توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
بر اساس مطالب ارائه شده در کنفرانسی که توسط مرکز D'Océanologie از مارسی برگزار شده است ، که در سال 2008 برگزار شد ، این متن شامل موضوعات داغ مربوط به نحوه تعامل بشر با محیط دریایی است. با توجه به اینکه وضعیت اقیانوس ها و دریاهای ما به عنوان منبع فزاینده ای در سراسر جهان تبدیل شده است ، این افزودنی به موقع بحث و گفتگو آخرین تحقیقات را در فرانسه و ژاپن ارائه می دهد. مفهوم تنوع زیستی دریایی درمان می شود ، به ویژه اینکه چگونه تحت تأثیر آژانس انسانی و گونه های تهاجمی قرار می گیرد ، که بسیاری از آنها به صورت انسان شناسی معرفی شده اند. مناطق ساحلی با تمرکز بر تعامل بین بنادر و محیط های طبیعی و پیامدهای زیست محیطی و اقتصادی این رابطه به تفصیل مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار می گیرند. یک فصل در مورد آبزی پروری به مدیریت صدا از نظر زیست محیطی و همچنین حفظ منابع می پردازد. فن آوری های جدید و در حال ظهور که به مشاهده ما در محیط دریایی کمک می کنند ، پوشانده شده است ، همانطور که عملکرد فیزیکی ، شیمیایی ، بیولوژیکی و بیوژئوشیمیایی محیط های طبیعی و انسان ساخته شده است. تأثیر در محیط دریایی که ما به آن خیلی وابسته هستیم.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages i-xli
Front Matter....Pages 1-1
A Few Examples of the Many Approaches to Salmon Resource Creation in Japan....Pages 3-11
Trials on New Methods for Seed Culture in Japanese Abalones....Pages 13-17
A Multidisciplinary Approach for Anticipating the Presence of Genetically Modified Fish in France....Pages 19-23
Shrimp Aquaculture: From Extensive to Intensive Rearing, the Relationship with the Environment and The Key to Sustainability....Pages 25-30
Quality Control of Cultured Fish by Feed Supplements....Pages 31-34
Experimental Culture of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis - Nordsted, 1844....Pages 35-36
Problems Associated with the Recovery on Landings of Black Sea Bream ( Acanthopagrus schlegelii ) Intensively Released in Hiroshima Bay, Japan....Pages 37-42
Effect of Wavelength of Intermittent Light on the Growth and Fatty Acid Profile of the Haptophyte Isochrysis galbana ....Pages 43-45
Front Matter....Pages 47-47
Profile of Payao (Floating Artificial Reef or Fish Attracting Device) Fisheries of the Philippines....Pages 49-53
Monitoring of the Artificial Reef Fish Assemblages of the Marine Protected Areas Along the Alpes-Maritimes Coast (France, North-Western Mediterranean)....Pages 55-59
Artificial Reefs in French Law....Pages 61-66
Contribution to the Planning of the Research in Artificial Reefs Programs....Pages 67-72
Artificial Reefs in the Cote Bleue Marine Park: Assessment After 25 Years of Experiments and Scientific Monitoring....Pages 73-79
Artificial Reefs in Marseille: From Complex Natural Habitats to Concepts of Efficient Artificial Reef Design....Pages 81-82
The Dubai Underwater Observory Projects and Turtle Rehabilitation Unit....Pages 83-87
Immersion of Artificial Reef in Ohya Island: Lessons From New Experiences....Pages 89-95
Development of Small and Lightweight Artificial Reef for Fukutokobushi (Haliotis diversicolor diversicolor) ....Pages 97-98
Assessment of the Effect of Artificial Reef on Fish Distribution: The Combined Use of Acoustic Data and GIS....Pages 99-103
Evaluation of Artificial Reefs Impact on Artisanal Fisheries: Necessity of Complementary Approaches....Pages 105-113
Operation Prado Reefs: A Model for Management of the Marseille Coast....Pages 115-120
Front Matter....Pages 47-47
Swimming Behavior of Juvenile Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Around Fish Aggragate Devices (F.A.D.S) in the Philippines....Pages 121-124
Summary of French Artificial Reefs Immersions Since 1968, Sites, Volumes, Types and Costs....Pages 125-127
The Artificial Habitat, an Evolutionary Strategic Tool for Integrated Coastal Area Management....Pages 129-134
Spatial and Temporal Variation of the Fish Assemblage on a Large Artificial Reef Assessed Using Multiple-Point Stationary Observations....Pages 135-140
Artificial Reefs: Perceptions and Impact on the Marine Environment....Pages 141-144
Front Matter....Pages 145-145
Characterization of Three Populations of Phallocryptus Spinosa ( Branchiopoda, Crustacea ) from North-East of Algeria....Pages 147-149
Biological Invasion: The Thau Lagoon, a Japanese Biological Island in the Mediterranean Sea....Pages 151-156
Distribution of Giant Viruses in Marine Environments....Pages 157-162
Catch, Bycatch of Sharks, and Incidental Catch of Sea Turtles in the Reunion-Based Longline Swordfish Fishery (Southwest Indian Ocean) Between 1997 and 2000....Pages 163-165
Biodiversity Requires Adaptations Under a Changing Climate in Northwest Europe: Planning and Coastal Wildlife, the Example of Normandy in France....Pages 167-173
Taking Biodiversity into Account in Territorial Planning Documents: A Methodological Approach Applied to the Marine Field....Pages 175-180
Front Matter....Pages 181-181
Temporal Changes of Benthic Macrofauna of the Mellah Lagoon (Northeast Algeria): Effects of Development Works....Pages 183-184
Regional and Governmental Action Plan for Integration of Port Development and Environmental Restoration....Pages 185-190
Towards Integrated Coastal and Ocean Policies in France: a Parallel with Japan....Pages 191-196
Pôle de compétitivité Pôle Mer PACA: Maritime Cluster in Provence–French Riviera Region....Pages 197-202
Accumulation of Bromoform, a Chlorination Byproduct, by Japanese Flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus ....Pages 203-207
Results of the Implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (I.C.Z.M) in Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur (P.A.C.A) and Outlook for the Mediterranean Context....Pages 209-213
Outline of Ongoing Research Activities of the Marine Ecology Research Institute, Mainly Regarding Thermal Issues in Japan....Pages 215-221
Mass Mortality of a Coral Community in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, Caused by the Discharge of Terrigenous Fine Particles....Pages 223-230
Front Matter....Pages 231-231
Alister – Rapid Environment Assessment AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle)....Pages 233-238
Front Matter....Pages 231-231
Bathyscaphs, a Mediterranean Adventure in Marine Dialogues Between France and Japan....Pages 239-244
Applied High-Temperature Superconductor Bulks and Wires to Rotating Machines for Marine Propulsion....Pages 245-250
Oceanographic Real-Time Measurement on Buoyancy Beacon Feedback in the Rhône Delta and Gulf of Fos (France)....Pages 251-253
Analysis of Phosphatase Activity from Aquatic Heterotrophic Bacteria at the Single Cell Level by Flow Cytometry: Example of a Development Achieved in the Regional Flow Cytometry Platform for Microbiology (Precym) Hosted by the Oceanology Center of Marseille....Pages 255-258
Shadows by IXSEA: An Example of a Sonar Using the Latest Technologies in Acoustics, Positioning, Informatics, and Web Techniques....Pages 259-260
Relation Between Body Tilt Angle and Tail Beat Acceleration of a Small Fish, Parapristipoma trilineatum (Threeline Grunt), During Mobile and Immobile Periods Measured with a Micro Data Logger....Pages 261-264
Marine Observation Using a Hybrid Glider....Pages 265-267
A New Method to Measure Prokaryote Respiration at the Single Cell Level by Flow Cytometry....Pages 269-271
Rapid Enzymatic Method for the Enumeration of Fecal Enterococci in Seawater....Pages 273-275
Oxygen Distribution Heterogeneity Related to Bioturbation Quantified by Planar Optode Imaging....Pages 277-282
Using a New Fluorescent Probe of Silicification to Measure Species-Specific Activities of Diatoms Under Varying Environmental Conditions....Pages 283-287
Utilization of a Submersible Ultra-Violet Fluorometer for Monitoring Anthropogenic Inputs in the Mediterranean Coasts....Pages 289-291
Temporal and Spatial High-Frequency Monitoring of Phytoplankton by Automated Flow Cytometry and Pulse-Shape Analysis....Pages 293-298
Deep Sea Net: An Affordable and Expandable Solution for Deep Sea Sensor Networks....Pages 299-305
Front Matter....Pages 307-307
Distribution and Long-Term variation of Turbidity in Tokyo Bay....Pages 309-313
Evaluation of Chemical Contamination in the Western Mediterranean Using Mussel Transplants....Pages 315-320
First Biological Data on the Marine Snails Osilinus turbinatus (Gastropoda, Trochidae) of Eastern Coasts of Algeria....Pages 321-324
Combining Monitoring Networks, Hydrodynamic Modelling and Satellite Data to a Better Understanding of the Trophic Functioning of Coastal Waters in Normandy....Pages 325-333
Impact of Hydrocarbons on Marine Microbial Communities....Pages 335-339
Chemical Defense of Marine Organisms Against Biofouling Explored with a Bacterial Adhesion Bioassay....Pages 341-345
Front Matter....Pages 307-307
Temporal Evolution of Metals in the Two Most Industrialized and Densely Populated Gulfs of Greece, via Metal Accumulation by Mytilus galloprovincialis ....Pages 347-349
Clipperton, a Meromictic Lagoon....Pages 351-356
Experimental Characterization of the Oceanic Water Exchanges in a Macro-tidal Lagoon....Pages 357-362
Modification of the Berre Lagoon Pelagic Ecosystem Since the 1980s....Pages 363-366
Length-Weight Relationships and Reproduction of Three Coastal Sparidae ( Diplodus cervinus cervinus, Boops boops, and Spondyliosoma cantharus ) of the Eastern Coast of Algeria....Pages 367-369
Investigating and Assessing of the Quality of Seawater in the Marseille Coastal Zone: An Approach Using Lipid Class Biomarkers....Pages 371-372
Size Distributions of Low Molecular Weight Dicarboxylic Acids, Ketocarboxylic Acids and α-Dicarbonyls in the Marine Aerosols Collected over Okinawa Island, the Western North Pacific....Pages 373-375
Dynamics of Two Greenhouse Gases, Methane and Nitrous Oxide, Along the Rhone River Plume (Gulf of Lions, Northwestern Mediterranean Sea)....Pages 377-383
Aerobic Metabolism of Vitamin E by Marine Bacteria: Interaction with Free Radical Oxidation (Autoxidation) Processes....Pages 385-387
The MERMeX Program for the Mediterranean Sea....Pages 389-392
Hydrocarbon Degradation in Coastal Muddy Areas and Anoxic Ecosystems (DHYVA Project): Role of Bacterial Mechanisms and Bioturbation Effects on the Biodisponibility of Organic Pollutants....Pages 393-395
Impact of Red Mud Deposits in the Canyon of Cassidaigne on the Macrobenthos of the Mediterranean Continental Slope....Pages 397-400
Coastal Seawater Pollutants in the Coral Reef Lagoon of a Small Tropical Island in Development: The Mayotte Example (N Mozambique Channel, SW Indian Ocean)....Pages 401-407
Back Matter....Pages 409-447
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Based on the material presented at a conference organized by the Centre d’Océanologie of Marseille, held in 2008, this text covers a wealth of hot topics related to the way mankind interacts with the marine environment. With the state of our oceans and seas becoming an increasing source of concern worldwide, this timely addition to the debate features the latest research in both France and Japan.
The book’s chapters present work on many of the key areas of oceanographic study. The concept of marine biodiversity is treated, in particular how it is affected by human agency and invasive species, many of which have been introduced anthropogenically. Coastal zones are analyzed in detail, with a focus on the interaction between ports and natural environments, and the ecological and economical consequences of this relationship. A chapter on aquaculture looks at ecologically sound management as well as the preservation of resources. New and emerging technologies that aid our observation of the marine environment are covered, as is the physical, chemical, biological and biogeochemical functioning of natural and man-made environments.
Featuring work by some of the leading researchers in the field from both France and Japan, this work demonstrates the strength of the links between the two scientific communities, and is an important contribution to the ongoing discussion on the effects of global warming as well as mankind’s impact on the marine environment we depend on for so much.