توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
استفاده صنعتی از جلبک دریایی در قرن هفدهم در بریتانی آغاز شد. امروزه 700 گونه در طول 1000 کیلومتر خط ساحلی شناسایی شده است که 10 میلیون تن زیست توده تولید می کنند. در چهاردهمین مجموعه بین المللی جلبک دریایی، آخرین تحولات در این منطقه مورد بحث قرار گرفته است. ترکیب زیستشناسی مولکولی با طبقهبندی سنتی، درک ما را از فیلوژنی و روابط گونهها در میان بسیاری از جلبکهای مهم بهبود میبخشد. نسل جدیدی از مدلهای مدیریت مبتنی بر زیستشناسی به تدریج آزمایشهای میدانی، مفاهیمی از تئوری اکولوژیکی و اصول زیستشناسی جمعیت را در بر میگیرد. پیش بینی در حال بهبود است و تعادل مناسبی بین بهره برداری تجاری و حفظ منابع جلبک دریایی وحشی برقرار می شود. کشت سلولی و بافتی جلبک دریایی وارد فاز تولید انبوه می شود. کشاورزی مزرعه در حال حاضر وارد منطقه تولید در مقیاس بزرگ شده است. ترکیبات فعال بیولوژیکی جدید توصیف می شوند، از جلبک ها به دست می آیند و ابزارهای جدیدی برای توصیف فیتوکلوئیدها توصیف می شوند. شکوفه ها و سموم ریزجلبک نیز نتایج جدیدی را تجربه می کنند.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-xlviii
Environmental and internal control of seasonal growth in seaweeds....Pages 1-14
Present and future needs for algae and algal products....Pages 15-23
Importance of basic research in applied phycology....Pages 25-29
Intraspecific sterility barrier confirms that introduction of Sphaerotrichia divaricata (Phaeophyceae, Chordariales) into the Mediterranean was from Japan....Pages 31-36
Virus infections in three marine brown algae: Feldmannia irregularis, F. simplex , and Ectocarpus siliculosus ....Pages 37-44
Gelidiaceae (Rhodophyta) in Bahía de Banderas, Western Pacific, México....Pages 45-50
Preliminary comments on a redescription of Pseudolithophyllum fuegianum and Titanoderma conspectum (Rhodophyta, Corallinales) in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina....Pages 51-56
Mass distribution in the fronds of macrocystis pyrifera from New Zealand and California....Pages 57-65
An examination of the population genetics of Laminaria and other brown algae in the laminariales using starch gel electrophoresis....Pages 67-79
Numerical taxonomy of some taxa of the genus Fucus in the Iberian Peninsula....Pages 81-90
Morphological and taxonomic studies on some little-known species of Gracilaria (Gracilariales: Rhodophyta) from Venezuela. 1. G. damaecornis ....Pages 91-96
Vegetative and reproductive morphology of Herpochondria corallinae (Martens) Falkenberg and H. elegans (Okamura) Itono (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from Korea....Pages 97-104
New perspectives in the taxonomy of the Gigartinaceae (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta)....Pages 105-120
Vertical distribution of coralline algae in the rocky intertidal of northern Chile....Pages 121-129
Differences in response between haploid and diploid isomorphic phases of Gracilaria verrucosa (Rhodophyta: Gigartinales) exposed to artificial environmental conditions....Pages 131-137
Differential reattachment capacity of isomorphic life history phases of Gelidium sesquipedale ....Pages 139-144
Morphogenetic effects of daylength in Schottera nicaeensis ....Pages 145-150
The systematics of Porphyra : character evolution in closely related species....Pages 151-157
Assessment of allozyme variation among New Zealand populations of Gracilaria chilensis (Gracialiares, Rhodophyta) using starch-gel electrophoresis....Pages 159-165
Microtubule organization in the apical cell of Sphacelaria (Phaeophyceae) and its related protoplast....Pages 167-172
Allocation of blade surface to reproduction in Laminaria longicruris of Long Island Sound (USA)....Pages 173-181
A methodology for parameter estimation in seaweed productivity modelling....Pages 183-189
Population studies on a South African carrageenophyte: Iridaea capensis (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta)....Pages 191-195
Characterization of tidal pool algae in the Mexican Tropical Pacific coast....Pages 197-205
Size distribution, growth and production of Sargassum thunbergii in an intertidal zone of Padori, west coast of Korea....Pages 207-214
Population studies of Laminaria hyperborea from its northern range of distribution in Norway....Pages 215-221
Life history and reproductive potential of the agarophyte Gelidium robustum in California....Pages 223-229
A comparison between two populations of Lessonia trabeculata (Phaeophyta: Laminariales) microscopic stages....Pages 231-237
Changes and degradation of seaweed stands in the Northern Adriatic....Pages 239-253
Resource biology of Pterocladia capillacea (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) populations in Brazil....Pages 255-261
‘Hard’ data for matrix modelling of Laminaria digitata (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) populations....Pages 263-267
Plucking or cutting Gelidium sesquipedale ? A demographic simulation of harvest impact using a population projection matrix model....Pages 269-276
History of kelp beds ( Macrocystis ) in Orange and San Diego Counties, California....Pages 277-283
The role of herbivores in the collapse of the Gracilaria resource at Saldanha Bay, South Africa....Pages 285-290
Recent changes in the seaweed community of Western Prince Edward Island: implications for the seaweed industry....Pages 291-296
Spatial distribution and quantification of Fucus species and Ascophyllum nodosum beds in intertidal zones using spot imagery....Pages 297-305
Evaluation of remote sensing techniques for monitoring giant kelp populations....Pages 307-312
Limiting factors in optimizing seaweed yield in Chile....Pages 313-320
Changes in the population structure of Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis due to mechanical harvesting....Pages 321-326
Exudates from Gracilaria chilensis stimulate settlement of epiphytic ulvoids....Pages 327-333
Recent status of Gracilaria cultivation in Taiwan....Pages 335-338
Some aspects of the growth of Gracilaria tenuistipitata in pond culture....Pages 339-343
Interaction mechanisms between Gracilaria chilensis (Rhodophyta) and epiphytes....Pages 345-351
Farming Eucheuma in Zanzibar, Tanzania....Pages 353-355
Environmental variation and large-scale Gracilaria production....Pages 357-363
Aspects of the farming and processing of Kappaphycus and Eucheuma in Indonesia....Pages 365-371
A Eucheuma (Solieriaceae, rhodophyta) cultivation test on the south-west coast of Madagascar....Pages 373-378
Clonal propagation of Eucheuma denticulatum and Kappaphycus alvarezii for Philippine seaweed farms....Pages 379-383
Regeneration from callus of Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar (Laminariales, Phaeophyta)....Pages 385-389
Gracilaria conferta and its epiphytes: (2) Interrelationship between the red seaweed and Ulva cf. lactuca ....Pages 391-396
Life cycle of Porphyra vietnamensis Tanaka & Pham-Hoang Ho from Thailand....Pages 397-400
Apical callus formation in Solieria filiformis (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) cultured in tanks....Pages 401-406
Development of callus-like structures and plant regeneration in thallus segments of Grateloupia filiformis Kützing (Rhodophyta)....Pages 407-413
Culture of Hypnea musciformis (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) on artificial substrates attached to linear ropes....Pages 415-420
Protoplasts of Gelidium robustum (Rhodophyta)....Pages 421-427
Regeneration of whole plants from Gracilaria asiatica Chang et Xia protoplasts (Gracilariaceae, Rhodophyta)....Pages 429-436
Cell-cell-recognition during fertilization in Ectocarpus siliculosus (Phaeophyceae)....Pages 437-443
Physiological comparison between gametophytes and tetrasporophytes of Gelidium canariensis (Gelidiaceae: Rhodophyta)....Pages 445-449
The use of acetic acid as a source of carbon by cultured Chondrus crispus (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) Stackhouse....Pages 451-456
The effect of water flow on photosynthetic processes of the alga Ulva lactuca L.....Pages 457-462
A Comparative analysis of wild and laboratory grown Laminaria abyssalis (Phaeophyta) using modulated fluorescence....Pages 463-469
Light quality effects on subsequent dark 14 CO 2 -fixation in Fucus serratus ....Pages 471-475
Response of Audouinella saviana (Meneghini) Woelkerling (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta) cultures to monochromatic light....Pages 477-484
The pattern of cell wall adhesive formation by Fucus zygotes ....Pages 485-491
Effect of relative water motion on photosynthetic rate of red alga Gracilaria conferta ....Pages 493-498
Enhanced development and differentiation of protoplasts and spores of green and red seaweeds by a Pterocladia agar from New Zealand....Pages 499-504
A further fractionation of agarose....Pages 505-511
Determination of alginate composition by a simple enzymatic assay....Pages 513-520
Phospholipase A 2 inhibitors from marine algae....Pages 521-529
Influence of mineralisation methods on the determination of the mineral content of the brown seaweed Undaria pinnatifida by atomic absorption spectrophotometry....Pages 531-534
Natural occurrence of denatured phycoerythrin during Porphyra cultivation....Pages 535-539
Seasonal variation in the physical properties of agar and biomass of Gracilaria sp. ( chorda type) from Tosa Bay, southern Japan....Pages 541-547
The use of diterpenoids as chemotaxonomic markers in the genus Cystoseira ....Pages 549-555
Kinetics and specificity of alginate lyases....Pages 557-561
Gel strength of Ca-limited alginate gels made in situ ....Pages 563-569
High performance liquid chromatography of biliprotein from Bangia atropurpurea ‘Conchocelis’....Pages 571-576
Mannuronan C-5 epimerase activity in protoplasts of Laminaria digitata ....Pages 577-581
Using elasticity/temperature relationships to characterise gelling carrageenans....Pages 583-588
Marine algal lectins: new developments....Pages 589-593
Stable isotope labelling method for studies of saccharide metabolism in Agardhiella subulata ....Pages 595-600
Carrageenan yield and properties of Eucheuma uncinatum (Seth. & Gard.) Daw. cultured under natural conditions....Pages 601-605
Annual variations of the biochemical composition of Gelidium latifolium (Greville) Thuret et Bornet....Pages 607-612
The yield, physical and chemical properties of agar gel from Gracilaria species (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) of the Kenya Coast....Pages 613-620
Incorporation of 14 C-radioactivity into lipid classes at different maturity of Laminaria japonica Aresch. cultured under natural and partially controlled conditions....Pages 621-625
Seasonal changes in the chemical and gelling characteristics of agar from Gracilaria verrucosa collected in Turkey....Pages 627-631
Effect of dark treatment on the starch degradation and the agar quality of cultivated Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta, Gracilariales) from Venezuela....Pages 633-640
A new chemical tool for characterization and partial depolymerization of red algal galactans....Pages 641-645
The chemical structure of the polysaccharide from Dasyclonium incisum ....Pages 647-651
Biologically active oxylipins from seaweeds....Pages 653-665
Molecular cut-off values of dialysis membranes for alginate and kappa-carrageenan oligosaccharides....Pages 667-672
Purification and properties of tauropine dehydrogenase from a red alga, Rhodoglossum japonicum ....Pages 673-678
Quantification and characterization of nuclear genomes in commercial red seaweeds: Gracilariales and Gelidiales....Pages 679-688
Revision of the kelp family Alariaceae and the taxonomic affinities of Lessoniopsis Reinke (Laminariales, Phaeophyta)....Pages 689-697
Phylogeny of the Northeast Pacific brown algal (Phaeophycean) orders as inferred from 18S rRNA gene sequences....Pages 699-704
Back Matter....Pages 705-726
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Industrial seaweed use started in Brittany in the XVII century. Today, 700 species have been identified along 1000 km of shoreline, producing 10 million tons of biomass. In the Fourteenth International Seaweed Sumposium the latest developments in the area are discussed. The blending of molecular biology with traditional taxonomy is improving our understanding of phylogeny and species relationships among many of the important algae. A new generation of biologically-based management models is gradually incorporating field testing, concepts from ecological theory and principles from population biology. Prediction is being improved, and an appropriate balance is being struck between commercial exploitation and the preservation of wild seaweed resources. Cell and tissue culture of seaweeds is entering the mass-production phase. Field farming is now entering the large-scale production area. New, biologically active compounds are being described, obtained from algae, and new tools for the characterisation of phytocolloids are described. Microalgal blooms and toxins are also experiencing a flourish of new results.