Frontiers in Dusty Plasmas. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas ICPDP-99 Hakone, Japan, 24–28 May 1999

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کتاب مرزها در پلاسماهای گرد و غباری. مجموعه مقالات دومین کنفرانس بین المللی فیزیک پلاسمای غبارآلود ICPDP-99 هاکون، ژاپن، 24-28 مه 1999 نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب مرزها در پلاسماهای گرد و غباری. مجموعه مقالات دومین کنفرانس بین المللی فیزیک پلاسمای غبارآلود ICPDP-99 هاکون، ژاپن، 24-28 مه 1999 بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Frontiers in Dusty Plasmas. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas ICPDP-99 Hakone, Japan, 24–28 May 1999

نام کتاب : Frontiers in Dusty Plasmas. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas ICPDP-99 Hakone, Japan, 24–28 May 1999
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : مرزها در پلاسماهای گرد و غباری. مجموعه مقالات دومین کنفرانس بین المللی فیزیک پلاسمای غبارآلود ICPDP-99 هاکون، ژاپن، 24-28 مه 1999
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Elsevier
سال نشر : 2000
تعداد صفحات : 546
ISBN (شابک) : 9780444503985
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 35 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Preface, Pages v-vi, Yoshiharu Nakamura, Toshiaki Yokota
Introduction, Pages vii-viii, P.K. Shukla, T. Yokota, Y. Nakamura
Perspectives of collective processes in dusty plasmas: A keynote address, Pages 3-12, P.K. Shukla
Non-Ideal Effects in Dusty Plasmas, Pages 13-20, Nagesha N. Rao
The Kinetic Approach to Dusty Plasmas, Pages 21-28, V.N. Tsytovich, U. de Angelis
Dynamical and structural properties of strongly coupled dusty plasmas, Pages 29-36, M.S. Murillo
Directional Ordering and Dynamics in Dusty Plasmas, Pages 37-42, J.E. Hammerberg, B.L. Holian, M.S. Murillo, D. Winske
Multiple-Sheath and the Time-Dependent Grain Charge in a Plasma with Trapped Ions, Pages 43-48, Yasu-Nori Nejoh
Surface Charge on a Spherical Dust, Pages 49-54, H. Amemiya
Numerical simulation model for dust expansion into a plasma, Pages 55-60, G.S. Chae, W.A. Scales, G. Ganguli, P.A. Bernhardt, M. Lampe
Interaction Potential Between Two Debye Spheres, Pages 61-66, J.X. Ma, Feng Pan
Coupling of waves and energy conversion in a slowly varying nonuniform dusty plasma, Pages 67-72, Manoranjan Khan, Susmita Sarkar, Tushar K. Chaudhuri, A.M. Basu, Samiran Ghosh
Classical Atom-like Dust Coulomb Clusters in Plasma Traps, Pages 75-82, I Lin, Yin-Ju Lai, Wen-Tau Juan, Ming-Heng Chen
Crystallography and Statics of Coulomb Crystals, Pages 83-90, Yasuaki Hayashi, Akito Sawai
Monolayer Plasma Crystals: Experiments and Simulations, Pages 91-97, J. Goree, D. Samsonov, Z.W. Ma, A. Bhattacharjee, H.M. Thomas, U. Konopka, G.E. Morfill
Nonlinear dust equilibria in space and laboratory plasmas, Pages 99-106, V.N. Tsytovich
Dust Particle Structures in Low-Temperature Plasmas, Pages 107-114, Anatoly P. Nefedov
Experimental evidence for attractive and repulsive forces in dust molecules, Pages 115-122, A. Melzer, V.A. Schweigert, A. Piel
Self-Organization in Dusty Plasmas, Pages 123-134, S. Benkadda, V.N. Tsytovich, S.I. Popel, S.V. Vladimirov
Dynamical Properties of Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas, Pages 135-140, S. Hamaguchi, H. Ohta
Structures and Structural Transitions in Strongly-Coupled Yukawa Dusty Plasmas and Mixtures, Pages 141-146, Hiroo Totsuji, Chieko Totsuji, Kenji Tsuruta, Kenichi Kamon, Tokunari Kishimoto, Takashi Sasabe
Vortex chains and tripolar vortices in dusty plasma flow, Pages 147-152, J. Vranješ, G. Marić, P.K. Shukla
Dynamical structure factor of dustry plasmas including collisions, Pages 153-158, A. Wierling, V.J. Bednarek, G. Röpke
Melting of the defect dust crystal in a rf discharge, Pages 159-166, I.V. Schweigert, V.A. Schweigert, A. Melzei, A. Piel
On the powder formation in industrial reactive RF plasmas, Pages 169-176, Ch. Hollenstein, Ch. Deschenaux, D. Magni, F. Grangeon, A. Affolter, A.A. Howling, P. Fayet
Trapping and Processing of Dust Particles in a Low-Pressure Discharge, Pages 177-184, E. Stoffels, W.W. Stoffels, G.H.P.M. Swinkels, G.M.W. Kroesen
Effects of Gravity, Gas and Plasma on Arc-Production of Fullerenes, Pages 185-192, Tetsu Mieno
Formation of Dust and its Role in Fusion Devices, Pages 193-198, J. Winter
The Formation and Behavior of Particles in Silane Discharges, Pages 199-206, Alan Gallagher
Dust particles influence on a sheath in a thermoionic discharge, Pages 207-212, M. Mikikian, C. Arnas, K. Quotb, F. Doveil
Plasma deposition of silicon clusters: A way to produce silicon thin films with medium-range order?, Pages 213-225, P. Roca i Cabarrocas
Formation of a dust-plasma cloud, Pages 229-236, A.M. Ignatov
Effects of Dust on Alfvén Waves in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas, Pages 237-244, N.F. Cramer, S.V. Vladimirov
Investigation of plasma irregularity generation in expanding ionospheric dust clouds, Pages 245-252, W.A. Scales, G.S. Chae, G. Ganguli, P.A. Bernhardt, M. Lampe
Mass distributions and self-gravitation in dusty plasmas, Pages 253-260, Frank Verheest
Statistical Description and 3D Computer Modeling of Relaxing Dusty Plasmas, Pages 261-268, Yuriy I. Chutov, Olexandr Yu. Kravchenko, Pieter P.J.M. Schram, Roman D. Smirnov
Regular Structures in Dusty Plasmas due to Gravitational Fields, Pages 269-273, N.L. Tsintsadze, J.T. Mendonca, P.K. Shukla, L. Stenflo, J. Mahmoodi
A Rocket-borne Detector for Charged Atmospheric Aerosols, Pages 275-280, S. Robertson, M. Horányi, B. Smiley, B. Walch
Paleo-heliosphere: Effects of the Interstellar Dusty Wind Based on a Laboratory Simulation, Pages 281-287, Shigeyuki Minami, Shigeo Miono
Current Loop Coalescence in Dusty Plasmas, Pages 289-294, J.I. Sakai, N.F. Cramer
Jeans-Buneman instability in non-ideal dusty plasmas, Pages 295-300, S.R. Pillay, R. Bharuthram, F. Verheest, N.N. Rao, M.A. Hellberg
Waves and Instabilities in Dusty Plasmas, Pages 303-312, N. D'Angelo
Dust Charging in the Laboratory and in Space, Pages 313-319, Mihály Horányi, Scott Robertson
Charging Measurements and Planetary Ring Simulation by Fine Particle Plasmas, Pages 321-328, Toshiaki Yokota
Structure Controls of Fine-Particle Clouds in DC Discharge Plasmas, Pages 329-336, Noriyoshi Sato, Giichiro Uchida, Ryoichi Ozaki, Satoru Iizuka, Tetsuo Kamimura
Structural Formation and Stability of Coulomb Clouds in Medium through Low Gas Pressure Range, Pages 337-344, S. Takamura, N. Ohno, S. Nunomura, T. Misawa, K. Asano
Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in Weakly Non-Ideal Magnetized Dusty Plasmas with Grain Charge Fluctuations, Pages 347-350, Nagesha N. Rao
Self-similar Expansion of a Non-Ideal Unmagnetized Dusty Plasma, Pages 351-354, R Bharuthram, NN Rao
Computer Modeling of Non-linear Sheaths with Dust Particles, Pages 355-358, Yuriy I. Chutov, Olexandr Yu. Kravchenko, Pieter P.J.M. Schram, Volodymyr S. Yakovetsky
The gravitational effect on negatively-charged dust-grains in a plasma, Pages 359-362, H. Yamaguchi, Y.N. Nejoh, N. Mizuno
Stationary equilibria of dusty plasmas, Pages 363-366, R.T. Faria Jr., P.H. Sakanaka, T. Farid, P.K. Shukla
Photoelectric Charging of Dust Particles, Pages 367-372, A. Sickafoose, J. Colwell, M. Horányi, S. Robertson, B. Walch
Influence of dust grains rotation on waves dispersion in plasmas, Pages 373-376, J. Mahmoodi, N.L. Tsintsadze, D.D. Tskhakaya
Plasma-Maser Instability in Magnetized Dusty Plasma, Pages 377-380, Bipul J. Saikia, Mitsuhiro Nambu
Ion Bursts in a Negative Ion Plasma, Pages 381-384, S. Yoshimura, M. Yohen, Y. Kawai
Nonlocal Effects in an Ion Beam Driven Ion Acoustic Waves in a Magnetized Dusty Plasma, Pages 385-388, Suresh C. Sharma, M. Sugawa
Experimental observation of attraction of massive bodies in a plasma, Pages 389-392, A.E. Dubinov, V.S. Zhdanov, A.M. Ignatov, S.Yu. Kornilov, S.A. Sadovoi, V.D. Selemir
The Role of Random Grain-Charge Fluctuations in Dusty Plasmas, Pages 393-396, Sergei A. Khrapak, Oleg F. Petrov, Olga S. Vaulina
Shock Waves in Plasmas Containing Dust Particles, Pages 397-400, S.I. Popel, V.N. Tsytovich
Investigation of the Ordered Structure Formation in a Thermal Dusty Plasma, Pages 401-404, Yaroslav K. Khodataev, Sergei A. Khrapak, Oleg F. Petrov
Separation of Diamagnetic Fine Particles in a Non-Uniform Magnetic Field, Pages 405-408, Isao Tsukabayashi, Sugiya Sato, Yoshiharu Nakamura
Minimal charge asymmetry for coulomb lattices in colloidal plasmas: Effects of nonlinear screening, Pages 409-412, O. Bystrenko, A. Zagorodny
Characteristics of Asymmetric ion Sheath in a Negative ion Plasma, Pages 413-416, Kazunori Koga, Hiroshi Naitou, Yoshinobu Kawai
Coherent Interaction Model of Attractive Forces in the Plasma Crystals, Pages 417-421, Ichiro Mori, Toshifumi Morimoto, Kikuo Tominaga
Charge distribution function of negatively and positively charged plasma dust particles, Pages 423-426, B.F. Gordiets, C.M. Ferreira
Control of Ultra-Fine Particles in Plasma by an Electromagnetic Field, Pages 427-430, K. Takeda, N. Kawashima, T. Etoh, Y. Takehara, H. Kubo, S. Bessho
Damping of Collective Excitations in Coulomb Crystals, Pages 433-436, V.J. Bednarek, A. Wierling, G. Röpke
Behaviour of particles released from inner walls in an ECR plasma etch tool, Pages 437-440, Takeshi Kamata, Kazuhiro Miwa, Hiroshi Arimoto
Anomalous Diffusion and Finite Size Effect in Strongly Coupled 2-D Dust Coublomb Clusters, Pages 441-444, Wen-Tau Juan, Yin-Ju Lai, Lin I
Plasma Crystals and Liquids in DC Glow Discharge, Pages 445-448, V.E. Fortov, V.I. Molotkov, V.M. Torchinsky
Formation of Ring-Shaped Fine-Particle Clouds in a DC Plasma, Pages 449-452, Giichiro Uchida, Ryoichi Ozaki, Satoru Iizuka, Noriyoshi Sato
Vertical Spread of Fine-Particle Clouds in a Magnetized DC Plasma, Pages 453-456, Satoru Iizuka, Ryoichi Ozaki, Giichiro Uchida, Noriyoshi Sato
Vertical String Structure of Fine Particles in a Magnetized DC Plasma, Pages 457-460, Ryoichi Ozaki, Giichiro Uchida, Satoru Iizuka, Noriyoshi Sato
Determination Factor of Coulomb Crystal Structure in Dusty Plasmas, Pages 461-464, Kazuo Takahashi, Kunihide Tachibana
Instabilities of Dust Particles Levitated in an Ion Sheath with Low Gas Pressure, Pages 465-468, T. Misawa, S. Nunomura, K. Asano, N. Ohno, S. Takamura
Instabilities of the dust-plasma crystal, Pages 469-472, N.F. Cramer, S.V. Vladimirov
Some Remarks on Dust Lattice Waves in Plasma, Pages 473-476, B. Farokhi, N.L. Tsintsadze, D.D. Tskhakaya
Artificial Fireball as Dust-Plasma Cloud, Pages 477-480, A.M. Ignatov, L.V. Furov, V.N. Kunin, V.S. Pleshivtsev, A.A. Rukhadze
Quenching of a High-Temperature Phase of Fe Nanoparticles by a Microwave Plasma Processing, Pages 481-484, K. Tanaka, T. Fukaya, K. Kawase, J. Fujita, S. Iwama
Observation of Dust Particles Trapped in a Diffused Plasma Produced by Low Pressure RF Discharge, Pages 485-488, N. Hayashi, T. Kimura, H. Fujita
RF potential formation in a magnetised plasma containing negatively charged particles, Pages 489-492, P. Cicman, A. Kaneda, N. Hayashi, H. Fujita
Formation of Particle Conglomerates in a Methane Discharge, Pages 493-496, W.W. Stoffels, E. Stoffels, G. Ceccone, F. Rossi
60Change of the Potential Relaxation Instability in a plasma containing heavy C ions, Pages 497-500, Daniela Strele, Carsten Winkler, Roman Schrittwieser
Experimental Verification of Dust Particle's Transport by Ambipolar ExB Drift, Pages 501-504, Yoko Maemura, Mikio Ohtsu, Toru Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Fujiyama
Nuclear Induced Dusty Plasma Structures, Pages 505-508, Lidia V. Deputatova, Vladimir E. Fortov, Alexandr V. Khudyakov, Vladimir I. Molotkov, Anatoly P. Nefedov, Vladimir A. Rykov, Vladimir I. Vladimirov
Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation of Inductively Coupled Dusty Plasma, Pages 509-512, Vladimir S. Filinov, Anatoli P. Nefedov, Vladimir A. Sinel'shchikov, Oleg A. Sinkevich, Alexandre D. Usachev, Andrei V. Zobnin
Dust Wake in a Collisional Plasma, Pages 513-516, D. Winske, W.S. Daughton, D.S. Lemons, M.S. Murillo, W.R. Shanahan
Measurement of Electric Charge of Dust Particles in a Plasma, Pages 517-520, M. Itohxe1}, T. Fujimori, Y. Komatsu, Y. Nakamura
Transport of a polydisperse ensemble of dust particles in plasma, Pages 521-524, I.V. Schweigert, V.A. Schweigert
Influence of the lattice symmetry on melting of the bilayer Wigner crystal, Pages 525-528, I.V. Schweigert, V.A. Schweigert, F.M. Peeters
Effects of Dust Grains on Planar RF Discharges, Pages 531-534, Shigehiko Nonaka, Kouji Katoh, Yoshiharu Nakamura, Shunjiro Ikezawa, Shuichi Takamura
Experimental Studies of UV-induced Dusty Plasmas under Microgravity, Pages 535-538, Vladimir E. Fortov, Antoli P. Nefedov, Vladimir P. Nikitsky, Alexander I. Ivanov, Andrey M. Lipaev
Parameters of Dusty Particles in Plasma Flows, Pages 539-542, Alex A. Samarian, Olga S. Vaulina, Alex V. Chernyshev, Anatoli P. Nefedov, Oleg F. Petrov
Hard X-rays from High Power Density Plasma “Dust”, Pages 543-546, Yu.K. Kurilenkov, M. Skowronek, G. Maynard, J. Dufty
From Dusty Plasma Target to Hard X-ray Lasant Media, Pages 547-550, M. Skowronek, Yu.K. Kurilenkov, G. Louvet
Coupling between Jeans and X-modes in self-gravitating magnetized dusty plasmas, Pages 551-554, M.A. Hellberg, R. Bharuthram, R.L. Mace, P. Singh, F. Verheest
Fluctuation Electrodynamics of Dusty Plasmas, Pages 555-558, V.P. Kubaichuk, A.G. Zagorodny
Measurement and Modeling of Particle Spacing in Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas, Pages 559-563, M.S. Murillo, H.R. Snyder
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