فهرست مطالب :
Front Cover
Future Foods: Global Trends, Opportunities, and Sustainability Challenges
Chapter 1: Emerging trends and sustainability challenges in the global agri-food sector
1. Introduction
2. Sector-based sustainability challenges
3. Innovative technologies for agri-food industry
3.1. Digitalization
3.2. 3D-food printing
3.3. Sustainable food packaging
4. New food ingredients and designer foods
4.1. Food ingredients
4.2. Designer foods
5. Underutilized resources
6. Food security, self-sufficiency and climate change impacts
6.1. Food security and self-sufficiency
6.2. Climate change impacts
7. Traditional food sector
8. Consumers and the food industry
9. Conclusion, opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 2: Approaches for sustainable food production and consumption systems
1. Introduction
2. First challenge: Sustainable development of food systems
2.1. Degradation of land ecosystems and agriculture
Evolutionary breeding and genetic editing for the improvement of resilience
2.2. Greenhouse gases associated with ruminant livestock
Reduction of enteric fermentation
New alternative protein sources
2.3. Overexploitation of marine ecosystems
Implementing catch shares and community-based fisheries management systems
Development of aquaculture
3. Second challenge: Reduction of food loss and waste
3.1. Food preservation and rationalization of expiration labels
3.2. Revalorization of FLW
3.3. Prevention of food fraud
Techniques to assess food fraud
Blockchain and food traceability
4. Third challenge: Global healthy diets
4.1. Education on healthy diets
4.2. Development of new foods: Functional foods and 3D printing
5. Conclusion: Opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 3: Smart and sustainable food: What is ahead?
1. Introduction: The socio-ecological problems of the agri-food sector
1.1. Smartness and sustainability
2. The role of digital technologies
2.1. Blockchains for supply chains
2.2. Novel packaging techniques for food
2.3. The potential of 3D printing for future food
3. Impacts and solutions
3.1. Tech-based solutions for food waste and loss
4. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 4: Climate change and future of agri-food production
1. Introduction
2. World population trends and pressure on agricultural production
2.1. Global population and agricultural production trends
2.2. Regional production of major world food crops
2.3. Challenges in feeding the future population
3. Climate change: An overview
4. Trends, projections and impacts of climate change on crop production
4.1. Overview
4.2. Projected changes in temperature and impacts on crop production
4.3. Projected changes in rainfall and impacts on crops
4.4. Projected changes in CO2 and impacts on crops
5. Extreme weather events and their impacts on agriculture
5.1. Drought
5.2. Flooding
5.3. Cyclones
5.4. Heat waves and fire
6. Impact of sea-level rise on coastal agriculture
7. Climate change and invasive alien plants: Distribution, changes, and impacts on agriculture
7.1. Impacts of invasive alien plants on agriculture
7.2. Economic cost of invasive alien plants to agriculture
7.3. Climate change and invasive alien plants distribution
8. Pests and pathogens under a changing climate and their impacts on food production
8.1. Overview
8.2. Impacts of climate change on infectious pathogens of crops and livestock
8.3. Impacts of climate change on infectious pests of crops and livestock
8.4. Changing distribution patterns of pest and diseases
9. Neglected, underutilized and wild edible plants: Mainstreaming into food systems
9.1. Climate change and food systems
9.2. NUPS and WEPs in the existing food systems
9.3. Mainstreaming NUWEPs into the future food systems
10. Climate change impacts-Adaptation and mitigation for food security
11. Conclusion, opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 5: Future grain crops
1. Introduction
2. Brief overview of the grains that feed the world
2.1. Maize
2.2. Wheat
2.3. Rice
2.4. Sorghum
2.5. Barley
2.6. Millets
2.7. Oats
2.8. Rye
3. Pseudocereals
3.1. Amaranth
3.2. Quinoa
3.3. Chia seeds
3.4. Buckwheat
3.5. Cañahua
4. Nutritional and polyphenol composition
4.1. Nutritional components
4.2. Polyphenolic components
The bioavailability of polyphenolic compounds
The effects of processing on nutritional and polyphenolic compounds
5. Pests and diseases in cereal grains
6. Technology application and agriculture
7. Conclusion, opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 6: Expectations for household food security in the coming decades: A global scenario
1. Introduction
2. Global food crises: A snapshot
2.1. Food insecurity, hunger, and famines: The loss of ``healthy´´ lives
2.2. Dietary supply problem
3. Food production
3.1. Overview of food production
3.2. Current production
4. Future challenges for food security
4.1. Rising global population
4.2. Climate change
4.3. Gender, poverty, conflicts, and inequality
4.4. Nutritional issues
4.5. Food waste
4.6. Technology development and scaling
4.7. Global shock (including COVID-19)
5. Sustainable food systems: A means to improve food security
5.1. From pre-production to consumption: Innovations and measures for sustainable food systems
Pre-production and production stage
Supply chain
6. Conclusion, opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 7: Underutilized fruits: Challenges and constraints for domestication
1. Introduction
2. Underutilized fruits: Unlocking pathway to sustainable diets
3. Potential use of underutilized fruits
3.1. Food security
3.2. Nutritional security
3.3. Economic importance and poverty alleviation
3.4. Therapeutic potential
3.5. Ecological importance
3.6. Industrial potential
4. Domestication of UFs: Principle strategies for tree domestication
5. Challenges and constraints for domestication
5.1. Inadequate research funding
5.2. Lack of established propagation centers
5.3. Lack of agronomic management
5.4. Unavailability of genetic resources
5.5. Low yields and slow growth cycles
5.6. Expansion of the agricultural sector
5.7. Commercialization of few UF species
5.8. Low marketability
5.9. Poor organoleptic attributes
5.10. Lack of information, knowledge, and awareness
5.11. Other limiting factors
6. Proposed domestication strategies
7. Conclusion, opportunities and future prospects
Further reading
Chapter 8: Mainstreaming underutilized legumes for providing nutritional security
1. Introduction
2. Orphan crops: Need for mainstreaming
2.1. Orphan legumes: Need for improvement
3. Diverse attributes of legumes
3.1. Legumes: Nutritional benefits
3.2. Underutilized legumes: Potential source of various phytonutrients
3.3. Antinutrients in underutilized legumes
4. A brief note on some of the underutilized legumes
4.1. Parkia spp.
4.2. Bauhinia spp.
4.3. Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC)
4.4. Canavalia spp.
4.5. Rosary pea (Abrus precatorius)
4.6. Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea)
4.7. Rice bean (Vigna umbellata)
5. Current status and prospects of underutilized legumes
6. Opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 9: Designer food and feeds from underutilized fruits and vegetables
1. Introduction
2. Underutilized fruits
2.1. Bakery products
2.2. Beverages
2.3. Dairy products
2.4. Other products
3. Underutilized vegetables, cereals, and pulses
3.1. Bakery products
3.2. Beverages
3.3. Dairy products
3.4. Meat products
3.5. Snacks
3.6. Other products
4. Health benefits of designer foods with underutilized fruits and vegetables
4.1. Designer foods with health benefits
4.2. Underutilized fruits and vegetables with health benefits
5. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 10: Seaweeds and microalgal biomass: The future of food and nutraceuticals
1. Introduction
2. Nutritional attributes of algae
2.1. Algal polysaccharides
2.2. Algal proteins
2.3. Algal lipids
2.4. Algae as a source of other nutritionally relevant compounds
3. Use of algae or algal derived ingredients in food
4. Future trends using algae as food
5. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 11: Current trends and next generation of future edible oils
1. Introduction
2. New sources of the edible oil for the future
2.1. Animal-based oils
Insect oil
Krill oil
Fish by-products oil
2.2. Cell-based oil
Single-cell oil
Algae oil
2.3. Plant-based oils
Avocado oil
Hemp oils
Mustard oil
Tree nuts oil
Germ oil
Rice (Oryza sativa) bran oil
Other plant by-products
3. Perspectives and challenges
3.1. Oil structuring
3.2. Oil blending
3.3. Oil improvement
3.4. Oil policy
4. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 12: Plant-based milk products
1. Introduction
2. Market scenario
3. Plant-based milk
4. Powdered milk
5. Cheese
6. Ice cream
7. Fermented plant-based milk and derivatives
8. Fermented beverage products
9. Traditional fermented beverage products
9.1. Haria: Rice beer
9.2. Kunun-zaki: Millet beverage
9.3. Boza
10. Microbiological contamination in vegetable extracts
11. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 13: Nutraceuticals and functional beverages: Focus on Prebiotics and Probiotics active beverages
1. Introduction
2. Nutraceuticals
3. Functional beverages
4. Focus on probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics beverages
4.1. Prebiotic, probiotics and synbiotics beverages
Prebiotic, probiotics and synbiotics: Definitions
An updated shot of prebiotic, probiotic, and synbiotic beverages
5. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 14: Future innovations in alcohol-based beverage industry
1. Introduction
2. The contribution of honey in traditional and novel alcoholic beverages
3. In vitro antioxidant activity of fermented prickly pear juice and pulp with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ex r.f. bayanus) ...
3.1. Total phenolic content of fermented prickly pear juice and pulp with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ex r.f. bayanus) yeas ...
3.2. Correlations between in vitro antioxidant activity and TPC of prickly pear juice and prickly pear pulp ethanolic ext ...
3.3. Sensory and flavor indices of fermented prickly pear juice and pulp with Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ex r.f. bayanus) ...
4. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 15: Future food proteins-Trends and perspectives
1. Introduction
2. Promising protein sources
2.1. Food waste
2.2. Emergent protein sources
Microbial protein
Cultured meat
Aquatic and herbaceous plants
3. Protein recovery
3.1. Extraction and recovery technologies
Electric field processing
High pressure
Enzymatic extraction
Other methodologies
3.2. Consideration of the substrate
4. Design of innovative protein systems
4.1. Techno-functional properties
4.2. Interaction with other food components
4.3. Health implications
5. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 16: Mycoprotein: A futuristic portrayal
1. Introduction
2. Origins and production
3. A futuristic portrayal
3.1. Mycoprotein movements
4. Human health
4.1. Narrowing fiber gaps
4.2. Providing choline
4.3. Feeding the aged
4.4. Regulating body weight
4.5. Feeding the active
4.6. Diabetes management
4.7. Regulating blood lipids
4.8. Gut health
4.9. Feeding the young
5. Planetary health
5.1. Carbon, water, and nitrogen footprints
5.2. Greenhouse gas emissions
5.3. Food waste
6. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 17: Edible vaccines: Current scenario and future prospects
1. Introduction
2. A brief history on the development of edible vaccines
3. Advantages of edible vaccines over that of conventional vaccines
4. Limitations
5. Mechanism of action
6. The production of edible vaccines
6.1. Two approaches in plant-based vaccine production
6.2. Selection of criteria for edible vaccine production
6.3. Other methods of advanced rDNA technology
Gene gun bombardment method
7. Crops for production of edible vaccines
7.1. Banana
7.2. Potato
7.3. Rice
7.4. Spinach
7.5. Tomato
8. Development of an edible vaccine against COVID-19
9. The second-generation edible vaccines
10. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 18: Sustainability challenges in edible birds nest: Full exploitation and health benefit
1. Introduction
2. Edible birds nest
2.1. Cave-harvested edible birds nest (cave E-BN)
2.2. House-harvested edible birds nest (house E-BN)
2.3. Grading of E-BN
2.4. Properties and quality of E-BN
Color of E-BN
Nutritive values
Proteins and amino acids
Sialic acid
2.5. Technique for identification of E-BN
3. Sustainability challenges in E-BN valorization
3.1. Value-added E-BN co-products
Use of E-BN flakes
Use of the nest residues
3.2. Applications and commercialization of E-BN products and co-products
4. Conclusion, opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 19: The future of cultured meat between sustainability expectations and socio-economic challenges
1. Introduction
2. Positive externalities of cultured meat
2.1. Environmental benefits
2.2. Animal welfare
2.3. Food safety
2.4. Food security
3. The potential impact of cultured meat on conventional meat supply chains
4. Consumer perception of cultured meat
4.1. The role of information
4.2. The socio-demographic factors
4.3. Price and taste
5. The naming, terminology, and regulatory framework for cultured meat
6. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 20: Meat alternatives
1. Introduction
2. Sustainable meat-free protein alternatives
2.1. Plant-based meat uses less land than traditional meat
2.2. Animal-based products generate higher food loss/waste
2.3. Animal-based foods emit high greenhouse gas
2.4. Plant-based meat uses less water
2.5. Animal-based products cause aquatic nutrient pollution
2.6. Animal-based foods exposed to antibiotics
3. Meat-free protein alternatives
3.1. Plant-based alternative
Ingredients in meat analog: Water
Ingredients in meat analog: Textured and non-textured proteins
Ingredients in meat analog: Flavorings
Ingredients in meat analog: Fats
Ingredients in meat analog: Binding agents
Ingredients in meat analog: Coloring agents
Nutrients composition
Sustainability in meat analog highlights
3.2. Fungi-based alternative
3.3. Insect-based alternative
4. Challenges of using plants as a meat substitute
5. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 21: Innovations in food packaging-Sustainability challenges and future scenarios
1. Introduction
1.1. Food packaging
1.2. The environmental impact of packaging in food supply chains
1.3. Food packaging innovation
2. Sustainability challenges
2.1. Bioeconomy
2.2. Circular economy
2.3. Digitalization
2.4. Challenges for packaging innovation in the transition to sustainable food systems
3. Future scenarios
3.1. Food packaging innovations for the bioeconomy
Renewable feedstocks for bio-based food packaging
Bioplastic packaging
Green biocomposites
Bioactive packaging
Fiber-based food packaging
3.2. Food packaging innovations for the circular economy
Packaging innovations for biodegradability
Packaging innovations for recycling
Packaging innovations for reuse
Innovations for packaging waste prevention
3.3. Food packaging innovations in the digitalized world
Intelligent packaging
Food packaging for e-commerce
Digital technology for circular food packaging
4. Conclusion, opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 22: The use of emerging dehydration technologies in developing sustainable food supply chain
1. Introduction to sustainability in food supply chain
1.1. Environmental assessment
1.2. Energy efficiency improvements
2. Calculation of GHG emissions and energy consumption
2.1. GHG emissions
2.2. Energy consumption
3. Dehydration technologies used in food supply chain
3.1. Heat pump (HP) dehydration technology
3.2. Super-heated steam (SHS) dehydration
3.3. Microwave drying
3.4. Pulsed electric field
3.5. Ohmic dehydration
3.6. Electro-osmosis dewatering
3.7. Ultrasound
3.8. Radio frequency dehydration
3.9. Hybrid dehydration systems
4. The effect of emerging dehydration technologies on food quality
5. The effect of emerging dehydration technologies on GHG emissions
6. The effect of emerging dehydration technologies on cost savings
7. Conclusions, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 23: GASTRONOMY: A novel social representation of foods through consumers language
1. Introduction
2. What is gastronomy?
3. Social representations: An interesting approach to understanding foods and their conception
4. Theoretical and methodological implications of social representations: The projective technique of word association (W ...
4.1. The projective technique of WA
4.2. The structural approach and the Central Core Theory
4.3. The Cognitive Salience Index (CSI): A novel method to determinate the social representations of greater cognitive an ...
5. Towards a novel social representation of gastronomy based on the language of consumers in two Latin American countries
5.1. Social representations of gastronomy
5.2. Central core and peripheral areas of the social representations of gastronomy
5.3. Cognitive and attitudinal importance of social representations towards gastronomy concept
6. Social representations of gastronomy: Future trends, opportunities, and sustainability challenges
7. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 24: Neurobiology of food addiction
1. Introduction
2. Neurophysiology of food consumption and energy production
3. Drug and food addictions and neural circuit pathways
4. Evidence from animal studies
4.1. Evidence from human studies
5. Conclusion: Opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 25: Human population genomics approach in food metabolism
1. Introduction
2. Human genetic variation and its significance
3. Population genetics of dietary selection and food metabolism
3.1. Approaches to detect diet related natural selection at the population level
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
3.2. A few specific examples of dietary selection
Starch digestion
Lactose persistence
FADS gene
4. Significance and complications of a gene-diet interaction in food metabolism
4.1. Lactose metabolism
4.2. Fat or lipid metabolism
5. Budding field of nutritional genomics
5.1. APOE gene in cardiovascular and Alzheimers disease
6. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 26: Space food on celestial bodies and on the way there
1. Introduction
2. Space farming
2.1. Possible space farming methods
Closed and controlled environment
Soil simulation
Soil-less or in soil cultivation
Getting liquid water on celestial body
Burying habitat to prevent radiation from affecting the plants
Genetic engineering of crops
Specific methods for planting crops in space
Plant pillows
Plant agar
2.2. Farming on the moon: A case study of the Change4 mission
2.3. Space nutrition
2.4. Benefits of space farming technologies to the earth
Precision agriculture
Satellite-based navigation
SBT that are spin-offs for earths agriculture
Photosynthetic/chlorophyll meter
Automated steering tractor
Agricultural/control robots
Light-emitting diode systems target plant growth
Simulated microgravity equipment
Paper making using better sturdy plants
Aeroponic and hydroponic methods
3. Microgravity science
3.1. Some significance of plant microgravity researches
3.2. Microgravity platforms
3.3. Terrestrial microgravity platforms for plant research on the earth
Random positioning machines
Magnetic levitation device
3.4. Simulating plant growth for the moon, Mars, and Venus
Reduced gravity platforms for celestial bodies plant research
Investigations into plant growth on the moon, Mars, and Venus: Extrapolation of growth rate from microgravity simulations a ...
4. Commercializing space-based research of plants
5. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 27: Designer foods as an effective approach to enhance disease preventative properties of food through its health ...
1. Introduction
2. Designer foods from plant sources
2.1. Polysaccharides
2.2. Resistant starch
2.3. Protein
2.4. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
2.5. Phytosterols
2.6. Antioxidants
3. Designer foods from animal sources
3.1. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
3.2. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
3.3. Bioactive peptides
4. Designer foods from insect source
4.1. Insect-based bioactive components
5. Designer foods from bacteria source
5.1. Probiotics
5.2. Prebiotics
5.3. Synbiotics
5.4. Paraprobiotics and postbiotics
6. Designer foods development
7. Conclusion, opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 28: What foods might kids eat in the future? Using plant-based games to educate about sustainable healthy diet
1. Introduction
2. Playing with coffee waste to be healthy and altruistic in the future: The fungi pack case study
3. Case study
3.1. Data
3.2. Questionnaire
3.3. Data analysis
Feeding styles
Eating habits, food waste, and educational products
The choice experiment (CE) task
The modeling approach
4. Results of the case study
4.1. Socio-demographics and feeding style
4.2. Clustering parents
Factor analysis
Food waste behavior
Eating habits
Educational game attitudes
Cluster analysis
4.3. Assessing parents preferences for the fungi-pack plant game
5. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 29: Restoring the values of traditional foods
1. Introduction
2. Institutional resilience
3. The Totonac ethnic group: A case study
4. Indigenous food systems
5. Traditional foods and sustainability challenges
6. Challenges of developing a food agenda for future generations
7. Conclusions, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 30: Between conventionalization and emancipation: Present and future paths for organic food market organization
1. Introduction
2. The current debate about organic food
2.1. The dilemma of conventionalization and co-optation
2.2. Central arguments in the pursuit of sustainable and truly autonomous agri-food models
2.3. Social reorganization of agri-food markets
3. Recognizing the future of organics in two empirical cases
3.1. In search of a methodological path
3.2. The same starting point but different destinations
4. What does our theoretical and empirical analysis reveal about the future of organic food markets?
5. Conclusions, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 31: Agricultural productivity and food supply to meet increased demands
1. Introduction
2. History of food production
2.1. Traditional and modern-day agricultural systems
3. Agricultural food productivity
3.1. Methods to increase agricultural productivity
4. Demand for foods (agricultural products)
5. Agricultural technologies to increase food production
5.1. Traditional agricultural technologies
5.2. Modern agricultural technologies
6. Conclusions, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 32: High-productive agricultural technologies to fulfill future food demands: Hydroponics, aquaponics, and precis ...
1. Introduction
2. Hydroponic technology for increasing food production
2.1. Basic principles of the hydroponic system
2.2. Technical requirements for the hydroponic system
2.3. New innovative technologies to improve productivity of the hydrophobic system
3. Use of the aquaponic system to integrate plant and fish culture
4. Precision/smart agricultural technologies for increasing food production
5. Conclusions, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 33: Food waste and by-product valorization as an integrated approach with zero waste: Future challenges
1. Introduction
2. Food wastes and food by-products
2.1. Role of food production and processing
3. Valorization strategies for wastes and by-products generated from the food industry toward a circular bioeconomy
3.1. Fruit and vegetable processing industry
Extraction of bioactive compounds from tomato by-products: Lycopene and dietary fibers
Tomato carotenoids: Lycopene
Tomato dietary fibers
Tomato seed oil
Whole valorization approaches to vegetable and fruit by-products: Case of tomato by-products
3.2. Vegetable oil extraction industry
Extraction of bioactive compounds from olive pomace as a case study: Antioxidants, fatty acids, and dietary fibers in the f ...
Potential whole valorization approaches to olive pomace as a case study
3.3. Plant-based drink production industry
Soya beverage by-product
Cereal-based beverages
Potential of zero-waste approaches to soya beverage
4. Legislation and regulations
5. Conclusions, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 34: Food fraud countermeasures and consumers: A future agenda
1. Introduction
2. Assessment
2.1. Safe Supply of Affordable Food Everywhere
2.2. Food Fraud Initial Screening Model
3. Blockchain and digitization of food chain
3.1. Data analytics
Predictive analytics
Early Warning System and horizon scan
Database on food adulteration in China
Decernis food fraud database
Forensic accounting
4. Deterrence-Food safety (and integrity) culture
5. Prevention
5.1. People-related preventive measures
5.2. Process and data-related preventive measures
Use of the HACCP approach to consider food fraud and threats
5.3. Place-related preventive measures
6. Detection
6.1. Consumers as analyst
7. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 35: ICT applications for the food industry
1. Introduction
2. Robots in food industries
3. Industry 4.0 evolution in the food-processing sector
4. Components of information and communication technologies
4.1. Collection of data
4.2. Wireless sensors in data collection
4.3. Data processing technologies
Big data analysis
Machine learning
Cloud computing
Image processing
Data mining for the prediction of missing data
AI tools for processing of collected data
Data storage
Other statistical tools and processes
5. Data communication devices and applications in the food industry
6. The IoT in the food industry
7. Summary of key applications of ICT technologies in sustainable food systems
8. Conclusion: Opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 36: 3D food printing: Genesis, trends and prospects
1. Introduction
2. Printable food product families
2.1. Foods of plant origin
2.2. Foods of animal origin
Meat products
Dairy products
Egg products
3. Main utility of 3DFP: Personalized nutrition
4. Main questions around 3DFP
4.1. Sustainability of 3DFP
4.2. Consumer perception and acceptability
4.3. Current and future legal framework for 3D-printed food products
5. Emerging trends and long-term prospects
5.1. Possible applications in the short or medium term and remaining hurdles
Temperature control
Mastering the post-treatment: Heating
The health issue
Possible applications in the short- and medium-term
5.2. Main trends for the food of the future by 3D printing
6. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 37: Non-destructive methods for detection of food quality
1. Introduction
2. Non-destructive methods
2.1. Imaging-based techniques
RGB imaging
Hyperspectral imaging
Multispectral imaging
Backscattering imaging
Thermal imaging
Fluorescence imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging
Ultrasonic imaging
2.2. Spectroscopy-based techniques
VIS-NIR spectroscopy
NIR spectroscopy
Raman spectroscopy
2.3. Other non-destructive approaches
Electronic nose
Electronic tongue
3. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 38: Authentication of wine and other alcohol-based beverages-Future global scenario
1. Introduction
2. Wine authentication
2.1. Types of authentication needs in the wine industry-Permanent needs and future trends
Origin and variety
Winemaking practices
Typicity and identity
Future authentication needs
2.2. Methods of analysis in wine authentication
Methods based on chemical markers
Volatile compounds
Stable isotopes
Mineral compounds
Profile analysis methods
Authentication through sensory evaluation
Future needs on authentication methods
3. Authentication of distilled alcoholic beverages
3.1. Types of authentication needs in the distilled alcoholic beverages industry
3.2. Methods of analysis for distilled alcoholic beverages
Whiskey/whisky and other grain fermented distillates
Wine and grape marc spirits
Fruit spirits
Rum and other spirits
3.3. Further discussion
4. Authentication of other fermented beverages
5. Future scenario
5.1. Wine
5.2. Distilled alcoholic beverages
6. Conclusion, opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 39: Food biotechnology: Innovations and challenges
1. Introduction
2. Impact of biotechnology in the agri-food sector
2.1. Description of agri-food resources and actives biomolecules
2.2. Green extraction techniques and valorization of food wastes
2.3. Biotechnological production of industrially useful value-added compounds
3. Innovation and challenges for food applications
3.1. General introduction
3.2. New generation of advanced food packaging and biopolymers
Stabilization of antioxidants and other biomolecules from plant/algae/etc.
Nanotechnology approaches
3D bioprinting technology
3.3. Microbes in biotechnological innovations
3.4. Animal-based food technology
4. Innovation of the future
5. Conclusion, opportunities, and future challenges
Chapter 40: Nanoscience and nanotechnology advances in food industry
1. Introduction
2. Nanotechnology for the food packaging industry
3. Intelligent and active packaging
4. Metallic nanoparticles
4.1. Silver and its forms
4.2. Synthesis of metallic nanoparticles
5. Biological synthesis of nanoparticles
5.1. Mechanism of action of silver nanoparticles
6. Conclusion, opportunities and future challenges
Chapter 41: Food quality monitoring through bioinformatics and big data
1. Introduction
2. Conventional analytical-based food quality monitoring tools and their challenges
2.1. Sensors as food quality monitoring tool
2.2. Equipment-based techniques for monitoring food quality
2.3. Chemical-based assays for monitoring of food quality
2.4. Limitations of conventional approaches to monitor food quality
3. Bioinformatics in monitoring food quality
4. Big data in monitoring food quality
5. Conclusion, opportunities and future challenges
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