-linear Tools in Website Visits / Maria Carmela Catone --
Networks and Cycles: A Persistent Homology Approach to Complex Networks / Giovanni Petri, Martina Scolamiero, Irene Donato and Francesco Vaccarino --
Von Neumann Reproduction: Preliminary Implementation Experience in Coreworlds / Barry McMullin, Declan Baugh and Tomonori Hasegawa --
Modelling Complex Multi-particle Transport: From Smooth Flow to Cluster Formation / Ko van der Weele and Giorgos Kanellopoulos --
Out-of-Equilibrium Dynamics in Systems with Long-Range Interactions: Characterizing Quasi-stationary States / Pierre de Buyl --
Distance Ratio: An Exploratory Application to Compare Complex Networks / Nuno Caseiro and Paulo Trigo --
Traveling and Stationary Patterns in Bistable Reaction-Diffusion Systems on Network / Nikos E. Kouvaris, Hiroshi Kori and Alexander S. Mikhailov --
Searching Shortest Paths on Weakly Dynamic Graphs / Jean-Yves Colin, Moustafa Nakechbandi and A.S. Ould Cheikh --
Emergence of Long Range Order in the XY Model on Diluted Small World Networks / Sarah De Nigris and Xavier Leoncini --
Role Detection: Network Partitioning and Optimal Model of the Lumped Markov Chain / Maguy Trefois and Jean-Charles Delvenne --
Kinetic Limit of Dynamical Description of Wave-Particle Self-consistent Interaction in an Open Domain / Bruno Vieira Ribeiro and Yves Elskens --
The Emergence of Pathological Constructors when Implementing the Von Neumann Architecture for Self-reproduction in Tierra / Declan Baugh and Barry Mc Mullin. Part III: Prediction, Policy and Planning and Environment --
Characteristics of Seismic Networks in Spatial Scales / D.D. Kang, D.I. Lee and K. Kim --
You Are Who Knows You: Predicting Links Between Non-members of Facebook / Emöke-Ágnes Horvát, Michael Hanselmann, Fred A. Hamprecht and Katharina A. Zweig --
Vulnerability Analysis of Interdependent Infrastructure Systems / Gaihua Fu, Mehdi Khoury, Richard Dawson and Seth Bullock --
Human Security--A View Through the Lens of Complexity / Anthony J. Masys --
Mitigating Risks of Event Avalanches Caused by Climate Change / Ljubomir Jankovic --
Reliable Probabilities Through Statistical Post-processing of Ensemble Forecasts / Bert Van Schaeybroeck and Stéphane Vannitsem --
CoenoSense: A Framework for Real-Time Detection and Visualization of Collective Behaviors in Human Crowds by Tracking Mobile Devices / Martin Wirz, Tobias Franke, Eve Mitleton-Kelly, Daniel Roggen, Paul Lukowicz and Gerhard Tröster --
An Agent-Based Model for the Analysis of the Energy Sources Diffusion Dynamics / Alessandro Filisetti, Stefano Bontempi and Marco Setti --
Complexity and Standards--Programming Innovation / Anna Andreyevna Zaytseva --
The Right to a Due Deliberation, Mental Models of Judicial Reasoning and Complex Systems / Enrique Cáceres Nieto --
MOSIPS Agent-Based Model for Predicting and Simulating the Impact of Public Policies on SMEs / Federico Pablo-Martí, Antonio García-Tabuenca, María Teresa Gallo, Juan Luis Santos [and 2 others] --
Integrating Collective Decision-Making Models and Agent-Based Simulation / Pablo Lucas and Diane Payne --
Agent-Based Simulation for Complex Social Systems: Support for the Developer / Amineh Ghorbani and Virginia Dignum --
Coping with the Complexity of Cognitive Decision-Making: The TOGA Meta-Theory Approach / Marta Weronika Wronikowska. Part IV: Biological Complexity --
Computing Birth-Death Fixation Probabilities for Structured Populations / Burton Voorhees --
Modeling of Spatially Extended Delay-Induced Circadian Oscillations Synchronized by Cell-to-Cell Communications / Dmitry A. Bratsun and Andrey P. Zakharov --
Topology Drives Calcium Wave Propagation in 3D Astrocyte Networks / Jules Lallouette and Hugues Berry --
Modelling Spatial Dynamics of Plant Coastal Invasions / James T. Murphy and Mark P. Johnson --
Dynamical Aspects of Information in Copolymerization Processes / Pierre Gaspard --
Emergence of Gene Regulatory Networks Under Functional Constraints / Marcin Zagórski --
Numerical Continuation of Equilibria of Cell Population Models with Internal Cell Cycle / Charlotte Sonck, Markus Kirkilionis and Willy Govaerts --
Bistability and Oscillations in a Skeleton Model for the Cyclin/Cdk Network Driving the Mammalian Cell Cycle / Claude Gérard and Albert Goldbeter --
Centrality Clubs and Concepts of the Core: Decoding the Communicative Organisation of the Brain / Emma K. Towlson, Petra E. Vértes, Sebastian E. Ahnert and Edward T. Bullmore --
A Broader Perspective About Organization and Coherence in Biological Systems / Martin Robert --
Modelling Biological Form / Rebecca Cotton-Barratt and Markus Kirkilionis --
A Novel Approach to Analysing Fixed Points in Complex Systems / Iain S. Weaver and James G. Dyke --
Inquiring Protein Thermostability: Is Resistance to Temperature Stress a Rigidity/Flexibility Trade-off? / Maria Kalimeri, Simone Melchionna and Fabio Sterpone --
Finding Missing Interactions in Gene Regulatory Networks Using Boolean Models / Eugenio Azpeitia, Nathan Weinstein, Mariana Benítez, Elena R. Alvarez-Buylla and Luis Mendoza --
Can Hermit Crabs Perceive Affordance for Aperture Crossing? / Kohei Sonoda, Toru Moriyama, Akira Asakura, Nobuhiro Furuyama and Yukio-P. Gunji --
A Framework for Scalable Cognition / David R. Weinbaum --
Multi-agent Simulation for Enzyme Kinetics / Viviane Galvão, Rafaela Galante, José G.V. Miranda and Sandra A. Assis. Part V: Interacting Populations and Collective Behavior --
Fast and Accurate Decisions as a Result of Scale-Free Network Properties in Two Primate Species / Cédric Sueur, Andrew J. King, Marie Pelé and Odile Petit --
How to Turn an Available Data-Warehouse into Interactive Visualization Tools for Stakeholder\'s Empowerment / Giuseppe Roccasalva and Andrea Valente --
How Do Fish Use the Movement of Other Fish to Make Decisions? / Arianna Bottinelli, Andrea Perna, Ashley Ward and David Sumpter --
Self-organized Flocking with Conflicting Goal Directions / E. Ferrante, W. Sun, A.E. Turgut, M. Dorigo, M. Birattari and T. Wenseleers --
Garden Ants Lasius Niger Perceive a Rotating Landmark / Mai Minoura, Kohei Sonoda, Tomoko Sakiyama and Yukio-P. Gunji --
In vivo, in silico, in machina: Ants and Robots Balance Memory and Communication to Collectively Exploit Information / Melanie E. Moses, Kenneth Letendre, Joshua P. Hecker and Tatiana P. Flanagan --
Popularity and Similarity Among Friends: An Agent-Based Model for Friendship Development / Sma Abbas --
Characterizing and Modeling Collective Behavior in Complex Events on Twitter / A.J. Morales, J. Borondo, J.C. Losada and R.M. Benito --
Majority Rule with Differential Latency: An Absorbing Markov Chain to Model Consensus / Gabriele Valentini, Mauro Birattari and Marco Dorigo --
Computational Modeling of Collective Behavior of Panicked Crowd Escaping Multi-floor Branched Building / Dmitry Bratsun, Irina Dubova, Maria Krylova and Andrey Lyushnin --
Spread of Disease During a Social Event / Lara Goscé and Anders Johansson --
A Collective Binomial Learning Methodology / Xiao Perdereau --
A Model for Social Network Evolution Affected by Individual Tolerance to Heterogeneity / Haoxiang Xia and Peng Liu --
A Stochastic Lattice-Gas Model for Influenza Spreading / A. Liccardo and A. Fierro. Part VI: Social Systems, Economics and Finance --
CoopNet: A Social, P2P-Like Simulation Model to Explore Knowledge-Based Production Processes / Edoardo Mollona, Gian Paolo Jesi and Matteo Vignoli --
Analyses of Group Correlations in the KOSPI and the KOSDAQ / Jung Su Ko and Kyungsik Kim --
\'Time is Money\': An Heterogeneous Agent Model for the FX / Sophie Béreau --
Anomalous Metastability and Fixation Properties of Evolutionary Games on Scale-Free Graphs / Michael Assaf and Mauro Mobilia --
Constrained Graph Resampling for Group Assessment in Human Social Networks / Nicolas Tremblay and Pierre Borgnat, Jean-François Pinton, Alain Barrat, Mark Nornberg and Cary Forest --
Automated Synthesis of Reliable and Efficient Systems Through Game Theory: A Case Study / Mickael Randour --
Evaluation of Latent Vocabularies Through Zipf\'s Law and Heaps\' Law / Yukie Sano, Hideki Takayasu and Misako Takayasu --
Complex Systems in Organizations and Their Influence on Human Resource Management / Tobias M. Scholz --
Why First Movers May Fail: Global Versus Sequential Improvement of Complex Technological Artefacts / Adrien Querbes-Revier and Koen Frenken --
Market Opportunities, Customer Desires and Purchasing Selectiveness Modelling in Multi-layered Cellular Automata: A Study Case on Organizational Survivability / José V. Matos, Rui J. Lopes and Yasmin Merali --
When Pig Meets Pencil: The Beauty of Complexity in Industrial Networks / Andreas Ligtvoet --
Citation Networks Dynamics: A New Clustering Algorithm Using Recurrence Plots / F. Strozzi, C. Colicchia, A. Sorrenti and J.M. Zaldívar --
Bio-inspired Political Systems: Opening a Field / Nathalie Mezza-Garcia --
The Family at the Center of Interdisciplinary Research in Complex Systems: A Call for Future Research Programs / Ana Teixeira de Melo and Madalena Alarcão --
Face-to-Face Discussions: Networking or Opinions Exchange? / Simone Righi and Timoteo Carletti --
Evolution of Fairness and Conditional Cooperation in Public Goods Dilemmas / Sven Van Segbroeck, Jorge M. Pacheco, Tom Lenaerts and Francisco C. Santos --
Patterns in the Occupational Mobility Network of the Higher Education Graduates. Comparative Study in 12 EU Countries / Eliza-Olivia Lungu, Ana-Maria Zamfir and Cristina Mocanu. Part VII: Satellite Meeting: Complexity in Spatial Dynamics --
Modeling Urban Patterns Across Geographical Scales by a Fractal Diffusion-Aggregation Approach / Roberto Murcio and Suemi Rodríguez-Romo --
Generating Individual Behavioural Routines from Massive Social Data for the Simulation of Urban Dynamics / Nick Malleson and Mark Birkin --
Spatial Externalities Approach to Modelling the Preferential Attachment Process in Urban Systems / Igor Lugo --
Part VIII: Satellite Meeting: Space-Time Phases --
Some Properties of Persistent Mutual Information / Peter Gmeiner --
Part IX: Satellite Meeting: Complex Dynamics in Cellular Systems --
Demographic Fluctuations and Inherent Time Scales in a Genetic Circuit / Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns and Darka Labavić --
Part X: Satellite Meeting: Information Processing with Recurrent Dynamical Systems: Theory and Experiment --
Memory and Nonlinear Mapping in Reservoir Computing with Two Uncoupled Nonlinear Delay Nodes / Silvia Ortín, Luis Pesquera and José Manuel Gutiérrez --
Part XI: Satellite Meeting: Complexity in the Real World--From Policy Intelligence to Intelligent Policy --
What Networks to Support Innovation? Evidence from a Regional Policy Framework / Annalisa Caloffi, Federica Rossi and Margherita Russo --
Computational Complete Economy Models: A Model Class that Bridges the Gap Between Conventional Economic Modeling and Agent-Based Models / Davoud Taghawi-Nejad and Samuel G. Asfaha --
Part XII: Satellite Meeting: Data-Driven Modeling of Contagion Processes --
Malaria Incidence Forecasting and Its Implication to Intervention Strategies in South East Asia Region / Ankit Bansal, Sarita Azad and Pietro Lio --
Studying Disease Dynamics Under Diverse Population Structures and Contagion Scenarios / Iris N. Gomez-Lopez, Olivia Loza and Armin R. Mikler --
Stochastic Computational, Thermal, and Vertical Transmission Models to Simulate Dengue Persistence in Vector and Human Populations / Angel Bravo-Salgado, Armin R. Mikler and Thiraphat Meesumrarn. Part XIII: Satellite Meeting: Complex Behavior in Discrete Dynamical Systems --
Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model in Two-Dimensional Hexagonal Lattice / J. Carlos García Vázquez, Salvador Rodríguez Gómez and Fernando Sancho Caparrini --
Pesin\'s Relation for Weakly Chaotic One-Dimensional Systems / Alberto Saa and Roberto Venegeroles --
An Agent-Based Sorting Model for City Size and Wealth Distributions / Steffen Eger --
Characteristic Features of the Sustainable Strategies in the Evolvable Iterated Prisoners\' Dilemma / Mieko Tanaka-Yamawaki and Ryota Itoi --
Lyapunov Exponent: A Qualitative Ranking of Block Cipher Modes of Operation / Jeaneth Machicao, Anderson Marco and Odemir Bruno --
Part XIV: Satellite Meeting: Self-organization, Management and Control --
Improving Individual Accessibility to the City / Arnaud Banos and Nicolas Marilleau --
Passification Based Controlled Synchronization of Complex Networks / Alexander Fradkov, Ibragim Junussov and Anton Selivanov --
Part XV: Satellite Meeting: Complex Multiphase Systems --
Inertia and Hydrodynamic Interactions in Dynamical Density Functional Theory / Benjamin D. Goddard, Andreas Nold, Nikos Savva, Grigorios A. Pavliotis and Serafim Kalliadasis --
Effective Macroscopic Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard Equations for Periodic Immiscible Flows in Porous Media / Markus Schmuck, Grigorios A. Pavliotis and Serafim Kalliadasis --
Bound State Formation and Self-organization in Interfacial Turbulence / Marc Pradas, Serafim Kalliadasis, Phuc-Khanh Nguyen and Vasilis Bontozoglou. Part XVI: Satellite Meeting: Information Processing in Complex Systems --
Dynamics of Artificial Markets on Irregular Topologies / Ranaivo Mahaleo Razakanirina and Bastien Chopard --
Multiple Levels in Self-adaptive Complex Systems: A State-Based Approach / Luca Tesei, Emanuela Merelli and Nicola Paoletti --
Information Filtering and Learning: From Heuristics to Social Eudaimonia / Pietro Liò, Luce Jacovella and Viet Nguyen --
Part XVII: Satellite Meeting: Genomic Complexity --
Modelling the Genetic and Epigenetic Signals in Colon Cancer Using a Bayesian Network / Irina A. Roznovăţ and Heather J. Ruskin --
The Role of the Genome in the Evolution of the Complexity of Metabolic Machines / Claudio Angione, Giovanni Carapezza, Jole Costanza, Pietro Lió and Giuseppe Nicosia --
Can We Understand Parameter Values in the Human Genome? / Wentian Li --
Satellite Meeting: Critical Phenomena and Collective Behavior of Multi-particle Systems --
Kinetic Theory of Two-Species Coagulation / Carlos Escudero.