GMAT Prep 2024/2025 For Dummies with Online Practice (GMAT Focus Edition) (Gmat for Dummies)

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کتاب GMAT Prep 2024/2025 برای Dummies با تمرین آنلاین (GMAT Focus Edition) (Gmat for Dummies) نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب GMAT Prep 2024/2025 For Dummies with Online Practice (GMAT Focus Edition) (Gmat for Dummies)

نام کتاب : GMAT Prep 2024/2025 For Dummies with Online Practice (GMAT Focus Edition) (Gmat for Dummies)
ویرایش : 11
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : GMAT Prep 2024/2025 برای Dummies با تمرین آنلاین (GMAT Focus Edition) (Gmat for Dummies)
سری :
نویسندگان : , ,
ناشر : For Dummies
سال نشر : 2023
تعداد صفحات : 355
ISBN (شابک) : 1394183364 , 9781394183364
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 17 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
About This Book
Foolish Assumptions
Icons Used in This Book
Beyond the Book: The Online Practice
Where to Go from Here
Part 1 Getting Started with the GMAT
Chapter 1 The Lowdown on the GMAT
Knowing Why the GMAT Is Important
Planning It Perfectly: When and How to Take the GMAT
Choosing between taking the GMAT online or at a test center
The GMAT online exam
The GMAT at a testing center
When to register for and take the GMAT
Registering when you’re ready
Scheduling for success
Things to take to the GMAT testing center (or to have at home)
Forming First Impressions: The Format of the GMAT
Examining the structure of the GMAT
Getting familiar with what the GMAT tests
Leveraging your data literacy skills
Quizzing your quantitative skills
Validating your verbal skills
Understanding the computerized format
Answering in an orderly fashion
Observing time limits
Honing your computer skills for the GMAT
Knowing Where You Stand: Scoring Considerations
How the GMAT testers figure your score
How the GMAT testers report your score
What about canceling your GMAT scores?
Repeating the Process: Retaking the GMAT
Chapter 2 Maximizing Your Score on the GMAT
Discovering Strategies for Boosting Your Score
Forcing yourself to guess so you can move on
Taking advantage of the review and edit feature
Understanding the importance of completing each section
Winning the Race against the Clock
Giving each question equal treatment
Making time for the last ten questions
Keeping track of your pace
Getting Rid of Wrong Answers
Keeping track of eliminated answer choices for the computer test format
Recognizing wrong answers
Using common sense
Relying on what you know
Letting the question guide you
Dealing with questions that contain Roman numerals
Playing It Smart: A Few Things You Shouldn’t Do When Taking the Test
Don’t lose your focus
Don’t read questions at lightning speed
Don’t waste all your time on the hardest questions
Don’t cheat
Tackling a Case of Nerves with Relaxation Techniques
Chapter 3 Mastering Business School Admissions
Choosing a Business School
Lining Up Your Ducks — Applying to Business Schools
When to apply
What to submit
Crafting Effective Business School Essays
Part 2 Creating a GMAT Study Plan
Chapter 4 Planning Your Approach
Using the Pre-assessment: The How-To
Evaluating Section 1: Quantitative
Evaluating Section 2: Verbal
Evaluating Section 3: Data insights
Devising a Plan of Attack
When you have more than three months
When you have fewer than two months
Chapter 5 GMAT Practice Assessment
Section 1: Quantitative
Section 2: Verbal
Section 3: Data Insights
Chapter 6 Scoring and Interpreting the Practice Assessment
Section 1: Quantitative Reasoning
Section 2: Verbal
Section 3: Data Insights
Answers at a Glance
Part 3 Vanquishing the Verbal Section
Chapter 7 Not as Enticing as a Bestseller: Reading Comprehension
Judging by Appearances: What Reading Comprehension Questions Look Like
Approaching Reading Passages
Mastering the message: The main point
Absorbing the ambiance: Author’s tone
Finding the framework: The passage’s outline
Sticking to the Subject: Types of Passages
Experimenting with natural science passages
Gathering in social circles: Social science passages
Getting down to business passages
Approaching Reading Comprehension Questions
Identifying the question type
Getting to the point: Main-idea questions
Finding the details: Supporting information questions
Reading between and beyond the lines: Inference and application questions
Evaluating passage flow
Feeling moody: Questions about the author’s tone
Eliminating answer choices
Dealing with exception questions
Reading Comprehension Practice Questions with Answer Explanations
Reading comprehension practice questions
Answer Explanations
Chapter 8 Thinking This Through Logically: Critical Reasoning
Focusing on “Critical” Concepts: An Overview
Understanding the structure of the questions
Figuring out how to answer the questions
Making a Case: Essentials of Informal Logic
Fighting fair: The elements of an argument
Getting from Point A to Point B: Types of reasoning
Elementary, my dear Watson: Deductive reasoning
Perhaps I’m just generalizing: Inductive reasoning
Thinking Inside the Box: Question Types
Stalking Your Prey: How to Approach Each Question Type
Strengthening or weakening arguments
Analyzing analogy arguments
Considering cause-and-effect arguments
Taking a stab at statistical arguments
Dabbling in deductive-reasoning arguments
Delving into drawing conclusions
Spotting those sneaky assumptions
Using your noggin to make inferences
Pondering the paradox
Making your way through method-of- reasoning questions
Critical Reasoning Practice Questions and Answer Explanations
Critical reasoning practice questions
Answer Explanations
Chapter 9 Bringing It Together: A Mini Practice Verbal Section
Working Through Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions
Understanding What’s Right with Answer Explanations
Part 4 Conquering the Quantitative Section
Chapter 10 Getting Back to Basics: Numbers and Operations
Just Your Type: Kinds of Numbers
It’s Not Brain Surgery: Basic Operations
Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing
Putting two and two together: Addition
Depleting the supply: Subtraction
Increasing by leaps and bounds: Multiplication
Sharing the wealth: Division
A balancing act: Operations with even and odd numbers
Checking out the real estate: Fundamental concepts of real numbers
Not all things are equal: Comparing real numbers
Absolutes do exist: Absolute value
Half empty or half full: Positive and negative numbers
Using Little Numbers for Big Values: Bases and Exponents
Adding and subtracting with exponents
Multiplying and dividing with exponents
Figuring out the powers of 0 and 1
Dealing with fractional exponents
Working with negative exponents
Checking Out the Ancestry: Roots
Order of Operations: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
Splitting Up: Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
Dealing with decimals
Delving into fractions
Adding and subtracting fractions
Multiplying and dividing fractions
Calculating percent change
Taking it further: Repeated percent change
Making Comparisons: Ratios and Proportions
Playing the Numbers: Scientific Notation
Chapter 11 Considering All the Variables: Algebra
Defining the Elements: Algebraic Terminology
Braving the unknowns: Variables and constants
Coming together: Terms and expressions
Knowing the nomials: Kinds of expressions
Maintaining an Orderly Fashion: Algebraic Operations
Adding to and taking away
Multiplying and dividing expressions
Distributing terms
Stacking terms
Taking a shine to the FOIL method
Extracting Information: Factoring Polynomials
Something in common: Finding common factors
Two by two: Factoring quadratic polynomials
Minding Your Ps and Qs: Functions
Standing in: Understanding function terminology
Taking it to the limit: Domain and range of functions
Mastering the territory: Domain
Roaming the land: Range
Getting in line: Sequences and series
Putting On Your Thinking Cap: Problem Solving
Isolating the variable: Linear equations with one unknown
Being absolutely positive: Absolute value equations
Getting in sync: Simultaneous equations
Not playing fair: Inequalities
Performing operations with linear inequalities
Working with intervals of numbers
Solving absolute value inequalities
Solving quadratic equations
Factoring to find x
Determining solutions for the difference of two squares
Using the quadratic formula
Reading between the lines: Word problems
Burning the midnight oil: Work problems
Going the distance: Distance problems
Mixing it up: Mixture problems
Catching a break: Break-even problems
Seeing Is Believing: The Coordinate Plane
Getting the plane truth: Coordinate plane terminology
Getting to the point? Finding the coordinates
Dividing the territory: Identifying quadrants
Slip-Sliding Away: Slope and Linear Equations
Taking a “peak”: The slope of a line
The formula for slope
Types of slope
Using the slope-intercept form for linear equations
Chapter 12 Manipulating Numbers: Statistics and Sets
Joining a Clique: Groups
Setting Up Sets
Set terminology
Getting a visual: Venn diagrams
Making Arrangements: Permutations and Combinations
Counting without listing
Positioning with permutations
Coming together: Combinations
Meeting in the Middle: Mean, Median, and Mode
Summing it up mean-ingfully
Feeling median-ly split
Modeling the mode
Tuning into the frequencies
Straying from Home: Range and Standard Deviation
Scouting out the range
Watching out for wanderers: Standard deviation
Predicting the Future: Probability
Taking a chance
Fishing for a complement
Conditioning the probability
Recognizing mutually exclusive events
Gaining insight into independent and dependent events
Juggling multiple probabilities
Applying the special rule of addition
Applying the general rule of addition
Applying the special rule of multiplication
Applying the general rule of multiplication
Chapter 13 Houston, We Have a Problem: Problem Solving Questions
Be Prepared: A Practice Problem Solving Plan
Trying Out Some Problem Solving Practice Problems
Answer Explanations
Chapter 14 Prove Your Prowess: A Mini Practice Quantitative Section
Tackling Problem Solving Practice Questions
Checking Out the Answer Explanations
Part 5 Excelling on the Data Insights Section
Chapter 15 Four Types of Distinctive Data Insights Questions
Understanding What the IR Questions Are All About
Skills tested
About the question types
Approaching Each Question Type
Table analysis
Two-part analysis
Graphics interpretation
Multi-source reasoning
Chapter 16 Deciphering Data in Graphics
Mastering Graphics-Focused Questions with Five Simple Steps
Translating Information in Tables
Making Comparisons with Bar Graphs
Simple bar graphs
Graphs with many bars
Segmented bar graphs
Honing in on Histograms
Looking at Line Graphs
Basic line graphs
Scatter plots
Complex scatter plots
Perusing Stem-and-Leaf Plots
Clarifying Circle Graphs (Also Known as Pie Charts)
Venturing into Venn Diagrams
Chapter 17 Enough’s Enough: Data Sufficiency Questions
You Don’t Need the Solution to Find the Answer
Steps to Approaching Data Sufficiency Questions
Taking on Data Sufficiency Practice Problems
Answer Explanations
Part 6 Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 18 GMAT Practice Test
Answer Sheet
Section 2: Quantitative
Section 3: Verbal
Section 1: Data Insights
Section 2: Quantitative
Section 3: Verbal
Chapter 19 Practice Test Answers and Explanations
Section 1: Data Insights
Section 2: Quantitative
Section 3: Verbal
Answers at a Glance
Part 7 The Part of Tens
Chapter 20 Ten Question Types You’ve Got a Good Shot At
Main-Idea Reading Questions
Specific Information Reading Questions
Exception Questions for Reading Passages
Critical Reasoning Questions about Strengthening or Weakening Arguments
Critical Reasoning Questions Involving Statistical Arguments
Data Sufficiency Questions
Math Problem Solving Questions Involving Graphics
Math Problem Solving Questions Involving Basic Operations
Substitution Math Problem Solving Questions
Table Analysis Questions
Chapter 21 Ten Ways to Increase Your Chances of Getting into Business School
Accumulate a Little Work Experience
Ace the Interview
Apply Early
Apply While You’re Upwardly Mobile
Capitalize on What Makes You Unique
Demonstrate Interest
Focus on Fit
Get the Right Recommendations
Study for the GMAT
Write a Memorable Admissions Essay

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