توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
جهانی سازی و چالش های زیست محیطی خطرات و نگرانی های امنیتی جدیدی را ایجاد می کند. در این کتاب مرجع در مورد تفکر امنیتی جهانی ، 92 نویسنده از پنج قاره و بسیاری از رشته ها ، از علم و عمل ، ارزیابی مجدد جهانی امنیت را که در پایان جنگ سرد ، جهانی سازی و تأثیرات مانیفولد تغییرات جهانی محیط زیست در اوایل قرن بیست و یکم ارزیابی می شود ، ارزیابی می کنند. در 10 بخش ، 75 فصل به زمینه نظری ، فلسفی ، اخلاقی و مذهبی و مکانی امنیت می پردازد. در مورد رابطه بین امنیت ، صلح ، توسعه و محیط زیست بحث کنید. مرور مجدد امنیت در فلسفه ، حقوق بین الملل ، اقتصاد و علوم سیاسی و بعد سیاسی ، نظامی ، اقتصادی ، اجتماعی و زیست محیطی و اقتباس از مفاهیم امنیتی نهادی سازمان ملل متحد ، اتحادیه اروپا و ناتو را مرور کنید. تجزیه و تحلیل مجدد از آینده امنیت منطقه ای و آینده های امنیتی جایگزین و نتیجه گیری برای تحقیقات و اقدامات آینده. این کتاب حاوی مقالات با دقت اصلاح شده از سه کارگاه آموزشی ISA (مونترال) ، IPRA (SOPRON) و چهارمین کنفرانس اروپا در روابط بین الملل (لاهه) و مقالات اضافی است. همه فصل ها به طور ناشناس مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter....Pages I-24
Front Matter....Pages 25-25
Introduction: Globalization and Environmental Challenges: Reconceptualizing Security in the 21 st Century....Pages 27-43
Security as Attributes of Social Systems....Pages 45-62
Front Matter....Pages 63-63
Conceptual Quartet: Security and its Linkages with Peace, Development, and Environment....Pages 65-98
Peace and Security: Two Evolving Concepts and Their Changing Relationship....Pages 99-111
Peace and Environment: Towards a Sustainable Peace as Seen From the South....Pages 113-126
Underdevelopment and Human Insecurity: Overcoming Systemic, Natural, and Policy Risk....Pages 127-139
Emergent Sustainability: The Concept of Sustainable Development in a Complex World....Pages 141-149
Development and Security: Genealogy and Typology of an Evolving International Policy Area....Pages 151-163
Security and Environment Linkages Revisited....Pages 165-172
Front Matter....Pages 173-174
Oriental, European, and Indigenous Thinking on Peace in Latin America....Pages 175-193
Security in Hinduism and Buddhism....Pages 195-202
Security in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Philosophy and Ethics....Pages 203-220
Security in Confucian Thought: Case of Korea....Pages 221-234
Security in Japanese History, Philosophy and Ethics: Impact on Contemporary Security Policy....Pages 235-242
Thinking on Security in Hinduism: Contemporary Political Philosophy and Ethics in India....Pages 243-251
Human Security in Jewish Philosophy and Ethics....Pages 253-261
From Homer to Hobbes and Beyond — Aspects of’ security’ in the European Tradition....Pages 263-277
Security Conceptualization in Arab Philosophy and Ethics and Muslim Perspectives....Pages 279-288
Security in African Philosophy and Historical Ideas....Pages 289-297
Security in Latin American Philosophy, Ethics, and History of Ideas....Pages 299-310
Front Matter....Pages 173-174
The Brazilian View on the Conceptualization of Security: Philosophical, Ethical and Cultural Contexts and Issues....Pages 311-320
Front Matter....Pages 321-322
Securitization of Space and Referent Objects....Pages 323-344
Structural Setting for Global Environmental Politics in a Hierarchic International System: A Geopolitical View....Pages 345-353
Global Environmental Change and Human Security....Pages 355-361
Globalization and Security: The US ‘Imperial Presidency’: Global Impacts in Iraq and Mexico....Pages 363-378
Globalization from Below: Social Movements and Altermundism — Reconceptualizing Security from a Latin American Perspective....Pages 379-402
Security Regionalism in Theory and Practice....Pages 403-412
Identity-based Security Threats in a Globalized World: Focus on Islam....Pages 413-420
Security and Sovereignty....Pages 421-430
Subordinate, Subsumed and Subversive: Sub-national Actors as Referents of Security....Pages 431-437
Non-state Based Terrorism and Security....Pages 439-447
Agents of Insecurity in the Andes: Transregional Crime and Strategic Relations....Pages 449-456
Re-conceptualizing Security Research with Individual Level Data....Pages 457-464
Front Matter....Pages 465-465
Quest for International Security: Benefits of Justice versus the Trappings of Paranoia....Pages 467-474
Security in International Law Since 1990....Pages 475-485
Human Security from the Standpoint of an Economist....Pages 487-493
The Concept of Security in International Relations....Pages 495-502
Security in Peace Research and Security Studies....Pages 503-525
Front Matter....Pages 527-527
Security: The State (of) Being Free From Danger?....Pages 529-536
From a Security towards a Survival Dilemma....Pages 537-552
Front Matter....Pages 527-527
The Changing Agenda of Military Security....Pages 553-560
Political Security, an Uncertain Concept with Expanding Concerns....Pages 561-568
Economic Security....Pages 569-580
The Changing Agenda of Societal Security....Pages 581-593
Environmental Security Deconstructed....Pages 595-602
Front Matter....Pages 603-604
Human Security and the UN Security Council....Pages 605-619
Evolution of the United Nations Security Concept: Role of the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change....Pages 621-636
Security, Development and UN Coordination....Pages 637-642
Reconceptualization of Security in the CSCE and OSCE....Pages 643-650
The Comprehensive Security Concept of the European Union....Pages 651-657
Reconceptualization of External Security in the European Union since 1990....Pages 659-676
Democracy and European Justice and Home Affairs Policies from the Cold War to September 11....Pages 677-694
From a European Security Community to a Secure European Community Tracing the New Security Identity of the EU....Pages 695-704
EU Policy Coherence on Security and Development A New Agenda for Research and Policy-making....Pages 705-712
From Obsession to Oblivion: Reconceptualization of Security in NATO since 1990....Pages 713-723
NATO’s Role in the Mediterranean and Broader Middle East Region....Pages 725-732
German Action Plan: Civilian Crisis Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Peace Consolidation — A Reconceptualization of Security....Pages 733-742
Interfaces between Development and Security: Converging the Role of Development Policy and Security Policy?....Pages 743-752
Front Matter....Pages 753-754
European Security in the 21 st Century: An Institutional Perspective....Pages 755-762
Regionalization of Great Power Security — Near Abroad, Broader Middle East, and European Neighbourhood....Pages 763-774
Front Matter....Pages 753-754
A Regional Security Perspective From and For the Arab World....Pages 775-789
ECOWAS and Regional Security Challenges....Pages 791-800
A Regional Security Perspective from and for the Horn of Africa....Pages 801-810
Regional Security in Southern Africa Development Community: Perspectives on Security Challenges....Pages 811-818
The Security Problematique in South Asia: Alternative Conceptualizations....Pages 819-828
Security Debates in East Asia since the End of the Cold War....Pages 829-838
China and the New International Security Agenda....Pages 839-854
Security in the New Millennium: A Debate in the South Pacific on Peace and Security: Alternative Formulations in the Post Cold War Era....Pages 855-865
Security on the American Continent: Challenges, Perceptions, and Concepts....Pages 867-878
Towards an Ethical Framework for Security....Pages 879-886
Front Matter....Pages 887-887
Prediction in Security Theory and Policy....Pages 889-900
Climate Change and Security in the 21 st Century....Pages 901-913
Global Security: Learning from Possible Futures....Pages 915-927
Role of Prediction in Sustainable Development and Disaster Management....Pages 929-938
Front Matter....Pages 939-939
Reconceptualizing Security in the 21 st Century: Conclusions for Research and Policy-making....Pages 941-954
Back Matter....Pages 955-1147
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Globalization and Environmental Challenges pose new security dangers and concerns. In this reference book on global security thinking, 92 authors from five continents and many disciplines, from science and practice, assess the global reconceptualization of security triggered by the end of the Cold War, globalization and manifold impacts of global environmental change in the early 21st century. In 10 parts, 75 chapters address the theoretical, philosophical, ethical and religious and spatial context of security; discuss the relationship between security, peace, development and environment; review the reconceptualization of security in philosophy, international law, economics and political science and for the political, military, economic, social and environmental security dimension and the adaptation of the institutional security concepts of the UN, EU and NATO; analyze the reconceptualization of regional security and alternative security futures and draw conclusions for future research and action. This book contains carefully revised papers from three workshops at ISA (Montreal), IPRA (Sopron) and the Fourth Pan European Conference on International Relations (The Hague) and additional commissioned papers. All chapters were anonymously peer reviewed.