فهرست مطالب :
Introduction: The Macro of Macroecology / Felisa A. Smith, John L. Gittleman, and James H. Brown
Paper 1. J. H. Brown and B. A. Maurer (1989), Macroecology: The Division of Food and Space among Species on Continents, Science 243:1145–50 / Commentary by James H. Brown and Brian A. Maurer
Part One. Macroecology before Macroecology / Edited by James H. Brown, S. K. Morgan Ernest, and Ethan P. White
Paper 2. O. Arrhenius (1920), Distribution of the Species over the Area, Meddelanden Från K. Vetenskapsakademiens Nobelinstitut 4:1–6 / Commentary by Ethan P. White
Paper 3. R. A. Fisher, A. S. Corbet, and C. B. Williams (1943), The Relation between the Number of Species and the Number of Individuals in a Random Sample of an Animal Population, Journal of Animal Ecology 12:42–58 / Commentary by Ethan P. White
Paper 4. C. B. Williams (1947), The Generic Relations of Species in Small Ecological Communities, Journal of Animal Ecology 16:11–18 / Commentary by Nicholas J. Gotelli
Paper 5. G. E. Hutchinson and R. H. MacArthur (1959), A Theoretical Ecological Model of Size Distributions among Species of Animals, American Naturalist 93:117–25 / Commentary by S. K. Morgan Ernest
Paper 6. L. R. Taylor (1961), Aggregation, Variance and the Mean, Nature 189:732–35 / Commentary by Ford Ballantyne IV
Paper 7. B. K. McNab (1963), Bioenergetics and the Determination of Home Range Size, American Naturalist 97:133–40 / Commentary by James H. Brown and John L. Gittleman
Paper 8. E. C. Olson (1966), Community Evolution and the Origin of Mammals, Ecology 47:291–302 / Commentary by Mark D. Uhen and Jessica Theodor
Paper 9. R. W. Sheldon and T. R. Parsons (1967), A Continuous Size Spectrum for Particulate Matter in the Sea, Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 24:909–15 / Commentary by S. K. Morgan Ernest
Paper 10. M. L. Rosenzweig (1968), Net Primary Productivity of Terrestrial Communities: Prediction from Climatological Data, American Naturalist 102:67–74 / Commentary by S. K. Morgan Ernest
Paper 11. H. L. Sanders (1968), Marine Benthic Diversity: A Comparative Study, American Naturalist 102:243–82 / Commentary by Andrew Clarke
Part Two. Dimensions of Macroecology
Allometry and Body Size / Edited by Alistair Evans, Daniel P. Costa, Karl J. Niklas, Richard M. Sibly, and Felisa A. Smith
Paper 12. T. A. McMahon (1973), Size and Shape in Biology, Science 179:1201–4 / Commentary by Richard M. Sibly and Karl J. Niklas
Paper 13. T. Fenchel (1974), Intrinsic Rate of Natural Increase: The Relationship with Body Size, Oecologia 14:317–26 / Commentary by Richard M. Sibly
Paper 14. J. Damuth (1981), Population Density and Body Size in Mammals, Nature 290:699–700 / Commentary by Alistair Evans
Paper 15. S. L. Lindstedt and W. A. Calder III (1981), Body Size, Physiological Time, and Longevity of Homeothermic Animals, Quarterly Review of Biology 56:1–16 / Commentary by Daniel P. Costa
Paper 16. D. R. Morse, N. E. Stork, and J. H. Lawton (1988), Species Number, Species Abundance and Body Length Relationships of Arboreal Beetles in Bornean Lowland Rain Forest Trees, Ecological Entomology 13:25–37 / Commentary by Alistair Evans
Paper 17. R. Å. Norberg (1988), Theory of Growth Geometry of Plants and Self-Thinning of Plant Populations: Geometric Similarity, Elastic Similarity, and Different Growth Modes of Plant Parts, American Naturalist 131:220–56 / Commentary by Karl J. Niklas
Paper 18. J. H. Brown and P. F. Nicoletto (1991), Spatial Scaling of Species Composition: Body Masses of North American Land Mammals, American Naturalist 138:1478–1512 / Commentary by Felisa A. Smith
Evolutionary Dynamics / Edited by Mark D. Uhen
Paper 19. L. Van Valen (1973), A New Evolutionary Law, Evolutionary Theory 1:1–30 / Commentary by Matthew A. Kosnik
Paper 20. R. K. Bambach (1983), Ecospace Utilization and Guilds in Marine Communities through the Phanerozoic, In Topics in Geobiology, edited by M. J. S. Tevesz and P. L. McCall, pp. 719–46. Plenum Press, New York. / Commentary by Andrew M. Bush
Paper 21. R. W. Graham (1986), Response of Mammalian Communities to Environmental Changes during the Late Quaternary, In Community Ecology, edited by J. Diamond and T. J. Case, pp. 300–313. Harper and Row, New York. / Commentary by S. Kathleen Lyons
Paper 22. D. Jablonski (1986), Background and Mass Extinctions: The Alternation of Macroevolutionary Regimes, Science 231:129–33 / Commentary by Michael Foote
Paper 23. J. H. Brown and B. A. Maurer (1987), Evolution of Species Assemblages: Effects of Energetic Constraints and Species Dynamics on the Diversification of the North American Avifauna, American Naturalist 130:1–17 / Commentary by Douglas A. Kelt
Paper 24. K. J. Gaston (1998), Species-Range Size Distributions: Products of Speciation, Extinction and Transformation, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 353:219–30 / Commentary by David Storch
Abundance and Distributions / Edited by Kevin J. Gaston, Christy M. McCain, and S. Kathleen Lyons
Paper 25. S. J. McNaughton and L. L. Wolf (1970), Dominance and the Niche in Ecological Systems, Science 167:131–39 / Commentary by Brian J. McGill
Paper 26. S. Anderson (1977), Geographic Ranges of North American Terrestrial Mammals, American Museum Novitates 2629:1–15 / Commentary by Christy M. McCain
Paper 27. J. C. Bernabo and T. Webb III (1977), Changing Patterns in the Holocene Pollen Record of Northeastern North America: A Mapped Summary, Quaternary Research 8:64–96 / Commentary by John W. (Jack) Williams
Paper 28. E. C. Pielou (1977), The Latitudinal Spans of Seaweed Species and Their Patterns of Overlap, Journal of Biogeography 4:299–311 / Commentary by Christy M. McCain
Paper 29. D. Rabinowitz (1981), Seven Forms of Rarity, In The Biological Aspects of Rare Plant Conservation, edited by H. Synge, pp. 205–17. John Wiley and Sons, New York. / Commentary by Kevin J. Gaston
Paper 30. I. Hanski (1982), Dynamics of Regional Distribution: The Core and Satellite Species Hypothesis, Oikos 38:210–21 / Commentary by S. Kathleen Lyons
Paper 31. J. H. Brown (1984), On the Relationship between Abundance and Distribution of Species, American Naturalist 124:255–79 / Commentary by Christy M. McCain
Species Diversity / Edited by Jessica Theodor, Alison G. Boyer, and David J. Currie
Paper 32. R. M. May (1978), The Dynamics and Diversity of Insect Faunas, In Diversity of Insect Faunas, edited by L. A. Mound and N. Waloff, pp. 188–204. Royal Entomological Society of London Symposium 9. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford. / Commentary by Allen H. Hurlbert
Paper 33. J. W. Valentine (1980), Determinants of Diversity in Higher Taxonomic Categories, Paleobiology 6:444–50 / Commentary by David Jablonski
Paper 34. J. H. Brown (1981), Two Decades of Homage to Santa Rosalia: Toward a General Theory of Diversity, American Zoologist 21:877–88 / Commentary by Walter Jetz
Paper 35. D. M. Raup and J. J. Sepkoski Jr. (1982), Mass Extinctions in the Marine Fossil Record, Science 215:1501–3 / Commentary by Jessica Theodor
Paper 36. K. J. Niklas, B. H. Tiffney, and A. H. Knoll (1983), Patterns in Vascular Land Plant Diversification, Nature 303:614–16 / Commentary by Peter Wilf
Paper 37. D. H. Wright (1983), Species-Energy Theory: An Extension of Species-Area Theory, Oikos 41:496–506 / Commentary by David J. Currie
Paper 38. K. P. Dial and J. M. Marzluff (1988), Are the Smallest Organisms the Most Diverse? Ecology 69:1620–24 / Commentary by Alison G. Boyer
Paper 39. J. J. Sepkoski Jr. (1988), Alpha, Beta, or Gamma: Where Does All the Diversity Go?, Paleobiology 14:221–34 / Commentary by Peter Wagner
Paper 40. G. C. Stevens (1989), The Latitudinal Gradient in Geographical Range: How So Many Species Coexist in the Tropics, American Naturalist 133:240–56 / Commentary by David J. Currie
Methodological Advances / Edited by John L. Gittleman
Paper 41. J. A. Wolfe (1971), Tertiary Climatic Fluctuations and Methods of Analysis of Tertiary Floras, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 9:27–57 / Commentary by Scott L. Wing
Paper 42. D. M. Raup (1975), Taxonomic Diversity Estimation Using Rarefaction, Paleobiology 1:333–42 / Commentary by Andrew M. Bush
Paper 43. E. F. Connor and E. D. McCoy (1979), The Statistics and Biology of the Species-Area Relationship, American Naturalist 113:791–833 / Commentary by Brian A. Maurer
Paper 44. P. H. Harvey and G. M. Mace (1982), Comparisons between Taxa and Adaptive Trends: Problems of Methodology, In Current Problems in Sociobiology, edited by King’s College Sociobiology Group, pp.343–61. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. / Commentary by Tim M. Blackburn
Paper 45. R. K. Colwell and D. W. Winkler (1984), A Null Model for Null Models in Biogeography, In Ecological Communities: Conceptual Issues and the Evidence, edited by D. R. Strong Jr., D. Simberloff, L. G. Abele, and A. B. Thistle, pp. 344–59. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. / Commentary by Nicholas J. Gotelli
Paper 46. J. Felsenstein (1985), Phylogenies and the Comparative Method, American Naturalist 125:1–15 / Commentary by T. Jonathan Davies
List of Contributors