فهرست مطالب :
Content: Introduction: a case approach to the study and practice of crisis and emergency management / Ali Farazmand, Florida Atlantic University --
Global cases of crisis and emergency management : a macro policy perspective --
Katrina crisis as a global case of grand failure : lessons for future crisis and emergency management / Ali Farazmand, Florida Atlantic University --
Continuing Fukushima nuclear disaster : how to ensure government crisis- risk communication for safety resiliency / Itoko Suzuki, Former UN Official, Japan, and Yuko Kaneko, Japan --
The case of early warning success in qinglong county for the magnitude 7.8 Tangshan earthquake : some policy lessons in integrating public administration, science and citizen engagement / Jean-Marie Col, John Jay College and Former UN Adviser --
Emergency management for radiological events : lessons learned from Three Mile island, chernobyl and Fukushima reactor accidents / Frances L. Edwards, Mineta Transportation Institute, San Jose State University --
Global cases of best and worst practice in crisis and emergency management --
USA : hurricane Katrina and the crisis of emergency management / Carole L. Jurkiewicz, Hofstra University --
Katrina : a case of man- made and natural disaster / Steven G. Koven, School of Urban and Public Affairs, University of Louisville --
Managing crisis and emergency at the edge of chaos : lessons from the 2006 massive earthquake of Bam in southeast Iran / Ali Farazmand, Florida Atlantic University --
The United States : emergency management and the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks / William Waugh, Georgia State University --
Wilma and Sandy : lessons learned from public servants / John J. Carroll, Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Nova Southeastern University --
Lessons from managing governance crisis in the Arab states / Jamil Jreisat, School of Public Affairs, University of South Florida --
Mitigation and capacity building for crisis and emergency management : lessons from global cases --
Resilience capacity building for global crisis and emergency management / Clifford Bragdon, Florida Institute of Technology --
Building disaster resilience : the communities advancing resilience toolkit (CART) / Rose L. Pfefferbaum, Phoenix Community College --
Learning from transboundary crises : the 2010 Haiti earthquake / Alka Sapat, Florida Atlantic University and Ann-Margaret Esnard, Georgia State University --
Planning for response to weapons of mass destruction cbrne events : a local/federal partnership / Frances L. Edwards, Mineta Transportation Institute, San Jose State University.