فهرست مطالب :
Frontmatter\nList of Figures (page ix)\nAn Introduction to an Introduction (J. DESMOND CLARK AND STEVEN A. BRANDT, page 1)\nI. General Perspectives: Historical Critique and the Evidence from Botany and Linguistics\n Introduction (page 5)\n 1. A History and Critique of Investigations into Early African Agriculture (ANN BROWER STAHL, page 9)\n 2. Interactions of Food Production and Changing Vegetation in Africa (DANIEL A. LIVINGSTONE, page 22)\n 3. Historical/Linguistic Evidence for Early African Food Production (C. EHRET, page 26)\nII. Paleoenvironments and Ecological Adaptations\n Introduction (page 37)\nA. NORTH AFRICA\n 4. Paleoenvironments and Epi-Paleolithic Economies in the Maghreb (ca. 20,000 to 5000 B.P.) (DAVID LUBELL, page 41)\n 5. Environment and Subsistence in Predynastic Egypt (FEKRI A. HASSAN, page 57)\n 6. A Reappraisal of the Egyptian Predynastic (T. R. HAYS, page 65)\n 7. Late Quaternary Prehistoric Environments in the Sahara (M. A. J. WILLIAMS, page 74)\n 8. Origins of the Neolithic in the Sahara (ANDREW B. SMITH, page 84)\n 9. The Emergence of Food Production in the Egyptian Sahara (FRED WENDORF AND ROMUALD SCHILD, page 93)\n 10. Long-Term Nile Flood Variation and Political Discontinuities in Pharaonic Egypt (KARL W. BUTZER, page 102)\n 11. Prehistoric Cultural Continuity and Economic Change in the Central Sudan in the Early Holocene (J. DESMOND CLARK, page 113)\n 12. The Transition from Food Collecting to Food Production in Northern Africa (ANN STEMLER, page 127)\n 13. Effects of Nutritional Change on the Skeletal Biology of Northeast African (Sudanese Nubian) Populations (GEORGE J. ARMELAGOS, DENNIS P. VAN GERVEN, DEBRA L. MARTIN, AND REBECCA HUSS-ASHMORE, page 132)\nB. WEST AFRICA\n 14. Early Agricultural Societies in Ghana (MERRICK POSNANSKY, page 147)\n 15. Archaeological Evidence and Effects of Food-Producing in Nigeria (THURSTAN SHAW, page 152)\n 16. Early Iron Age Economy in the Inland Niger Delta (Mali) (RODERICK J. MCINTOSH AND SUSAN KEECH MCINTOSH, page 158)\nC. EASTERN AFRICA\n 17. New Perspectives on the Origins of Food Production in Ethiopia (STEVEN A. BRANDT, page 173)\n 18. Human Skeletal Remains from Eastern Africa (G. P. RIGHTMIRE, page 191)\n 19. Early Evidence for Animal Domestication in Eastern Africa (JOHN W. BARTHELME, page 200)\n 20. Late Prehistoric Aquatic and Pastoral Adaptations West of Lake Turkana, Kenya (L. H. ROBBINS, page 206)\n 21. The Introduction of Pastoral Adaptations to the Highlands of East Africa (STANLEY H. AMBROSE, page 212)\n 22. Implications of a Faunal Assemblage from a Pastoral Neolithic Site in Kenya: Findings and a Perspective on Research (DIANE P. GIFFORD-GONZALEZ, page 240)\n 23. Settlement Behavior of Pastoral Cultures in East Africa (JOHN R. F. BOWER, page 252)\nD. SOUTHERN AFRICA\n 24. Holocene Human Evolution in Southern Africa (ALICE J. HAUSMAN, page 261)\n 25. Early Food-Production in Central and Southern Africa (DAVID W. PHILLIPSON, page 272)\n 26. The Prehistory of Stone Age Herders in South Africa (RICHARD G. KLEIN, page 281)\nIII. The Transition from Hunting/Gathering to Food Production: The Evidence from the San\n Introduction (page 291)\n 27. Food Production and Culture Change among the !Kung San: Implications for Prehistoric Research (ALISON S. BROOKS, DIANE E. GELBURD, AND JOHN E. YELLEN, page 293)\n 28. The Effects of Food Production on Mobility in the Central Kalahari (ELIZABETH A. CASHDAN, page 311)\n 29. Foraging and Food Production among Kalahari Hunter/Gatherers (ROBERT K. HITCHCOCK AND JAMES I. EBERT, page 328)\nIV. Epilogue: Perspectives and Prospects\n 30. Perspectives and Prospects for Understanding the Effects of Population on the Causes and Consequences of Food Production in Africa (NANCY HOWELL, page 351)\nList of Contributors (page 361)\nBibliography (page 363)\nIndex (page 421)