فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages i-xiii
Seismic Response of Shallow Strip Footing with Log-Spiral Failure Mechanism Using Limit Analysis (Litan Debnath, Sima Ghosh)....Pages 1-9
A Comparative Study of Soil Slope Stability Under Seismic Loading Condition (Suman Hazari, Sima Ghosh, Richi Prasad Sharma)....Pages 11-22
Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and Mapping in Sastha Valley of Periyar River Basin (P. Preji, Biju Longhinos)....Pages 23-41
Investigations and Mitigation Measures of Landslide Affected Areas in Hill Roads of East Africa—Case Study on Projects of Ethiopia (Avik Kumar Mandal, S. Sailesh, Pradyot Biswas)....Pages 43-65
Stability Assessment of Cut Slopes Along Shivpuri–Kaudiyala Road (NH-58), Uttarakhand Himalayas ( Neeraj, Koushik Pandit, Shantanu Sarkar)....Pages 67-80
Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline Based Reliability Analysis of Stability of Durgawati Earthen Dam (V. Kumar, P. Samui, A. Burman, N. Himanshu)....Pages 81-93
Landslides Hazard Mapping Using High-Resolution Satellite Data (Saloni Jain, Rakesh Khosa, A. K. Gosain)....Pages 95-110
Analysis of Rainfall-Induced Slope Failure Using Monte Carlo Simulations: A Case Study (A. S. S. Raghuram, B. Munwar Basha)....Pages 111-127
Probabilistic Assessment of Paglajhora Landslide Using SLOPE/W (Abhirup Dikshit, Neelima Satyam)....Pages 129-136
Stability Analysis of Hill Slopes in The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu (Praveen Kumar, Krishnamurthy Premalatha)....Pages 137-147
Effect of Joint Orientation on the Seismic Stability of Rock Slope with Transmission Tower (Mohammad Zaid, Abdullah Talib, Md. Rehan Sadique)....Pages 149-161
Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment Along NH-108 in Parts of Lesser Himalaya, Uttarkashi, Using Weighted Overlay Method (Pankaj Kumar, Anupam Mital, P. K. Champati Ray, Shovan L. Chattoraj)....Pages 163-180
Seismic Response of Gravity Retaining Wall (Monica Joseph, Subhadeep Banerjee)....Pages 181-193
Some Studies on the Pseudostatic Analyses of Water Retention Type Tailings Dams (Pankaj Kumar, B. V. S. Viswanadham)....Pages 195-211
Behavior of Reinforced Retaining Wall Against Railway Embankment Using Midas Under Static and Seismic Loading (Shilpa S. Vadavadagi, Sowmiya Chawla)....Pages 213-221
Analysis of Retaining Wall in Static and Seismic Condition with Inclusion of Geofoam Using Plaxis 2D (Pankajkumar Yadav, D. K. Singh, P. P. Dahale, A. H. Padade)....Pages 223-240
Static and Seismic Analysis of Twin Metro Underground Tunnels (Manendra Singh, M. N. Viladkar, N. K. Samadhiya)....Pages 241-257
Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Raft Foundation Supporting RC Chimney (Shilpa Dixit, Srinivasa Phanikanth Vedula, Srinivas Kakaraparthi)....Pages 259-282
Evolution in Liquefaction Strength of Ganga River Sand Due to Intrusion of Non-plastic Silt (Nishant Nilay, Pradipta Chakrabortty)....Pages 283-297
Probabilistic Approach of Liquefaction Assessment for Guwahati Based on Shear Wave Velocity Values (K. S. Vipin, S. D. Anitha Kumari)....Pages 299-308
Generalized Solution for the Critical Soil Wedge Angle Under Seismic Passive Earth Pressure Condition (Priyam Chatterjee, Bikash Chandra Chattopadhyay, Joyanta Maity)....Pages 309-321
Dynamic Slope Stability Analysis of Ash Dykes (P. Hari Prasad, K. Vineeth Reddy, G. Kalyan Kumar)....Pages 323-333
Analysis of Pile Under Seismic Motion Using Pseudo-static Approach (Tanumaya Mitra, Kalyan Kumar Chattopadhyay, Ambarish Ghosh)....Pages 335-344
Ground Response Analysis and Determination of Liquefaction Potential Index (Tanumaya Mitra, Kalyan Kumar Chattopadhyay, Ambarish Ghosh)....Pages 345-352
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Vadodara Region (Payal Mehta, T. P. Thaker)....Pages 353-366
Response of Monopile Supported Offshore Wind Turbine in Liquefied Soil (Sangeet Kumar Patra, Sumanta Haldar)....Pages 367-382
Reliability Analysis of Single Pile in Lateral Spreading Ground: A Three-Dimensional Investigation (J. S. Rajeswari, Rajib Sarkar)....Pages 383-398
Influence of Soil–Structure Interaction in Elevated Water Tank (Sutanuka Nath, Atanu Kumar Dutta)....Pages 399-410
Seismic Ground Response Analysis for Soil Site in Johor, Malaysia (Anurag Sahare, Deepankar Choudhury)....Pages 411-428
Design of Pile Foundation System for Wharf Structure in Liquefiable Soils (Putti Swathi Priyadarsini, Satyam Neelima)....Pages 429-439
Ground Response Analysis of a Nuclear Power Plant Site in Southern India: A Nonlinear Approach (U. Veena, Naveen James, T. G. Sitharam)....Pages 441-456
Assessment of Soil Liquefaction Resistance by Finite Element Approach (Anasua GuhaRay, Mohammad Zaid)....Pages 457-469
Liquefaction Susceptibility Mapping of Kollam Coastal Stretch, Kerala, Considering Geotechnical Parameters (S. K. Sithara, S. Surya, Sayana Parveen, Liz Maria Damiyan, Vinayak Mohan, A. Muhammed Siddik et al.)....Pages 471-480
Finite Element Analysis of Foundation on Layered and Homogeneous Soil Deposit Under Dynamic Loading (Abhay Kumar Verma, Supriya Mohanty)....Pages 481-493
Site Classification of Strong Motion Stations of Uttarakhand, India, Based on Standard Spectral Ratio, and Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Methods (N. H. Harinarayan, Abhishek Kumar)....Pages 495-506
Seismic Site Classification and Site Period Determination of NIT Silchar Using MASW (Arindam Saha, Kallol Saha, Ashim Kanti Dey)....Pages 507-522
Comparative Study of 1D, 2D and 3D Ground Response Analysis of Pond Ash from Odisha Under Different Earthquake Motions (M. V. Ravi Kishore Reddy, Supriya Mohanty, Rehana Shaik)....Pages 523-538
Effect of Soil Grain Size on Liquefaction Strength of Sandy Soil (Pradipta Chakrabortty, Angshuman Das, Anil)....Pages 539-554
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Pile Foundation in Liquefied Soil Incorporating Ground Motion Uncertainty (Partha Bhowmik, Rajib Saha)....Pages 555-562
1 g Shake Table Study on Seismic Behaviour of Model Structure Supported by Pile Foundation in Liquefiable Soil (Archana Kunwar, Swagata DebRoy, Rajib Saha)....Pages 563-576
Studying and Comparing the Declustered EQ Catalogue Obtained from Different Methods for Guwahati Region NE India (Niranjan Borah, Abhishek Kumar)....Pages 577-590
3D Finite Element Analysis of Seismic Behavior of Soil-Piled Raft-Structural System (Chaidul Haque Chaudhuri, Rajib Saha)....Pages 591-599
Seismic Requalification of Pile-Supported Structure: Pseudo-Static Approach (Pradeep Kumar Dammala, Manoj Kumar Manne, A. Murali Krishna)....Pages 601-616
Earthquake Early Warning System (Aarti Taneja, Aniket Desai, Ravi S. Jakka)....Pages 617-620
Dynamic Characteristics of Subsoil Deposit of Tripura by Nakamura Method (Rajat Debnath, Rajib Saha)....Pages 621-632
Equivalent 1D Ground Response Analysis (GRA) of Black Cotton Soil for Three Different Sites Near Indore City (Deepshikha Shukla, Chandresh H. Solanki)....Pages 633-651
Pattern Recognition to Identify Susceptible Areas in Northwestern Himalaya (Swati Singh Rajput, Ravi S. Jakka, Amita Sinvhal)....Pages 653-665
Modelling of Response of Tunnels Excavated in Squeezing Ground Condition (Dipaloke Majumder, M. N. Viladkar, Mahendra Singh)....Pages 667-687
Liquefaction Mitigation with Stone Columns for a Sewage Treatment Plant: A Case Study (K. Ganesh Deepak, Jinu Mary Jacob)....Pages 689-704
Behavior of 3D-Reinforced Granular Trenches Under Cyclic Loading (M. Hema, N. Unnikrishnan)....Pages 705-713
A Review on the Role of Geosynthetics in Preventing the Excessive Settlement and Mud Pumping of Ballasted Railway Track (Ramesh Gedela, Rajagopal Karpurapu)....Pages 715-726
Strain Energy-Based Modeling of Soil Liquefaction Using Data-Driven Techniques (S. Raj Athira, S. Adarsh)....Pages 727-737
Numerical Simulation of Tiered Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall Subjected to Dynamic Excitations (Seema Kumari, Arup Bhattacharjee)....Pages 739-750
Improvement of Seismic-Bearing Capacity of Foundation on Soft Clay by Granular Material (Paramita Bhattacharya, Puja Dutta)....Pages 751-763